#WATWB – We Are The World Blogfest – Human Rights and Heroes in the Darkness

We are the World Blogfest


I am Canadian and I’m disheartened and disgusted at what’s been going on at US borders. You don’t have to be American to feel empathy for what is going on there.


#WATWB is about posting good things happening in the world. Sadly, besides the other dangers that tRump (I’m sorry, I cannot capitalize his name) is posing to the US and the world, this situation is atrocious and is against Human Rights – snatching children at the borders.


Thank you to this lawyer, Michael Avenatti, who is quickly becoming the newest hero in America by offering his pro bono services to assist these poor people being treated as insignificant and criminals, just fleeing for their lives looking for sanctuary. And thanks to Avenatti, so many other lawyers are joining the action. That is what America is about!



If you want to feel more inspiration, click on this Twitter link and read the outpouring of stellar comments.


And if you’d like to read more about what Avenatti is doing, please visit these links:





Every month a group of bloggers post something inspirational on the last Friday of every month, to deflect negativity and focus on something positive. I know this border situation is appalling to most people, but it is a reality that needs to continue to shine in the forefront of the media and so I’m sharing today, highlighting that there are many good citizens rising up and doing their part to help for justice.


Your hosts for the month are:   Simon FalkMary J. Giese Shilpa Garg Damyanti Biswas and Dan Antion.


If you’d like to add a post to join in #WATWB, please follow this link to add your posts.



Recognizing the Signs of Your Child’s Moods – Listen to Your Children

Vision perception - Memoirs



Moody. I don’t like that word. Moody was a common name my mother called me – constantly. No smiles or laughter from me constituted moody.


When I look back on my not-so-stellar childhood and think about the words – “You’re so goddamned moody,” I shake my head and shudder.

What did I really want to reply to her snide remarks? “I’m not moody, it’s you who makes me miserable, always breaking my spirit. This face is just for you.” But instead, I kept my hurt and resentment to myself because I knew if I didn’t, I’d pay dearly for opening my mouth. It was just easier to stay silent and miserable, using my facial expressions to evoke what I wouldn’t dare say verbally. Certainly, living under those circumstances kept me moody for years. How I didn’t turn out to become a chronically depressed person is nothing short of a miracle.

Growing up walking on eggshells around my mother and HER moods and volatile fits of anger kept me pretty quiet. Being a personal slave to her whims, demands and demeaning created my moods. But I couldn’t tell her that. I craved so badly for her to ever ask me why I looked so unhappy. But I did what was expected of me and kept my laughter and good sense of humor under wraps; revealing my happy side and humor only for others. She never really knew me.

Despite my crappy childhood, I was lucky. I was a thinker, an analyzer, and a planner, living on my dream of leaving home one day. And after I finally did move away from home at 18, Humpty put herself back together again on her very own. I was calmer without living with daily anxiety as I did at home, I devoured self-help books, and fell into a wonderful circle of loving and supportive friends. I met my best friend Zan within a year of moving into my cozy little apartment. She taught me that it was okay to be myself, allowed me to cry out loud, made me feel I was worthy of being loved, and cared about me, especially on those days when I didn’t wear a smile. She was also the first friend I ever had who told me she loved me and taught me to feel comfortable saying those words to others. ‘I love you’ was a phrase uncommon to me.

Between my new friendships and the many books I read, I found myself. I grew to love myself. The big personality I had hidden deep inside bloomed outwardly and I felt my personality radiate wherever I went. I realized then I was not a moody person; I was well-balanced, held no more pent-up anger, and no longer felt I was living in a perpetual state of anxiety. I loved to laugh and make others laugh. And although I may have and still do rant at injustice, I’ll state my ire, get it out of my system, and move on with a smile. From a childhood filled with not being heard or understood and stifling my thoughts, worries and dreams, I grew in all the healthy ways I should have done growing up at home.

