Hello Mercury Retrograde 2022

It’s a new year and a clean slate, and hopes are high that this year will be the end of the Coronavirus as we know it. But the fact remains that we are globally, high in virus and numbers, due to the the recent appearance of Omicron. We can all hope that as this virus continues, it will tamper down, lose it’s hurricane strength, and hopefully, no new strains will mutate. And in the meantime, because the world is already in chaos trying to stamp out this virus, we’re about to have our first Mercury Retrograde of 2022. Crazy times 2.0. It begins January 13th, lasting until February 3rd. But these dates are not inclusive. Like a full moon, retrogrades begin their ‘retroshade’ effects within a week or two of its arrival date, and can linger just as long after completion. And I’m already experiencing the shakeup.

When Mercury retrogrades, it is said that this is because retrograde indicates the planet is moving backwards, when in actuality, a faster moving planet passes Mercury in its pause, leaving a feeling of going backwards. Mercury travels around the sun in 88 days and takes a retrograde 3-4 times a year. Since Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, its orbit is shorter than earth’s. It’s like Mercury has to slow down to let other planets catch up in-between its cycle around the earth. Things that occur during this period can make us feel exactly like things are moving backwards as Mercury pauses and other planets pass by. This first retrograde of the year will be in Aquarius. There will be four Mercury Retrogrades this year, all of them in air signs (yup, that’s me). Signs most influenced by these retrogrades are the people who have their sun or rising signs the same as the sign each retrograde falls into.

Mercury Retrograde Chart for 2022

January 14 – February 3 starts in air sign Aquarius, ends in earth-sign Capricorn
May 10 – June 2 starts in air sign Gemini, ends in earth-sign Taurus
September 9 – October 2 starts in air-sign Libra, ends in earth-sign Virgo December 29 – January 18 in earth-sign Capricorn
December 29 – January 17 2023

Refresher Course: Mercury Retrograde

How does this affect our energy levels?

We can expect to have more or even less energy during this period, mostly of the nervous, unsettling or over-zealous type, causing possible bouts of anxiety. Each MR will fall in and affect particular signs more so than others.

What kinds of things are affected by a Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury rules our daily activities – technology, communications, contracts and relationships. When the planet is in retrograde we can expect glitches, delays and miscommunications in all of the above areas as Mercury is the ruler of communications. Extra vigilance should be paid to planned dates, appointments, signing contracts, editing, buying, selling, researching, negotiating, wills, documents, deeds, leases, and more. Most often affected are, computer issues, transportation and travel. It’s a period where we can expect the unexpected. In plain terms, when a planet is in retrograde, the planet takes a nap. And while it naps, it’s like it relinquishes its duties and the territory it usually stabilizes can run amok. This period is typically a good time to take a pause ourselves from big decision-making and a good time to reflect, journal, re-organize and re-evaluate our intentions, as well, it’s a good time to re-connect with people and/or projects from the past. As you may have noticed in the previous sentence, anything to do with ‘re’ as in redo, revisit, etc. is good to keep busy with during the MR period.

~ ~ ~

And here I am, in the thick of a Mercury Retrograde. As I pretty much, limped through 2021 with a sick husband and then his ultimate dying, which left me in numb and shock and grief, and my consequent going through everything we lived and shared together and two months later, moving, and of course, all of this while living in a secluded Covid world, all that has kept me going these past few months has been to get the hell out of Dodge and spend a few months out of the dread of another cold, sunless, lonely winter, and get to Mexico.

Am I concerned about traveling in a pandemic? You bet your bottom dollar I am. This is particularly the time where I’m getting excited to go away, but I’m not. I’m feeling a surge of anxiety while constantly weighing the pros and cons of my traveling. I know I’m triple vaxxed and extremely cautious around people, but I know many on vacation sometimes forget they’re still living in a pandemic, often forgeting masks and social distancing. I have a girlfriend down there since November who I keep in touch with to get the scoop on what’s going on down there. Mexico was actually doing not too bad before the rash of carefree Christmas vacationers visiting there helping spread the germs. And as much as I feel armed with safety supplies and three jabs, I’m concerned about if things get even worse instead of calming down after the holiday rush.

Air Canada has already changed my flight three times before it flat out canceled my flight last week (thanks so much Mercury). They took off their daily direct flights into Puerto Vallarta and made them all into connecting flights to gather more passengers, leaving only two direct flights at this time, weekly. After making two phone calls – each with its own four hour wait until a human picked up, I managed to get on a direct flight again, leaving three days earlier than my original flight date. I was confirmed on the phone I’m booked, but it’s been a week now and I still haven’t received written confirmation.

