June Writer’s Tips – Tools for #Writers

Welcome to my June edition great collaborated helpful tips for Writers. In this post we have tools for editing, creating QR codes in WordPress, a re-phrasing tool, how to promote our writing using Youtube, getting back to bookwriting after a timeout, tips for making book trailers, and how to create 3D book covers.

Kathy Steinemann, featuring guest writer, Lori Wade with some great tools to aid in writing, editing, with tracking word count and more:



Natalie Ducey with a great tutorial on how to access and create a QR code in WordPress


Janice Wald of Mostlyblogging.com has some helpful tools for rephrasing content, improving SEO in content for better internet exposure to articles, checking for plagiarism and more in this article:



Try this now – One of Janice’s recommended tools – the ‘rephraser’ – type in a bit of content and let it rephrase for you:



How to use Youtube to promote your writing, from Authors Publish:


Ruth Harris at the blog of Anne R. Allen with some valuable tips on getting back to writing a book you may have abandoned.


Jacqui Murray has an informative post on tools to help you make book trailers


From The Book Designer – How to create 3D book covers


48 thoughts on “June Writer’s Tips – Tools for #Writers

  1. I’ve been occupied with a lot of personal stuff lately. Typically, at least half of the writer’s tips you post, I’ve read. This week they’re all new for me. I thank you for sharing these great ideas.


    1. My pleasure Deb. Yes, out of Janice’s article, that rephraser caught my eye, this is why I highlighted it. Glad it caught your attention too. ❤


  2. Hi Debby,
    Thank you so very much for sharing my article rewriter tools with your readers. Sometimes I try to comment from work but I am blocked due to having to sign in to WordPress.com. I’m glad I discovered this so I can comment from home. Olga came by and checked out my post. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I am long overdue on sending you an email just to catch up. Thanks again.


    1. Hi Janice. Yes, it seems he rephraser has caught a few people’s attention. I try to share articles I know that would be of interest to my writing friends. And no apologies, I know well how WP is fussy about signing in from other places. Happy weekend to you. And I hope your husband is getting better. Hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a lot of awesome tips, Debby. These are great. I’m particularly interested in Janice’s SEO-related posts since that’s something I don’t pay attention to at all. I know I’m horrible at it. Youtube is something I haven’t really considered as a promotional tool, except for trailers, so that’s where I’m headed now. Thanks for all the great links!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Deb, you remind me of why I love blogging more than publishing books. There are so many pieces to master! My had is off to all of you who go for it. It’s making my head spin just cruising through the links! LOL


      1. I often get the urge, but after spending so much time on Girls on Fire, I don’t want to do that again. I almost quit blogging during that time. It took a month to do the first 50,000 words, and then years to rewrite. As I’m reading, I’m learning so much more about writing and I’d have to redo it completely now. Too much time, not enough drive. 🙂 Loving life in the blogging lane too much. 🙂 Good for you, though to keep pushing ahead. I admire you.


      2. Good for you Marsha. Choices! I have a finished book sitting for 2 years now I haven’t yet published and another rought drafted one. I still don’t have the head back for publishing right now. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  5. These are so awesome (to say it in a Bostonian way). Many of the ideas take me out of my comfort box, but I know that I need to do that. Youtube? ACK. But a great idea. Thanks Debby!


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