Status Report – The Tail End of Mercury Retrograde, Tech Snafus, Where am I Going? And #Book #Writing

Hi Peeps. It’s been a while since I shared updates on what’s been going on in my world. To be honest, this past month’s Mercury Retrograde has been quite a volatile one for many, and although I did my best to stay under mercury’s radar, when it comes to tech, it’s hard to avoid.

Wordpress Woes

I did manage to dodge much of what I’ve read many have dealt with in their technical snafus, but one thing is for sure – WordPress is always chaotic in a retrograde – especially when they decide to do upgrades in the midst of one! For example, I have had many a trouble being able to comment this week in particular, on blogs I follow. It seems to me WP has made commenting with different sign-in boxes, and apparently, I am no longer recognized on some blogs I follow. Some blogs allowed me to comment after several stubborn attempts, where others seem to have the security of Fort Knox and won’t allow me to comment. Now, I already had this problem with blogs that aren’t on WP, more specifically – Blogger. But now WP is giving me grief. So if you’re a blogger who noticed my ‘like’ and avatar on one of your posts, but received no comment from me, please know I had good intentions. 🙂

How do I know when WP is doing an upgrade? Many signs! First, for most of mercurious September I had trouble logging into my own blog, Spam comments were in the hundreds – daily, when I tried to preview a post before publishing – it wouldn’t show me the post, only that ‘the page I’m trying to see doesn’t exist’. Instead of pre-drafting my posts, I had to post when I wanted it out at the specific time because then I could preview the new post and make changes immediately after viewing the actual post, hoping nobody sees it before I edit spacing, which can be a problem in the block editor. So annoying!

Also, the amount of scamspam I’m receiving in emails and on my mobile are ridiculous! I think I’ve had text messages from every bank of Canada that I “apparently” have accounts and credit cards with (NOT), asking me to log in to update my banking info, LOL, again, NOT! And let’s not forget the scam mails trying to get me to log into my Canada Revenue account. I’ve also had scamspam galore in emails from Amazon, Netflix, Paypal, and surprisingly, from Apple (which I own no devices from), intricately designed to not look like scam, but for the ridiculous tail ending of the sender’s email address. All of these ‘scam’ tech firms have sent scam mail urging me to update my credit card info on file because it’s expired or didn’t go through. Hmm, didn’t go through because I owe them nothing, and update my credit card which is far from its expiry date. Oh sure, why don’t I just click on your links so I can be robbed by you scammers? Remember: NEVER, EVER click on ANY links sent in an email to input personal data! GO DIRECTLY to the site and log in to see what’s actually going on.

Don't be scammed

Also, important to note about these scam emails, by just deleting them, these criminals keep going and finding new suckers. But did you know that many of these sites have a forwarding ‘spoof’ or ‘phishing’ email address that you should forward these emails to so the respective companies can squash them down like Wacamoles as they come in? For example, Amazon has an address where you can forward the scamspam – Paypal has one too – Most of these sites we use with our credit cards have spoofing/phishing forwarding emails I always use to send scammers mail along to. It’s easy to locate these email addresses by simply Googling a particular site’s ‘report spam’ emails.

So where else did Mercury Retrograde get me? Well, there were a few times my laptop wouldn’t even turn on, leaving that dreaded fear of the ‘black screen’ syndrome. A new laptop is not in my budget right now, so thankfully, Google helped me out to get it turned back on. But, I am heart-broken, and still fighting stubbornly to find a way to turn my damaged Kindle on again.

It was a chain of mercurious events that led to my soggy wet Kindle. In a hurry as always, I’d just changed my big purse to my smaller one, and my Kindle no longer fit in the purse. I also was given a new water bottle from a friend who works at the gym I frequent. I put the full water bottle in a bag with my Kindle. After a ten-minute drive to the gym, I picked up the sopping wet bag. Yup, it leaked all over my Kindle. I immediatey took off the cover and wiped it and the Kindle dry, then left it in the car as I hurried to gym class. By the time I got home it was a few hours and I immediately put my Kindle in a bag of rice. This trick has saved mine and my husband’s cell phones once before. It’s been a week now and my poor Kindle is resting in yet, a new bag of rice. I’ve prayed to the Kindle gods and still hoping one day it will turn on. With over 1200 books on my Kindle, and it only being two-years-old, I am devastated that the price now is DOUBLE what I paid it, and again, not in the budget. If anyone here has any new tricks to get my, what must surely be dry now, Kindle working, please share.