And this little insight into my former years leads up to my question, what is wrong with parents who don’t even try to understand the reasons for their child’s behavior?

There’s a reason for a mood – bad or good, there is something behind those moods. People, especially children, wear their hearts on their sleeves. Sure, kids may be sad or mad for trivial issues such as: they didn’t get their way or perhaps they hurt themselves, or they may not be feeling well. But kids who walk around carrying sadness or hurt in their hearts will undoubtedly present themselves displaying signs of hurt, anger, displeasure, nervous habits, and mostly silence. These children need attention. They need love and compassion and a parent to notice and ask questions.

A child shouldn’t be made to suffer in silence with worries and anxieties plaguing them. It’s the parent’s job to notice these behavioral changes in their children. If a well-balanced child is showing continual signs of unhappiness or anxiety, it’s the parent’s job to speak with the child with compassion, giving them the comfort and freedom to speak about what’s on their mind.

A child needs security. They need to know their parents love them. They need to hear their parents tell them they are loved. They need to feel comfortable in knowing if anything is bothering them they can freely talk to their parents without being afraid to confront them or made to feel their problems are insignificant or a burden to their parents. It’s a parent’s duty to know their child and question them when they see their child is unhappy. What they don’t need is name calling, being ignored and left to their own imaginations, wondering why they can’t share their concerns.

I know growing up in my era, parenting didn’t come with an instruction manual, as it still doesn’t today. But in today’s world there is a lot more awareness about child rearing, many books available, and many support groups available  to get educated on raising happy, healthy children. I’m not sure whether or not compassion can be taught, but I will add here that having compassion for your child should be the very first prerequisite to entitle a parent to be a parent.

Yes, I say I was lucky because it’s quite common for children who grow up in a disturbing environment to carry their angst and hurt with them throughout their lives. They’ll often remain reserved, sometimes falling into deeper or long-term depression. Some grow up being easily led astray by anyone who offers them a false sense of loving them, and many grow up combative and become bullies because of the resentment embedded deep within their psyches from their underlying hurts.

Emotional damage can take a lifetime to overcome, and for some, they may never get the chance to become mentally stable or be able to experience happiness in their lives. If they’re lucky like me and have a strong will and sense of what is right and what is wrong, and can wade through their childhoods and discover methods and people who can help them grow and nurse their wounds, they’ll have a fighting chance. But sadly, for many, this isn’t always the way things turn out. So, please, give a child a fighting chance of growing up happy and healthy. Have compassion, use patience, spend time with your children, and tell them they are loved.

Sunday Book Review and Special Guest Feature with Colleen Chesebro – Fairies, Myths, & Magic

Featured author of the week

Today, my Sunday Book Review has a bonus feature added to my review. My dear friend and writer extraordinaire, and my Sister of the Fey, Colleen Chesebro is celebrating the birth of her new release – Fairies, Myths, & Magic. Today I’m featuring Colleen and her new book here for you to get to know more about Colleen, the inspiration for her book, and why she chose June 21st, the summer solstace for her publishing date. I was thrilled to be able to beta read and write an early review for this book, and you will find my review below the post.





I’ve planned this day out in my mind for over a year… Today, as a tribute to the Summer Solstice, my first book of poetry and short stories has become a reality. Fairies, Myths, & Magic ~ A Summer Celebration is now available on Amazon.


From June 21st through June 27th, this book will be featured at the introductory price of $.99! Grab your copy today!


Here is the Country Tagged Universal Book Link: Smarturl.it.FairiesMythsMagic



Step into a world where fairies, dragons, and other magical beings converge in a collection of poetry and short stories inspired by the celebration of Litha, the Summer Solstice.

Meet Drac, a dragon cursed by his own poisonous deeds, and two pixies who help an old man remember a lost love. You’ll meet a pair of fairies with a sense of humor, and a young girl who fulfills her destiny after being struck by lightning. Learn what happens when a modern witch’s spell goes terribly wrong. Meet the Sisters of the Fey, a group of Slavic Witches who sign a pact with the Rusalki Fey to preserve their magic for the good of all.