Besides the airline kerfuffle, this event also entailed my trying to get hold of my agent in Mexico to first find out if the unit I’m renting was vacant for my early arrival. Thankfully it is, but I’m quite unsettled that more cancellations are coming, and the prospect of what if things get worse and I get stuck in Mexico when I’m supposed to return? These are a lot of heavy concerns floating in my uncertain mind in the already shady period of Mercury Retrograde, leaving me with uncertainty of things to come.

On the pro side, I’m not sure I can endure another long, lonely winter without sun again. I thrive in sunshine, and there are only so many times and methods in my toolbox I have to remove myself internally from the darkness around me. It’s getting real old and I need to get out of here!!! So, oh yes, Mercury Retrograde is already alive and well in my travel plans, and no doubt there will be more to come before this period gets roaring and then comes to an end. So I’m caught in this net of wondering if I’ll get to Mexico, if I can stay Covid-free, and if I’ll be able to get back home. I feel almost guilty about getting excited to go and apprehensive about preparing and packing for this trip. My long awaited vacation is living in a big question mark at the moment. I feel like I should be preparing to go, but also must be prepared not to. Nothing like trying to sit down on both sides of the fence. In my heart, I’m going, but in my head I am ever so vigilant on keeping an alert to whatever this retrograde has in store for me. It’s all quite unsettling to say the least, and that is proof that Mercury Retrograde is already warming up.

I will keep you all posted on the status of my trip. In the meantime, be forewarned and prepared for the first Mercury Retrograde 2022!


89 thoughts on “Hello Mercury Retrograde 2022

  1. I’m pleased you explained the Mercury Retrograde, Debby. I can see its effects already. We’ve definitely moved backwards on our Covid journey here. I understand your mixed feelings and mind about your holiday. Life is so uncertain at the moment and booking for anything in the future seems impossible. I do hope you get to see the sun and enjoy your holiday.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your friend John (above) has a good point! 🙂 I hope you get to your sunny destination Deb, despite all the difficulties. It must be so stressful, wondering what will happen. As the old saying goes: “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.” Bonne Chance! 🤞

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Deb! I actually got through to Air Canada again, last night at midnight. I’d been trying every hour all day as their message was “sorry, no wait times or call backs, try again.” My last attempt was at midnight and they took off that message. At 2:45am someone picked up and I finally switched my upgraded seat from the canceled flight to my new flight. Crazy! 🙂 x

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  3. I honestly didn’t know much about Mercury Retrograde until your post, Debby. I don’t advocate an ignorance is bliss approach in most aspects of life, but I’ve managed to live this long with little knowledge about this event.
    Traveling right now is a considerable challenge. I hope everything works out in terms of your travel plans. Here’s wishing you plenty of sunshine and good times with friends.

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    1. Thanks for chiming in Pete. I know exactly what you mean about ignorance being bliss, and sometimes it truly is. Often I don’t have to look at the charts to see if the moon is full or mercury is ruling because I can just feel it. Yes travel is already crazy all on its own without Mercury getting involved, so it’s doubly challenging. The clock is ticking and I have to begin to prepare, so I’m preparing, despite my lingering concerns. I’ll keep you posted! 🙂

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  4. Well Debby.. it is a dilemma, but knowing you as I do, I would pit you against Mercury any day of the week. You are strong and resilient and this break in Mexico has kept you going for months. You have your girlfriend in PV so you won’t be alone. You are as protected as you can be and you have always been very careful when travelling. Keep pushing forward and get your sunshine..♥

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much for the reminders and your reinforcements. It really helps. Sometimes it just helps to get feedback and/or confirmation. I think my intentions are to go – considering I finally got through Air Canada to change my seat on the new flight. I dialed all day and night to no avail, then gave it one more shot around midnight. I was actually put in a wait line instead of being told to hang up and call again. Someone picked up at almost 3am. My eyes were closing, but I was not hanging up. LOL Is that a sign? Lolol ❤


  5. It is always a difficult decision and it depends on what the stakes are. You’ve taken all possible precautions, and I agree it doesn’t sound a bad place to get stuck in if that were to happen, but what a nightmare! Good luck with everything, Debby, and thanks for reminding us to be careful and pay attention to Mercury Retrograde.

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  6. I hope your travel plans come to be. The sun certainly rejuvenates. When it comes out here, even if the temperatures are frigid, I stand and bathe in it.
    Another way to look at this Mercury Retrograde is that those who do evil are also suffering from its effects.