Mercury retrograde

What else has Mercurious Retrograde brought? Oh yes. I spent a lot of time surfing around last week for a place to stay for winter in Puerto Vallarta. Due to the craziness in rental prices out of control there now, it was difficult finding something in my budget. And after several hours of searching and thinking I found the right place, I hit the ‘book’ button – to no avail. The gear just spun round and round, leaving me unable to book. I tried fervently three more times to book by logging out and back in – to no avail. I took it as a sign – NOT MEANT TO BE. So, as of yet, I’ve booked nothing as the pickings get slimmer. But if something doesn’t feel right by me, it ain’t happening. So I’m awaiting the universe to let me know where it is I should be going. Also, I am still trying to work a trip to Spain – still uncertain about those details of where and when. Oh, the uncertainty of Mercury Retrograde!

As for what else? Well, I’ve also been quite busy going to the gym three to four times a week and taking classes, and socializing with my many new women friends. I’ve gone for lunches and dinners with a few, shopping with others, and my friend Dorothy who runs the women’s gym, has invited me to her home for Canadian Thanksgiving. I can’t tell you how much these women have meant to me coming into my life. Many of them are younger than me and couldn’t care less about age. The empowerment from that gym is amazing!

Last but not least, the writing front. Admittedly, I have to say that throughout the summer I haven’t been very productive on the writing front. Oh yes, lots of unpublished poetry and more thoughts written for my Grief book, as well as my articles I write for Sally’s Smorgasbord Blog Magazine in my Spiritual Awareness column, as well as my book reviews. But other than that, I just felt like going with my procrastination on my book writing, and just enjoyed being with friends instead. Truth be told, I have been wanting to begin the revising and rewriting of my writing for my Grief book, but every time I have attempted to begin, my stomach turned and the PTSD kicks in at the thought of reliving the nightmare of watching my husband’s dying for months, and then his passing. I know in my soul I want to write this book, but I’ve yet to figure out a way to numb myself enough to begin. Again, I will trust in the universe to let me know when the time will be right.

So, does anyone have anything to report here about their own Mercury Retrograde encounters?


Sunday Book Review – Tina’s Diary by Stevie Turner

This book was another interesting read by Stevie Turner, written in epistolary style. This is the story about a young girl, Tina, living in Sunrise Children’s Home, who has never been adopted, and her rebellious temperment gets her into trouble – smoking, hanging out with the wrong crowd, escaping out a window nightly to party, until one day when her pitiful lifestyle is changed.

Get this book on Pre-Order at Amazon

A ghost holds the key to a stolen fortune…

Tina is fourteen years old. She is argumentative, surly, disobedient, and hails from a dysfunctional family. She has had various unsuccessful stays in foster care, as her behaviour always remains challenging. When she is moved to Sunrise Court, a children’s home, she is soon in trouble for breaking the rules, and is horrified to discover she has to barricade herself into her bedroom every night to evade the wandering hands of a certain member of staff.

Devoid of hope for the future, she starts a diary at the beginning of January 1997 as she approaches her fifteenth birthday. Will the New Year will bring an improvement in her situation?

Tina is a fifteen year old girl living in an orphanage home. She is an angry and rebellious girl, but very resourceful. She drops out of school but is quite clever and streetwise, and carries a lot of resentment toward her parents for her predicament. Tina’s mother was a drug addict and alcoholic who over-dosed when Tina was ten and her philandering father had long gone, and remarried. Tina has an estranged and resentful relationship with her cheating, alcoholic father who typically visits her once a year at Christmas, and occasionally on her birthday, to leave her money and whatever stolen goods he may have acquired that she may be able to use.

