We are The World Blogfest #WATWB – What is Gratitude? Linky signup

We are the World Blogfest


I am honored to be part of this group, #WATWB – We are the World Blogfest, and today’s post is my contribution to share kindness and positive messages instead of dwelling on some the negativity and woes of the world and to remind us about how to feel inspired and grateful.


Gratitude comes in many forms and is observed by many in different manners. Most often, gratitude finds its way into our daily lives by some of the little things we may not have taken notice of until such a situation presents itself. For example – a near miss of escaping an accident or mishap, which prompts us to acknowledge gratitude instinctively when we blurt out, “Thank goodness I  escaped that”, or perhaps we’ll exclaim a few words of gratitude if somebody compliments us or our work and we reply with a “thank you'”in acknowledgement as we are gratified with the praise.


But what about gratitude for the every day miracles we receive? Many times in life, these overlooked gifts life gives us are often taken for granted. In a world where much instability and chaos exists for some of us, we tend to react sharply when we learn of something unpleasant or unjust, without hesitation, voicing our opinions on distress, hurt or anger. But how would it be if we flipped that around and gave praise for the hidden miracles in life we receive daily? This wouldn’t only spread around some positive energy universally, but remind ourselves about the wonderful tender mercies we have received in our daily lives that we sometimes forget to recognize.


  • Did you wake up today?

  • Did you eat today?

  • Do you have a roof over your head?

  • Can you walk?

  • Are there loved ones who care about you?

  • Are you doing what makes you happy?

  • Do you live in a democratic society?

  • Can you name one nice thing somebody did for you today?

  • Are you in good health?

We may not be able to answer yes to every question, but certainly there’s something in that list for everyone to be grateful for.


Often these fundamental parts of life are overlooked because we expect them to just be part of our daily life until something goes awry do we notice how detrimental and life-altering we can find ourselves without any one of these components of life that fulfill us and give us quality life. This is why I’m reminding us all to take a moment every day to acknowledge gratitude for the abundance we have in our lives. It doesn’t matter how we do it, just that we do it. We can thank our maker, thank a loved one, do or say something kind to someone, write an inspirational quote or blog post, whatever stimulates our positive vibe and makes us and others feel good is gratitude acknowledged.


We can’t always change the world or circumstances within it, but dwelling on the negative only breeds more of the same. With that said, if we chose to dwell on the positive things in life instead, we could breed more of that into the universe. And the universe is always grateful for all things positive sent its way.


This post is written for #WATWB – Please feel free to add your gratitude below in comments and if I’ve inspired you to want to be part of the Blogfest and you wish to contribute a positive message post, please click on the Linky addon below where you can link your positive message to share with us all.


Note: A Kindness Donation to share for all

I would just like to add a lovely gesture from Tom’s Blog – Beyond the Sphere where he has designed candles to bring us light with various shades and symbols and offers anyone to help themselves to as many candles as you wish to add to your blogs and/or sidebars. I’ve chosen this one:

share the light candle


#WATWB takes place every last Friday of each month. To be a part of this inspirational blogfest and add a post of your own, please click the Linky Tool List below to join in!

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Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

9 Ways To Avoid A Humiliating Public Failure At Your Book Signing Event | Dan Alatorre – AUTHOR


Reblog and featuring


I had to share this post from friend and author, Dan Alatorre because Dan has some excellent tips here for authors on preparing for a book signing. Not all of us have done one live yet, and it can be quite intimidating for many of us who are used to hiding behind the screen and our books. But Dan has been getting some good experience at this, and besides informative, it’s always fun to read Dan’s advice, which always has some entertainment value because . . . well, that’s Dan!


9 Ways To Avoid A Humiliating Public Failure At Your Book Signing Event


Your humble host.
your humble host

You finally worked up the nerve to ask a real, live bookstore to have you sign books at an event!

Okay, you emailed them.

But they replied and now you have a signing event! Woo hoo!

Uh oh…

A real live event.With people.

Or worse, maybe with NO people.

I can hear your heart pounding from here. You’ve heard horror stories about signings. Nobody came. Nobody bought a book…


It can happen even if you DO plan. So what do you do? After all, for the most part you tend to be humiliation-averse.

Good thing I was here!

I have 9 tips for what you need to make your signing a hit, plus some bonus tips for before and after the event, and a few planning/social media suggestions.

The biggest thing to remember is: don’t act like getting people to the signing is solely the responsibility of the bookstore. In fact, assume they won’t get anybody there.

If you’re unknown to the masses, you can’t really expect people to line up to see you – unless.

