Angels and Empaths – Sisters of the Fey




Sisters of the Fey


My spiritual articles were originally written for my column at our collective blog at Sisters of the Fey, which is no longer active, so I’m thrilled to have this page up with my contributed articles. The links to the Sister blog are no longer active, but you will find each of my articles listed on the Menu Header pages dropdown box under Angels and Empaths.



Universal Karma

Karma – The Law of Cause and Effect


From the Oxford dictionary:  noun. /ˈkɑrmə/ [uncountable] 1(in Buddhism and Hinduism) the sum of someone’s good and bad actions in one of their lives, believed to decide what will happen to them in the next life. good/bad karma (informal) the good/bad effect of doing a particular thing, being in a particular place, etc.


Karma is a word used loosely by many, usually as a term for payback, as in: What you do will come back to you in some form at some time whether it be payback for wrongs or mean-spirited doings or reward for good deeds. But this is not exactly how karma works.

Karma is spiritual and it’s something we carry forward with us from previous existences. If bad karma has not been resolved in a past life it accrues and will have effects in the next life. Every action we perform has a consequence. Karma can be material, moral or emotional. The intent of one’s actions generates karma.

Since I was a young girl, I was aware of the word karma and relayed it to one of my favorite cliched sayings: – what goes ‘round come back! Karma is energy, and we are all made from energy created as an action, not necessarily a fate, but a result. We all have the opportunity to change our karma by changing our intentions. Karma is ethical consequences which determines what happens in the future of our lives. The punishment for allowing our egos to take over by wishing ill will towards an outcome or a person is really a psychological suffering as penance for bad actions.

Many people aren’t aware that most of their actions and desires are manifested by karma – acting out of past lifetimes -what we reap is what we sow. We are our own karmic projection. We’ve all heard clichés like ‘be careful what you wish for because it will come back on you’.  Ill will and evil acts are paid back to us by suffering something in our own life, goodness gives us peace of mind. In essence, we perpetuate our own karma. It’s been said that the sum of a person’s karma upon their death will determine the form of existence they will take on in their next life.

An example of how karma works is perhaps someone stole someone else’s camera, that same camera may very well be stolen again from them. Or maybe, that camera may get them in trouble by some other means. Did that camera have photos of something illegal that the thief got caught and blamed for? Karma is a strange phenomenon that works with the universe. On the same token, you may have donated something to a charity and later find you won a contest, you found twenty bucks surprisingly on the ground somewhere. You get the gist here – thoughts and actions always circle back around.

Karma is never instantly repaid. It is also not an impending punishment. Like I mentioned earlier, we have the ability to change our karma. Spreading good karma is creating positive action through kind words and thoughts, good deeds and good intentions. The more good we do, the more good will come – a simple formula. To put it into metaphoric terms: If you plant beautiful flowering seeds you can expect beautiful flowers to grow. If you plant a bad seed, you can expect nothing from it. This is how karma works.

If you are at peace with yourself, you will enjoy a peaceful life. If you find your life in a constant state of chaos, you are carrying chaos within yourself. What we put forth into the universe with our intentions will find its way back to us in various forms. We are responsible for our own karma. Our pasts, present and futures all connect from our behavior. This all falls under the old adage–history repeats itself, we either learn from it and change our direction in life or we’re destined to live on the same spinning hamster wheel with the same outcome.

How we choose to live our lives will determine the karma we create. The universe responds to our actions and inactions. Most of the conflict and world suffering is because of either no action or bad action.

Below is a wonderful video that explains karma succinctly. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this quote: “The decisions of our past are the architects of our present.” ~ Author Dan Brown. Translation: Our past behaviors and actions will determine the now we are living in.





Old Souls


Today I’m going to talk about ‘Old Souls’. We hear that term from time to time, usually referred to people who hold the depths of ‘all knowing’ and wisdom at a young age – feeling older and wiser beyond actual years. This isn’t to be misconstrued with ‘chronological age’ as old soul refers more to the experience we’ve gathered through our accrued years of knowledge through past lives.


Those with a higher level of soul are those who have reached the level of many journeys throughout their lifetimes. It is said that memories don’t come with us in each new life, but the knowledge of life experiences grow with us through each journey. It is also said that just by looking in someone’s eyes you can see their wisdom. This doesn’t mean that person is necessarily highly intelligent, but rather has a high level of ‘spiritual’ intelligence.


So how do you know if you are someone you know is an old soul?

We all know that when it’s time to leave this earth, we take nothing physical with us. But what about knowledge and lessons learned? We are all spiritual beings, and through our soul’s repeated lifetime experiences, we accrue knowledge and experience that we do take with us into our next lives. Our soul’s experience and development across lifetimes and what we’ve learned from them is what determines our soul age.  So, I would suspect that depending on how many other lives we’ve lived determines how old our souls are, but there are exceptions, depending on the levels we’ve accomplished.

Old souls have certainly garnered lots of life experience and lessons, which adds to the soul age. They have a deep understanding of the world both human and spiritual. But being an old soul is not solely determined by how many lifetime’s we’ve lived, but, through those lifetimes, how much our souls have progressed through those life experiences.


Determining a Soul’s Age

It is said there are 5 earthly soul ages – baby, child, young, mature, and old soul. Each of these 5 stages has 7 levels. All spirits move through these levels with each new incarnation. One can have lived in many incarnations and a person can have lived more reincarnations than levels. After a person reaches all levels as an old soul, a new cycle begins on the astral plane where the spirit continues to learn without having yet another reincarnation.

Having learned lots of life experience through a soul’s journey, old souls garner the ability to see beyond words with their inner wisdom where their values and perspectives are influenced by acquired knowledge. Old souls become the teachers who guide the younger and less experienced souls with divine love and teaching. People who have an inner sense of knowing can sense the power of an old soul.


How do you know if you’re an old soul?

  • You are a kind person because you exude the kindness through the universe. You don’t gravitate to unkind people and do your best to stay away.
  • You are known as a calming force. You’ve been around plenty of times to know that everything has a way of working out in the universe. You aren’t big on drama and know there’s a solution for every obstacle so don’t waste time dwelling on problems.
  • You enjoy your own company. You’re polite and friendly, but don’t always care to socialize or get involved in too many relationships. Most relationships in your circles include other old souls or possibly with people who you’ve pre-arranged to be with in a former incarnation.
  • You’re a non-conformist, and may even be called rebellious at times. You dance to the beat of your own rhythm, never afraid to push boundaries or have the last word. Your childhood may have felt awkward as you may have felt like a loner or chosen to keep a low profile and be studious.
  • Old souls are empaths, but despite feeling deeply for others, you stay away from other people’s drama.
  • You are always seeking spiritual knowledge. You know how powerful knowledge is so you are always wanting to learn more by reading, self-educating and taking in the experience around you. You connect with people you meet in groups, work, surroundings who are on the same wavelength with interests in the spiritual and metaphysical world.
  • People gravitate to you to listen to your stories or to seek answers or advice. But you don’t try and push your knowledge onto others, nor try to persuade or judge them as everyone must be able to go through their experiences just as you have.
  • You’re able to see the underlying beauty in things and moments, which many tend to overlook or take for granted.
  • The many lifetimes you’ve lived through have finely tuned your intuition and ‘all knowing’. You’ve learned to trust your intuition more than the average person, and when you ‘know’ something without any understanding of why you know, there’s often no explanation.


