►#Three #Quotes – Philosophy: “Beauty, according to Plato” / Mythology: “Some Greek Myths, based on Beauty”⭐ .- | La Audacia de Aquiles

3 quotes on beauty


I was invited by the lovely Aquileana of La Audacia de Aquiles to join the 3 quote challenge. I invite all of you to post a quote here that you find resonates with you on the topic of beauty.


Here are my picks:


“Everything has beauty, but not everyone see it.”

~ Confucius ~


“The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.”

~ Audrey Hepburn ~


“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”

~ Anne Frank ~


Below Aquileana’s post, I will be adding any quotes you all leave here in the comment section.

Now go visit Aquileana’s beauty blog on mythology and read her incredible article on beauty.



Philosophy: “Beauty, according to Plato” / Mythology: “Some Greek Myths, based on Beauty”⭐ .-

plato beauty


The rules of this challenge are: ♠Post your favorite quotes or your own quotes for three (3) posts in a row. ♠Thank the person who nominated you. ♠Pass it on to three (3) other bloggers per quote, each time you post them. Or pass it to nine (9) bloggers if you choose to post all the quotes together, in the same post.
Note: I will post the three (3) quotes together. Thus I will nominate nine (9) Bloggers.
Also, I thought It would be pertinent to choose quotes on Beauty,



A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” John Keats’ Endymion

Added by Marian of plainandfancy.wordpress.com


“Only when we learn to value the difference among us can we achieve the true spirit of humanity.”  –  Charles S Weinblatt

Added by Cat of mytravelswithdepression.wordpress.com


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” (Margaret Wolfe Hungerford)

Added by Tess of letscutthecrap.wordpress.com


Source: ►Philosophy: “Beauty, according to Plato” / Mythology: “Some Greek Myths, based on Beauty”⭐ .- | La Audacia de Aquiles


D.G. Kaye ©2015

#Internet Safety – Stalkers… know the signs | Daily Echo


Don't be an easy target
Don’t be an easy target


Today’s topic is one I sometimes discuss with other authors, especially when I want to know if this is happening to them, and how frequently.

I often daily, get invitations from male strangers to befriend them. The majority of these invitations come from Google, Facebook, Goodreads, and Skype alerts.


As a person who is pretty well-versed on the world wide web, I’m pretty good at sniffing out the predators. My FBI-like tendencies send me off on social searches to find out more about these people before I accept any invitations. If I’m not familiar with their name I begin checking their profiles on social media to see what they’re about, if they’re authors or bloggers, if they have any posts from their websites, etc. Quite often there’s nothing to tell me anything about them and I hit delete. On Skype I don’t even look, I auto delete because there is no reason for anyone to have to Skype me that doesn’t already know me.

As an author with a very public profile, there are almost too many easy avenues to contact me, so I am always on guard before befriending strangers. But for others, particularly those who don’t have a public profile yet who are still visible on the web with their social media made public, they need to do their due diligence when it comes to accepting new ‘friends’ into their circles and sharing their personal lives with some of these predators who usually make first contact with compliments and sharing their relationship status.

In light of this important topic, I’d like to share a post that author/blogger Sue Vincent from the Daily Echo recently put up on her blog.

Stalkers . . .Know The Signs


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We all have different criteria and reasons for using any of the various social networks. For most of us, it is simply that… a place to meet friends, both old and new. I’ve just been through my inbox for one of those networks hitting delete. There are doubtless a lot of gentlemen on Google + and other social networks who are completely genuine. There will certainly be hopeful romantics amongst them who are simply hoping to connect with Miss Right.

Then there are the others. . . CONTINUE READING


Source: Stalkers… know the signs | Daily Echo 


D.G. Kaye ©2015

Happy #Thanksgiving — And, my #book is on #sale!

happy love laugh

I’d like to take this time to wish all of my dear American friends a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving.


Kindness, Words We Carry

I am not American, although in some ways I feel as though I am because I love the United States of America, and I travel there often. In fact, I’ll be spending the better part of this winter there, very soon, in Arizona.

Let us all give thanks for the many freedoms we enjoy, and remember to hold love, kindness and compassion in our hearts for our families, our lives, and mankind.


sale new


On another note, in lieu of Black Friday, I’ll be putting my newest book, Have Bags, Will Travel , on kindlecountdown starting Thursday, November 26. Thanksgiving day and Black Friday it will be available for .99 cents, then $1.99 throughout the weekend.

As many of you may well know, the sale is only available to the U.S. and U.K. (thank you Amazon for not including Canada, as though we aren’t part of North America).