Atmospheric and haunting, the prose and poetry, will rewrite the mythologies of the past bringing them into the future.


What’s Litha ~ the Summer Solstice?


Litha is the celebration of the Summer Solstice—June in the Northern Hemisphere, and December in the Southern Hemisphere. Here in North America, the Litha Sabbat honors the longest day of the year with the most hours of sunlight.

Pagans celebrated Litha by observing and honoring the power of the sun. The sun’s influence reminded the people that the summer months represented fertility, ensuring the survival of the species.

During midsummer, magnificent fruit burst forth from the flowers, shrubs, and trees, providing ample food for all. Summer was also the most favorable time for the birthing and survival of animals, birds, and insects. This also included humans where the most births occurred during the months of July through October, which still continues today.

For the ancients, nothing represented the power of the sun more than fire. On the Solstice Eve, huge bonfires were erected on hilltops celebrating the link between the earth and heavens. Festivities lasted for days before and after the main event.


Yet, the primitive people recognized the need for balance between fire and water. Some celebrations included setting a wheel on fire, then rolling it downhill into a body of water, signaling the power of the sun at it’s mightiest, and also the day the sun’s power begins to diminish.

For me, a Summer Solstice celebration was the perfect day to share my collection of poetry and short stories inspired by the magic of the ancient pagans. I hope you’ll enjoy this collection. ❤


Book reviews by D.G. Kaye


My 5 Star Review:


Colleen Cheseboro takes us into the magical world of fairies and magical folklore in her charming book, Fairies, Myths & Magic. This author has a gift for bringing our imaginations into her stories with her words and imagery as she opens us up to the world of fantasy and myths.

In this book, Chesebro introduces us to fairies, pixies, and various other mythical creatures who come alive in her stories. There is an assortment of short stories, haibuns, haikus and touching stories, all sprinkled with magic.  Read about this author’s real life encounter with a Swamp Fairy, which became the inspiration for her first book, The Swamp Fairy, in Book 1 of The Heartstone Chronicles. Read about Roger’s Ringing Ears, an introduction to the magical beginnings of The Sisters of the Fey, stories with lovespells and how they can backfire, Dragons and Karma, impaired pixies, and many more!

Heartwarming, humorous and entertaining are just some of the emotions and reactions I felt while reading this book. If you enjoy magical stories, you’ll love this book!



Colleen Turquoise

Colleen M. Chesebro is an American Novelist writing YA fantasy and magical realism, cross-genre fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. She loves all things magical which may mean that she could be experiencing her second childhood—or not. That part of her life hasn’t been fully decided yet.

A few years ago, a mystical experience led her to renew her passion for writing and storytelling. These days she resides in the fantasy realm of the Fairy Whisperer where she writes the magical poetry and stories that the fairy nymphs whisper to her in her dreams.

Colleen won the Little and Laugh Flash Fiction Contest sponsored by the CarrotRanch Literary Community.com in November 2017 for her piece, called “The Bus Stop.” Her debut novel, The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy won gold in the 2017 AuthorsDB.com cover contest.

Colleen lives in Colorado with her husband, Ron. When she is not writing, Colleen enjoys spending time with her husband and friends. She also loves gardening, reading, and crocheting old-fashioned doilies into works of art. You can learn more about Colleen at www.colleenchesebro.com.


You can find Colleen in all the usual places. Drop by anytime.

colleenchesebro.com Author Blog

Amazon Author Page



Facebook Author Page

Sisters of the Fey Group Blog






Colleen M. Chesebro

YA Paranormal Fantasy Novelist


49 Days In 1988: Week 23 – Friends In Need – Hugh’s Views & News

Reblog Share

I’m over at Hugh Robert’s – Hughsviewsandnews today. Come visit! Hugh might be the master short story teller, known for his twisted endings, but he’s also an avid blogger offering all sorts of entertainment on his blog from blogging tips to fun blogging challenges, to guest features, and his ongoing series: 49 Days in 1988 where he shares his mysterious and complicated relationship issues in excerpts in this series along with a chosen song by a guest blogger. Today, I’m Hugh’s guest blogger, so come on over and have some fun!


