Review: “Have Bags, Will Travel” by D.G Kaye | writerchristophfischer

Thank you Christoph Fischer for reading and posting this wonderful review on your blog.


My 5* Review of: “Have Bags, Will Travel” by D.G Kaye

Have Bags kindle cover live

D.G. Kaye’s wonderful travel memoir owns as much to ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ as it does to popular Airline documentaries. Her sharp observations on travel customs and customs offices around the globe are accurate and well observed.
Hilarious and witty with an occasional stab at the bureaucratic and user-unfriendly ways the industry has developed, Kaye describes the fall from grace of airline travel, yet keeps it light-hearted and entertaining throughout.
I have spent 15 years in the air and have to back her up on most of her points.
As another reviewer put it:

“Much of what we endure to travel these days seems to defy logic and Kaye has a qitty way of putting things as well as a sharp, observing mind.
There are many hilarious moments as the author is stuck in customs at an airport in Venezuela, Canada or out in London and the Champs Elysee. Very enjoyable, pretty accurate and useful, thanks to the many tips at the end of the book.
This is compelling and essential travel readingHeadShot1

These Episodic anecdotes of travels past and present this is highly recommended.


More on Chrisoph’s page by following this link:

Source: Review: “Have Bags, Will Travel” by D.G Kaye | writerchristophfischer 


Christoph is an eclectic writer. I will be diving into one of his books, The Healers, very shortly, as the subject matter is fascinating. Here’s just a little about Christoph:

Christoph Fischer is an Independent writer from Germany, based in the UK.

Christoph Fischer was born in Germany, near the Austrian border, as the son of a Sudeten-German father and a Bavarian mother. Not a full local in the eyes and ears of his peers he developed an ambiguous sense of belonging and home in Bavaria. He moved to Hamburg in pursuit of his studies and to lead a life of literary indulgence. After a few years he moved on to the UK where he now lives in a small town in West Wales.  He and his partner have three Labradoodles to complete their family.

Christoph worked for the British Film Institute, in Libraries, Museums and for an airline. ‘The Luck of The Weissensteiners’ was published in November 2012; ‘Sebastian’ in May 2013 and ‘The Black Eagle Inn’ in October 2013 – which completes his ‘Three Nations Trilogy’. “Time to Let Go”, his first contemporary work was published in May 2014, and “Conditions”, another contemporary novel, in October 2014. His medical thriller “The Healer” was released in January 2015, his latest historical novel “In Search of a Revolution” in March 2015 and his latest thriller “The Gamblers” in June 2015.

He has written several other novels which are in the later stages of editing and finalisation.

Find more about him on ChristophFischerBooks



The right way to #write | Daily Echo — Sue Vincent

Reblog and featuring

Today I’m reblogging a wonderful article written by Sue Vincent.

Sue speaks about “Is  there is a right way to write?” Sue also talks about what readers are looking for in our writing.


A Quote from this article:

“Writing styles change as quickly as any other fashion. What was acceptable in a Victorian parlour might be deemed unacceptably wordy or ponderous today. There are some basic rules that must be learned and obeyed, of course, in order to make anything readable and there are logical reasons behind them that simply have to do with the way that words can flow. Having said that, were we all to adhere to a single accepted format, the literary world would be a very boring place. A writer’s style is, and must be, as individual as a voice.”


Sue Vincent ~ Echoes of Life, Love and Laughter (by Sue Vincent)


“For a writer, the best thing in the world is to know you have been read and that what you have written has been enjoyed or has struck a chord with a reader. Most of the time, we just don’t know… a book goes out into the world and we hear very little. Sales don’t matter in that respect… you still don’t know. The odd review or a comment always feel like a gift. . . ”  Read More by clicking the link below:

Source: The right way to write | Daily Echo 


D.G. Kaye © October 2015

5 Memoir #Quotes and How To #Write A #Memoir | Scott Berkun




memoir quotes


 William Zinsser

“To write a good memoir you must become the editor of your own life, imposing on an untidy sprawl of half-remembered events a narrative shape and organizing idea.  Memoir is the art of inventing the truth.”