Tina doesn’t like rules and uses her bedroom window to escape out at nights for dates with all the wrong kinds of shady characters. She’s also quite clever and learns how to make some spending money on the side, because it’s a ‘short stint for a decent payoff’.

This story begins as a diary of Tina’s life in the home, and then all the little plot twists that come along in her life, keep us turning the pages. 

The author did a marvelous job of writing Tina’s story in this epistolary style of writing, and writing from the mind of a lonely, angry, and confused young teenager facing situations and decisions at an age with adult-sized problems. Tina’s shenanigans with a twist of paranormal make for an interesting read.


Writer’s Tips September Edition – Filter Words, #Blogging Tips, Spam, #Scams, #Loglines, #Amazon

Welcome to my September edition of best curated tips for authors and bloggers. In this edition, Diana Peach on Tightening Prose, Hugh Roberts with useful hidden WordPress Tools and How to Clean Out WordPress Spam, Anne R. Allen shares the Latest Author/Writer Scams, and what Amazon is doing to author’s book pages, and Staci Troilo shares her formula for writing Loglines.


Sunday Book Review – Evidence of the Affair – Taylor Jenkins Reid #novelette #womensfiction

My Sunday Book Review is for another book I enjoyed by Taylor Jenkins Reid. This is a short novelette of 80 pages, written in epistolary writing style. A discovered marital affair through letters changes four people’s lives. I do love me a good character study, especially with a karmic twist.


The repercussions of an illicit affair unfold in this short story by bestselling author Taylor Jenkins Reid.

Dear stranger…

A desperate young woman in Southern California sits down to write a letter to a man she’s never met—a choice that will forever change both their lives.

My heart goes out to you, David. Even though I do not know you…

The correspondence between Carrie Allsop and David Mayer reveals, piece by piece, the painful details of a devastating affair between their spouses. With each commiserating scratch of the pen, they confess their fears and bare their souls. They share the bewilderment over how things went so wrong and come to wonder where to go from here.

Told entirely through the letters of two comforting strangers and those of two illicit lovers, Evidence of the Affair explores the complex nature of the heart. And ultimately, for one woman, how liberating it can be when it’s broken.


I have never been disappointed by Jenkin Reid’s books, and this book, although short, still packs an emotional punch.

When Carrie discovers some hidden love letters between her husband Ken, and a woman named Janet, she decides to find out who Janet’s husband is so she could share with him what she’s discovered. She writes David a letter introducing herself and shares her discovery. While the plot may seem a bit oxymoron-ish because of Carrie contacting David about their spouse’s affair with each other, and their own correspondence escalating into personal conversation, they both begin pouring their hearts out about their married lives to each other.

Carrie and David (Janet’s husband) are two strangers caught in the same predicament, and grow a bond in their common dilemma. They make many discoveries about themselves and their spouses, and marvel at their own vulnerabilities, leaving them wondering why they couldn’t both have the same fulfillment as their spouses were sharing with each other. There are no sexual innuendos in their conversations, but Carrie is good for David’s depressed ego, and David is good for Carrie’s low self-esteem.

And the plot thickens when Carrie’s husband Ken uncharicteristically starts trying to be romantic with Carrie, but tells her he has to go away for business for a few days. This news prompts Carrie to check with David if Janet has gone too. Has she? No spoilers, but this book had a beautiful karmic ending, in more ways than one.

This story is not a cliffhanger, but one that leaves possibilities. I would have loved this book to be a full length novel, especially with the richness of emotions and characters.


One Day At A Time – #Poetry

One Day at a Time – This is the mantra I have learned to live by to avoid being overwhelmed.

Overwhelming is dangerous,

We must breathe deep to avoid short-circuit.

Everything needs a place,

Feng shui for breathing and space.

The clock ticks oh so quick,

No more time to waste.

Fulfill all those waiting moments,

Don’t miss a drop of living.

Get organized,

Groceries, worries, and dreams.