Unless what?

Unless you follow these 9 tips. Come on, work with me.

Gleaned from my own prior blog posts,  10 Winning Strategies For Your Author Event and Should You Participate In A Book Fair? Three Points To Consider, and from “35 Ways to Make Your Next Book Signing an Event!” by Larry James, The Internet Writing Journal, January 2000

BEFORE THE EVENT – Days/weeks before

Go meet the folks hosting you. Shower and dress nice, the way you might for the event, and bring a copy of the book you want to push. This meeting is kind of an audition, even though you already got the gig. Stopping in to meet the manager/owner/person in charge, at a time that’s good for them, shows them in person how friendly you are and how well you’ll do for their store. CONTINUE READING , , .


Source: 9 Ways To Avoid A Humiliating Public Failure At Your Book Signing Event | Dan Alatorre – AUTHOR

Stevie Turner’s Review of D.G Kaye’s Memoir ‘Conflicted Hearts’. | Lit World Interviews

D.G. Kaye's books

I have been fortunate to have been on vacation for quite some time and in doing so, having more good fortune finding quite a few of my books reviewed while I’ve been away. As we all know as writers, what an honor and thrill it is to receive a wonderful review, it’s also important that we share these reviews to also give recognition to those readers who’ve taken the time to read our work and then to review it. I’d like to thank author/blogger Stevie Turner for her wonderful review of my book, Conflicted Hearts, and for sharing her review on Litworldinterviews.


Conflicted Hearts, D.G. Kaye


5 out of 5 stars!

I must write about how much I enjoyed D. G Kaye’s memoir ‘Conflicted Hearts’.  The troublesome relationship that the author has with her mother mirrors episodes in my own life, and I can empathise regarding feelings that ensue from the author wanting to stay away from the negativity of her mother’s narcissistic ways and try to carry on with her own life, but at the same time suffering an overwhelming guilt at staying away for long periods of time.

D.G Kaye is a strong-minded woman and a fearless lone traveller, who is always trying to please her mother.  However, I have found, as the author has, that some people just cannot be pleased no matter what is done to help them.  Sometimes it’s a case of standing back, taking a deep breath, and either walking away or growing a thick skin.

I admire the author’s courage in writing this memoir. Continue Reading . . .


Source: Stevie Turner’s Review of D.G Kaye’s Memoir ‘Conflicted Hearts’. | Lit World Interviews

Beautiful Arizona Sunsets, Festivals, Fairies, Psychics and Orbs

Good evening Arizona


I thought I’d share some various snapshots of beautiful sunsets I gathered.

arizona sunset

Arizona sunset

Arizona sunset

Arizona sunset

Arizona sunset

Arizona sunset

Arizona sunset


Arizona sunset


What have I been up to in Arizona?





Well, for one thing, the temperatures have climbed to unseasonably hot. They were unseasonably cool up to one day before we arrived here. Where the temps should have been hovering around the mid  60s to early 70s from late February into March and tapering off around mid 70s for most of March, February had quite a cold spell and the first few nights here we needed a jacket. That was until the first weekend in March hit and we’re currently having temps close to 95 degrees. These desert temps can sometimes hamper plans to go to certain places where we’d have to be walking around all day outside, because, well, it’s a desert!

D.G. Kaye and cousin
Me and my cousin El


One Saturday, my cousin and I went downtown to the Scottsdale Art Festival. My husband bailed because it was too hot to walk around, and truth be told, we only lasted there about two hours because of the heat, so we decided to go shopping afterward instead of hanging around outside, lol. But I did manage to snap a few interesting pictures of art made out of old golf clubs, and the price tags weren’t cheap!

Arizona golf art


Arizona golf art

Scottsdale art

Scottsdale festival


On the following Sunday we were supposed to go to another western festival up in Cavecreek, about half hour north of us, but once again it was too hot to join the crowds and watch events outside. We are attempting to reschedule for another time. When we did go up to Sedona, the weather was perfect because the temps are 20 degrees cooler up in the mountains.


So I’ve been catching rays by the pool most days, or to re-phrase, catching rays in the pool because one can only lay on a chair for a short time before having to dive in the water to escape the sizzle. Not that I’m complaining! I love the heat, I love the relaxation. I wake up early and work on blogs, write book reviews which I’ll begin posting again after my return, check social media and do a few blog post visits. At the pool I read and I’m currently beta reading a new book for an author friend. At night we go out for dinner with friends and are usually back by 8pm where I turn on the TV and read some blogs, yes, for a few hours, before passing out from the day’s heat exhaustion. So I suppose I am working here, just not working on my newest book, which will resume when I return home.


