Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Crystals and Stones – Clearing Bad Energy – Selenite by D.G. Kaye

Explore the spiritual side of our natures and the universe as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find part Twenty-Three of the series: Child Innocence and ability to see Spirit and Imaginary friends

spiritual awareness

Crystals and all the various natural stones come from the earth, and they all hold their own unique properties, and vibrational energies. You can place crystals in various parts of the home, your prayer altar, wear as jewelry, and some prefer to carry one or two on their person. You will never see me without wearing two or three bracelets with protective properties – mostly, black tourmaline, known for warding off negative energies. Every stone has its own particular significance. But one thing they all have in common is that they should all be cleansed periodically, and especially after being exposed to negative vibes. But not all stones can be submersed in water to do so. This is where Selenite comes in handy.

Selenite, although it can look similar to Quartz, it’s really a crystalized form of gypsum, often referred to as ‘liquid light’ and is a much softer stone and is originally formed when sulfate and calcium-rich salt water evaporates. It rates as a two on the Mohs hardness scale. Selenite has the ability to open our crown, third eye, and higher chakras, making it an excellent tool to use with any spiritual cleansing.

It is mostly found in countries such as: Greece, Mexico, and the USA, and is also associated with the moon’s lunar cycles, originally named for the Greek Goddess Selene.

Selenite is known for its connection with our third eye chakra. Light energy radiates through this stone, promoting honesty and purity, forcing the holder of the stone to become open and receiving, thus helping with clearing energy blocks by allowing energy fluidity to promote raised awareness. Selenite is a wonderful divination tool for connecting with spirit guides and guardian angels too. Wearing Selenite jewelry is helpful to ward off receiving negative energies and keeps the energy sucking vampires from stealing our energy.

A good piece of Selenite to use for clearing is in the form of a wand. Wands typically are about 6 to 8 inches long but come in longer lengths as well. The wand has more than one use. You can create a space for yourself where you like to spend time and place the wand along side any other tumbled crystals you have that you may feel empowers you. You can also place in a dish or a bowl and keep them near to keep good energy in the room. Placing the wand on top of other crystals/stones, will keep your other stones positively charged at the same time because Selenite is a self-cleansing stone and has the energy to cleanse other stones. Therefore, you wouldn’t have to keep cleansing your stones after taking in negative energies if the Selenite were on top of the other stones. On the same token, some like to keep pieces of Selenite in corners of their rooms or on windowsills to keep negative energies at bay. Others, like me, like to sleep with a chunk of Selenite under my bed, because it’s also known for promoting better sleep and has great regenerating energies.

You can also use the wand to help with meditation. Make sure one end points toward your crown chakra and the other to the root chakra (vertically), then begin your chosen mantra.

One of the best uses for this wand is for removing negative energies on your person by holding the wand and circling it around your body from head to toe. Again, hold the wand vertically and begin by circling around the top of your head and continuing downwards the length of your body down to the feet, and around your limbs and torso. This is known as brushing because the energy cleansing wand picks off the negativity energy that has clung to us, almost like a lint brush.

Rock crystal Selenite

You can purchase Selenite in many forms. Some common forms are in chunks, long bars, and smaller stones.

Selenite is known as a self-cleansing stone and has the power of cleansing other stones when Selenite is placed upon or beside them. But, like anything else, it still doesn’t hurt to cleanse your Selenite stones once in awhile if you wish, especially if you’ve been using it a lot to clear. But Selenite is also one of those crystals that shouldn’t be submerged in water because of its soft nature. There are two ways to cleanse Selenite. You can light a sage smudge stick and wave it over the stone or you can cleanse it like you would any other stone that cannot be submerged in water by leaving it on a windowsill for a day to recharge by sun and moonlight naturally. Remember to never use the common cleansing method which is effective for many other stones by rinsing in water or salt water. Selenite is a porous stone, and it must be kept away from water.

In conclusion, you can choose to place a piece of Selenite wherever you feel you need to keep good energy flowing. Below I’ve included a great short video from the Energy Muse, which will give you a good idea of what Selenite looks like in various forms, and how to use it to clear negative energy.