A shitstorm of to do fills my head,

causing anxiety, lack of sleep.

Journal my thoughts,

Make lists, release.

Pen at hand to capture thoughts,

For inspirational moments.

Leaving worries on paper

To vanish before morning’s light.


Sunday Book Review, Poetry for the Blind by Atmos

Welcome to my Sunday Book Review. Today I’m reviewing a powerful poetry book – Poetry for the Blind by Atmos. The title can be misleading as it’s more of a metaphor, calling for people to open their eyes. I came to reading this book from Harmony Kent’s review of same book, on her blog. It’s powerful prose to pause on.

About the author

Atmos is an ambient music producer, progressive rock songwriter, ink artist, free verse poet, and fantasy fiction author known for being an animal welfare and mental health advocate, mindfulness practitioner, environmentalist, marathon runner, and Buddhist monastery visitor.

Atmos is focused on a mission of inspiring others, building meaningful relationships, and promoting positive change amidst the inevitable challenges of life.

Inspired by the works of Pink Floyd, Tool, Rumi, Alex Grey, and Salvador Dalí, Atmos’ diverse creative artistry lends itself to his creative projects, resulting in a unique fusion of music, art, literature, philosophy, spirituality, science, and world culture.

How often do we reflect on the life we are living or the kind of future we are heading towards as a species?

The way that we think of the world shapes the world that we live in and how we interact with it.

Poetry for the Blind is a collection of poems about issues in the world, philosophy, consciousness, raising awareness of gratitude, promoting positive change, and concerns for the future of humanity.

Through poetry, this book offers readers a way to explore the human condition through the eyes of the author and reflect on issues affecting the collective consciousness residing in human lives on a mass scale. Through turmoil and devastating circumstances, Poetry for the Blind progresses towards a sense of possibility and hope for a positive future—a future that we can still have.

We have the power to change the world but we have to start with ourselves first.

This book is what I’d classify as thought provoking poetry; like a poetic glossary of the meaning of important words of life and the essence of what each titled passage represents to us all as humans who share the same planet, – love, loss, death, war, courage, and so many more; all circling around the human condition. “Life can be a wonderful journey but we have to stand together as one against injustice and discrimination against each other. We are all parts of the whole and we are all connected.” The poems of Atmos are reflections on various components of living and human decency and emotion.

As the author states, he wrote this book to highlight the injustices of the society, and offer hope. And don’t be fooled by the title, it’s a metaphor – translation: ‘messages of awakening’. My perception of the title is that this wonderfully stated poetry should be required reading for many, as I believe ‘the blind’ is a gentle reminder to open our eyes to the world around us.

This book can be read in one sitting, just as each poem can be read randomly to savor.


“We are only told

What we are meant to know

To fit the vice they hold

A veil to conceal the truth . . .”



“. . . Committing evil against humanity

Fighting a war against prejudice

Over melanin produced in the skin . . .”



“Sign away your name, the right to life

A promise of change and better days

Leave your families, your friends,

and homes behind

But write to them soon so they

know you’re still alive . . .”



“. . . Later in life

The signs begin to show

Age is a measurement

Of how long we have left to grow . . .”


Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – The Universe – Mercury Retrograde by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

Explore the spiritual side of our natures and the universe as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find part Twenty of the series: SPIRIT GUIDES: Who are they? Do we all have them?

spiritual awareness

Welcome back to my Spiritual Awareness column. In my last edition, I wrote that this edition would be on the topic of Manifestation – learning to manifest what we wish for. But in lieu of the fact that we are smack-dab, currently in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde phase of the planets, I thought this may be a good time to refresh you all on what happens in a Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury retrograde

I have written before about the planets and how a Mercury Retrograde wreaks havoc in our lives, particularly, affecting communications, plans, relationships and just about anything involving tech, can go topsy turvy. It’s the time when Murphy’s Law kicks in – when anything that can go wrong, will go wrong as it rears its chaotic head and comes into effect. Well, welcome to this new cycle of trouble-making Mercury, which has arrived on August 23rd and will toy with our lives until September 14th – but don’t forget to add on a few extra weeks before and after those dates for good measure, the lingering shadow period. More about that below.