A cute story- Starbucks and Psychics


One afternoon, I was on my way to meet my cousin downtown to walk around Oldtown Scottsdale for a few hours before having dinner. As I often do on my way out, I stopped for a Starbucks latte for the trek. After meeting up with my cousin and walking around for awhile and taking some silly photos, we were approaching the  psychic’s storefront where I remembered meeting her last year and began telling my cousin a story about her and how we should consider going for a reading  In that exact moment during my conversation as we continued to walk, I brushed by a man sitting on a wooden bench, on the narrow walkway, possibly resting under the shade from the desert heat, or waiting for someone when he looked up at me with his Crocodile Dundee looking face and said, “Hi Debby, you’re looking great, do you remember me?”

I stopped in my tracks to acknowledge the man, smiled and replied, “I’m pretty darned good with faces even if I can’t remember names. How do you know me?” He was a friendly soul who continued to compliment me with his charming South Carolina accent as he informed me that’s where he is from, yet I couldn’t place him.

My cousin El and I turned to one another with a puzzled look on our faces. How could this man, Bob, know me? Was it a coincidence he said hello to me in the exact moment we were speaking about the psychic? Was I in the twilight zone?

After some small chitchat exchange between us, Bob’s wife walked out of the store he was waiting in front of. He introduced his wife Jane to us, and me and El to his wife. Bob had a great sense of humor as we had enjoyed his humor through the questioning process of asking him how he knew me, when he finally coughed up the goods. “Why I just wanted to say hi to you ‘Debby’. After all, YOUR NAME is on the Starbucks cup! I had you going for awhile, didn’t I?” Bob chuckled away with his Carolina drawl while he had us in stitches and me feeling as though I could have hit my head in a huge ‘duh’ moment for falling prey to his joke. We all chatted for a few more minutes about how we’re all enjoying our stay in Arizona, then we parted ways.


Fairies and Orbs


One other notable photo my friend Lois took of me while out for dinner was of great interest to both of us. I’d asked Lois to take a picture of me in the desert landscape nearby the restaurant up on the hill. She first took one with my phone and there seemed to be a foggy blur that appeared in front of me in the photo which was odd because the evening was quite clear. So Lois said she’d take another photo with her phone. As I stood there waiting, I kept asking her what’s taking so long, she told me there was a green dot that kept appearing in the photo, so she snapped it a few times, all had the same dot. She thought it may have been her camera acting up so she snapped a few random photos with NO green dots. After looking at the photo she took of me, I was excited to see that it was in fact an orb. No surprise there are fairies in the desert. Notice the circle shadow around the orb.

desert beauty
Taken with my phone
desert orb
Taken with friend’s phone


This is my last week in Arizona. As always, I’ll be very sad to leave, but will have next year to look forward to once again.

Do you believe in fairies and Orbs? Please feel free to share what you make of this magical photo.





Love, Fear, and Gratitude – Guest Post by Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

Reblog and featuring


A beautiful and insightful post from Tina Frisco on opening our hearts to gratitude to overcome fear and receive love – “We must keep our hearts open and act from love instead of reacting from fear . . .”


love heart


What is love? Not romantic love, but the essence of love, pure and unadulterated. Pure love lightens and enlightens. But what is it? In truth, love can’t be defined; we can only talk around it. In attempting to de-fine it, we con-fine it and thus lose it. Love simply is. And love is our true nature.

What is the opposite of love? Many would say hate. Seems logical, right? When we’re not sitting in love, expanded and with an open heart, we’re struggling to keep our heads above the quicksand of raw emotion. Truth is: the opposite of love is fear. All that isn’t love stems from fear. Love and fear are our primeval baseline emotions.

So what is this seemingly ubiquitous, all-consuming emotion we call fear? When we constrict – when our hearts close, our muscles tighten, our thoughts ricochet, our spirits dim – we sit in fear, unable or unwilling to be present to all around us. Like love, fear cannot be defined; but it can be characterized.