Often, old souls struggle with being dismissed for their idea or wisdom by being rejected or even ridiculed by others. It can also become difficult sometimes to hold back your words of warning to someone who has no interest in what you may have to say. This is all part of those people not yet having learned their lessons. This watching of others suffer unnecessarily can instill pain within you, as typically, old souls are empaths, but people do have their free will.

What is your job being an old soul? By being yourself and defying convention and continuing to do your own thing of observing and learning, you are inspiring to others. You lead by example, and teach the willing, If you think you’re an old soul, know that you were put on earth again because you have a purpose. The lessons you bring with you from lifetimes of experience are needed in this time on earth now.


A short story:

Five years ago, while in Arizona, I went to the beautiful, mystical Sedona. While there I visited a world-wide recommended Medium. My mother had been ‘dying’ for the better part of that year. Seven years had passed that I had made no contact with my mother, but that didn’t mean my abandonment of her didn’t niggle at my brain on a daily basis with guilt because I wouldn’t go back. I was struggling bad with the dilemma when I went to Arizona. After the reading I received – and hadn’t divulged anything yet of my life to her, the Medium asked me if I’d like to ask one question. Without detail or backstory, I asked, “What about my mother?” That was all I asked.

Her reply, as though she crept into my mind and knew exactly what I was getting at: “You may not know this, but you and your mother were bitter enemies in a previous life. You were sent to teach her lessons, but she failed to learn and will have to repeat those lessons again in her next life.”

That information was huge and so unexpected, but really not hard to understand as I recalled how many times in my life I tried to help my mother better herself and her situations to no avail. But just as I sat there taking it all in and feeling as though I didn’t quite receive the answer I was hoping for, the Medium continued.

“In answer to your question, no, you don’t have to go back. Forgive her for her sins. This will free your Karma, but she will have to redo her life again and learn the lessons before her bad Karma can be broken.”

She knew. She knew what I was asking. I had been struggling as each month, week and day passed while my mother still lived, living in fear that I was a terrible person not going back to her again because she was dying. At that point it had taken me 50 years to leave her emotional abuse and acrid words and the thought of going to her ate away at my insides daily along with the repercussions of wondering if I could live with myself if I didn’t.

I didn’t. She passed, leaving behind hurtful words for me, no remorse, and died so very alone. I beat myself up mentally and forgave her and wrote a book about it, P.S. I Forgive You. I’m at peace with myself now.


Below is a wonderful video I found, which will give you an idea of traits of an old soul. Fits me perfectly. Oddly enough though, I think it’s my two minds, being a Gemini that entitles me to also be an extrovert as well as one who quite enjoys her alone time.

Astral Planing
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay


Are you familiar with Astral Planing? What is Astral Planing?

The astral plane is the realm of dreams and spirits. When we astral plane, we are taken to a level beyond the physical where we live here on earth. Astral Planing is the vehicle method we use to visit an intermediate world of light between heaven and earth. Those who have astral traveled say when in the astral, they can feel they are in the present, along with all their senses. People often experience this during illness or if they’re involved in a near death experience, if not practiced intentionally.

Astral planing is a spiritual journey of the out of body experience, known as OBE. It is like floating out of our bodies and watching our body below, not unlike what many tell us they experience in near death situations, or while in an operating room as their soul watches from above. The nature of astral traveling is we can explore another plane that does exist. It is said that approximately 10% of the population has had an OBE. So how would we know if we’ve astral planed?

Astral planning is basically, lucid dreaming. It is the separation of our spirit body from the physical body allowing us to experience the astral realm. And remember, our body is still connected by a silver cord, enabling us to return anytime. We can literally feel our conscious self, leaving our body when we start to fall asleep, that is why we sometimes feel like we’re falling. the first step to starting an astral projection.

The goal is to transcend our physical being, mentally. Our soul doesn’t actually leave our body, it’s just something people say as a way to describe astral projection.

It’s important to do our research before attempting astral projection, making sure we have a clear and pure intention because astral projection is the law of attraction for the soul, meaning that whatever we reflect will come back to us during our soul journey.

While we sleep, our subconscious is in control. The difference between unconscious astral travel when asleep and dreaming, and practiced astral projection, is by using conscious astral projection  we’re able to control where our body or soul travels, also referred to as conscious sleeping.


How to Astral Travel

Lie down or sit in a chair in a quiet place and focus solely on your deep breathing. Do this until your mind draws blank and the only sound you hear is the sound of your deep breathing, and  you’re just about to fall asleep, but still awake. Continue on with deep breaths for approximately 20 minutes when you will begin to feel a tingling or numbness within your body and you eventually lose consciousness of your physical body. Don’t panic, stay focused, and do not move or allow in any thinking, this is part of the process. Once we’ve achieved this vibrational stage, we can begin to use our willpower in one of several ways.


Vibrational Stage

Our vibrations have now been shifted to an alternate frequency, which enable us to project. We must next visualize ourselves moving – without moving, as we need to begin lifting ourselves out of our physical bodies.

We must now focus our imaginations and intentions with eyes closed and use visualization. There are various methods we can use for visualization, and as time progresses with practice, we eventually discover what works best for our focus. But one suggested method is that we close our eyes and imagine there is a rope hanging above us. Then we must reach up (with our astral bodies) and grab on to the rope, without moving any body parts.

This event takes a lot of practice, and admittedly, I still have not mastered it myself, as I have a very active imagination and have a difficult time doing deep concentration, but I’m working on it. It’s natural for us to be pulled right back into our bodies (as I have) the first few times until we get a natural handle on astral traveling. Once we master this, we will be free to journey to wherever we wish. When we’re ready to return to our bodies, all we have to do is ‘think’ it.


What will you experience in Astral Traveling?