Anne Lamott

Remember that you own what happened to you. If your childhood was less than ideal, you may have been raised thinking that if you told the truth about what really went on in your family, a long bony white finger would emerge from a cloud and point to you, while a chilling voice thundered, “We *told* you not to tell.” But that was then. Just put down on paper everything you can remember now about your parents and siblings and relatives and neighbors, and we will deal with libel later on.”


Gloria Swanson

I’ve given my memoirs far more thought than any of my marriages. You can’t divorce a book.”


Salman Rushdie

Someone asked me if I was afraid to write my memoirs. I told him: We have to stop drawing up accounts of fear! We live in a society in which people are allowed to tell their story, and that is what I do.”


William Faulkner

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”


I came across this succinct description of writing in memoir I wanted to share here by Scott Berkun  who is a very successful writer and memoirist. He wrote a fascinating and finely detailed accounting of all that is involved in writing memoir. In his post he also includes lots of helpful tips as well as a list of references to books, helpful for writing in memoir.

How To Write A Memoir | Scott Berkun.


D.G. Kaye©2015

New #Blogging Awards and 7 Facts – What a Thrill!

Thank you

I love reading my favorite blogs at night when I’m sitting on my comfy couch with my laptop on my lap, in front the of television, as I half, pay attention to whatever it is on TV. It’s always a pleasant surprise when I read a post where a fellow blogger has received an award and I surprisingly find my name added as a nominee they wish to share this award with.

I am blessed to have made many friends here amongst my readers, and to have received many awards from them. I know there are many writers who refuse to accept any more awards for reasons I can well understand. Those of us who write, understand the time it takes to write a post, make and post photos, add links, and everything else involved in posting. And as we all know, time seems to be something we all just don’t have enough of.

I choose not to tell others I don’t accept awards, but due to time restraints, I don’t always abide by the rules of acceptance. I kind of do my own thing. I like to post the awards in gratitude of those who have given me consideration, and have taken the time to nominate me, and I like to offer them to all my blogging friends because I feel all are deserving of these same awards.

Today I’d like to thank Karen of MyTrainofThoughts for nominating me for, not one, but two awards. I was truly touched to be included as a nominee from Karen’s esteemed blog. The two awards are:

one lovely award

Visit this blog HERE


premio award

 Visit this blog HERE


Karen has asked that I share 7 facts about myself:

  • 1. I always seem to be reading two books at the same time. My mood will dictate which one I pick up.
  • 2. I’ve also seemed to develop a pattern of writing two books at the same time.
  • 3. I’m not a ‘foodie’. For a girl with a versatile imagination and flair for style and travel, I basically eat to survive, a very plain and boring diet. Typically I’ll eat a gluten-free quinoa waffle with almond butter, sprinkled with flax and hemp seeds for breakfast. Lunch would be two eggs (yolks only) on a flax and chia tortilla wrap, and dinner is typically some kind of chicken or fish with veggies and a small helping of a healthy carb. Some would think it’s a pretty boring day to day diet, but it’s healthy, it fills me, and it doesn’t agitate my crazy intestines.
  • 4. I abhor injustice, and I’m a very opinionated person about them vocally, but you won’t hear much of this from me here in cyber space for fear of repercussions and trolls.
  • 5. In my head, I’m still 30 years old. . . but my body doesn’t hesitate to remind me otherwise. . . sometimes.
  • 6. I love NFL football. You will find me every Sunday during the season, on my couch with laptop, reading blogs and flicking through all games throughout the day.
  • 7. I’m always in search for the ‘perfect’ anti-aging cream. ‘Nuff said.


Thank you again Karen for nominating me for these awards. They are being added to my Award page where I display the awards I’ve received and who they were given to me by.


