Floor Show – #First #Draft Manuscript finished

Floor show


As I stood back and admired the round, large carpet which lay on the living room floor, I noticed how neatly I had placed the piles which covered the outer circumference of the carpet.  It looked as though it was a giant clock on the floor, but in place of the numerals, there were papers and too many piles to actually resemble a clock.

In some strange sense, I suppose it could have been construed as a clock, for the pages were filled with time.

These pages are my first draft of my memoir.  I couldn’t help but just stand and look down at my creation for a moment with an overwhelming sense of pride.

Oh yes, I have a ways to go now, but alas, the story is out of my head.  I have birthed it and now have only to help it grow and shape its future.


Good Intentions Foiled – Writing


feet up

I have decided it is a losing proposition trying to do any work on my book on Sundays.  I always like to plan for the day ahead but for some reason Sunday’s plans always get sidetracked.

The plan for today was to finish reading Scrivener for Dummies, watch some tutorials on Scrivener, sort out my first draft manuscript to get it in order for entering into Scrivener and tackle the ‘beast’ Scrivener and get into the process.  Below I shall list how well my plans were carried out:

Woke up, showered, made breakfast for me and hub, put in a load of laundry.

Sat down to read for about 20 minutes, got called outside to assist hub with some gardening apparatus.  Did another load of laundry, had to make lunch for hub.  Finished last chapter of Scrivener (still baffled).

Hub comes home with a new tree and needs me to prepare for planting.  Folded laundry.  Watched one tutorial on Scrivener (youtube). Checked emails (54). Hub comes in chatting away and needs some companionship (spoiled).  Hub needs me to come outside and explain to him why we cannot get another tree in our shaded backyard which requires full-sun.  I throw in another load of laundry and fold.  Only half-way through Scrivener tutorial (which has been abandoned and paused several times now), because hub is in the shower and screams down for a towel and proceeds to request a massage on his aching muscles.  Laundry gets finished and folded and it is time to make dinner.  I made dinner, did the barbequeing, did the dishes and it’s 8pm now while I sit down writing this.

I don’t have children and God Bless my husband as he is like a child on a Sunday doing all the little man things he likes to do but which somehow require my assistance constantly.  I will take it in stride and perhaps I shall just designate Sunday as a day off as this is a constant pattern every Sunday and I perhaps should know better by now.

I am looking forward to Monday and wishing you all a happy and constructive week.



It happened so Unexpectedly – Finishing First Draft


Just as I was writing my last chapter of my manuscript, I realized it was just that.  It was my final chapter!  I sat in my chair with pen in hand and realized suddenly, that I had come to the end of my book, save for the epilogue.  I asked myself if this could really be it and it was now time to head into revisions………………..many revisions!  My thoughts start dancing as I flip through my pages of atrocious penmanship and various inserts I so systematically implemented for my first draft.  Perhaps if I would have written in sequence I may not be so overwhelmed by the compilation process.


Alas, I am now reading ‘Scrivener for Dummies’ to help myself find a path to getting my words into the computer.  Sheesh!  I wasn’t ready to change my hat at a moment’s notice.   All in all, the feeling of getting this far is exhilarating!

A Cruel and Punishing Infliction – Cold Spring, Cold Flowers



Only a week ago, I was planting flowers and tidying up last year’s remnants of autumn.  The temperature had become above seasonal normal.  The heat was no longer running and the dilemma was to cave in and switch on the air-conditioning or sweat it out whilst savouring any slight welcomed breezes which would visit me through my opened windows.  The lovely, early, summer-like temperature was a common topic of conversation amongst most people.  I had purchased another hanging flower basket a few days ago.  The woman who rang up my purchase cautioned me to take the flowers in the garage on Sunday, as it was supposed to drop in temperature. I looked at her with a puzzling expression at what seemed like a ridiculous statement and nonetheless, thanked her.

For the remainder of the week, that ominous foreboding stuck in the back of my mind as I was hoping for a lovely sunny Saturday for my husband’s birthday party I was hosting.  I was relying on nice weather so I could have extra seating out on the patio.  When Saturday arrived, it was reasonably sunny but had become considerably cooler outside.  I was happy there was no rain and figured with a crowd and some alcoholic indulging, that I could get away with my plan.

I woke Sunday morning to a chilly bedroom and to a distracting sound of constant tapping on the window.  As I sauntered down to the kitchen and its aftermath of a night of partying, I looked out the window to find a hefty stream of hail and snow falling.  My beautiful garden was taking a cruel, weather beating.  I was grateful that my husband had taken my many hanging baskets to the garage the previous evening, remembering my heed of possible crazy weather approaching.  As I stood in front of my window, watching my snow-covered flower beds and the pushing winds forcing their fury on my almost fully-bloomed lilac tree, I couldn’t help but wonder why Mother Nature was wreaking havoc on her own innocent children of nature.

D.G. Kaye©2013

Happy Spring!



What a beautiful writing day.  It was so inspiring to sit in my usual writing chair at my kitchen table with numerous books and notepads sprawled around me while looking out at Spring head-on, in full bloom. 

The sun was shining through the open windows, bringing with it fresh breezes as I listened to the constant chirping of birds who also seemed so contently enjoying their day.  I sit here everyday and write, and as I search for the perfect words to pen, I look to the newly blossoming trees for inspiration.

  I’ve been keeping mental notes on the big maple tree in my backyard.  Only a week ago it was barren of leaves.  I watched it bud daily and find it so fascinating that within four days the tree is halfway in bloom with leaves.  Truly one of God’s many miracles that may have gone un-noticed if I was not writing this book in my favourite chair.

