Q & A with D.G. Kaye, featuring Diana Peach and Hot #NewRelease – Liars and Thieves

Welcome to September Q & A where I’m thrilled to be featuring Fantasy writer and world-builder extraordinaire, Diana Peach on blogtour now with her hot new release, Liars and Thieves – the first of another riveting trilogy, in the Unraveling the Veil series. And of course after the book intro, Diana will share some of her own thoughts on her writing.


Diana Peach


About Diana:

D. Wallace Peach started writing later in life after the kids were grown and a move left her with hours to fill. Years of working in business surrendered to a full-time indulgence in the imaginative world of books, and when she started writing, she was instantly hooked. Diana lives in a log cabin amongst the tall evergreens and emerald moss of Oregon’s rainforest with her husband, two dogs, bats, owls, and the occasional family of coyotes.




Unravelling the veil series


It looks as though Diana fans are in for another riveting read! I already have my copy and for all you fantasy reader addicts, Diana’s book is still on pre-order price, so grab your copy for .99 cents!



Behind the Veil, the hordes of Chaos gather, eager to savage the world. But Kalann il Drakk, First of Chaos, is untroubled by the shimmering wall that holds his beasts at bay. For if he cannot cleanse the land of life, the races will do it for him. All he needs is a spark to light the fire.

Three unlikely allies stand in his way.

A misfit elf plagued by failure—When Elanalue Windthorn abandons her soldiers to hunt a goblin, she strays into forbidden territory.

A changeling who betrays his home—Talin Raska is a talented liar, thief, and spy. He makes a fatal mistake—he falls for his mark.

A halfbreed goblin with deadly secrets—Naj’ar is a loner with a talent he doesn’t understand and cannot control, one that threatens all he holds dear.

When the spark of Chaos ignites, miners go missing. But they won’t be the last to vanish. As the cycles of blame whirl through the Borderland, old animosities flare, accusations break bonds, and war looms.

Three outcasts, thrust into an alliance by fate, by oaths, and the churning gears of calamity, must learn the truth. For they hold the future of their world in their hands.


First Review:

Jacqui Murray

Reviewed in the United States on August 29, 2020

D. Wallace Peach’s latest fantasy novel, Liars and Thieves (2020), Book 1 in her new fantasy series, Unraveling the Veil, is one of those stories you wish you could read again for the first time. The concept is simple–bad guys cause havoc and good guys must stop them. What makes it a story you won’t forget is how Peach reveals the characters, the plot, and the amazing world where they live:

“…they fed the Veil’s mass with heat harvested from the mountains’ core, from pristine forests and wildflower meadows, from creatures of hoof and wing. All withered, browned, and blackened. Then they stole the light from the dawn.”

“The Veil thinned and solidified, releasing the energetic mass that had fortified it against the storm.”
Her choice of words, always spot on, are never wasted:

“…the ambition of a well-fed cat on a sunny sill.”

“Then they stole the light from the dawn.”

“He sniffed the air. Scents of blue snow and dank earth mingled with something new—the electric tang of power.”

The stunning reality she has built includes an eclectric mix of elves, changelings, and goblins, some purebred and others mixed, and all the problems and challenges that go with different cultures intermingling. To stop chaotic events that could destroy the world, these folks find themselves working with old enemies, relying on those they previously distrusted, and discovering new alliances. Though presented as a fantasy world, it will remind you of real-life. As you read, you will never really know what the truth is, when something you thought you knew turns out to be upside down. This made for an excitingly fresh tale like few I’ve ever read. The detail she includes is riveting and in large part why you will think this world could really exist. To give you an example, read Diana’s explanation of what happens to an individual’s bones, hair, organs, and muscles when switching from animal to human.

“The skeletal changes came first. He sank to his knees as his oblong skull crushed inward at the muzzle and bulged in the cranium. His neck compressed. Shoulder blades and ribcage shrank while hip bones expanded and rearranged their connections to fibulae and spine.”

As with every book Peach has written, her world building is believable, her characters likable, and her plot never stops surprising readers. Grab a copy, sit back, and enjoy.



(In this scene, my characters just discovered that they’re stuck with each other. It’s not


A shower of sand rained from Alue’s hair as she scraped her fingers over her scalp. The endless heat and humidity, the dirt and sweat, fouled her mood as much as it fouled her nose. She needed a hot soak with oils and soap, a hair wash, and something to eat that didn’t taste like an unwashed shirt.