Mercury Retrograde visits us approximately three to four times a year. At this time, it appears as though it’s going backwards when orbiting the sun, when in fact it slows to let the other planets catch up. It usually lasts for about three weeks, with a good couple of add on days, before and after, possibly a week or two, for good measure. These extra and lingering days before and after, are known as the ‘shadow’ period. It comes in and leaves, gradually, almost like a weening off.


When Mercury retrogrades, it is said that this is because retrograde indicates the planet is moving backwards, when it’s actually moving faster, around the sun, leaving a feeling as though it’s going backwards. Mercury travels around the sun in 88 days and takes a retrograde three to four times a year. Since Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, its orbit is shorter than earth’s. It’s like Mercury must slow down to let other planets catch up in-between its cycle around the earth. Since Mercury travels faster than earth, it frequently catches up and passes earth, occurring three to four times a year. One year on planet Mercury is shorter than one year on earth, the equivalent of 88 earth days compared to earth’s complete solar loop of 365 days.


While Mercury goes into retrograde, it will feel as though the planets are moving backwards, but in fact they are not. Mercury travels around the sun quite quickly from west to east, and around every four months it passes us here on earth in its orbit, making it look as though it’s moved from east to west, but that in fact is an optical illusion.

Things that occur during this period can make us feel exactly like things are moving backwards as Mercury, the planet of communications, pauses and other planets pass by.

We can expect to have more or even less energy during this period, mostly of the nervous, unsettling, or over-zealous type, causing possible bouts of anxiety. Each MR will fall in and affect particular signs more so than others.

Mercury rules our daily activities – technology, communications, contracts, travel plans, and relationships. When the planet is in retrograde, we can expect glitches, delays, and miscommunications in all or any of the above areas as Mercury is the ruler of communications. Extra vigilance should be paid to planned dates, appointments, signing contracts, editing, buying, selling, researching, negotiating, wills, documents, deeds, leases, and more. Most often affected are, computer issues, transportation issues/delays, and travel. It’s a period where we can expect the unexpected.

In plain terms, when a planet is in retrograde, the planet takes a nap. And while it naps, it’s like it relinquishes its duties and the territory it usually stabilizes can run amok. This ‘retrograde’ period is typically a good time to take a pause for ourselves from big decision-making and a good time to reflect, journal, re-organize and re-evaluate our intentions, as well, it being a good time to re-connect with people and/or projects from the past. As you may have noticed in the previous sentence, anything to do with ‘re’ as in redo, revisit, etc., reminds it’s a good time to review things and to keep busy during the MR period in preparation for restarting newly planned projects after the Retrograde is gone.

In case some of you aren’t familiar with Mercury Retrograde, this is how it works . . . Nobody goes unscathed whether aware of the syndrome or not, only that you may be questioning many things and asking WTF?

Retrogrades are notoriously similar to Murphy’s Law – “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” This is a time where communications go awry, energetic forces overpower the norm, causing havoc for such things as, email and website snafus, delayed and cancelled flights. Sensitivities are heightened, making many things happening feel ‘hyper-real’, among just some of the unpredictability that manifests. Mercury also rules other industries such as publishing, writing, editing, advertising, sales, public relations, and all things related to transport, like airlines, the post office and pretty much all modes of transportation!  Anything involving technical, you can expect mishaps. Our patience is being tested, and heated words have a propensity to take place within friendships and relationships too during this phase. Typically, retrogrades are not a good time to start new ventures, seal new business deals, and lest I mention, political issues are escalated. As I mentioned earlier, MR is a time of ‘Re’ – revisit, redo, revise.