  • We may feel as though our body is paralyzed, similar to when we sleep.
  • Some say they feel their heart rate escalate as astral traveling exerts a lot of energy.
  • Some will feel a tingling through their bodies, where others claim to feel an electricity-like vibration through them. This happens when energy points reach a synchronized resonation.
  • Others claim they begin to hear a loud buzzing noise, or a hum. Some say it’s a light buzzing sound, while others claim they feel as though they were near proximity to a jet plane.
  • Some explain they feel numbness, while others claim they feel a vibrational tingle throughout their bodies, feeling anywhere from a gentle brushing against them to a dire itchiness.
  • Some claim they feel an overwhelming blanketed feeling all around them, while some say they feel an immense pressure around their heads that doesn’t last long. Experts claim this is due to increased activity in the crown center from separation of body and spirit.
  • Another common sensation is a heated sensation through the center of the body, raising upward to the chest area. This is explained because of the amount of energy exerted to astral plane.
  • Some claim they feel either a sinking or floating sensation as they begin to separate mind and body, while others describe the feeling as one of being on a roller coaster. These occurrences are attributed to the separation of the astral body as the physical body leaves behind all the physical feelings associated with our physical form.

If we are feeling any or all of these sensations, we are on the right path to astral projection.


Are there dangers in Astral Traveling?

It’s important to learn the caveats of Astral traveling. This journey is not a dangerous one, but it is advised that we prepare properly before beginning a journey. A common fear is that someone may die while trying this. This is not true.

Others question whether or not they can get possessed by some demon entity. Keep in mind, we can only let in evil spirits if we invite them in, or if we are vibrating at a low frequency. We must be firm with any entities we may encounter while traveling.  We have only to remember to say no to them and at the same time envision our protection of white light around us as a shield. It’s also a good idea to begin the procedure by asking the higher powers to protect us on our journey.

Remember, we can’t get be separated from returning back to our physical bodies, just as we can’t get trapped in another realm against our free will.  It can sometimes feel as though we’re trapped, but we never are. We need only to focus our energies on returning to our bodies. And our ‘silver cord’ will always bring us back.

Remember, our physical world is a lot more scarier than the astral realms!


So, what is the Silver Cord?

In short, it’s a thread that connects us to our physical bodies – a link, so to speak, connecting our physical selves to our higher selves, which prevents us from getting lost in an astral realm. Some claim they can see the chord while astral traveling, and some don’t. Those who do have described it as a strand of silver tinsel, while others say it’s like a string connected to a ball of energy. However, most people say they never see the string while traveling and say it’s like a tethering energy. Regardless of whether or not we can see the cord, just know it is always there. The cord is said to only be broken once we physically die.

It is said that if we were to have an NDE (near death experience), for example, if one is having a heart attack, the soul reaches up for the silver cord and hangs on until such time the patient is revived and comes back into themselves as they are revived. If they die, the cord is cut. This is why many people claim they have looked down on themselves onto their physical bodies and have seen all that has gone on before they were revived.

The silver cord has been referred to by many religions, cults, and history books. Here is a direct quote from the bible:

“Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

Below, I’d like to share some helpful links for you to learn more about Astral Projection.

I hope I’ve enlightened you all on the Astral Projection journey. If any of you have tried this, please share your experience in comments.

Are You Familiar with Automatic Writing?

writing tips




So what is automatic writing?

The formal name for automatic writing is psychography – the ability to produce writing from the sub-conscience through divine guidance, and spiritual or supernatural source while under a calm, trance-like state. This isn’t to be misconstrued with ‘free writing’. Spirit is invited in with an unconscious mind – a gateway to our higher selves.


How to prepare for automatic writing:

First we must clear our minds. Sit in a place free from distraction. You can use meditation to obtain this calm, or whatever method most comfortable to bring ourselves into a calmed mode to enable us to receive the messaging.

Next, call on an entity – your spirit guide or an angel to to help you channel whatever it is you are focusing on in your thoughts that you hope to write answers for. You may ask, “Who is here?”

Close your eyes, breathe deep till you feel relaxed (or meditate to get there) then think about a topic or question you hope to be given divine guidance to write about. Have a note book in front of you and pen in hand. Focus on your topic, put pen to paper, and let your hand guide the pen – almost in a similar way a Ouija board works.

What do you want to write about? Maybe it’s a problem that’s been on your mind, a recurring dream you’ve been having and wanting to make some sense of, even a story-line idea you may be wanting to write about can be your focused writing intention.


Preparing for the writing: 

You should set a timer for this exercise for anywhere from 10 minutes (recommended minimum) to a half an hour. This helps with not being distracted by wondering how long you may have been writing, because with closed eyes to keep from distraction, you won’t be checking your watches.

Closing our eyes helps to keep the focus on our intent so the mind doesn’t get caught up in what is actually being written. This prevents edits or cross-outs from diverting our train of thoughts. Remember, if your mind does drift off topic, keep writing whatever it is that comes to mind – even if it’s whatever thought came to mind that threw off your original thoughts. Our minds entered this state with a clear mind, if jungled thoughts should interrupt the stream of consciousness, then perhaps that’s what was needed to be written.

After the timer goes off, relax for a few moments. You should close the session with thanking the spirit who guided your writing. Then go ahead and read what you’ve written. What you wrote may not make immediate sense and you can highlight thoughts from the writing that may potentially lead to further writing. You may not have received what you were hoping for as this process may take you a few times to get comfortable with. The object is to keep trying this method when you feel inclined, and look back on prior writings of earlier attempts to see if you find a pattern in what your writing is trying to convey to you.


Purpose – Using automatic writing to seek guidance from the soul. The channeling helps to guide us to pull from our soul. With the mind still and empty, we can focus solely on our question or topic. This exercise helps us tap into something greater than just our ‘thinking’ mind.

When Assessing what you’ve written, and haven’t yet decided on what the message was that has come through your writing, you can feel free to do this again by asking another question, now regarding what you have previously written that previously didn’t make sense to you. How do you know you’re channeling from your soul? – If your words give you clarity and a direction to continue forward with, as opposed to vague or disjointed writing, the process is working for you.

~ ~ ~

Have you ever written something in the quiet, wee hours of the night, looked at it later and wondered, ‘did I write that?’. If so, there’s a good chance you were writing from a higher state of consciousness.

Have you ever tried automatic writing? I’d love to hear in comments, some of your experiences.

*Sue Dreamwalker was gracious enough to add a link in her comment below to an older post she’d written about just one of her experiences with Automatic Writing. Please feel free to take a look at Sue’s experience HERE


The short video below will demonstrate a concise explanation on the process of automatic writing.




Earth Angels and Lightworkers


Original Post:



We are all spiritual beings of light, but not everyone is deemed a Lightworker or an Earth Angel.

Earth angels are born into the physical world to become beacons for humanity and the earth to help spread light, love and peace. Earth angels are known as evolved spiritual beings and highly evolved souls who’ve spent time in higher spiritual dimensions of love and light. They vibrate with light and were summoned to earth to serve as lightworkers.

Angel studies tell us lightworkers originate from the 7th and 9th dimensions of angelics, incarnated into physical form with an appointed mission to awaken others with life lessons and by events to help share divine truth. Being an earth angel means to be called through the soul to help others by spreading messages of compassion and kindness to help make a difference on earth. You can also note that just because someone is an earth angel, doesn’t necessarily mean they are without faults of their own or that they grow actual angel wings. Earth angels still experience the same ups and downs in life as every other human.