Arianna had released the three of them onto the trail heading north to the railway spur, a three-day walk. Any deviation from the path, any mention of what had occurred in the jungle would result in a gruesome death, and Alue didn’t doubt the queen’s willingness to see the threat through.

Still a day from the spur, Talin led them to another tree-stand, the changelings’ method of spending a night safe from cats if not insects, snakes, and monkeys. She sat on the platform’s edge, one leg dangling, while she attempted to lob balls of light from her fingers—without them disappearing the instant she let go.

The goblin wrinkled his nose.

“What is your problem?” she snapped.

He scowled at her. “You have the odor of an ape.”

She gaped at him. “I haven’t had a chance to bathe.”

“Elves always smell like apes.”

Talin blurted out a laugh. He sat at the platform’s other end, eating some kind of hideous, withered root.

“Is that so?” Alue was tempted to push Naj over the side, but he sat against the tree in the middle of the platform. “And I suppose goblins smell like jasmine petals.”

“Goblins don’t sweat,” Naj informed her. “Changelings bear the scents of animals, but not as pungent as elves.”

“You can’t smell your own breath,” Talin said. “It reeks from eating meat.”

“Speaking of food…” Alue plucked up one of the roots Talin had gathered for her and tossed it over the edge. “I’m famished.”

“Don’t throw good food away,” Talin muttered. “You’ll be forced to ask Naj to spear you a snake.”

“Don’t make me vomit.” Alue shook her head when Naj glanced her way. His glaive had been confiscated in Glenglisan along with her pulser, and though he acted as if its loss didn’t matter, the ropey muscles in his neck tightened at its every mention. “I thought changelings forbade the killing of animals?”

“We do.” Talin brushed the dirt from a flesh-colored root. “We never know when one of us might be mistaken for a wild creature… like a panther.”

Alue stared at him, her empty stomach rolling over. “Was that… was the panther…”

“A man named Janu.” Talin slouched, dark eyebrows lowered in her direction. His chin bristled with rough scruff, and his long hair needed a comb almost as much as hers. “You shot him near the falls, and Naj finished him off.”

“I ate his…” Alue’s hand slapped to her mouth, and she closed her eyes, reeling. If Naj hadn’t gripped her arm, she might have fallen.

“He was the aggressor,” Naj said as if somehow that justified chewing on a man’s heart.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Alue shrieked. “I ate a changeling, a person!”

“Thank you for acknowledging that we’re people,” Talin said.

“Gah! I never said you weren’t. We’re all people. And that’s beside the point. You tricked us.”

“I saved your life,” Talin yelled back. “I didn’t need to do any of it. I could have left you in the pit, left you in the cell. Gone on with my life.”

“Why did you help us?” Naj asked.

Talin crossed his arms. “I thought I knew. Now I don’t remember.”


And now that we’ve all had a delicious sampling, let’s get to know a little bit more about Diana and her personal thoughts on why she prefers self-publishing, and she shares some worthy advice for writers – seasoned and new. 


What’s your opinion on self-publishing?

I love self-publishing. I started out on the traditional route, and overall, the publisher was honest and cooperative. But after six books, I cancelled all my contracts and self-published. I haven’t regretted it for a moment.

In some ways, self-publishing is more work. I’m responsible for every step of the process and every cost from engaging with an editor to hiring a cover designer. I have all the responsibility for the final product, and there’s definitely more upfront cost. But here’s the thing… after I switched, not only did my sales and margins go up, my covers improved, I didn’t have to pull teeth to promote, and marketing was much LESS work. A lot less.

How is marketing less work? I was responsible for that chore either way. Marketing is easier if you have control over pricing, which allows you to discount and promote. Traditional publishers control pricing, and in my experience, they don’t like low prices and are resistant to discounts. At full price, promotional opportunities are limited and a lot of work. Low prices, discounts, and promotions are a great way to get readers if that’s your goal. You’ll have a much larger distribution, and though your prices are lower, you’re not sharing the profits… which meansyou have more revenue for more promotion and more readers and more revenue. Thus, the cycle continues.

D.G. – I appreciate your thinking, these were my same thoughts when I decided to do my own thing on my own time. Oye! Nope, I’m happy to control my own publishing too and not collect 1000 rejections waiting, lol. But it’s nice to hear it from someone who moves from trad to indie.


Do you have any advice you can share for new writers?