If you haven’t had a chance to download a copy of this book, you can take advantage of this sale starting tomorrow.




To read some reviews on this book, CLICK HERE


To download Have Bags, Will Travel, CLICK HERE


Tweet: #Traveltip: Do online checkin 24 hours prior to avoid lines. Holiday travel read, Have Bags, Will Travel http://ctt.ec/f1IK4+ #sale
Happy Holidays everyone!


D.G. Kaye©2015

Book Launch – Tales from the Garden – Fairy Stories by Sally Cronin | Lit World Interviews

Reblog and featuring

Today I am sharing a reblog of Hugh Roberts article he wrote for Lit World Interviews , in honor of the new #booklaunch for Sally Cronin’s new book, Tales from the Garden. Sally is a dear friend of mine and most of you may know her from the blogosphere. I was going to write my own introduction about this book, but Hugh has summed it up here in excellent fashion.

Book Launch – Tales from the Garden – Fairy Stories by Sally Cronin

Tales From the Garden small- Cover

Lit World Interviews is delighted to announce that Tales from the Garden, by Sally Cronin, is now available in Ebook versions with the print copies available shortly.

Sally and husband, David, will be leaving their house and garden at some point in the future and when they put the house on the market, Sally realised that it was not only the sunshine that she would miss. She already had many photographs taken over the last sixteen years and she decided to capture as many aspects of the garden as she could to take with them digitally at least.

As Sally photographed the statues, most far too heavy to take with them, it came to her that some of them had been there at least for 60 years and had seen many changes over that time. Also there was the mystery surrounding the missing dwarves? Just exactly where did they disappear to some nights; when the garden seems to be alive with excitement and you can hear the fluttering of many wings in the air?

Sally wrote the stories weekly on her blog but was so delighted by the response from those who read them, that this became her surprise book of the year. Those that were planned will be released in the New Year . . . Click Here to continue reading.

Amazon UKhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0180Q6CKM

Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0180Q6CKM

Find additional purchases links at the continued post.


Source: Book Launch – Tales from the Garden – Fairy Stories by Sally Cronin | Lit World Interviews


D.G. Kaye ©2015

The Memeing Of Life: The 30 Most Inspirational Writer Memes Of All Time | Dan Alatorre – AUTHOR

Reblog and featuring

I came across this great post from author and friend, Dan Alatorre’s blog. Dan has a very entertaining blog. He is a diverse author and always spills his sense of humor into his writing.

In this post, Dan has taken 30 memes on writing and added his own personal spin to them.


The Memeing Of Life: The 30 Most Inspirational Writer Memes Of All Time

“I know that title is misspelled. Or at least I think it is.

I use a lot of memes cos I like them. Short, simple (usually) and to the point. I read a meme that connects with me and  I want a t-shirt made of it and a poster for my office, that’s how cool memes are.

And some of you use memes so you know what I mean, but here’s a list of my favorites and what they mean to me, not in any particular order. (Image first, then my take on it)”

“I really believe we bring our life experiences to our work, and we should do more of it. I do it, as some of you have seen, but not enough. Many, many times, a passage that really connects with a reader – as told to me by critique partners or a beta reader – was an actual piece of my life lifted up from my heart and put back down on the page. Use your life in your writing. It doesn’t imply you’re no good at making stuff up.. .”

Continue Reading


helpful writer ramblings from a disturbed mind just like yours (by Dan Alatorre AUTHOR)

Source: The Memeing Of Life: The 30 Most Inspirational Writer Memes Of All Time | Dan Alatorre – AUTHOR 


D.G. Kaye ©2015

Review: “Meno-What? A Memoir: Memorable Moments Of Menopause” by D.G. Kaye | writerchristophfischer



Meno photofunia

It’s always a pleasant surprise when we’re going through blogs we follow and find that a fellow blogger has graciously posted something nice about us.


I came across this lovely review of my book MenoWhat? A Memoir while visiting author Christoph Fischer’s blog. Besides the warm and fuzzy feeling it gave me, I was also impressed with the fact that the book had not only received a great review, but once again it came from a male. Of course the topic of this book, menopause, is female oriented, but when I was writing it, it never really dawned on me how much help this book would be for the men in our lives to help understand the many moods and emotions women go through in that ‘uncertain’ time.


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22881637Meno-What? A Memoir: Memorable Moments Of Menopause” by D.G. Kaye is a superbly written, entertaining and useful memoir that combines personal experience and well researched knowledge with helpful guidance, both practical and inpirational. Kaye shares her own experiences and provides important facts.
You should definitely read this, whether you need the advice or just want to have an informative and humorous read. Upbeat and entertaining this is a far cry from the book I had expected to read. This isn’t a miserablew ‘poor me’book but an inspiration.”

