Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge – Climate Change

Poetry Photo Prompt Challenge





It’s the middle of the month challenge ~ time for a photo prompt!


This month we will use a photo chosen by last month’s “Photo-Prompt” Poet of the Week ~ Jane Dougherty.



Use the above photo as the inspiration for your poem. Ask yourself questions. Be creative! What does this photo say to you?


I say this picture made me sad. Below is how this photo spoke to me. I’ve written a double Tanka.


Climate Change


The shadows of trees

Reflect retaliation

Birds make swift exit

But where do humans flee to

When there’s no longer safe place?


Nature’s lashing out

At man’s abuse and mistakes

Angels watch above

Planet drowns in salty tears

When will our people awake?


To join in this challenge, visit Colleen’s blog:

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 145 #PhotoPrompt | Colleen M. Chesebro


© D.G. Kaye and, 2014 – 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to D.G. Kaye


22 thoughts on “Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge – Climate Change

    1. You know what they say about great minds Diana 🙂 Exactly, half the world is busy fleeing their own homes it seems, if we don’t take care of our planet there will be nowhere to run. ❤


  1. I can only shake my head in shame as I read your poems, Debby. When will we indeed? Your poems are powerful and their message moving. They are very appropriate to read on the day of the Climate Strike. Well done.


  2. A beautiful and poignant double Tanka, my friend. Similar thoughts came to mind when I saw the photo. Finally fed up with mankind’s stupidity Mother Nature reached her breaking point. I love it! ❤ xo


    1. Thank you so much Vashti. You know what they say about great minds! LOL. It was the first thing that popped into my mind. Those drowned trees reminded me of some of those hurricane devastations 😦 ❤


  3. Dearest Debby, so loved your poem on climate change my friend, indeed our Earth Mother is crying salty tears we are drowning within..
    Today the heavens are open here with torrential downpours..
    May Mankind soon awake to our consumer habits, our greed of wanting things we don’t really need.. For its only our wanting that drives the wheel of exploitation of Deforestation for Palm oil etc in cosmetic goods for one, plastic another.. Oil another.. When I bet you there are already patented renewable energy alternatives squashed in the red-tape of the world because of we know how those big boy players play their games..

    It does make me sad, so very sad,.. All we can do is try our best in our own little ways of conserving our planet with our own small actions and intent..

    Many thanks Debby..
    Much love your way my friend and thank you for your heart and caring concern.. I know each thought, each deed we do as we send love into Mother Earth is not overlooked ❤


    1. I do believe that too Sue, our good intentions are not overlooked, we only have to get everyone else on the same page. Every little bit each of us can do adds up to big gains. And you are sooooooooooo right about ‘the big boys’, that’s what we have to get out of power! Love and light my friend. ❤ xox


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