Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – D. G. Kaye Explores the Realms of Relationships – July 2021 – The #Universe Brings us Kindred Spirits

Today’s share is my article for the July issue of Realms of Relationships at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Blog Magazine. In this issue I’m discussing Kindred Spirits – who are they and how we attract them.


Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – D. G. Kaye Explores the Realms of Relationships – July 2021 – The Universe Brings us Kindred Spirits


The Universe Brings us Kindred Spirits

Welcome to my new edition of Realms of Relationships. I’d first like to thank Sally again for keeping my spirit alive while I’ve been transitioning through both my journey of the loss of my husband, and a great big move I did in the midst of my grief – a story which deserves a post on its own, and there will surely be one coming on my blog.

As the title of this series implies, my articles are about the many realms involved in the relationships we have and encounter in life with the people already in our lives, and the people we meet. So today I’m going to discuss Kindred Spirits – what sort of people are they, and how and why they enter our lives?

The universe brings us what we need in a single moment whether or not we asked for it or focused our thoughts on something, The universe will orchestrate a meeting of happenstance with a person(s) we share a kindred spirit with. This works similar to how we  ‘meet people for reasons and seasons’. I have lived it many times, yet, it still never ceases to surprise me. I am always open to receive, and that is the key.


eye - all knowing


So what exactly defines ‘Kindred Spirits’?


“Kindred spirits are like-minded and like-souled people with whom an instant connection of love and understanding is mutually experienced.” Clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly, PH.D., tells MBG.

“The connection is inimitable and often defies verbal description.” 


This secret mission of the universe seems to work by the universe recognizing someone gels with us by connecting us with those we share a common experience with, and arranges this person to, coincidentally, show up into our lives randomly in a time of our need. We encounter new kindred spirits, magically, when our lives turn in a new direction and we serendipitously run into, or we’re introduced to someone helpful and/or compassionate, often at the precise time in our lives we are eager to welcome them.

Kindred spirits are typically those we attract to because we share common interests, values and/or views with them, and often, people who have shared same experiences as us. Kindred spirits typically resonate on the same soul frequency as we do. As we are all mostly made up of energy, it’s like our energy radars are flashing at the same frequency as a new kindred spirit passes our way. A kindred spirit isn’t necessarily always someone we already know, but someone new we meet and feel an instant comfort level and easily bond with on issues in common that connects us.

Often, we meet kindred spirits randomly. We can be out somewhere at an event, or even at the corner store, for that matter. A sudden conversation strikes up, and instantly we can recognize that kindred soul because their path or beliefs or experiences in life are similar to our own, making us feel automatically drawn to them, and vice versa. Kindred spirits are people who connect with our souls. There is a mutual understanding, and we are on the same wavelength with this kindred spirit. . . continue reading at the Smorgasbord




Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – D. G. Kaye Explores the Realms of Relationships – July 2021 – The Universe Brings us Kindred Spirits | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine


20 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – D. G. Kaye Explores the Realms of Relationships – July 2021 – The #Universe Brings us Kindred Spirits

  1. How in the world would I have found kindred spirits around the world–Ireland, South Africa, Canada (That’s you DEBBY!) except through the miracle of the world-wide web. Your definition and examples are spot on, my dear! 🙂


  2. I love the whole idea of kindred spirits–“coincidentally, show up into our lives randomly in a time of our need.” I yearn for that, Deb. I hope you had many in the last six months.


  3. I just finished reading over at Sally’s. A beautiful post, Debby. I also thinks the universe has a way of sending us what we need in kindred spirits. I’m glad you’ve found some support in these two kind women. They know.


  4. A very interesting post. Can’t say for sure that I’ve encountered kindred spirits along the path of my life, but with a little probing of my recollections of people that I engaged with may surface some.


  5. I totally believe in kindred spirits. I have one friend who I met by happanstance about 38 years ago. It was weird, because we passed on the stairs and I felt this WHAM and in my head I thought (oh, I’ve known him forever). However, I had just moved across country to a new town and, in this life, never met him before. He became one of my best friends, and turned out to be a minister – he married my guy and me, and my daughter and her guy 14 years ago, and baptized some of my grandkids. But more importantly, he and his wife are our closest friends. Kindred, indeed.


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