Writers Need Hugs too! -The BIG BLOGGER BASH COMPETITION 2017

Blogger's Bash Competition 2017


Oh yes, it’s coming back, The Annual Blogger’s Bash will be held this June 10th in London, England! Are you going? Although I live ‘across the pond’ a fair distance away from here in Toronto, you bet your sweet bippy I’m doing everything in my power to get there!

I must get there! Why? I’m overdue to expand my horizons and step out of my writerly perimeters and go where many of my friends reside behind my computer screen, the friends who often keep me sane.

Writers need hugs too! Blogging friends are the ones who can identify with a writer’s struggles, the friends we can turn to when we need a dose of inspiration, or a smiley face and a heart to remind us they get what we do, what we go through as writers. These are the friends we can bounce ideas off of, rant to about our work, and WordPress and computer woes. And these are the friends who cheer us on for our accomplishments, pick us up when we’re in self-doubt mode, and share our work.

That said, how long do we have to know someone before we could burst from wanting to share a real cup of coffee (or wine?) with our friends, the ones we spend most of our writing days communicating with?

Well, this blogger wants more than just virtual hugs! It’s no different when geographically-crossed lovers build a relationship online and reach that point where they have to meet in person because virtual is no longer enough. There’s just too much to say that our fingers couldn’t possibly type as fast as our mouths can gab when we crave the real-time human interaction. This is why I’m going to meet my long-time close friends for the first time, and make new friends with others I’m not already acquainted with.

It’s time to hug my virtual pals and bring their characters to real life! I’m especially excited to meet my good friends, like my great galpal Sally Cronin  Sally Cronin

Hoping my dear friend Tina Frisco with the beautiful soul can make it

Author Tina Frisco


My sweet as Sherri pie friend Sherri Mathews  Sherri Mathews

My fiesty, firecracker of a friend, Sacha Black  Sacha Black

My dashing and debonair friend Hugh Roberts  Hugh Roberts


And my other dashing and debonair friend, and great supporter of my writing, Christoph Fischer

Christoph Fischer

Oh my, I’m blessed to have so many wonderful friends to visit at the Bash, there are so many I can’t wait to meet, just to name a few more:  Ali, Marje, Judy, Sue, Stevie, Olga, Judith, Kevin and so many more. I know before I return home I will have made so many more friendships.

It also helps that my best friend for over 35 years, San (affectionately referred to as ‘Zan’ in my books), moved to the UK almost 2 decades ago. I’ll be staying at her place in Kent, giving me a chance to catch up with her, and a place to leave my many bags, lol. I wouldn’t even be surprised if I could get her to come along to the Bash!

Dynamic duo


Soooooooooo, all those hearts and smileys will soon be coming to real life! And like my bestie, San, always says before I’d come to visit her in England, “Warn the country! Debby is coming to town!”


***Note***** – This post was written for a submission to the Blogger’s Bash Competition. Please follow this link to read more about The Bash and how you can enter a story for this fun event. And I hope to see many of you there!!!!



39 Weeks: 39 Blogs Everyone Should Follow In 2017 – Week 3: Debby Gies – D. G. Kaye Writer – Hugh’s Views & News



We as bloggers all strive to write posts to engage readers whether to entertain or inform.


When I began blogging, like many of us, I wasn’t sure just which direction to go with my blog, but within the first year I settled into my own blog and found that besides sharing snippets about my books and interesting articles and tips I learned through the self-publishing process, that I was most comfortable just being myself.

I speak and interact on my blog and other’s just as I do in my books. If I come across injustice, I’m going to speak about it. If something sucks, I’m going to share about it. But mostly I love to share things that include resolution and helpful links, apps, and articles that could be of interest to others. I also learned to share a lot more about my personal self because after all, all my books are taken from my own life experiences. There’s nothing left to hide when one bares all in their books for the world to see.