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  7. Thanks for the Mercury Retrograde info. Don’t feel guilty about wanting to get away for a break. You’re sensible enough to have a good time but not put yourself at risk. You deserve a holiday, Debby. Enjoy! x

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  8. You should get excited about going, Debby. And if it’s sunshine your soul needs, go get it! Mercury Retrograde can cause havoc on many levels, but forewarned is forearmed. I sincerely hope you get to go and have a great time! Sending hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Any backward or forward Mercury Retrograde can’t stop you, Debby! Your will is stronger than steel. Good for you! Go, girl, go to Mexico and take in all the sunshine as much as you could. It’s waiting for you! When we were in Portland, Oregon, it was the third day of all the flights being canceled. I tried to get a Lyft before 6:00 a.m. but no driver was working on 29th. At least the flight was on time coming back to CA on that day. Our son-in-law took us to the airport. We made it home. Figures Crossed on your flight! ❤ ❤

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      1. Sorry, I tried to correct the auto type and pressed send.

        I wanted to say that this community give us so much encouragement and keep us being positive. I know you’ll get the most of whatever you do, Debby.

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  10. So that explains why my blog was briefly broken on January 6th – Mercury Retrograde. It turns out that the WordPress theme I was using had been retired. An easy fix, and now I have a new, fresh-looking blog with the latest theme I’m using.
    Thanks for the heads up on Mercury Retrograde, Debby.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There you go Hugh. Those annoying little time suck things that occur with our technology just conveniently happened at this time. I’m glad the theme break didn’t give you worse headaches. 🙂 xx


      1. Thankfully, it was a quick fix, Debby. When anything goes wrong with any parts of my blog, I always check to see if the theme I’m using has been retired first before reporting it to WordPress. It can save a lot of time and frustration.
        With regards to going to Mexico, I say go with your gut instinct. It always works for me.

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  11. Mercury retrograde? I didn’t know about this. Thanks for sharing the info. I think the winter months do bring gloomy moods, heard about them but I’ve never lived in coldest areas to experience it. I admire your willpower Deb, going ahead with your travel plans in these difficult times is a brave move. Wishing you all the best and a lot of sunshine.

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  12. Hi Debby – I’m in Mercury Retrograde … thankfully I’m staying put – but quite understand your love of sun and sand – so I sincerely hope your flight gets confirmed and you can have a happy time of peace and recovery down south. With thoughts – Hilary

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks for the great explaination, Debby! If the planet takes a nap, i am very congruent with him, as i am also loving my pillows. Lol It seems it would be better taking more time for knowing astrology,than to hope our politics will give us the solution. Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks John. I actually did see part of your post but WP wouldn’t let me in! Can you type the link again to that post here so I can try clicking it from here please. 🙂


  14. Debby, I wondered if your flight had been canceled. I heard your province is in lock down, but that was from another person. I suppose you would only have to worry about being stuck in Mexico if you had no where to stay after your lease ran out. If you do have access to accommodations, it sounds like John has the right idea. Between sunshine, margaritas, and mojitos (my personal favorite) what do you have to lose? Do you have confirmation that you can get back into Canada after a month in Mexico? Surely, you could go home and quarantine if you needed to. Knowing you, I’m sure you will overcome all of these obstacles and have a great time. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sis. Yes, they canceled, and after days and hours of waiting to get through the airlines, they rebooked me after cutting many direct flights. I’m now – so far – leaving 3 days earlier. I had to make sure the unit was available for earlier arrival. My concern is coming home, many variables. If I test positive before returning, I can’t get home til I have a negative test and would have to find and pay extra for accommodations. It’s a huge gamble, hence my apprehension. Tick tock, I shall try and prepare as though I’m going, hoping I don’t get another cancelation email. Oye! ❤

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  15. Glitches?? I don’t like that word, Debby, especially when it comes to traveling (and technology). I’m glad you’re still going to Mexico. Breath deeply and just do it. You’ll overcome whatever stands in your way and you’ll be soaking up the fresh air and sunshine. I’m leaving for some air travel in a couple of weeks and I’m going for it – masked up, shielded, sanitizer on hand. Just crossing my fingers that flights don’t get canceled. Hugs and enjoy your trip!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s exactlyyyyy where I am Diana! I’ve been double- masked since Omicron came along spreading like fire. Yup, I have to get out of here. This virus isn’t going anywhere for a long time, and tomorrow is never promised. ❤ Got my shield to wear and gloves for the journey. No plans of eating or removing my mask for anything for 5 1/2 hour flight. If the flight isn't canceled, I'm on it. May the force be with us. ❤