Earth angels are helpers in the living world with a past history of helping and healing in a previous life and their gifts are used to raise vibrations of humanity. Many earth angels who are aware of their gifts were chosen to spread goodness during this sweeping period of change and growth, and to help deflect negativity by sharing alternatives to hopelessness and indifference. Earth angels are here in this transitional time to assist the world of merging eras, and to help bring mother earth and humanity into a higher vibrational place of love and peace through loving energy.

If you can answer ‘yes’ to most of these questions below, you may consider yourself an earth angel:

  • You are always willing to help others with ideas, solutions and support
  • You are one who seeks to better situations
  • You often aren’t comfortable with asking for help for yourself
  • Your senses  are always tuned into high vibrational energy
  • You have the ability to lift other’s spirits
  • You always look for the good, even when it’s difficult to envision
  • You are gifted in the arts, writing or healing
  • You feel other people’s pain and are empathetic to those who suffer
  • You often attract needy people
  • You abhor confrontation
  • You sometimes struggle to remain grounded (angels don’t stand on their feet, they float)
  • You aren’t selfishly competitive and always wish others well in their endeavors
  • You are sensitive to energies
  • You often feel alienated from those who don’t understand you
  • You may feel overwhelmed in crowds because of too much energy emitted
  • You grew up feeling you could never relate to your immediate family, or that you were sent to an emotionally distant and dysfunctional family to teach them life lessons
  • People you’ve met briefly feel an openness to confide in you
  • You are a born teacher
  • You uplift others
  • You often feel like a lone wolf
  • Others often seek your guidance
  • You’ve had a difficult childhood
  • You abhor discord and can’t tolerate violence
  • You’re naturally intuitive

If you can answer yes to most of the above questions and strive to: enlighten others, often find yourself wondering why you were put on earth or feeling that you aren’t living  in a place where your heart longs to be, you believe in magic, and allow your intuition to guide you, you can most definitely consider yourself a lightworker or earth angel.

I know for certain I am an earth angel, not only because I can tick off all of the above, but because I possess the sense of knowing. And it’s all been confirmed to me through the years and various past life readings. Are you an earth angel?





Selenite is part of the quartz family, a crystalized form of gypsum, often referred to as ‘liquid light’. Selenite has the ability to open our crown, third eye and higher chakras, making it an excellent tool to use with any spiritual cleansing.

Selenite is found in quite a few countries such as: Greece, Mexico. and the U.S.A.. It is associated with the moon’s lunar cycles, originally named for the Greek Goddess Selene.



Selenite is known for its connection with our third eye chakra. Light energy radiates through this stone, promoting honesty and purity, forcing the holder of the stone to become open and receiving, thus helping with clearing energy blocks by allowing energy fluidity to promote raised awareness. Selenite is a wonderful divination tool for connecting with spirit guides and guardian angels. Wearing Selenite jewelry is helpful to ward off receiving negative energies and keeps the energy sucking vampires from stealing our energy.



A good piece of Selenite to use for clearing is in the form of a wand. Wands typically are about 6 to 8 inches long. The wand has more than one use. You can create a space for yourself where you like to spend time and place the wand along side any other tumbled crystals you have that you feel empowers you in a dish or a bowl and keep them near to keep good energy in the room. The wand will keep your other stones charged at the same time because Selenite is a self-cleansing stone and has the energy to cleanse other stones. Therefore, you wouldn’t have to keep cleansing your stones after taking in negative energies if the Selenite were on top of the other stones.

You can use the wand to help with meditation. Make sure one end points toward your crown chakra and the other to the root chakra (vertically), then begin your chosen mantra.

One of the best uses for this wand is for removing negative energies on your person by holding the wand and circling it around your body from head to toe. Again, hold the wand vertically and begin by circling around the top of your head and continuing downwards the length of your body down to the feet. This is known as brushing because the energy cleansing wand picks off the negativity energy that has clung to us, almost like a lint brush.

You can purchase Selenite in many forms. Some common forms are in chunks, long bars and smaller stones. Some people like to keep chunks of Selenite in some corners of a room to keep good energy or place smaller pieces on window sills. Keeping a piece under your bed is said to promote better sleep and recharge yourself.



Selenite is known as a self-cleansing stone, and has the power of cleansing other stones when Selenite is placed upon or beside them. But, like anything else, it still doesn’t hurt to cleanse your Selenite stones once in awhile if you wish, especially if you’ve been using it a lot to clear. There are two ways to cleanse Selenite. You can light a sage smudgestick and wave it over the stone or you can cleanse it like you would any other stone by leaving it on a window sill for a day to recharge by sun and moonlight. But never use another common method that is effective for many other stones by using water. Selenite is a porous stone and it must be kept away from water.

In conclusion, you can choose to place a piece of Selenite wherever you feel you need to keep good energy flowing. Below I’ve included a great short video from the Energy Muse, which will give you a good idea of what Selenite looks like and how to use it to clear negative energy.


How to Use Selenite


More about Selenite uses and origins:

Mercury Retrograde




Mercury retrograde has sucked out every last ounce of my patience. Every day since the first week of November the planets have been doing a dance, particularly with technology and communications – make that miscommunications!  Nothing has gone smoothly:  important emails were lost, some of my Christmas online orders were lost, phone communications misinterpreted, and computer and techno issues abound. Thank goodness I have no travel plans till just after the madness ends Christmas Eve! Certainly, I can’t be the only one enduring this madness?

On November 16th, Mercury went into its 3rd and most powerful retrograde of the year in the fire sign of Sagittarius. The ‘pre’ retrograde began approximately 2 weeks before when things began going wonky. This phase will end on December 7th, but don’t be fooled, it will linger until the tail end has vanished by Christmas Eve. Everyone will be affected by this retrograde, but most prominent signs to feel the affliction will be, Gemini (oh yay my sign), Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces.

In case some of you aren’t familiar with Mercury retrograde, this is how it works. …… Nobody goes unscathed whether aware of the syndrome or not, only that you may be questioning many things and asking WTF?


What is Mercury Retrograde?

The planet Mercury goes into retrograde 3 to 4 times a year. In 2018 it retrograded 3 times. While in retrograde Mercury ‘appears’ to move in an opposite direction to earth. The planets run from west to east, circling the sun, but when Mercury turns, appearing to go east to west, this transition is called Mercury retrograde. Since Mercury travels faster than earth, it frequently catches up and passes earth, occurring 3 – 4 times a year. One year on planet Mercury is shorter than one year on earth, the equivalent of 88 earth days compared to earth’s complete solar loop of 365 days.

While Mercury goes into retrograde, it will feel as though the planets are moving backwards, but in fact they are not. Mercury travels around the sun quite quickly from west to east, and around every 4 months it passes us here on earth in its orbit, making it look as though it’s moved from east to west, but that in fact is an optical illusion.