I write about all these different things because I enjoy doing so. I’ve never been one to write for ratings. In fact, I honestly couldn’t even say how many are following me, or how many views my blog has had, that’s the truth. And with this said, I find it truly humbling that my blog was chosen as one of Hugh Roberts39 Blogs to Follow. My little space here in a sea of beautiful blogs in the cyberworld was singled out by Hugh, and that made me feel so elated that my posts are recognized and are adding value to many of my readers.

So today I thank all of you for your followings, comments and interest. And I’d especially like to thank Hugh for choosing my blog to be featured on his popular blog. Please read Hugh’s post below.

Hugh Roberts



Today, the 3rd of the 39 blogs I’ll be recommending to you over the course of 2017, is the blog of somebody who has offered and given me so much support and encouragement that if it were chocolate, I’d have enough of the sweet stuff to feed the whole world for over one-hundred years (I may keep a few bars of milk chocolate for myself, though).

D. G. Kaye is a published Canadian author, writer and blogger, known to many as Debby Gies. Debby’s blog is one of the most informative blogs I have read. Check out her ‘about me’ page by clicking here.

Debby isn’t afraid when it comes to sharing, writing and publishing blogging tipsself-publishing tips, social media tips, and even tips on subjects such as cleaning up your Amazon linksand how to autograph your books from across the miles. She’s full of ideas, as her blog posts show, and attracts many readers from all over the world.

The author of five books (and currently in the process of writing two more), Debby always has time for her readers. She reads and answers comments left on her blog posts with lightning speed; something which she has every right in priding herself on. She’s also a blogger who visits, reads and comments on other people’s blog posts; so expect to see a lot of her around the blogging world. Click here to check out Debby’s Amazon author page and details of all her current books.

A keen promoter of other authors’ works, Debby also runs a guest post feature, ‘Who has a new book?’, where authors can showcase their latest book and answer some of her questions. I had the pleasure of having a post published on Debby’s blog in December. Please Continue Reading .  .


Source: 39 Weeks: 39 Blogs Everyone Should Follow In 2017 – Week 3: Debby Gies – D. G. Kaye Writer – Hugh’s Views & News

Sunday Book Review – Book Marketing on a Shoestring

Book reviews by D.G. Kaye


Today’s book review is on one of the best books I have ever read on everything to do with marketing our books, from platform building to publishing and marketing, a cornucopia of information, Marketing on a Shoestring by Doris Maria Heilmann.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Doris’ work, she is one of the pioneers in the Indie marketing business for 30 years. Doris is a book publishing consultant and coaches writers privately and runs several public seminars. She is also the owner for the well-known website, Savvybookwriters.com, a site that I couldn’t recommend enough for all writers to be following for her ongoing tips and updates about what’s current in the publishing world.

Book Marketing on a Shoestring – How Authors Can Promote their Books Without Spending A Lot of Money


Book Marketing on a Shoetring


Get This Book on Amazon! 



No Money? No Problem!  Success as an author, especially when creating your platform in social media and establishing your brand, using the tools described here, is almost free. It’s all about where to find readers, book bloggers and reviewers and how to connect with them.
A book marketing checklist in the last chapter will provide you with a useful timeline. Don’t get overwhelmed by all the book marketing possibilities. You don’t have to do it all in a week, a month, or even a year.  These are single steps you can take, one by one, to build your audience.

You Never Get a Second Chance for a Good First Impression!
The goal of this book is to show you the professional, yet inexpensive way of publishing a book and how to build your readership, no matter if you self publish or sell your manuscript to a traditional publisher.

Explains why book marketing is important – and rewarding and how readers will find your book among millions others. You will also learn about the difference between marketing and selling through ads.

In this chapter you will evaluate your current publishing and book marketing situation. You will learn, in chronological order, the basics to start your author platform, find out which social media accounts are the effective, and how to present your book and yourself professionally.