I’d suggest that every serious writer seek out criticism, not from our moms or best friends, but from other writers.  Join a local writer’s group, find critique partners online, pay for an in-depth edit of your first three chapters if it’s all you can afford. Ask for tough love, soak it up, and painstakingly apply the principles.

Of course, positive comments are nice. But the most valuable feedback you’ll ever receive is constructive criticism. I was a member of a writers’ critique group for five years, and I never would have landed a publisher without feedback from my fellow writers. I longed to improve and grow, and to accomplish that, I needed to know everything I was doing wrong. I learned a tremendous amount about the craft and had an opportunity to find my voice.

Now, I’m not suggesting that anyone provide an unsolicited critique of someone’s blog post! But when requested, private, constructive feedback with contextual examples encourages growth. Though I’m no longer part of a group, I do swap editing projects with a writing partner or two. I’m still learning!

D.G. – I love your answers Diana. We are always learning, and if we aren’t then we’ll get left behind. The best education came from my own editor, teaching me how to properly self-edit learning from her feedback.


If you’ve published more than one book, do you find or notice your writing changes or evolves with each new book?

Oh, yes! Practice makes… better. It’s no secret that the more we write the better we become. Hopefully we are lifelong learners, seeking tips from bloggers, reading books about our craft, taking classes, sharing critiques, and writing our little hearts out. That can’t help but change how we write.

But I also think we’re influenced by the things happening in our lives and environments. Our stories change with our moods and perspectives and age. We’re influenced by what we watch on television and what we read, what we care about and what interests us. I’m very influenced by my reading selections. It’s one reason why my writing has become darker with time. I love reading dark fantasy. At the same time, I don’t think inspiration follows a straight line. So who knows what the next story will bring.

D.G. – I so agree with you on how we grow. I think many writers can agree, we can see how our writing evolves with every next book. And yes, we are influenced by what we read as we grow and learn and what hangs around our minds. It has certainly influenced my poetry.


You have a new release: Liars and Thieves, Book 1 of the Unraveling the Veil series. What was the inspiration for this story?

US politics to be honest. I’m disclosing this on your site, Debby, because we’ve shared rants, and you haven’t “unfriended me.” Lol. I started this series in 2017. Blaming based on untruths had started taking the national stage in the US, not for the first time, but in blatantly disturbing ways. Bias and blame ran (and runs) rampant through my country as opposed to taking responsibility, working together, and making the hard choices for positive change.

So, I created a world where the First of Chaos, a god named il Drakk, creates an inciting event. It stirs old biases and activates cycles of blame. My three groups of people – goblins, elves, and changelings – don’t seek the core truth of the situation. Instead, accusations escalate. Civilization spirals downward because truth and cooperation aren’t valued or are too hard. Il Drakk gets to sit back and watch the people become the “Lords of Chaos.” Only by coming together and seeking the truth can they overcome the dire mess they’ve created. There is hope
for my characters, and perhaps for my country as well.

D.G. – OMG I got goosebumps reading this. And I have to tell you, when I first saw the title of your book, I couldn’t help but wonder what inspired it! Of course we write about what’s at our forefronts – if we aren’t digging back to the past for something else. The way you described your story sounds eerily similar to Sinclair Lewis’s book – It Can’t Happen Here, written in 1935 similar idea, fiction, but not fantasy, the take-over of America. My review written two years ago.


Books by Diana

Books by Diana Peach



Find Diana on Social Media:


Website/Blog: http://mythsofthemirror.com

Website/Books: http://dwallacepeachbooks.com

Amazon Author’s Page: https://www.amazon.com/D.-Wallace-Peach/e/B00CLKLXP8

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Myths-of-the-Mirror/187264861398982

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dwallacepeach



bitmo live laugh love


81 thoughts on “Q & A with D.G. Kaye, featuring Diana Peach and Hot #NewRelease – Liars and Thieves

  1. Hi Debby, I loved learning more about Diana here, and what a fabulous excerpt and review. It was so interesting to read her thoughts on self publishing, especially after trying the traditional route. Toni x


    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read, Toni. I can talk for hours about the pros and cons of both publishing routes. I don’t regret my journey at all, but I’m so happy to be an indie author. I think I lacked the patience for traditional publishing and I like having control over my book destiny. 🙂 Thank you for the visit and Happy Writing! ❤


  2. I appreciate the interview and all of Diana’s wisdom. I’m glad that she confirms what I am finding belonging to a critique group this past year. I can see my improvement as a writer, but that doesn’t come without the advice and guidance of others. Being a lifelong learner should be the path we all strive for.

