Author Spotlight: D.G. Kaye – This Is My Truth Now

Today I’m sharing an interview I was invited to do recently with author James J. Cudney IV. Jay is an amazing author who does so much to promote other authors, besides him being a prolific author himself. In case you missed my first interview to kick off my own interview series, you can find my interview with Jay as my guest HERE.


Author Spotlight: D.G. Kaye


Welcome to next edition of the AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT & BOOK ALERT series. Today, we’re sharing:


D.G. Kaye and I met via our blogs about a year ago. She created and runs a Facebook Literary Divas group that I stumbled upon, where I met dozens of wonderful authors who love to share and promote each other’s work. From there, we began chatting on various social media forums… and when I sampled summaries of each of her books, I knew I had to read one. I chose P.S. I Forgive You as the first book to read from her collection. I thoroughly enjoyed this memoir (despite how emotionally painful it can be at times) and am sharing my 5-star review here. I’m excited to present this fantastic author to you today… including a special excerpt of her latest book.



Interview: Questions & Answers


What particular challenges and struggles did you face before first becoming published?


Besides spending a good year before publishing, learning the publishing business and searching for the right fit for an editor and book designer, I had to contend with the fear of my mother’s wrath. When I finally finished and had my first book, Conflicted Hearts ready to publish, I was concerned about the backlash from my mother, as she was a central character in my stories. I knew she was already bedridden, but nothing stopped her anger and temperament, and I knew if she weren’t broke and bedridden that she’d have sued me for sure.

I love this quote by Anne Lamott – “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.
― Anne Lamott – Bird by Bird


Some authors like to make an argument or address an issue when they write. Is there an issue that you address with your book?


Being a nonfiction/memoir author, all my books – through stories about my experiences, cover various issues in my stories. My books cover topics such as: narcissism, low self-esteem, emotional neglect, women’s issues with the lessons I learned along the way through my experiences. I write hoping to enlighten others.


What do you like most and least about being an author? What is your toughest challenge?


I love that I belong to a community of like-minded people, and the wonderful support and friendships that have come through the community. I love how being an author and becoming friends with many other authors doesn’t entail those petty jealousies that can occur in a regular job environment. We all respect one another’s work, and nobody steps on anyone’s toes because each and all our books is unique for any reader. But the toughest challenge as a self-published author is having to wear all the hats entailed to getting our books out into the world of visibility. Having to work on our own promotions, interviews, social media, running a blog, etc., cuts into our writing time – a lot! If we could only all afford assistants, no doubts, we could put out many more books. . . please continue reading at Jay’s blog.


Source: Author Spotlight: D.G. Kaye – This Is My Truth Now


© D.G. Kaye and, 2014 – 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to D.G. Kaye


30 thoughts on “Author Spotlight: D.G. Kaye – This Is My Truth Now

  1. Congratulations on the interview at Jay’s site! Love your answers so far. I was nodding my head while reading. I’ll hop over and read the whole interview.


  2. Wonderful interview. I have a friend that is writing a memoir not entirely favorable to family and it made me think of you, what you went through, how you handled it. Very difficult situations.


  3. You succeed in your goal of writing about women’s issues in so many topics in each of your books, Debby. I love this interview, and I love Lamott’s quote that you share. Yay for your courage in sharing your pain, and your success in being YOU.


  4. I love that quote Deb, sure we own all that happens to us and have every right to share. You have answered all the questions so well Deb, I admire your writing skills. Stay blessed and happy.


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