Here you will learn the important steps in a professional book production. Let’s assume your manuscript is finished, has been read by other writers and beta readers, and is on the way to the editor. What is your next step in book marketing? And where else can you sell your book?

In this chapter you will get tips for “passive marketing”; book layout tips; your author pages; and other places you can sell your book besides the major online retailers.
Find a timeline checklist for your book launch event.

In this chapter you will learn about advanced marketing strategies and how you can leverage your manuscript in markets other than e-book or paperback, and even in foreign markets.

A comprehensive checklist for your book marketing gives you a valuable tool for years (and books) to come!

Going these steps is a long-term time investment. They won’t initiate an immediate spike in book sales; rather, they will improve the amount of your readers and the exposure of your books.
Remember: all of your writing is an asset that can keep making you money for decades to come!
A certain time commitment may be necessary, at least in the beginning, depending on your level of involvement. Yet, you will learn how to connect reader communities and social media accounts and the more you use these marketing tools, the faster you can handle them. Which means that you will get more visitors and buyers.

You may not be a New York Times bestselling author with a publicist–yet. So, if you want to succeed at self-publishing, you will want to learn everything you can about professional book layout, publishing, and traditional book marketing methods.
You will find many steps in the publishing process in this book. These tasks are not obvious “book marketing” tasks, but they are essential for your success as an author.

For Whom is this Book Useful?
Self-Publishers and authors who work with traditional publishers alike profit from this book marketing and publishing guide. Get inspirations and encouragement from someone who has 35+ years of experience in print and e-book publishing, book marketing, online writing and magazine publishing.


My 5 Star Review

A step-by-step manual and reference guide for all authors – This book is an essential companion for every author – Indie or traditional, wanting to learn all the lucrative tricks and avenues of navigating through the process from publishing to marketing.

Marketing on a Shoestring offers a comprehensive list of resources worth its weight in gold with tips on everything you need to know about marketing books to ideas on how to gain reviews, build a platform, and what’s required of the entire book publishing process. There is also a comprehensive checklist and referral guide with links on how to sell books – where to publish, the importance of owning your own ISBN numbers, how to get your books discovered, how to incorporate social media for book sales, the importance of good book covers, all available platforms to sell books at and so much more.


Rejection: the Ultimate Teacher – Guest Post by author Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

Reblog and featuring


Friend and author Tina Frisco has written a beautiful piece for The Story Reading Ape’s blog about how we deal with rejection. In her article she explains how we perceive rejection and how to analyze our emotions in order to look at rejection taking into consideration the source and how to overcome the negative feelings we absorb from rejection.


Rejection comes in many forms, from many places, and is very painful. What makes rejection so devastating? What causes us to react in a particular way? How can we use rejection to our advantage?

On a purely instinctual level, rejection threatens to extinguish our life force by depriving us of vital nourishment. No being can truly thrive without some measure of love and acceptance.

Rejection devastates when we attach our personal worth to someone or something outside of ourselves. Feeling worthy only when liked and accepted by those with whom we engage sets the stage for rejection.

When feeling disliked or ignored by another, it’s wise to step back and view that person’s behavior as a mirror our own subconscious. Often the things we don’t like in ourselves are reflected back to us by others, giving us an opportunity to examine what prompts us to react and how we might change. This not only buffers the impact, but also opens the door to personal growth. Becoming the witness rather than the recipient allows us to determine if our behavior rather than our essence is being rejected, or if the other person’s bias in play, and/or if we’re simply misreading all the cues. Continue Reading

Source: Rejection: the Ultimate Teacher – Guest Post by author Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

Who Has a New Book? – Guest Author Shehanne Moore – Lady Lazuli

Featured author of the week

Today I’m excited to have friend and author Shehanne Moore here. Shehanne is a Scottish author who writes sizzling historical romance fiction books, no doubt her blog is tagged: Smexy Historical Fiction.


