Writing Tips: CreateSpace Closing, #Blogging Tips, Publishing Advice, First Sentences


Tips for Writers


Today’s Writer’s Tips are brought to you by David Gaughran, Deborah Jay, Anne R. Allen, and Hugh Roberts.



CreateSpace is closing in a few weeks. Apparently, authors books are being offered to be moved over in a series of moves. We have to wait until we see the invitation popup on our Createspace dashboards.

Source: CreateSpace Closing – It’s Official | David Gaughran



Hugh Roberts is back again with a fun yet informative post for bloggers to understand all the available parts of our blogs.



Some great advice for all writers , how NOT to get caught in a publishing trap by Anne R. Allen.

9 Pieces of Bad Publishing Advice New Writers Should Ignore


Deborah Jay has a fantastic post, with examples, about how to write better sentences.




28 thoughts on “Writing Tips: CreateSpace Closing, #Blogging Tips, Publishing Advice, First Sentences

  1. Thanks ever so much for including my latest blogging tips post, Debby. I had no idea about CreateSpace. (Where have I been?) However, it was something I was meant to get around to, in putting my book on there. Looks as if I saved myself a job.
    Have a lovely weekend.


    1. Thanks so much Norah. I’m happy to hear you appreciate them. I read tons of newsletters daily, then I set up a draft post and when I come across something that authors/writers may not have heard I add it in for the next edition. 🙂


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