I’m Featured at Conversations With Colleen Chesebro: Meet Author, D. G. Kaye

Vision perception - Memoirs


Last week I was thrilled to be featured author over at Colleen Chesebro’s – Conversations with Colleen. I’m talking about first drafts, messages we leave in our writing, and more. Check it out!



Conversations with ColleenThe October Edition

Hello everyone! This week I’m happy to share with you, my dearest friend and Canadian author, D. G. Kaye, (Debby Gies) as my guest. Debby puts up with my silliness every day, so when I begged asked her to pick three or four questions from my huge list HERE she was willing to give it a go.

We all aspire to be successful authors and the best way to learn some of the tricks of the trade is to ask questions. Debby has answered so many of my questions about book publishing that between us, we could write a book!

As many of you know, Debby also shares her goodwill through our blogging community by sharing our posts across the web and in the various Facebook groups, she belongs to, and by always cheering us on. I don’t know what I would do without her love and optimism that she sends out into the universe every day. ❤



Debby is also a member of the Sisters of the Fey blog, a group of eight authors who came together to share their love of all things magical. Debby’s specialty is writing about angels. Check out this post HERE and see if your angels have been connecting with you!

Please welcome my dear friend, D.G. Kaye


Hi Debby. I’m glad you’re here. Now, I have to know… Have you ever destroyed any of your drafts?


Absolutely not! My writing life is similar to my real life – I’m a packrat, lol. I learned early in my writing career to never delete anything. There’s a space for everything . . . eventually.

We should never delete our unused work because there are always valuable morsels we can use at a later time. I have many journals filled with writing ideas and articles I haven’t yet published, as well as many deleted parts from early drafts in my books which I keep in a file. I’m a hoarder when it comes to keeping original earlier drafts of my manuscripts too. I’ll usually highlight parts that weren’t used in the final drafts and copy the passages on to a Word doc for future considerations. One never knows when there’s a nugget of value from past work that can fit in somewhere else!


A packrat? I would have never guessed. Great plan, though to recycle what you’ve previously written. So, what does the word ‘retirement’ mean to you? Do you think writers ever retire?


Retirement means we’ve finished working – time to relax and not have to get up and go to work anymore. It’s a time where we’re free to pursue our hobbies and anything else we feel we want to be able to do that we couldn’t when we had our 9-5 jobs. But writing, for me, and most writers, I suspect, is a lifetime hobby or job.

Writing is a passion, not a job. It feeds our soul and we hope that our words and stories continue to feed the souls of our readers. It’s one of the few jobs that have no retirement age limits. In fact, I believe that some of our best writing comes as we age and acquire more knowledge and experience.


I agree. I think we become better writers as we age. How do you think your writing style has changed over the years?


I believe like anything else in life, practice makes perfect. Although us writers are often our own worst critics, always seeking perfection, there is always room for improvement and growth. We don’t always notice as time passes, our writing naturally evolves.

As writers, we are readers too and everything we read becomes our teachers. Please continue reading . . .



Source: Conversations With Colleen: Meet Author, D. G. Kaye, (aka Debby Gies) | Colleen Chesebro ~ The Fairy Whisperer

15 thoughts on “I’m Featured at Conversations With Colleen Chesebro: Meet Author, D. G. Kaye

  1. Congrats.. Loved the interview Debby, and we are the lucky ones who now retired get to choose how to spend our day.. Though sometimes I wonder how i found time to work full time. For our days are never Dull…

    And i have journals that date back years… lol.. So like you I keep my writings, poems and things.. Though I have deleted things my accident before..

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your week Debby..
    Love and hugs…


    1. Thanks for visiting Sue. I know right, how did we ever get everything done working 9-5 lol. One day go through those journals and find some juicy nuggets you may want to rework. 🙂 ❤


  2. Hi Debby and Colleen – you both have great ideas … and I certainly don’t want to not do anything … and realised that once I started the blog I could continue writing, while expanding ideas in other directions. Having choices and being positive are just necessities in life, as they’ve always been … cheers Hilary


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