For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of visiting Shey’s blog, her humor is injected into every post and her blog is co-hosted by the ‘dudes’ as we all fondly call her ‘hamster buddies’ that love to comment and sometimes behave badly to Shey’s guests with their saucy remarks because of their jealousy of her writing and their own desire to become writers.

Shehanne’s latest book, Lady Lazuli is getting a lot of buzz for its strong storyline and has been reviewed as having such great elements as: smouldering hot passion, revenge, lies, betrayal, sex, humor and suspense. What more could we want from a book?

Author Shehanne Moore

About Shehanne:

Shehanne Moore is a Scottish born author who writes gritty, witty, more risky than risqué, historical romance, set wherever takes her fancy–stories that detail the best and worst of human behaviour, as opposed to pouts and flounces.

For years she did various jobs while pursuing her dream of becoming a published writer, so she was thrilled to be offered a contract by Etopia Press for The Unraveling of Lady Fury, six days after subbing it.

Shehanne still lives in Scotland with her husband Mr Shey. She has two daughters. When not writing intriguing, and of course, sizzling, historical romance, where goals and desires of sassy, unconventional heroines and ruthless men, mean worlds do collide, she fantasizes about cleaning the house, plays the odd musical instrument and loves what in any other country, would not be defined, as hill-walking.

The Hills are alive with Shehanne Moore


Lady Lazuli by Shehanne Moore


Get this book on Amazon! 



Only one man in England can identify her. Unfortunately he’s living next door.

Ten years ago sixteen-year-old Sapphire, the greatest jewel thief England has ever known, ruined Lord Devorlane Hawley’s life. Now that Sapphire’s dead and buried, all that respectable widow Cassidy Armstrong wants is the opportunity to keep her good name, and prove she is not that disreputable girl. Especially when it means so much to her handsome new neighbor, Devorlane Hawley.

Hawley believes he knows precisely who his new neighbor is, and he’s been waiting ten years to exact his revenge. All he needs is a bit of evidence, which has proved quite impossible to procure. But the lovely widow might just have something else he desires, some other way to sate his vengeance. Deciding a direct approach might be in order, he asks Sapphire to choose her fate—take him as her lover, or take her chances at the end of a rope…


Now that’s hot! So let’s get know a little bit about Shey, and discover how she comes up with these characters. And I’m grateful she has brought lead hamster, ‘Bobby Bub’ with her to meddle a bit in our interview.


I have to ask you how you came to incorporate ‘the dudes’ into your blog and where did the inspiration come from to create them? They are so entertaining, sarcastic and saucy, but we can’t help but love them. Can you invite one over here, maybe Bobby Bub? (Please tell him to try to be on his best behavior.)



Bobby Bub 1


Shey:  Okay okay Dudes, can I speak? Thank you.

bobby bub 5

Firstly, thank you my special friend for asking me here today. I’m really sorry I didn’t manage to lose the dudes. But hopefully they will go play with their whiskers or something. Anyway, I was writing a post on writing. It was to do with these great story drivers, with goal/motivation/conflict. That putting in everything from the kitchen sink to the druids of Stonehenge and the emancipation of women, was not what drove a story. At the last for some very odd reason I changed women to hamsters…..  And I put a little piccie of one with a placard saying  ‘free us hamsters from the cages,’ as you do. Antonia then left a comment asking  would I do this. I not only did it, I let them on the blog.  It just all went from there.


What is your inspiration for the ‘Smexy’ heroines and villains you create?

bobby bub 2


Shey:  Can we get real here Bobby Bub? Thank you. Now that’s a hard one.  Oh, all right Bobby Bub you found me out. What can I say but that I have defo been rumbled. Of course it is you. I mean, who else would it be?


When did you realize you wanted to become a writer? And what was the push that made you want to become a published author?