    I’ll be promoting Diana’s new release later today on my blog. Great job, Debby!


    1. Hi Pete. Thanks for dropping by. You hit the nail on the head – we’re always learning, and like I said, if not, we’ll get left behind. 🙂 Life is a life-long journey 🙂


    2. Thanks for taking a look at the Q&A, Pete. It was really fun to ponder Debby’s questions. I’m so glad you’ve joined a critique group. It was the most significant part of my writing journey and getting critical feedback continues to be essential. I have some ruthless beta readers. Lol. I love it. Thanks again for stopping by and for kindly hosting me today. Happy Writing!


  3. This is a great post, Debby. I was very interested in Diana’s comments about marketing and the fact that publishers resist price discounts and that sort of thing. I have the same experience with my publisher and I can see that this can be a problem when I see what other successful authors do in this regard.


    1. Thanks Robbie. I’m glad you got a lot out of Diana’s feature. She does share some expert advice. I’ve heard those same complaints from others who’ve jumped of trad to indie.! 🙂 x


    2. Thanks for reading, Robbie. That inability to discount was a huge liability. I couldn’t take part in discount promotions and as a new author, that made it impossible to attract readers. I was working incredibly hard to sell expensive books and getting no where at all. UGH. Now, I control pricing and discounting and promotions. I’m so much happier being in charge and volume makes up for the lower price. That said, I’m still figuring this market stuff out. Thanks again for stopping by Debby’s and Happy Marketing! 🙂


    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment, Judith. Debby had some fascinating questions, and I can talk about writing all day! And thanks for taking a peek at the excerpt. I had fun writing this scene. My characters don’t get along very well at the beginning and that’s part of their evolution in the book. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend, my friend. ❤


    1. Definitely a lifelong learning curve, Stevie. And I like the process even though parts of it are grueling. That includes going back for a look at my earlier writing, which is a bit cringe-worthy. Lol. All those filter words! Thanks so much for the visit and for taking the time to read. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Writing!


  4. Thrilled to see Diana’s new book featured here. Great Q and A, nice to find out more about the book and Diana too. Good luck for the launch. I’m looking forward to featuring Diana tomorrow. 🙂


    1. Hi, Marje! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit and check out the Q&A. Debby had some great questions, and I love talking about writing. This has been a blast, and our community of writers and bloggers tops the kindness scale. I’m looking forward to hanging out at your place tomorrow! Have a wonderful Friday and gorgeous weekend. ❤ ❤


  5. Congratulations on your launch for ‘Liars and Thieves’, Diana. Like Debby, I wondered what had inspired this one. 😉 ‘Hats off’ to you Debby for a great interview and to Diana for her thoughtful and helpful responses. I really enjoyed this. ❤


    1. Thanks for stopping by to read the Q&A, Jane. Some of my books are inspired by current issues, though I hope the underlying themes don’t come across as too obvious to the reader. I love learning from other authors how their stories come about – that creative “forming” process is so interesting and often unique from story to story. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. Have a wonderful weekend!


  6. Deb – an EXCELLENT interview with the very talented Diana Peach. I can’t wait to read her new release (in my Kindle) and to order the paperback for my guy, who has enjoyed all of Peach’s fantasies. The core inspiration for the theme of this series makes me even more excited to read it. A great writer of fantasy and/or sci fi reaches into the past and present politico-history chaos and rewrites it fictionally so we readers can tolerate it (as opposed to watching the news on TV, which is intolerable) and digest the wrong in society, and see it “in action” in fiction. Perhaps I’m not saying this very well, but hopefully you know what I mean.


    1. Thanks, Pam. Yay! I’m glad that question got you intrigued. I also hope it isn’t too obvious when you get into the story. Lol. It’s definitely where I started, but you know those characters… they just take over and run amok! Thanks so much for stopping by and for all the kind support and friendship. Have a wonderful Friday and lovely weekend. Happy Reading and writing, my friend. ❤ ❤


  7. Thank you sooooo much, Debby, for featuring me on your Q&A. I loved reading your replies to the my replies, and we are on the same page, my friend! And I’m delighted that you got the “chills!” Lol. Isn’t it fun to chat about writing? I could do that all day. I’m so appreciative that you offered to help with my launch. You’re the best! Have a wonderful Friday. ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. Hi Diana! It’s been my absolute pleasure to host you. Yours posts are always so interesting so no doubts your post today is being enjoyed here. And I’m sure many will be enjoying your beautiful new book. ❤


  8. Deb–this is such a good interview series. Your questions are all meaningful and I like that you have feedback to the author’s answer. Diana was an early influence in my Indie journey. She was patient with questions, free with her knowledge, and has a lovely community. Best of luck on this latest book!