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  16. Thanks for this lesson, Debby, on Mercury’s Retrograde. I was completely ignorant of it. Putting climate change aside it might explain the crazy temperatures we’ve been having here: Sunday 1, Monday -12, Tuesday -21, Wednesday -6 Thursday -7, Friday -13. Lots of retrograde going on there.
    About your trip to Mexico…May you be where you need to be, when you need to be – safe and happy. ❤

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    1. Thanks Carol :). We are having the same weather here – one day zero, next day minus 20 with windchills. And the west has the worst of what both of us usually get! Glad I could enlighten you about these planets. ❤

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  17. I’m so sorry you’ve been having all this trouble with your travel plans, Debby. It was so interesting to learn about Mercury’s retrograde. Fingers crossed you will get away okay. Sending hugs, Toni xx

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  18. Thank you for explaining Mercury’s retrograde so clearly. I hear people say that all the time but didn’t fully understand it until your post. I live in sunny South Florida, so I completely understand your need to embrace the sun. I honestly don’t know how northerners handle the sunless, cold months of winter. I couldn’t do it.

    As for your trip… Reading your words leaves me with a sense of acceptance. You think your mind and heart are on separate wavelengths, but they aren’t. Your heart knows that you deserve and need this trip; it’s why you have been so persistent in making sure your travel arrangements get fixed. Your mind is throwing caution in your face – that inner voice of anxiety wants to be seen and heard. She has her place; she keeps you alert and aware so you can make the best decisions to keep you safe. Trust that the stars will align for you. 🙂

    I, too, am planning a summer trip. Right now, I’m debating between a full round-trip road trip or flying to the furthest point and driving back. I feel a lot of the same anxiety you are feeling about your trip. Flights cancelled, not being able to return on time for COVID reasons, the lackadaisical actions of other vacationers, etc. In the end, we control what we can and make do with what we can’t. Last summer, I took a 39-day road trip from Florida to Michigan and back. We stayed as careful as we could and managed to keep the virus away from us. There is no rhyme and reason to this. You can go on vacation and stay healthy or you can stay home and get the virus at the supermarket! It’s truly a crap shoot, so follow your heart while listening to the mind’s advice. Enjoy sunny Mexico! 🙂

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    1. Yvette, thank you so much for your words of wisdom. You pegged it exactly. My heart wants to go, my brain keeps the caution. And you’re right, right now the virus is everywhere, so protect and defend and may as well endure it in the sun than the lonely, dark cold. ❤

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  19. Aha! So that’s why my internet is on the fritz, and I can’t get any workmen in for anything!
    I totally get your anxieties about the trip, though I really do hope you get there okay – you need the break and the sun after the past year. I’ve just seen a physiotherapist about a sore knee – a knock on effect of my hip problems – and she advised swimming as an alternate exercise, but I really don’t feel comfortable about going to a public pool just now.
    Nothing is simple anymore!
    Oh, and btw, having spoken with a virologist recently, what we should expect to happen is that this virus will keep mutating, but as it does so, subsequent strains become weaker. So although it won’t die out, it should become less of a problem, with milder symptoms.
    Fingers crossed Covid has read the virus instruction manual!

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  20. I hate to sound like a whiner, but nothing’s easy anymore, it seems. It gets harder and harder every day to talk to a human being, and I’ve noticed that especially in the past two weeks. I was interested in learning more about Mercury Retrograde, and wondering if that’s the reason for the “nothing is easy” feeling I’ve gotten lately. I’m sorry you’re having these travel issues. My hope is that you get to Mexico safely, enjoy your time there with sunshine and good health, and return to Canada refreshed and renewed. xo

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    1. Thanks Amy. Yup, the whole tone of everything is affected. It’s like a ghostown where I live. Living in seclusion is not good for anyone’s mental health. Thanks for the well wishes. ❤

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  21. Another retrograde. Great! I think you should go to Mexico and without guilt, Debby. You need it! And, you will be 120% careful and prepared, being who you are and having three Covid shots. And, you will get back somehow at some point. That part will work out. You are so ready for some sun, vacation, and friends around you. Go, girl! 🙂

    PS: We hopped over the border for a day last week (for my dentist visit) and the Mexicans were way more careful, masked, and aware regarding the pandemic than the Americans (there and here). Honestly, we feel safer in Mexico than in Arizona!

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