Shey: You know I caused a sensation at the age of seven when I wrote my first story. It was called The Hore House Mystery. Yep. Of course it was not what people thought, my parents in particular. Anyway I spent a lot of time lying about with chest problems as a kid and I read nonstop.  I think that was when I decided it was what I wanted to be. I always wrote. I’ve worked in various aspects of the industry. I’ve even written comic scripts. I knocked on a lot of doors. I will confess I was driven that way. But it is such a brutal business. I hit brick wall after brick wall over writing sweeping, historical sagas with a cast of characters, being told to make it about one character etc etc.  I decided eventually, although I had never written a romance, even really liked , or read, the genre—big confessions here—that it might be the way in.


Are all your books traditionally published? And if so, would you consider self-publishing?


Shey: All my books are traditionally published. But I am absolutely heading down the avenue of self publishing. It’s not just that publishing has changed out of all recognition in the last few years, and that lately I’ve had contracted two books sitting waiting for a release date, it’s the need to move with that change and to take control of my work.  So while it was nice to have that seal of approval it’s not nice enough.


I know you have a passion for ‘hill walking’, can you tell us a bit about those little jaunts you often take? Are they part of your inspiration for your stories?


Shey: When it came to His Judas Bride, yep. I was totally inspired by Glencoe which is our favorite walking haunt, to write that book and use the area as the backdrop to the story.  I renamed it Lochalpin but I used the whole idea of the small clan, the impregnable glen, to make that story.

Glencoe, Scotland

I like how you have put hill-walking in italics, cos in no other country would it be called that. I do have a passion for it. It’s about being away from it all in scenery that’s good for the soul, putting yourself in some difficult situations, getting out of them again. Where we stay in Glencoe, is in the heart of the mountains. It’s a hotel for walker,s climbers, kayackers, bikers. There’s great food and drink there, usually live entertainment . So our jaunts are always fun filled.

Clachaig Inn, Scotland


Do you find that your books attract male readers as well as female?


Shey: My mister always reads my books. But yes, I’ve had  a few male readers. I say I write romance. I should add it’s romance Shey style.

You’re such a dynamic creative woman with a great personality. How much of yourself do you think you put into your lead characters?


Shey: And you are way too kind.  Of course I like to say I put none. That I am this really nice, quiet woman who is a completely economical with the truth. Okay, I don’t base them on me. I mean me, a shoe-aholic?  A can’t stop spending? A bossy boots? A hardened night-clubber?  I will put their determination not to bow down, in any shape or form to life, in any shape or form either.  I put it into both leads, so that makes for the odd clash.


What are you working on now? Are there more books to the London Jewel Thief series to come?


Shey: Indeed. I did mention a book that has sat. That is the second book in the series. I took a  sideway step there and wrote about the ladies’ skivvy.  Right now I am working on a story called O’Roarke’s Destiny, it’s a bit of a battle over a house, shall we say. I am also reworking one of my ‘sweeping’ epics. And yes, I do plan to write more on the Jewel Thieves. There’s quite a number of these ladies and I want to tell some of their stories.


Please tell us a bit about how Lady Lazuli was created. And please do share an excerpt with us!


Lady Lazuli was the first romance I started to write. You will notice the word ‘start.’ I only ever start with a scene that flashes through my head and what flashed was a woman kissing this man and sticking a stolen necklace on him. It was in a coach and the coach grinds to a halt. While he gets out to deal with this, she vamooses and he’s left with this stolen necklace. That was it.

Anyway I ‘started’ to write this using this scene as the backstory.  If it was one of my ‘sweeping’ historicals, I’d have started there and then moved on to the kind of things that would have happened to thieves in those days.  But this was a romance. I gave a bit to a certain well known romance publisher who were quite interested. But at that point I thought, I can’t write this. My greatest fear was not staying unpublished, it was being published as someone that just wasn’t me.

Me is damaged leads, it’s flawed people, people who have been round the block, it’s human foibles, it’s fighting an attraction every step of the way.  So I shelved it. I’d two books out with a publisher who had let me write my books my way and an editor who was totally supportive about how I saw my characters and how I wanted to write, before I took it back off the shelf and sat down to write it my way.