How does Mercury Retrograde affect us?

Retrogrades are notoriously similar to Murphy’s Law – Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. This is a time where communications go awry, energetic forces overpower the norm, causing havoc for such things as, email and website snafus, delayed and cancelled flights, sensitivities are heightened, making many things happening feel ‘hyper-real’, among just some of the unpredictabilities. Mercury also rules other industries such as publishing, writing, editing, advertising, sales, public relations and all things related to transport, like airlines, the post office and pretty much, all modes of transportation!  Anything involving technical, you can expect mishaps. Our patience is being tested, and heated words have a propensity to take place within friendships and relationships. Typically, retrogrades are not a good time to start new ventures, seal new business deals, and lest I mention, political issues are escalated.

This past year in particular, the 3 retrogrades that have passed were powerful and stinging for many. This has been a year of transformation and change for many as the ‘clutter’ is brushed away with all these sweeping retrogrades, finally allowing us to breathe better and smile more in 2019.


What can we do to get through this retrograde with minimal collateral damage?

Since Mercury rules communications, affecting travel, contracts and most things technological, I suggest allowing lots of extra time if you must travel in this period as well as its shadow periods which typically begin 2 weeks before the retrograde and linger 2 weeks after as it wanes. I also recommend avoiding committing to signing any important contracts at these times and waiting for the retrograde to pass before finalizing any decisions regarding contracts. Plan ahead!  If you’re working on a special project just before the retrograde begins, try and sew it up before or be prepared to encounter several glitches along the way.

Mercury retrograde is a good time to slow down, take notice of your surroundings and the people and circumstances in your life. It’s a great time to reflect for changes you need to make in your life, but again, don’t plan on making any drastic changes until the phase has passed. Pay attention to the signs the retrograde is passing through because often, if your sun or moon sign is involved in a particular retrograde you can expect everything much more intensified in your life.




Read the fine print!

Don’t purchase expensive electronics as you can expect the unexpected with glitches or flaws, but if you can’t resist, just make sure you triple check warranties and service agreements

  • Backup your computers!
  • Don’t make life-changing decisions
  • Double check your reservations and scheduled travel times if you must travel in these retrograde periods
  • Take things slow
  • Mind your words when feelings are heightened
  • Despite not being the best time to start new projects, retrogrades can be a good time to tie up loose ends and projects
  • And last of all, try hard to maintain a sense of humor about everything and don’t forget to breathe!

Cutting Cords with Archangels




We must practice the art of cutting these cords, and to help with the releasing of these cords, we look to Archangels Michael and Raphael. The energy cords we’re most linked with are people in our close circles, and almost always, family. These same cords also connect us to profound events in our lives that remain in the back of our sub-conscience – some good, some bad. And it’s those unhealthy attachments we want to eliminate.

All the negativity we carry because of unhealthy chords that bind us should be cleared from within every once in awhile, just as we clean ourselves and our homes. If you find yourself continuously carrying bad feelings, reliving unpleasant events of unfavorable conditions or energies from someone close to you taking up too much residence in your head leaving you feeling unsettled within, it’s probably time to begin cutting cords.

There are various methods we can use to cut the cords that weigh us down, but the first step is to relax, do some deep breathing, and meditate for a few minutes to bring on the calm. Then we are ready to call on Archangel Michael to assist us by  closing our eyes and concentrating and asking Archangel Michael, to please remove the cords that bind me.

It’s also important to recognize where you’re energy is draining you to specify the cords you want severed. Again, you can ask Archangel Michael to help open up your awareness and to help find the draining cords. Then follow the cord(s) in your mind’s eye beginning from the top of our head, leading to the heart, and feel by visualizing, Michael’s power of white light by whatever means works best. Keep the visual of white light around you to stay grounded. Whether by laser of light or by visualizing Michael holding a handheld vacuum penetrating through your head right down to your feet, visualize the cutting and evacuation of these cords. When you feel the cords have been released, ask for Archangel Raphael (the healer) to seal the open wound from the cord removal by replacing with thoughts of joy and love in your heart. By severing these cords, it makes room for peace and clarity.

Our angels are always with us but they will never impose themselves in our lives unless invited to. This is known as free will. We need only ask for their assistance and keep an open heart when summoning.

Below is an example of what you can say. Don’t get all caught up on wondering if you’ve used the right words – speak from the heart. You may use any variation of calling your angels you feel most comfortable with. Just remember to close off the wound after the cord cutting.


Archangel Michael, please pull on the roots of the cords connecting me to (name or situation) by using your light and sword. Release the roots and cord to divine light. Now envision a shower of divine light all around you and the person you’ve just cut the cord from to send off the negative energy. Then you can ask Raphael to seal the wound, which should leave you feeling more centered, balanced and lighter within.



You can always call on your angels to ask for help.

Keep track of your feelings before and after cutting cords.

You can always hold or surround yourself with your favorite grounding stone while doing this.

Smudging yourself and/or surroundings after a cord cutting session helps to remove the negativity after the cord removal.

I found this helpful video to give you an idea how to perform the cord cutting.



Empathic Shielding and Energy Clearing



As empaths we absorb thoughts, feelings, and emotions of others. We are highly sensitive to energies, people, places, and nature.

For those of us who are empaths and often find ourselves being caught up in people’s orbits who constantly lean to us when their life is in turmoil, just know there is help for us to shield ourselves from being drained by low energies, we have only to learn how to use these tools.

The difference between being empathetic and being an empath is empathetic people feel for someone’s unhappy situation whereas an empath actually takes in the vibes of someone, almost like a sponge absorbing feelings, regardless of the emotion they are giving off whether happy, sad, angry etc.

When we’re around negative people giving off their vibes and toxic energy there are a few things we can do to repel those energies from penetrating into our own emotions.

How can we avoid attracting these negative energies when we’re empaths who tend to attract too many feelings? Only what we allow ourselves to give our power to is what can affect us. What permits other’s energy to enter us is when we sympathize with them, leaving us feeling compelled to help. We as empaths, have a dire need to fix people, creating a bond between us and the person in need. We absorb their need for help and that energy stays within us, depleting our own positive energy.

A good head start to avoiding energy draining is to stay protected by first paying attention to our senses. If we begin to feel sensory overload from toxic energy, we must train ourselves to create a mental shield for protection. Besides learning how to shield, it’s important to learn to recognize whose energies around us are stealing our good energy and learning how to keep those people out of our spaces. To limit the amount of people who steal our energy, we must learn to practice avoiding such people. But there will always be times when people will enter our orbit and we may not be able to avoid them, and in those times, it’s time to turn on the shielding.