49 Days In 1988: Week 23 – Friends In Need


London – July 7th, 1988

I managed to finish my late night at work yesterday by 7:15pm and was home to catch in on the celebrations of Marty’s birthday party. It went well, although Marcus wasn’t there. I went looking for him in the house and found him sat alone in his room. He told me that he was going to go to the party, but I wasn’t so sure. I literally had to drag him to come and join in the celebrations. Once he got there he seemed to relax and forget about his problems. I last saw him being chatted up by a rather lovely looking ‘Daddy.’ 

I got a surprise phone call this evening from Jamie. He told me he’s been keeping himself low and off radar over the last couple of weeks and now seems to be over the worse with the spilt from his boyfriend. He told me he’s finally come to terms with the fact that the relationship is over. I think he’s at last cracking through that awful barrier that he had built up around himself. We talked about meeting up for a drink and a chat but didn’t arrange a date. Hopefully, it will be soon. For the time being, we’ve agreed to stay in touch. I will give him a call towards the end of next week. Afterall, he’s in need of a shoulder to cry on.

#London #music #bloggers #city #LGBTQI #LGBT


Welcome to this new feature for 2018 on Hugh’s Views and News. In this feature, I’ll be sharing snippets from my diary of 1988. We’ll also take a trip in Hugh’s Music Time machine to hear some songs from the 1980s which have been chosen by some specially invited guests.

#authors #author #books #travel #memoirsThis week my guest is the author, writer, and blogger, Debby Kaye. Debby and I connected in blogland a few years ago, and she’s one of my most loyal supporters in always reading and commenting on my posts. We often exchange emails, and I’ve become one of her most prominent fans. Her writing is always very engaging, and she goes out of her way to help other writers and bloggers . . . continue reading


Source: 49 Days In 1988: Week 23 – Friends In Need – Hugh’s Views & News

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – The #Travel Column with Debby Gies – Cruising – Reports and Tips -Part One. | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

Travel Talk with D.G. Kaye

I’m thrilled to be sharing here my Part 1 of Travel Tips, my new column over at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Invitation. Please visit us.


Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – The #Travel Column with Debby Gies – Cruising – Reports and Tips -Part One.


Delighted to welcome D.G. Kaye – Debby Gies to the blog as a regular contributor with her new Travel Column. Debby is a non-fiction author who has received wonderful reviews for her inspirational memoirs. She also is a seasoned traveler and her book Have Bags Will Travel is packed with useful information and entertaining stories of her own adventures.

To get the column off to a flying start (or in this case sailing start), Debby has three posts on Cruising holidays which will be posted every two weeks before moving to a regular monthly slot.

Travel Column – Reports and Tips – Part 1

Thank you Sally for inviting me to guest post for your Travel Blog Magazine series. In this series I’ll be sharing some of my favorite places I’ve traveled to, tips about preparing for travel, staying safe when traveling, and how to get the best bang for your dollars.
In today’s post I’ll be talking about cruises. I love cruising. I’ve been on approximately 15 cruises and have the protocol down to a science.

I began cruising with Celebrity cruises because of the many good recommendations I received and after researching various cruise lines while initially trying to decide which cruise line to choose. I had a fabulous first experience cruise with them and never looked any further. I also met many cruisers on the cruises I’ve been on and heard lots of stories about bad experiences with low quality food, tiny cabins, expensive beverages and lack of activities offered. I also met people who traveled on various cruise lines who said their best experience was with Celebrity and I can understand why.

