Streets Ahead Street Team Promotion: Words We Carry, by D.G Kaye | Stevie Turner

Thanks to Stevie Turner, who leads our Streets Ahead Authors Promoting Authors group, for sharing my book this week – Words We Carry.



Streets Ahead Street Team Promotion: Words We Carry, by D.G Kaye



As part of this week’s Streets Ahead Street Team promotion, I’m sharing D.G Kaye’s book ‘Words We Carry:  Essays of Obsession and Self Esteem’:


Words We Carry, D.G. Kaye

Available at all the Amazons


Words from the author:

“I have been a great critic of myself for most of my life, and I was darned good at it, deflating my own ego without the help of anyone else.”

What do our shopping habits, high-heeled shoes, and big hair have to do with how we perceive ourselves? Do the slights we endured when we were young affect how we choose our relationships now?

D.G. takes us on a journey, unlocking the hurts of the past by identifying situations that hindered her own self-esteem. Her anecdotes and confessions demonstrate how the hurtful events in our lives linger and set the tone for how we value our own self-worth.

Words We Carry is a raw, personal accounting of how the author overcame the demons of low self-esteem with the determination to learn to love herself.


You can read Reviews Here.


Note: Authors are welcome to join us at our Streets Ahead Team on Mewe, where every week an author’s book of choice is featured and promoted on social media by all other authors in the group.


Original Source: Streets Ahead Street Team Promotion: Words We Carry, by D.G Kaye | Stevie Turner

26 thoughts on “Streets Ahead Street Team Promotion: Words We Carry, by D.G Kaye | Stevie Turner

  1. Love Authors Helping Authors it is one of the best approaches for sharing good reviews. The recommendation of a good book is social proof done right! 🙂 Loved your book The Words We Carry. As my review states, I found so much to identify with as I have in all of your life confirming books.


      1. Thank you for asking, Debby. I am getting close to finishing the first draft. It is linked to the first book, The Sleeping Serpent about a charismatic guru. In this book, which can stand alone, we are taken on his journey to escape but which becomes a path to redemption. I don’t have a release date because I am so slow, but I will certainly keep you and other readers apprised. Maybe you can help with a blog tour?


      2. Looking soooooooo forward to reading it Luna. And of courseeeeeeeeeeeeee, I’d be thrilled to have you over here with your book!!! ❤


  2. I was just talking about this (promo and ‘street teams’) in my last post. This is great, Debby! Will go over and check it out. 🙂

    (Hope this comment gets through…fingers crossed.)


  3. Wonderful review! Having this kind of support is a great gift for authors. Love to see people helping each other out with book promotion. 🙂


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