In order to stay grounded and not enable bad energies to seep into our psyches we must first ground ourselves and set intention. By setting intention we first focus on our desire to shield and sending good vibes out to the universe. Often, setting these intentions will drive vibrations, sometimes making the negative person wanting to leave your presence, not wanting the good you project, but we won’t always get that lucky so we must learn how to deflect.

Picture yourself centered surrounded by pink light. Close your eyes and visualize yourself being poured over with pink light from above your head right down all around you, down through your feet, finishing and sealing yourself in with the light going just below the ground. This ensures you are completely sealed as though you are in a bubble. It may help to envision liquid pink bubbles of light being poured over your head and protecting you like a big round soap bubble. Pink light is ethereal and provides a semi-permeable shield, meaning while it repels negative energies it can still allow your good vibes and loving energy to flow out of it becoming a filter of sorts.

The beauty of shielding is that it can be done anywhere, and nobody has to know what you’re doing.  You can be out in public, at somebody’s home or halfway around the world and you have this ability to use it anywhere. You can also use the shielding in your own home when you’re feeling overwhelmed from a guest in your home or from negative energies which may have been left behind after someone left or even if you’re watching TV and listening to negative news.

At home, you can also use objects to keep your work or living space clean from negative energies by setting up an area you like to spend time in with plants (energy absorbers), negative energy repelling crystals and protective stones, and objects symbolic to you such as: Buddhas or angels or any other meaningful items you desire to provide psychological shielding. If you find you are often drawing in negative energies, keeping protective crystals on your person, in your pocket, purse or under your pillow help to deflect negative energy.

Do keep in mind that you don’t have to wait till you feel like you’re in the midst of toxic energy to begin shielding. You can practice shielding at home and do it as a once a week precaution. Take a good minute to prepare your intention and clear you mind and spend a few more minutes envisioning the shield you cast around yourself and focusing on positive messages.




Journaling – As a writer, I’m going to add, don’t underestimate the power of journaling. It’s another method of getting what bothers you out of your conscience and sent out into the universe.

Smudging – Burning sage is an age-old secret for dissipating negative energies. Scientific studies have been done on sage for disinfecting air and claim that up to 94% of airborne bacteria can be eliminated by burning sage because burnt sage releases negative ions. It’s no surprise the Latin name for sage is ‘salvia’ which is derived from the word ‘healing’.




Meditation – This can help you prepare for mental shielding. Entering a calm state first will help you perform your shielding, making the practice more effective.




Ask for protection – Don’t be shy or afraid to ever ask Archangel Michael – our protector angel, to shield you with his purple light when you feel you need immediate shielding. Whether you are aware of your protective angels or not, we all have angels around us. Archangels are unlimited in their abilities to be there for anyone who calls on them. All you need to do is ask, Please surround me with your protective shield now Archangel Michael.


The above is an in-depth article on tools to clear bad energy, but this video is a great instructional for beginners:

In conclusion, learn how to set boundaries to keep negative people out of your circles. I know well from experience that is not always possible, but I’ve come a long way learning to dodge situations when my radar detects negative energies. Like anything else in life, we must train ourselves to become aware of our feelings and the energies that surround us to learn to avoid energy suckers. In those instances when we do find ourselves trapped in a situation with a negative or toxic person, practice your shielding.

Learning to Trust Your Intuition


Learning to trust your intuition




All of us have been in these predicaments at various times in our lives. And I’m sure many of us tend to wave off our worries, sometimes allowing the chips to fall where they may because we’re just too afraid to make an executive decision. But often, letting the chips fall where they may because of self-doubt will lead to a negative outcome. So how can we help ourselves become more assertive when it comes to making a decision about things we don’t really want to think about but aren’t going away? We must take a step outside of our worries and delve into the elements of our dilemmas looking at them from a different perspective.

Sometimes removing ourselves from the equation helps us take a better look at facts objectively, and this will help immensely. Nobody ever made great decisions while under duress, and by distancing ourselves from our own inner turmoil will aid in giving us a little breathing room, which in turn helps us to use better logic rather than feeling pressured by staying stagnant in the worry vacuum. When we aren’t consumed with constant worry and we take a breather, we allow our minds to calm and can feel and receive our intuitive messages better while not remaining situated in the immediate inner conflict.

Another way to help us assess our inner feelings is by journaling. Yes, it works! By allowing all our thoughts and concerns to pour out on paper not only relieves the pressure out of our heads, but when reading it back to ourselves we can systemically point out to ourselves precisely what is eating us, and sometimes even find our answers through our own words for resolutions.

Did you know that the gut and the brain have a direct relation to stress and worry? It’s not a myth that emotions we experience are linked to the stomach – hence, that butterfly feeling we get in our stomachs when we feel scared, worried, or excited. These are good indicators of the ‘gut instincts’ we receive when something is off or in contrast, when something feels great. When things are feeling off it’s a warning sign to investigate our feelings to help us decide whether they are temporary moments or warning signals.

When we have two voices in our heads battling each other, sending off warning alerts, we must distinguish between the alarm bell ringing within and our resistance to pay it no mind, blaming our ‘overactive’ panic. So, here’s what we can do to help us figure out what to do when our instincts are shouting out to us:

Keep track of the feelings and messages we receive from within in a journal. List our pros and cons of our dilemmas and possible resolutions.

If we’re focused on one particular issue that won’t go away and we repeatedly begin seeing number sequences, these can be reminder messages or confirmations that resolutions we are contemplating are on the right track.

Pay attention to vivid dreams that often portend messages. And have that journal handy to write down what stands out to us from those dreams.

If you feel unsafe in a certain situation, don’t second-guess your feelings, listen to them.

Speak with a close friend or family member who is familiar with our situation to receive feedback on their views. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are correct with their opinions, but mulling things over with someone else can bring in a different perspective by shedding some light on ideas we may not have thought of ourselves.

Learn to trust and tune into our intuition. And if we aren’t familiar with paying attention to the warning signals our body sends us from within, we can learn how to tune in better by reading books on the topic, watching a few Youtube videos, or joining groups which we can mingle with like-minded people who have more experience to share with us.

Below are some links and books to get you started:


How the stomach works like a warning system:


Learning to trust your intuition:


4 Gut instincts to never ignore:


Below, I’m recommending two good books on learning how to listen to your intuition to get you started by Lynn A. Robinson, international expert on the topic of intuition –



If any of you have any great recommendations to watch or read on the topic of developing your intuition, please share in comments.



Meeting People for Reasons and Seasons

reasons and seasons


Often, times we reflect back on our life relationships and catch ourselves wondering ‘whatever happened to so and so?’. Sometimes we remember why those people have exited our lives, and other times we can go back and analyze these relationships, looking back on what the significance was that person played in our lives. I refer to these short-term relationships as seasonal relationships for reasons – blessings and lessons.

These people who come into our lives for brief stints appear for reasons, and because they don’t remain in our lives indefinitely, they are classified as seasonal.