Now all you deserving readers, please help yourself to copy and pasting one or both of these awards for yourselves, from me to you.


D.G. Kaye ©2015

Why Every Writer Needs a Good Copy Edit – Great Advice from Freelancers Union! | Margaret Langstaff


I’d like to introduce Margaret Langstaff’s blog here today, The Langstaff Retort. I’m wondering how many here are familiar with Margaret? In her words:


Reporting from the Busy Intersection of Literature and Life (by Margaret Jean Langstaff),


I am an author.”

“A voracious but discriminating reader.”

“A book critic and reviewer.”

“A member of the National Book Critics Circle.”

“A Writing and Publishing Consultant.”

“I’ve written lots of books, both under my own name and as a ghostwriter for others.”

Margaret is also a: Professional Book Editor, Copy Editor, Proofreader, Writing & Publishing Consultant. You can peruse her services at her editing website,


I came across Margaret’s blog sometime last year, and I try to never miss an episode of her juicy tidbits of information she shares with her readers about the importance of editing our work, not just for book writing, but for blogs and content writing too. Margaret’s blog is always very informative for writers to take something from. And sometimes, as a treat, Margaret shares some of her own writing.


Recently I read one of Margaret’s posts I want to share here with you. It’s titled, Why Every Writer Needs a Good Copy Edit — Great Advice from Freelancer’s Union


This article was extremely succinct as it explained the importance of hiring editors. Below is an excerpt of the post, then please do click on the link that follows to read the article in its entirety.


My lovable, esteemed writing colleagues, most of you know by now that in addition to being an “author” (more than 20 books so far, about half of them ghostwritten on a contract basis for public figures), I am also a busy professional editor. More than 50 pct of my work time is spent with raw, rough, flawed, usually hastily revised once (if at all), manuscripts from other writers.  My job is to make them convincing, functional and unforgettable.  That is, to do what I have to do to perfect and refine the text for publication.

Source: Why Every Writer Needs a Good Copy Edit – Great Advice from Freelancers Union! | Margaret Langstaff 

D.G. Kaye ©2015

#Writing Prompt – The Write Stuff 79 Word Challenge

Reblog and featuring

I’ve been a little busy this past week, trying my hand at writing a little fiction. I have to admit, fiction has never been my strong point when it comes to writing. As a nonfiction writer, I’m used to writing stories from my own experiences, told from my own point of view. But  I’m always up for a new challenge. So while I was visiting some of my favorite blogs I came across The Story Reading Ape’s page and noticed the 79 Word Challenge he posted for writers to join in. I also decided to take the plunge with The Write Stuff’s, Word Prompt Challenge.

blog challenge

I actually had fun doing these challenges, and it was nice that after releasing my latest book Have Bags, Will Travel, I regained a little personal time, which enabled me to try something new.


Below find my post on the prompt, ‘Candlelight’ at Marcia’s blog, The Write Stuff   “Writers Helping Writers” with Marcia Meara & Friends

#Writing Prompt –Candlelight




The aging Diva primped for her grand entrance to the Christmas party she hosted annually. She reminded her assistant for the umpteenth time, to make sure the Grand Ballroom was to remain dimly lit — candlelight only. Her vanity dictated that she’d only be seen in best light.

The aging recluse hid within herself what she didn’t want to face in the mirror — the lines and wrinkles which marked her time on earth. As she entered the Ballroom, her flaws remained hidden to the crowd, but not to herself.

The Diva managed to conceal her face, ravaged with time, by wearing scarves and hats, and her signature cat-eye shaped sunglasses when she absolutely had to go out; trying her best to stay out of the limelight during the day. But certain social gatherings were expected, and obligatory. . .Read More  


Then have a look at some of the wonderful 79 Word challenges shared  along with mine at The Story Reading Ape’s blog . 


Here’s a tiny part of my 79 Word writing challenge:

As bedtime drew near, she feared going to sleep; no matter how much her curiosity stirred.