 Originally posted here


Source: Review: “Meno-What? A Memoir: Memorable Moments Of Menopause” by D.G. Kaye | writerchristophfischer

What’s in a Name short story – ‘E’ For Elaine – Shining Brightly | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life


My friend and creative writer/blogger/author Sally Cronin has multiple series on the go she posts weekly on her blog. In one of her series she takes each letter from the alphabet and writes a story about a person’s name corresponding to the letter. I always enjoy reading all of Sally’s posts, as they all leave me with some great insight, whether it be on nutrition, health, interviews with other talented authors and creatives, or in this case, her own creative writing. This post in particular I found extremely touching to the human heart.

What’s in a Name short story – ‘E’ For Elaine – Shining Brightly

The Greek and French meaning of the name Elaine is Shining Light or the Bright One.


Agapanthus, the “Lily of the Nile” is native to South Africa. The variation ‘Elaine’ grows up to 36 inches and has green strap like leaves with dark violet-blue flowers which certainly adds brightness to a garden.

What’s in a name –  ‘E’ for Elaine – Shining Brightly

Elaine lay under the warmth of the duvet and her hand crept across the mattress to touch her husband’s hand. Not enough to wake him but just a gentle touch to remind her of his presence. Jack’s even breathing and gentle snore was comforting and Elaine smiled to herself, savouring the delicious secret that she was desperate to reveal.

She had been saving up the news until today as a gift for Jack’s birthday. They had been married for two years and she knew that his greatest wish was for them to have a baby. His large family had already provided his parents with six grandchildren and whilst he might not talk about his desire for a family; he wanted to hold their child in his arms almost as much as she did. She had remembered the look on his face when she had thought that she might be pregnant but it had turned out to be a false alarm. This is why she had waited until she was absolutely sure; today would be the perfect time to reveal the secret. . . CONTINUE READING


Source: What’s in a Name short story – ‘E’ For Elaine – Shining Brightly | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

Things We Keep

Today's thought

I miss my house.


As I sat on my apartment balcony, drinking my morning coffee, I looked at the vast blue sky as I drank in the sun’s unseasonably warm rays. The trees in their russet and crimson colors stood calm in their beauty, and I heard a few birds singing. I found it odd to still hear the birds chirping away at this mid-November time of year. I wondered if they had perhaps become confused by the extreme weather changes we’ve been experiencing these past few weeks, from seasonably cold to mild and spring-like; hence, not signaling winter’s near arrival.



Although the weather hasn’t been consistent, the now empty flower pots lined up against the wall on my balcony, remind me of the cold winds and temperatures we’ve had in late October causing the flowers to shrivel and die. I began thinking about the flowers I so lovingly tended to in my old house –  the home I moved away from only 10 months ago. I recalled that with every change in weather, my flowers and plants would react.


By this time of year, I’d have already prepared blankets of burlap to wrap around the feeble trees and shrubs to defend them against winter’s onslaught of wind and snow. I couldn’t help but wonder if the new owners would do the same.


I thought about the beautiful shed my husband built with his brothers that housed all of our garden tools and furniture. And then I thought about how we have given all those things away because we’d no longer have use or storage for them.


No longer would I carry the groceries from my car directly through the garage door into the house. It’s now become a long walk through the underground parking, through the building corridors, up the elevator and back down the corridor to my door after bundling my groceries into an old shopping buggy I’d kept for decades.


It’s strange how I kept that shopping buggy from the days I lived in my little apartment – the one I moved into when I left the family home and my childhood behind. That buggy has been with me for over 35 years.


When I met my husband and we built our first home, he wanted to toss the shopping cart. I told him we never know when it may come in handy. He laughed as he shook his head and called me a packrat.


We threw the cart up on the storage shelves he’d built in the garage and there it sat until we moved 3 more times, and by then he no longer threatened to throw it out, but stored it neatly at the back of yet another shelf in each consequent house we moved to.


When we moved here this past winter, the handy cart helped me carry numerous loads of items back and forth up from the house to the car to the condo. And then I reminded my husband about how convenient this little cart had been and how handy it will be for bringing up groceries from the car.


Sure the old buggy has lost its shiny, silvery, luster, and one of the legs is missing its rubber capped foot, but I’ve had it for decades and it’s served its worth thousands of times over. Besides, they don’t build things the way they used to; built to last.