Okay here’s an extract….

If she could get this information it might focus her search. Perhaps for that matter she was a niece? It might mean getting into bed with Devorlane Hawley one last time, but if it was anything like last night, it should not be a problem. Then she could leave secure with the knowledge of who she was. And what—finally—she was going to do about it.

“This man was a—a cousin, a brother perhaps?”

He shifted on the rug to avoid a shower of sparks. “Actually she said it was a tinker.”

“A what?”

Of course it wouldn’t be anything good if it was meant to be associated with her, although she had not the slightest idea what that was, only that whatever it was, Devorlane Hawley bent his head forward so she could not see his face for his hair.

“A traveler.” He took up the poker and beat the burning log into submission. “Tilly said he hung about Barwych for a time because—how should I phrase this…”

Why would he be troubled to wonder, when he hadn’t shrunk from divulging what he just had phrased?

“He had a certain predilection for the ladies.”

What was that supposed to mean exactly? He couldn’t leave them alone? Keep his hands to himself? Or had he, like Devorlane Hawley, made outrageous demands? Demands, it shamed her to think she’d actually not just met—had enjoyed—to now be told… traveler? She could not be descended from a traveler. Certainly the breath rushing down her nose in that second said not. Was this some equally vile decision on the part of this impertinent bastard to humiliate her? Tilly too? She raised her chin. At all costs, she would not let him see it.

“Maybe he did, Lord Hawley, but that does not mean he had anything to do with me.”

“I never said that he did. I just wondered—”

“Well, don’t.” The cheek of the damn man. “You would know about such things yourself?”

He rose to his feet, brushing bark flakes from his otherwise immaculate trousers, as if it was all the most natural thing in the world, this. “Don’t you see, a predilection would suggest there being children—”

Oh, and now she was the living proof of that? Some tinker’s daughter? A man who liked women. Lots of them by the sounds of it. She supposed it could have been worse. She supposed he could have liked men, then she would not be here at all.

bobby bub 4

bobby bub6



A woman not even the ghost of Sapphire could haunt.

Ten years ago sixteen year old Sapphire, the greatest jewel thief England has ever known, ruined Lord Devorlane Hawley’s life. Now she’s dead and buried, all the respectable widow, Cassidy Armstrong, wants is the chance to prove who she really is.

A man who knows exactly who she is.

 But not only does her new neighbor believe he knows that exactly, he’s hell-bent on revenge.  All he needs is the actual proof.  So when he asks her to choose between being his mistress, or dangling on the end of a rope, only Sapphire can decide…

 What’s left for a woman with nowhere left to go, but to stay exactly where she is?

 And hope, that when it comes to neighbors, Devorlane Hawley won’t prove to be the one from hell.


Thanks so much for visiting here today Shey, and sharing your wonderful stories and some of your eclectic self. I believe we connected a few years ago when I fell in love with ‘the dudes’ and later found out we both had an obsession with shoes, LOL. Wishing you lots of luck with the series and the new books when they are gratefully released from publisher’s prison.


Visit Shey on all her social platforms:

















Visit Shehanne’s Amazon Author Page Here to visit all of her fabulous books!


How One Amateur Blogger Improved Her Writing with an SEO Plugin – ALWAYS WRITE

Reblog Share


Today I’m sharing another interesting article from my blogging friend Marsha Ingrao’s blog at Marshajustwrites.com. Marsha has been working diligently to discover the world of blogging and how to get more traffic to our blogs using SEO (search engine optimization).


Ya, she gets as freaked out as we do when it comes to learning new things and methods to build our blogs and readership, that’s why I love her articles because she’s no different than us when it comes to being overwhelmed by all this information and as she learns things, she shares by breaking things down into bite sized pieces. While I have chosen to use the “Ultimate SEO‘ plugin instead of Yoast, the same info applies except for some varying features on both.


