Why You Should Walk Away From Your Writing – Helping Writers Become Authors

Reblogged from K.M. Weiland’s blog


time out


We have all heard it before, but do we all follow the advice? Do we know when to take a break from our manuscripts? Sometimes we tend to force ourselves to continue writing when our brains don’t wish to cooperate.


K.M. Weiland wrote a great post to remind us how to take a step back and how to regenerate our creative juices. In her blog she shares a handy checklist on why we need to walk away from our work and ideas for awhile, and she also talks about  how to get back to it with a rested mind.

See the full post on her blog linked below:


Why You Should Walk Away From Your Writing – Helping Writers Become Authors.

6 thoughts on “Why You Should Walk Away From Your Writing – Helping Writers Become Authors

    1. You are welcome. K.M. has a wonderful, informative blog worth following. I occasionally share some of them here. Good food for thought. xo


  1. Good advice. It’s just as valid, I think, for first drafts and rewrites. I find it’s often in the rewrite that the plot of my story begins to take form – usually in several rewrites. But a walk in nature helps me get back my creative juices. Funny enough, I also find that if I’m stuck on a problem, I’ll voice it to my subconscious before I fall asleep and usually the solution rises not long after. 🙂


    1. Yes Carol, that ‘old subconscious’ theory seems to be the key for many of us. I suppose when we are in our most relaxed state, the ‘cream’ rises to the top. 🙂


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