This article is not a plug for any particular cruise line, but rather a sharing about what I’ve gleaned about cruising. Because I travel with Celebrity this is the cruise line I make reference to. Other than the possibility of taking a River Cruise one day, any future cruises I take will remain with Celebrity. I’ve had nothing less than first class service, wonderful amenities, great food, beautiful cabins, and not to mention – their rewards program is fantastic, but I’ll get into that a little later. Therefore, for me, if it aint broken, I aint fixin’. As far as cruisers go, you either love being out on the ocean or you don’t. But for those of us who do, here’s the scoop on what to look for when choosing a cruise.

Which Cruise Line Should I Choose?

This is a matter of preference, pricing and itinerary. For many new cruisers, it can be overwhelming to decide which cruise line to book with. . . continue reading


Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – The #Travel Column with Debby Gies – Cruising – Reports and Tips -Part One. | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

What’s in a Name? – They Call Me Pokercubster

What’s in a Name?

world series of poker 2010


Branding ourselves as authors on our platforms, social media and blogs with alias names or unrelated names for the work we produce, sometimes becomes an oversight as time passes and we connect with a growing readership. It’s essential to build a platform as published authors to gain new readership and let the world know that  us and our books exist. But many of us don’t realize that  not using our name (or pen name) for these purposes, can potentially present problems down the line.


I broke the rules before I even published my first book.

My Twitter handle is pretty out there when I share links and retweets. In fact, if you’ve ever read any guest posts by me and saw my shared social links below a post, you’d see a little tag line beside my Twitter URL stating: “Yes, there’s a story to this name.” – Pokercubster.

I’ve had that on my links for so long, but only recently while I was guest posting at Esmesalon, did I get questioned about it from Esme and Carol Taylor of Retired and No One Told Me. I thought it was funny because nobody ever cared to ask until then.

When I began writing my book and working on my platform by adding new social media accounts, I already had a Twitter account I’d opened in 2010, so I was good . . . or so I thought.  As I was getting closer to publication date and adding my social links to the back of my book, I began to question myself about keeping that handle I’d already established on Twitter. I already had a few hundred followers and wasn’t sure if I should start fresh or grow it. The problem was the name I went by, that handle was related to my name I went by when I used to play online poker and went to Las Vegas frequently to play in some live tournaments. I also visited the World Series of Poker there two years in a row where I’d befriended some pro poker players, so I didn’t want to lose the connections.

Me and a few pros I jumped in photo ops with:

Me and poker pro


Poker pals

Poker pro


In hindsight, I should have ditched the handle because it doesn’t have any bearing on my writing name, but I did seek some advice from my then mentor, almost famous now, horror author, James Thorn, who had basically held my hand through beta reading and the publishing process. I asked James what his thoughts were about my dilemma.

He responded by asking me if the handle had anything to do with me or my ‘book’. At the time, it was my first book and I couldn’t see the long term. I told him in my past I’d worked in the gaming industry for quite a few years from casino to private companies dealing Blackjack and Poker and moving up to Pit Boss, and of course, it was my passion for playing poker where I’d play online tournaments in the evenings and weekends. And I told him I mentioned a bit of my ‘dealing days’ in my book.

Playing poker online, I’d chosen that name for my avatar. Nobody uses their real name and my husband calls me by the nickname ‘Cub’, so I thought it was slick to be the Pokercubster. Besides, I didn’t want to be Pokercub without the ‘ster’ on it because I didn’t want to be mistaken for a baseball Cub’s fan when my team is the Toronto Blue Jays.

James told me I then had a choice to make, but if I felt okay with it to keep it. Foolishly, I did. I say foolishly because really, the name has no bearing on my writing life now, I was sentimentally attached to it. And so, in honor of the ‘good old days’, studying and playing professional poker, I became a writer and continued to build my following as Pokercubster on Twitter.