Have a look at Marsha’s article below:

Blogging tips


Attention Amateur Blogger!

An amateur blogger can benefit from plugins not available on WordPress.com. Adding the Yoast SEO plugin improves and focuses writing skills.

What Is Your Blog’s SEO Score? As an amateur blogger, I paid very little attention to anything SEO. If I saw those three letters together, my eyes glazed over. Continue Reading….

Source: How One Amateur Blogger Improved Her Writing with an SE O Plugin – ALWAYS WRITE

Scam Alert! A New Frightening and Effective Gmail Scam

Don't be scammed


Are you aware of the current phishing scam going on with Gmail?

For those of you who haven’t heard, there is a nasty phishing scam going on with people’s Gmail accounts. Sources say if you don’t pay attention to secure URL information when you read an email with an attachment, it’s easy to become a victim of these scammers.


What’s the Scam?

Apparently, these scammers get in by sending fake attachments, which often resemble a pdf document attachment. You may even recognize the Google account sign in as usual, but the alert warns us to check the URL before signing into to your Gmail account before entering your password information. When the URL opens up, MAKE SURE the URL for that Google document starts with ‘Secure https://google.com’ and NO WORDS PRECEDE THAT URL SUCH AS: DATA TEXT, this is where the trouble begins. Please read the article below and follow the link for more in-depth examples of what to look for to protect your identity.


I found this post by Robert Hackett on Fortune.com 


“Here’s how the swindle works. The attacker, usually disguised as a trusted contact, sends a boobytrapped email to a prospective victim. Affixed to that email, there appears to be a regular attachment, say a PDF document. Nothing seemingly out of the ordinary.

But the attachment is actually an embedded image that has been crafted to look like a PDF. Rather than reveal a preview of the document when clicked, that embedded image links out to a fake Google (GOOGL, +1.08%) login page. And this is where the scam gets really devious.

Everything about this sign-in page looks authentic: the Google logo, the username and password entry fields, the tagline (“One account. All of Google.”). By all indications, the page is a facsimile of the real thing. Except for one clue: the browser’s address bar.”  Continue Reading

Source: Everyone Is Falling For This Frighteningly Effective Gmail Scam 

Here’s another source from Huffington Post 



Creative Ideas – Autographing your Books Across the Miles

Have you ever been asked by a reader of your books to send them your autograph on a piece of paper so they can insert it in the front of the book?


Here’s a great idea I came up with for autographing across the miles.

I was thrilled when one of my readers sent me an email telling me she’d love to have my autograph on two paperback books of mine she purchased. She asked me if I wouldn’t mind signing my name on two pieces of paper and mailing them to her so she could add them to the books. Wow! I’d never had such a request. Because she’d become an acquaintance of mine through a mutual friend on Facebook, I told her I would send them to her. 

I thought about what type of paper I would sign my name and good wishes on because I wasn’t just going to scribble my name on a plain piece of paper, feeling that wasn’t very professional.

And then I came up with the great idea.

I decided to use Fotojet photo editor and make up a ‘thank you for reading’ thank you note adding a design, color, and space to be able to sign and write a sentence or two, about 3″ x 4″ wide. I then printed the image twice, addressed the reader, and signed my name then proceeded to cut them out. And voila! I made some nice little placards she could insert inside the front cover.

I then signed a small ‘thank you’ card with my real name, inserted the placards inside that card, along with a bookmark of one of my books and sent it off to her.

There are many ways we can connect with our readers, this is just one of many, and a personal touch from a request. I’ll also note, that we wouldn’t want to be doing this for every random request we may receive because of all the postage costs that would be incurred. Also, I’d advise that we be cautious to whom we’re sending to when putting a return address on the envelopes.

As an alternative, you can always send a digitally signed note and signature to any readers requesting an autograph by using the authorgraph app, which I have done several times. If you’re not familiar with authorgraph, I wrote a post a few years ago about how to use it.

Wishing you many signature requests from your readers!