Since Mercury rules communications, affecting travel, contracts, and most things technological, I suggest allowing lots of extra time if you must travel in this period as well as its shadow periods. I also recommend avoiding committing to signing any important contracts at these times, and waiting for the retrograde to pass before finalizing any decisions regarding contracts. Plan ahead!  If you’re working on a special project just before the retrograde begins, try to sew it up before a retrograde, or work on it and wait till MR is over to launch, or be prepared to encounter several glitches along the way . . . please continue reading tips to transition easier through this phase at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord

Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – The Universe – Mercury Retrograde by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine


Sunday Book Review – I Remember Everything: A tale of death and life by Richard Dee #Crime/Thriller, #Paranormal

Welcome to my Sunday Book Review. Today I’m sharing my review for Richard Dee’s clever mix of a crime solving with a mix of paranormal book – I Remember Everything.


It’s the big question. Where do we go, when it’s all over? What happens to our unfinished business?
Detective Ian Gisbon was murdered at 20:08. On the other side of the country, at the same instant as Ian takes his last breath, Suzan Halford takes her first.
But her soul isn’t the only one in that newborn body. Although she doesn’t know it yet, Ian is with her.
Which means that they are going to have to share.

With his memories and life experiences intact, Ian is unable to communicate with those around him, and Suzan isn’t old enough to help him, yet.
Because Ian has a plan, he wants to see that justice is carried out. For that, he will need her cooperation.
But first, he has to be patient, while she grows. She can be told the truth when she’s old enough to handle it.
Then, out of the blue, a chance discovery sets an unstoppable chain of events in motion. Suzan’s life spirals out of control, destroying her family and driving her towards the edge of sanity.
When she finally accepts the truth and is ready to act, she needs help. And that means Peta, the only person she can trust. They used to be close, it’s time to reconnect.

And hope that, between the three of them, they can give Ian justice and peace.


This is a very different story. It begins with the fatal stabbing of Detective Ian Gibson while he was on a stakeout, and a simultaneous birth of Suzan. It seems the good detective’s soul was instantly reincarnated into Suzan’s body – and mind. A very clever plot whereby the dead detective’s soul is living alongside Suzan’s, within her, making this exciting read both a crime mystery with a twist of paranormal.

As Suzan grows, we get narration from Ian who, despite his soul getting stuck in Suzan, seems to have his own thoughts and agenda while ‘trapped’ in Suzan’s life. Ian is still determined to close the crime he was working on when he was murdered by same murderer he was seeking.

As the story develops, and as Suzan grows into a young girl, she begins having weird dreams that are actually Ian’s memories of the crime scene. Her parents begin to worry about her with all this new ‘research’ she’s been doing on Ian Gibson as she is driven to find out what happened to the detective whom she is sure of his ghost living inside her. Enough to drive anyone mad!

Suzan sees a newspaper article of Ian’s killing and begins having strange dreams about the night Ian was killed and who killed him. She doesn’t want to share her unease with anyone for fear they’ll think she’s crazy. As a young teen a chain of unfortunate events begins to unfold, an accident kills her father, and her and her mother have no choice but to leave the cozy farm and good neighbors behind as they move to a new town.

Suzan finds herself lonely and confused in her new home, and with having to leave her best friend Peta behind and then being taken for psychological exam, she manages to get mixed up with the wrong crowd. She was then put on heavy medication to quash her inner madness while still unaware of why this person who lives in her head persists to talk to her and asks for her help finding his killer.

Ian asks Suzan to go visit his widowed and newly remarried wife Beth, and retrieve a box with evidence he hid there. Of course, Suzan had her work cut out for her at first convincing Beth she isn’t a psychopath knocking on her door. Suzan then tells her mom she wants to go visit Peta and spend a few days with her. Once there, Suzan spills the beans to Peta about all that has been going on in her head, Ian, and her mission to go to retrieve evidence. Good friend Peta happily agrees to help her. And not long after they retrieve the box, the evil heats up and Suzan and Peta ultimately come face to face with Ian’s henchmen who work for Harold Malvis, the killer.

There’s some good suspense to keep us turning the pages in anticipation to discover how the girls will escape their fatal destiny, and then again when they are caught and brought directly to the killer. No spoilers!! A great read that kept me turning the pages.