[bctt tweet=”In hindsight, I should have used my author name for my Twitter handle, but I decided to remain as @pokercubster” username=”pokercubster”]

I sure do miss those exciting days. My passion for writing took over my passion for poker, and the long hours it took to play a tournament became gobbled up by the longer hours taken to become a writer, publisher, blogger and marketer. Would I change anything about that now? The answer is no, not even my Twitter handle.


“Celebrate the Summer Solstice,” A Tanka Poem | Colleen Chesebro ~ The Fairy Whisperer


Share and care

I want to congratulate my soul Sister of the Fey, Colleen Chesebro for her upcoming release this week! Her beautiful book of Fairies, Myths and Magic will be available June 21st.



I’ve stretched the limits of my Weekly Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge this week, but I have a good reason as you will see below. In my Tanka poem, I used “cheer,” for praise, and “feed the fires,” for excite.

This is also a book cover reveal!

Please join me on Thursday, June 21st, to help me celebrate the release of my first book of poetry and short stories called, “Fairies, Myths, & Magic ~ A Summer Celebration.” This book is written as a tribute to the Summer Solstice.

Fairies, Myths, & Magic Final

Book Cover design by Wendy Anne Darling ~ Bookxeedo Book Covers


Celebrate the Summer Solstice

This summer solstice—
cheer the balmy rising sun
Litha blessings flow.
Triumph the light over dark,
feed the fires of midsummer.

© 2018 Colleen M. Chesebro

Stayed tuned to learn about the special introductory price which will be announced on June 21st. ❤

Good morning friends

Comments are closed here, please visit Colleen’s post to comment and wish her congratulations. 🙂


Source: “Celebrate the Summer Solstice,” A Tanka Poem | Colleen Chesebro ~ The Fairy Whisperer

Sunday Book Review – A Marriage of Convenience by Stevie Turner

Book reviews by D.G. Kaye

Today’s Sunday Book Review is on Stevie Turner’s – A Marriage of Convenience. I’ll admit, I’ve read quite a few of Stevie’s collection of books and I’m happy to share my review here. Please note: Stevie’s book is on pre-order right now so you can purchase at a discount price!


Book: A Marriage of Convenience

Get this book now on Pre-Sale pricing on Amazon!



Gerrie Hermann, aspiring rock star from a rich South African family, has an unusual proposal for Sophie Woods when he meets her for the first time in their university canteen. Strait-laced Sophie has never done anything out of the ordinary in the whole of her 19 years. When she decides to take Gerrie up on his offer she has no idea that her decision is going to affect the rest of her life in ways that she could never have foreseen, even in her wildest dreams.


My 5 Star Review:

Turner has a gift for creating engrossing family drama stories and fleshing out strong characters who draw us into their stories and emotions.

In this tale we are introduced to Sophie, a university student, who is offered an unusual opportunity to marry Gerrie, an aspiring musician who is a fellow student at her school,: he’s looking for someone who will marry him to give him legal status to stay in the U.K. legally to pursue his musical career. A large sum of money comes with the offer which makes it quite a tempting one.

What transpires from their marriage of convenience turns out to be a lasting love, along with an emotional rollercoaster for both Sophie and Gerrie from the beginning when they both, first have to inform their parents about the sudden marriage, and continues with the drama that ensues throughout their marriage (no spoilers). Suffice it to say, that the plot thickens when Gerrie hatches a plot to extract money from his wealthy parents to start up a band and take it on the road, which backfires because Gerrie’s parents had bigger dreams of him taking over the family business, so there was no other way his parents would freely hand him over the money for a pipedream. This leaves Gerrie with no option but to go through with his alternate plan which ultimately winds up jeopardizing his family.

The story continues to build with many tribulations as the couple’s plight to gain funds gets sticky, and Gerrie and Sophie are faced with dramatic family woes. As the years pass and their family grows, grief that is hidden but never forgotten plays a big part in their quest to regain their family unit and in doing so, find forgiveness for the baddies who had turned their lives upside down.