    1. Aww. Thanks, Jacqui. I’m just figuring this stuff out like everyone else. Lol. And look at all the stuff I’ve learned from you! You’re an awesome teacher and role model. And Debby’s questions were great, weren’t they. A nice break in the tour to talk about writing in general as well as boost the release. And I like her responses too. I’ll have to remember that for the future…. see, still learning. Happy Labor Day Weekend, my friend. ❤


  9. Absolutely fabulous Debby and Diana.. and great to find out about the political elements to the new book’s origins.. great advice for new authors too. Having been an Indie author for 22 years I have no regrets and love every aspect of the job… Looking forward to reading Liars and Thieves and will share over at my place on Sunday…hugs to you both ♥


    1. Thanks so much Sal for all you do for us all. Yes, Diana’s revelations were very interesting to many of us here – the inspiration for the book. And of course, her views on indie/vs trad is most enlightening for us all. Thanks again for reblogging. ❤ xxx


    2. Thanks so much for stopping by, Sally. I was a little nervous about sharing the inspiration for the book as I try not to get “political” in blogland even though I have strong views and love a good rant. But it is what it is, and I think it ended up contributing to an interesting plot. I hope so. 🙂 And yes, I LOVE being an indie author too. It’s so rewarding on all levels. Thanks for reading and (in advance) for sharing. Hugs.


  10. What an enlightening interview and I like that Diana’s latest series idea is inspired from U.S. politics! That makes me understand the characters better. Thank you for this honest answer D. and thanks to you Deb for your lovely support.


    1. Thanks, Balroop. I’m glad the answer to the question added some insight into the story. US politics – what a mess, huh? It sure does make for some interesting inspiration. Thanks so much for reading the interview. Debby had so many good questions, and I love talking writing and books! It’s been a fun day over here. Thanks for being part of it! Have a wonderful weekend. ❤


  11. So loved reading and learning more about Diana I have seen Diana on many blogs I visit…. And it was lovely reading and learning more… Love the fact that Diana said, and I agree we are life long learners and our stories change through time influencing our thoughts and creativity…

    And loved the excerpt from Diana’s book…. And I believe, in those realms…. and wonderful tips for Self Publishing.. ❤
    Have a great Weekend Debby ❤ Lots of love to you ❤


    1. Thanks so much Sue. I’m glad you got so much from Diana’s guest post. Yes, we all have much to learn, as long as we’re on this earth. So glad you enjoyed getting to know more about Diana. Happy long weekend my dear friend. Stay safe and have fun. Love and hugs. ❤ xoxo


    2. I’ve seen your lovely comments on other blogs too, Sue! I’m so glad you stopped by Debby’s, and thanks for the wonderful comment. Life would indeed be dull, if we stopped learning, wouldn’t it? I love the idea that there is so much I don’t know, it makes lots of room for experimentation. Thanks so much for reading. I’m glad you have fun with this. I did too! Have a wonderful weekend.


  12. What a great post with book review from Jacqui and interview with Diana. I know of an author doing the same thing, publishing books with a publisher for years and discontinued the contract, and self-published. It’s not an easy job but you have more control of your books.

    Thank you for hosting, Debby! 🙂


    1. Hi again, Miriam! ❤ I think there are probably a lot of traditional authors deciding to self-publish these days. Or at least do a hybrid thing. Unless someone wins a lucrative contract with a big publishing house, there just aren't enough upsides to make the lost of control and revenue worth it (just my opinion). I'm delighted to be self-published. It's perfect for me. Thanks for stopping by Debby's. It's been fun to visit here and her questions were wonderful. Happy Weekend, my friend. ❤


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Debby’s most awesome blog, Darlene. It was fun to talk writing and books. I could do it for hours, honestly. Everyone has been so kind to support my efforts and that includes you. Have a wonderful Sunday!! ❤


  13. Awesome interview! I love hearing Diana’s views on moving from traditional to indie publishing. Her books sound amazing. I love fantasy, so I’ll be definitely looking these up. Thank you!