The universe has a way of knowing what we need in our lives at different times. There’s a popular phrase – What we focus on, we attract. For example, if we are focusing our attentions on something we wish for, we will eventually meet people who may possibly introduce us to avenues that we are focusing our attentions on. Similarly, if we focus on negative things, we may also be introduced to people who come into our lives who can teach us lessons.

We don’t meet people by accident, rather we encounter those who are meant to cross our paths. We either have something to be learned from everyone who comes into our lives or something to teach them. We may not realize initially, that some people we befriend are only meant to come into our lives for a specific amount of time before they fade out of our lives or are evicted from our lives. Those relationships weren’t meant to exist for a lifetime, but merely for a designated amount of time to teach us something. Everything in life is pre-destined so the time limits spent with these messengers who come into our lives depends on the needs we’ve met.

Even people we’ve met who we don’t desire to have in our lives have something to teach us. Perhaps we may meet someone who constantly tests our patience or maybe we’ve had some unfinished business from a past life and the universe sends us someone who has something to learn from us. These people we meet may come into our lives to enlighten, encourage, motivate or remind us at a time we’re in need and although they may not stay long, their invaluable lessons will remain.

In other instances, some people come into our lives to ‘hold space’ so to speak. An example of this could be if we’re pining to meet someone to have a fulfilling relationship with and we end up in a short-term and failed relationship with a ‘fill-in’ until the right person comes along. We may feel deflated from such a relationship because they ‘wasted’ our precious time. But never feel like the time has been wasted. Instead, look for things you learned from the time in that relationship. Perhaps you chose to enter that relationship because you were so happy to finally get in a relationship. Was that person dishonest, were they abusive, did they add any value to our life? Even if the answers to those questions were negative, we learned what we don’t want in a relationship, and that will better prepare us for the next one and the one that’s meant to be.

We can meet people anywhere – a store, a party, a bus stop, online or by introduction from a common friend. We might get lucky and make a lifelong friendship, or perhaps enter a new romantic relationship with that person. But whatever the ‘reason’ we met and regardless if they are short or long-term relationships, there is always something of value to learn from them.

We attract what we allow and focus on, even in our sub-conscience. So next time we find ourselves questioning why someone entered our life for a short time, look deeper into what we learned from that experience.

The following video I found elaborates on the points I’ve mentioned above.




Signs Your Angels are Around



Signs the Angels are visiting or leaving you a message

Have you ever found a feather randomly on the ground as you were walking somewhere? Have you found a coin on the ground? Ever looked up at the sky and found a distinct pattern in the clouds that resembled something of significance to you? These are all forms of communication from angels leaving subtle messages for you. Often they appear at opportune times in our lives when we may feel sad or troubled and the angels want us to know they are around and there for us.

Whether we believe in angels or not, we all have our own guardian angels.  We have only to get to know them. There are oodles of books available about angels and I would highly recommend reading Doreen Virtue’s books for a great introduction to angels and beyond. And if you’re just looking for some uplifting messages, check out our sister angel, Annette’s book on Angel Messages.


9 Things an Empath Will Hide From You

The Face of Empathy




Some people misconstrue the definitions of empathy and sympathy. Below are the definitions of these two words explained from Meriam Webster’s


Spell Syllables


the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing
 of the feelings, thoughts,
or attitudes of one another.


the imaginative ascribing to an object, as natural object or work
 of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself.
(By means of empathy, a great painting becomes a mirror of the self.)




Spell Syllables
nounplural sympathies.

1. harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another.

2. the harmony of feeling naturally existing between persons of like

 tastes or opinion or of congenial dispositions.

3. the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another, especially in

 sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling, compassion, or commiseration.


You’ve probably heard the word empath thrown around carelessly and perhaps thought it had something to do to with clairvoyance or psychic abilities. You might have even thought it was a gift of some sort and that empaths were few and hard to find.

You’re wrong. Empaths live among us daily. They are the friends who can’t watch a movie that contains violent scenes, she is the shy friend who somehow always makes you feel better when you talk to her, she is the rest caring nurse who took care of you in the hospital, she is your annoying little sister who always hovering around and trying to take care of you.

Empaths are people who have a great amount of compassion and care and have the ability to feel the pain of others as though it were theirs. They are also known by their immeasurable amount of love and care.

With all of these responsibility placed on empaths by their gifts, they easily get tired and are vulnerable to selfish psychopathic people who drain them more and more till there’s nothing left.


1. Sensitivity

Empaths have this uncanny way of drawing out negative feelings and replacing them with happy light-hearted feelings sometimes without the person knowing. They just realize that they feel better about what’s going on in their lives. They also know how to help people get past their negative feelings about themselves and making them feel good about themselves. So, if you have that one friend who always manages to make you feel better, now you know why.

2. Absorbs Emotions

One of the greatest abilities that an Empath has is the ability to listen to other people. They have this serene aura about them that makes you keep talking to them while they listen to you. There also exists this pull we have to tell them about our deepest worries.
They don’t just keep looking like they understand, they actually do listen, to your words, your nonverbal cues, and even your unspoken words. They really do listen and most times what we need is a listening ear and empaths are always there. . . . Continue Reading 


Signs your Angels are Connecting



Can you feel when your angels are around you? Do you know the signs when angels are communicating with you?

Angels are spiritual beings, they are not ghosts, but benevolent celestial beings who interact between God or heaven and earth. They are God’s creations as messengers, and therefore, they have not evolved from once human form.

Angels are always around us whether we believe in them or not, whether we are aware of them or not. Angels will never impose on our Free Will, so if you wish to talk to or ask something of your angels, all you have to do is speak to them either verbally out loud or silently within your mind. They can hear us and if we are tuned in with them, they will often show up in some form when we need them.

How Will We Know Our Angels are Around?

There are often signs that an angel or a lost loved one is visiting or has left a message. These signs can be anything from feeling an unexpected temperature change around you, a familiar scent that comes about that has no relevance to the natural scent in your particular surroundings, finding a white feather on your path, through dreams, something falling off a shelf for no particular reason, or even angels appearing as a human form, taken as a complete stranger, and music – that certain song that will play on the radio in a particular moment you may be thinking about someone you relate that song with.

Most people have one sense that is more prominent than another when it comes to sensing the presence of angels. Some people actually see visions of angels. I have never had the honor to see one of these presences, but I do have other senses that pick up on energies. For me. it’s by scent and by touch. I have had two people I loved very much, now in heaven, come to visit me on several occasions, my father and my Aunty Sherry. When they visit me I can smell the room being taken over by the scent of my aunt’s perfume or the smell of a smoke-filled room with the scent of my father’s favorite cigarette brand. It’s uncanny and sometimes not easy to explain to others but it’s true.