When the heart closes, fear is at the helm. And if we’re not careful, it will control our every thought and deed while masquerading as benign feelings. Fear is at the root of prejudice, hate, anger, grief, anxiety, depression, and all that’s not conceived of love. Continue Reading


Source: Love, Fear, and Gratitude – Guest Post by Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

Would You Join We Are the World Blogfest? #WATWB


We are the World Blogfest


I want to share a fantastic blog idea Damyanti from the Daily Write came up with. She approached me to join in this beautiful blogfest idea to help spread kindness at a time in the world where we could all use a little positivity and encouragement to uplift us and our spirits instead of getting lost in the web of some of the unpleasantries of the world that is all around us on social media. I gladly accepted to become one of the monthly co-hosts upon my return from my vacation. But in the meantime, I’d like to invite all of you to read the introduction post to this wonderful idea and offer anyone to join in, or at least share some of these posts around on social media with the hashtag #WATWB (We are the world blogfest) 

Be the change!


Please read Damyanti’s post below and continue reading at her blog.


Social media and news in recent times has been filled with hate and negativity. Just as you cannot fight darkness, only light lamps, Hate and Negativity cannot be fought. You need to bring Love and Positivity forward instead.

I bring to you the We Are the World Blogfest, along with these fabulous co-hosts:

Belinda WitzenhausenEmerald BarnesEric Lahti, Inderpreet UppalKate Powell, Lynn Hallbrooks, Mary Giese, Michelle Wallace, Peter Nena, Roshan RadhakrishnanSimon Falk, Susan Scott, Sylvia McGrath, Sylvia Stein, Chrissie ParkerCarol Walsh.

We Are the World Blogfest” seeks to promote positive news. There are many an oasis of love and light out there, stories that show compassion and the resilience of the human spirit. Sharing these stories increases our awareness of hope in our increasingly dark world.

We will link to charities supported by the co-hosts, and you could choose to donate to some of them or add links to local charities you support, so we could all chip in to a good cause if we like.

Let us flood social media with peace and love, and “In Darkness, Be Light.” The first post for We Are The World Blogfest is on the 31st March 2017.

Continue Reading . . .



Source: Would You Join We Are the World Blogfest? #WATWB

How to Write a Top Book Review – ALWAYS WRITE

Reblog and share


I’ve shared quite a few posts from Marsha Ingrao in the past because Marsha is aces when it comes to publishing posts about helpful tips for bloggers – from using images, to WordPress how to, Marsha does her research and happily shares her findings on her most entertaining and informative blog Marshajustwrites.com – Always Write.

Today’s post is a reblog of Marsha’s post with detailed descriptions on how to write a proper review for books.




After five years of writing reviews, I’ve learned about what it takes to write a top book review. I get compliments, but my ratings on Amazon still underwhelm me. Nobody is grading you, so look at what other readers wrote. You are not going to plagiarize just by looking! However, it is not cheating to let Amazon help you write a great review. Other reviewers often offer insights you miss.



In my first years of reviewing, I thought the little Amazon box that says title meant to write in the title of the book. Every time I saw that box, I thought, “What a dumb box, the title is obvious, but oh well,” and I’d type in the book title. I looked at other people’s reviews. I never noticed that their titles read “Five Stars,” “Loved It” “Author’s Best Book Ever.” One day when I looked at other reviews critically, it hit me. The title should be mine. It reflects what I thought about the book, author, characters, or how the book affected me. Continue Reading . . .



Source: How to Write a Top Book Review – ALWAYS WRITE

My Book Review of Have Bags, Will Travel | Second Wind Leisure Perspectives – Linkis.com

D.G. Kaye's books


I stumbled across another wonderful surprise today while checking my social media. I found this most beautiful review of my book, Have Bags, Will Travel, written by Terri Schrandt of Second Wind Leisure. Not only is it a delight to have our books reviewed, but some reviewers use some beautifully creative methods to write their reviews and Terri has done a most wonderful job.


Have Bags, Will Travel D.G. Kaye


 My Five Star Review:


What I love about this novella-length book beside the fact that it’s a fast, entertaining read, is Kaye’s hilarious look inward at herself and her serious addiction to shopping. Her book reads like a series of fun blog posts, highlighting her signature, conversational style, while sharing useful travel information!

A seasoned traveler (well, except for the over-packing part—but life is short, right?), Kaye deftly reminisces her early days of travel when life was simple and “travel was a joy.” (Before TSAs!). She then describes how her obsessive shopping habit has created the need for smart packing and planning.

With everything she has purchased over the years, one would guess she has an extra house for all her goodies! Kaye’s love for travel and adventure is evident as she shares hilarious exploits and nail-biting moments on her many trips that include London, Paris, Venezuela, the Greek Islands, and on to Las Vegas and Arizona.

Kaye shares valuable advice for navigating airport security, Continue Reading , . .


Source: My Book Review of Have Bags, Will Travel | Second Wind Leisure Perspectives – Linkis.com