    1. Thanks so much, Kate, for stopping by Debby’s to take a peek at the book and interview. The questions were really fun to ponder over and I’m glad you enjoyed the answers. I’ve never regretting going indie. In some ways it’s more work, in some ways less, but overall I like being queen of my book castle! Lol. If you decide to give the book a try, I hope you enjoy it! Have a wonderful day and be well.


  14. A great inteview, a fantastic excerpt (I’m not a big reader of fantasy but I love what I’ve read), and I’m more intrigued after reading Diana’s thoughts behind the series. Great work, Debby, and good luck to Diana.


    1. That’s me too Olga. As you know, I love many of the books you recommend as we seem to enjoy same genres. Fantasy is not my top go to, but like you said, the basis of Diana’s book is intriguing enough on it’s own, and well, then there’s the fact that Diana is an awesome author. 🙂 xx


    2. Thanks so much for stopping by at Debby’s, Olga. I know fantasy is a reach for many, so I’m especially delighted that you took the time to browse the interview. 🙂 A number of my books are inspired by things I see happening in the world. They spark those “what if” questions and then the stories appear, complete with goblins! Lol. Have a lovely day and Happy Writing. 🙂


  15. Congratulations on your new release, Diana. I remember Jacqui’s fantastic review from her blog. While I’ve never read fantasy in my life, I have to admit that I enjoyed your excerpt! Plus, the interview was interesting and revealing. From the insights on self-publishing to the inspiration behind your last books. I love it how you incorporated current events, awful as they are. Well done, ladies! If I ever give fantasy a try, your series might be a good start. 🙂


    1. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment, Liesbet. Debby had some great questions, and it was a fun opportunity to do something different as part of the book tour. I love to talk about writing and books, and enjoy sharing ideas. I’m so honored that you enjoyed the snippets and reviews. If you ever decide to give fantasy a try, I hope you enjoy it. Happy Reading!


  16. That excerpt would have hooked me if I wasn’t already a big fan of Diana’s writing. She’s a master wordsmith. I just love the turns of phrase she incorporates into her stories.
    Enjoyed the interview and the insight into the background for this series. It would be nice if we all could learn not to take things at face value, wouldn’t it?


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Jacquie, and for the wonderful comment. I’m so honored by your words. I really enjoyed the interview and Debby’s questions. I wish we could all meet in person and chat about writing and share ideas. And thanks for taking a look at the excerpt. My characters have a hard time getting along! Lol. Have a lovely day, my friend. 🙂


  17. So thrilled to see D here, Debby 🙂
    D is one of the most supportive writers I know (not to mention one of the writers I most admire – her descriptive phrasing is so beautiful). When she suggests new writers seeking out constructive criticism, it’s the best advice one can ever be given. As a new writer, I was against the idea of taking criticism – I thought I’d wilt under criticism actually – but the feedback I got on my debut novel transformed it from ‘okaaay’, to, ‘wow, I’m now really proud of this’ (I might also mention that D was one of the folks who offered me feedback, something I’ll be eternally grateful for).
    I cannot highly enough recommend Liars and Thieves – I read this one and immediately leaped into the second book (lucky for me to have a sneaky peek). I’m now burning to read the third. These characters have become very dear to me…and that’s the hallmark of a truly great writer 🙂


    1. Thanks for dropping by Jessica and leaving such amazing praise for Diana, so well deserved. And how lucky you were to have her beta read for you. That’s high praise! Congrats! ❤


    2. I’m smiling at your comment, Jess. Learning to welcome constructive criticism is essential to improving our books and our craft. I’m so pleased and honored when someone takes the time to tell me what doesn’t work and what they don’t like. That sounds crazy, but we need it to get through the barriers that we can’t see as authors. Your feedback made this a much better book and I’m thrilled that I could do the same for you! Warms my heart and makes the world go round. 😀 Thanks so much for the visit and comment! Keep up that amazing word count!


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Harmony. And your review was awesome, as well as the kindness of your followers. I can’t say it enough about this community of bloggers and writers, but what a sweet haven in a troubled world we have here. I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. Debby is a wonderful host and I loved her questions. Hugs, my friend. ❤


    1. Thanks so much for the visit and comment, Michael, and I’m glad you’re inching closer to a new book. Lol. You made me laugh with that. Debby hosts a great interview, and I had such fun contemplating the questions. She’s a champ. Have a lovely day and take good care. 🙂


  18. This is a fantastic interview! Debby, you asked great questions and Diana’s answers were just as great! Liars and thieves certainly describe US politics, Diana! Great stuff! Thank you ladies!


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