Another fitful night of slumber, and once again, she woke with a drilling chill down her spine.

The temperature in her room plummeted as a faint shadow hovered over her body. . . CONTINUE 




D.G.Kaye ©2015




NEWSFLASH – Important Information


It’s come to my attention that after two years, my old blog on was on a site re-direct and supposed to be deleted when I opened this self-hosted blog almost two years ago.


I noticed I was getting new followers, and some of the email alerts informing me of new followers were through my old site I wanted to inform my readers that I have finally resolved that issue and that blog page is no longer valid.

For those of you who enjoy following my blog, I’m not even sure it will come up on the wordpress reader anymore, so please subscribe to ‘Follow This Blog’ right here on this page at the right-hand sidebar if you wish to continue reading my posts.

Thanks so much for following me, and I hope I don’t lose any of you because of this. So to ensure we don’t lose touch, don’t forget to subscribe to my posts before you leave.

Thanks so much!

Fabulous Friday Guest Blogger D. G. Kaye #Aging Gracefully #Selfesteem| The Write Stuff

Reblog and featuring


Author Photo Professional

I was invited over to Marcia Meara’s blog to do a guest post today, The Write Stuff. I thought I’d write a post about aging gracefully and how it can sometimes affect the way we feel about ourselves with our changing outward appearance.

I write a lot about self-esteem issues in my books because I grew up suffering from a very low self-esteem and low sense of self-worth. Self-esteem issues begin with the hurts we’ve encountered throughout our lives and manifest as we grow older by the way we feel about ourselves, the way we take care of ourselves, and the way we feel we appear to others. As I grew to understand my feelings of low self-esteem, I chose to learn how to do things that made me feel better about myself, rather than let it take over my life.

In this article, I am writing about the physical aspects of aging. It goes without saying, that there are many other factors involved with the aging process: taking care of our health – body, mind and soul, most importantly. But I chose to write about how the physical part of aging played a part in my life, and share some of my tips on taking care of our skin.

I would also like to say that even though we may strive to be our best ‘me’, if we’ve suffered from low self-esteem issues most of our lives, there is a part of those struggles that many of us still harbor within us no matter how far we overcome our issues. For example: A person who struggled with being overweight all their lives and suddenly loses all the weight, may still tend to look at themselves as ‘fat’ when they look in the mirror. I know I went through that myself when I was younger. The point being, no matter how much we overcome, I know for myself, there is still a little demon of insecurity that keeps residence in a tiny part of my ego. But I sometimes think having a little bit of humility is good to keep us grounded.

Here is the article I wrote for Marcia’s blog:

“An Oxymoron – aging gracefully; pretty words for a difficult time for many who face new dragons at this certain time in life where physical appearance changes, yet some women bow gracefully to the onslaught of face and body alterations.

I admire the attitudes of many women whom just accept the changes, but I am a polar opposite to that kind of acceptance. I will use my last ounce of vanity to seek out the best methods I can find to combat aging. Sure, it’s inevitable; I’m not immortal, but most likely, I’ll leave this world wearing something leopard, a pair of stilettos (if I’m not caught dead at home on my computer wearing slippers), and sporting my signature orange lipstick and flaming red hair. All of these things became a part of me at a younger age, and I’ve maintained them for decades, so why would I cave?

Why should I have to stop striving to be the me that I’m comfortable in just because I’m in my mid fifties? . . .” READ MORE BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW AND JOIN THE CONVERSATION.


Source: Fabulous Friday Guest Blogger D. G. Kaye #Aging Gracefully | The Write Stuff

P.S. Marcia is a fascinating woman. She runs her blog as a place for writers to help writers. She invites writers to join her blog, feature excerpts from their work, post links, and a place for people to meet and share their thoughts. When you’re done reading this article, please visit Marcia’s WELCOME page and you will learn a lot more of what she does.