I also can feel my body go cold and sometimes shiver when I sense a presence around me. I’ve been physically touched by spirits, and I also receive messages through my intuition, especially if something bad is going to happen, it’s like a warning sign that comes over me in the pit of my stomach – a feeling of doom. I’ve also received messages in my dreams that I make note of to try and analyze what the message portends.

Anyone can tune into their angels by tuning into themselves. You must keep an open mind and heart and be ready and willing to receive.

Watch this video and learn about the myriad of ways angels communicate with us. There are many signs used to attract our attention such as: Music, numbers, feathers, coins, clouds, butterflies, birds, sparks of light and more! Later on in my angel series we will get more specific about some of these many methods of communication, but for now, check out this video for a little taster on the many means angels use to communicate with us.




I have two dream catchers, one each hangs off of mine and my husband’s lampshade in our bedroom. When I first saw one and was fascinated at what the purpose of a dream catcher was and wondered how it worked, I thought they were pretty but wasn’t sure what to do with them.

Dream catchers were originally created by the American Indians, notably the Lakota and the Ojibwe. They are constructed as a hoop with netting and have feathers and beads hanging from below the hoop – sometimes referred to as sacred hoops. According to native history, a native ‘Spider woman’ created the dream catcher as a spiritual protector for her people when they migrated away from their land. They are also known as talismans to protect people from bad dreams when they sleep.


Dream catchers are traditionally hung above a bed where the morning sun can shine its light on it. Good dreams are said to pass through the web and slide down to the feathers for peaceful sleep, whereas nightmares are said to get caught in the netted web and evaporate by the burning of the morning’s sunlight shining on it.

Here’s a few links where you can read more about this powerful talisman.

Empaths and Energy Sucking Vampires

energy suckers


It should be no big surprise that empaths attract energy sucking vampires and narcissists, who are often associated as energy sucking vampires as well. Empaths absorb the emotions of others, are sensitive to other’s energies, and often are like human lie detectors. As an empath myself, I often refer to myself as a ‘soul reader’.

A soul reader is a highly intuned empath who has the uncanny ability to read between the lines when people speak – or don’t speak. We can see the invisible mask. we can hear the words that are unspoken, we know what goodness or mal-intentions are held secretly when we hear their words and the words omitted.

Empaths often attract people with problems because of their sympathetic natures, but are also an open target for energy vampires and narcissists because of their open vulnerability to receive energies – good and bad. Empaths often hide their own problems and have an overwhelming want to try and solve problems for others. Weaker and troubled souls are often attracted to empaths because an empath’s personalities give off the energy that they are compassionate and open to receive. Narcissists especially love to gravitate to empaths because they are easy targets to manipulate with the empath’s open to receive nature.

Energy sucking vampires are often deeply wounded individuals who have been hurt in their own or past lives. They may have been beaten or bullied themselves and wish to project same onto others. They may have grown up in abusive families. They have somehow been unempowered somewhere in their lives, which can instill a sense of entitlement as a sense of compensation for something they didn’t receive when they were younger, or worse, because of mental or physical abuse or neglect they experienced at some point in their lives – unresolved childhood pain. Often these people cannot see the light so they create scenarios where they must put themselves in the light to feel empowered.

Narcissists often adopt behaviors that will help them gain favor from people. They lack compassion, remorse and refuse to acknowledge or admit the errors of their ways. Sadly, positive psychology won’t heal a narcissist or an energy sucking vampire.  Empaths must learn how vampires operate and help themselves because vampires don’t change. An empath’s biggest struggle is to learn ‘no contact’ with such individuals. Many empaths have had a vampire parent. I most certainly can say I did. I grew up with a narcissistic, energy sucking vampire, known as my mother.

It took me over 50 years to learn how to deal with my own mother. It was painful to be around her, and even as a young child I knew instinctively something wasn’t right with her. I anlayzed her for 50 years before I figured out why out of 4 children she sucked the most from me and preyed on my emotions and compassion – because she knew how vulnerable I was to emotions, knew she could manipulate me with guilt, and knew how much I feared her to stray. But I finally put it all together, and after years of literally feeling as though my insides were being torn out and twisted by my mother’s reign, I did the hardest thing I ever had to do, despite how sad I felt to abandon her. I walked away. I stopped lowering my vibrations to her level to continually appease her. Being addicted to rescuing others is dangerous to our health.


  • We need to use positive affirmations. You know the saying – you are what you think or feel? When we’re subjected to negative energies we feel low and vulnerable. It’s just as easy to feel energy and empowerment by saying positive things to ourselves.
  • Stand in the light. By standing in light we don’t get trapped in an energy sucker’s sufferings if we set boundaries.
  • Practice self-love. Feelings that are acknowledged become the energy that flows within us. Even negative feelings should be acknowledged by thanking those feelings and let them know we are sorry for their pain.
  • Self-love doesn’t take away anything from others, but boosts our own energy banks.
  • And most importantly, BE THE LIGHT. Vampires can’t tolerate being in the light!


There are several types of empaths from emotional, physical, telepathic, claircognizant, geomantic, medium, and more. If you are curious to learn about these various types of empaths, either for your own curiosity or to help discover which type of empath you may be, please watch the video below.

Decoding the Numbers

angel numbers


Are you noticing patterns of sequence numbers around you? When you look at the clock are you regularly seeing sequence numbers such as 1:11, 11:11, 2:22, etc.? Are you seeing these sequences around you in public places, license plates, ads, or anywhere else they may be trying to get your attention?  These are divine sequence numbers where the angels are sending you messages, trying to get your attention, and all these numbers have numerological and vibrational meanings. These numbers that continue to show up around us are messages, letting us know something divine or magical is in the works so make note of these numbers. Different numbers indicate different meanings.

Angels don’t barge into our lives to tell us things, they have their own way of letting us know things. Angels are bound by the laws of God and exist in a higher vibrational frequency than humans. They don’t invade our space unless we request their help or presence. It’s up to us to become aware of their messages and learn how to interpret them. But they can send us hints to beware of, and using number sequences is one of the methods they use to gain our attention – something like a nudge from an unforeseen force. So the angels communicate with us through our minds, often through repetitive numbers that will occur frequent enough to call our attention to them.

For example, you may have noticed your last glance at the clock when heading to bed may have shown 11:11. You may have woken up for a bathroom break and looked at the clock to find it showing 1:11. The next day you might have purchased something with a receipt showing $11.11. You get my drift? This sequence may show up for a day or a few until it grabs your attention, making you curious enough to look up the meaning.



Let’s take 1:11 or 11:11 for example, it’s usually a wake-up call reminding us to take notice of what’s happening right now in our life – an indicator we are on the right path. Have a look at the video below for this number combination then click on the sources I’ve chosen to share below, which will give you more in-depth meanings for numerous number combinations.

More numbers decoded. A little longer video, but many more combination numbers are explained:

Source: More decoding the numbers

Source: Find out what sequence number combinations mean here: