Sunday Book Review and Special Guest Feature with Colleen Chesebro – Fairies, Myths, & Magic

Featured author of the week

Today, my Sunday Book Review has a bonus feature added to my review. My dear friend and writer extraordinaire, and my Sister of the Fey, Colleen Chesebro is celebrating the birth of her new release – Fairies, Myths, & Magic. Today I’m featuring Colleen and her new book here for you to get to know more about Colleen, the inspiration for her book, and why she chose June 21st, the summer solstace for her publishing date. I was thrilled to be able to beta read and write an early review for this book, and you will find my review below the post.





I’ve planned this day out in my mind for over a year… Today, as a tribute to the Summer Solstice, my first book of poetry and short stories has become a reality. Fairies, Myths, & Magic ~ A Summer Celebration is now available on Amazon.


From June 21st through June 27th, this book will be featured at the introductory price of $.99! Grab your copy today!


Here is the Country Tagged Universal Book Link:



Step into a world where fairies, dragons, and other magical beings converge in a collection of poetry and short stories inspired by the celebration of Litha, the Summer Solstice.

Meet Drac, a dragon cursed by his own poisonous deeds, and two pixies who help an old man remember a lost love. You’ll meet a pair of fairies with a sense of humor, and a young girl who fulfills her destiny after being struck by lightning. Learn what happens when a modern witch’s spell goes terribly wrong. Meet the Sisters of the Fey, a group of Slavic Witches who sign a pact with the Rusalki Fey to preserve their magic for the good of all.

Atmospheric and haunting, the prose and poetry, will rewrite the mythologies of the past bringing them into the future.


What’s Litha ~ the Summer Solstice?


Litha is the celebration of the Summer Solstice—June in the Northern Hemisphere, and December in the Southern Hemisphere. Here in North America, the Litha Sabbat honors the longest day of the year with the most hours of sunlight.

Pagans celebrated Litha by observing and honoring the power of the sun. The sun’s influence reminded the people that the summer months represented fertility, ensuring the survival of the species.

During midsummer, magnificent fruit burst forth from the flowers, shrubs, and trees, providing ample food for all. Summer was also the most favorable time for the birthing and survival of animals, birds, and insects. This also included humans where the most births occurred during the months of July through October, which still continues today.

For the ancients, nothing represented the power of the sun more than fire. On the Solstice Eve, huge bonfires were erected on hilltops celebrating the link between the earth and heavens. Festivities lasted for days before and after the main event.


Yet, the primitive people recognized the need for balance between fire and water. Some celebrations included setting a wheel on fire, then rolling it downhill into a body of water, signaling the power of the sun at it’s mightiest, and also the day the sun’s power begins to diminish.

For me, a Summer Solstice celebration was the perfect day to share my collection of poetry and short stories inspired by the magic of the ancient pagans. I hope you’ll enjoy this collection. ❤


Book reviews by D.G. Kaye


My 5 Star Review:


Colleen Cheseboro takes us into the magical world of fairies and magical folklore in her charming book, Fairies, Myths & Magic. This author has a gift for bringing our imaginations into her stories with her words and imagery as she opens us up to the world of fantasy and myths.

In this book, Chesebro introduces us to fairies, pixies, and various other mythical creatures who come alive in her stories. There is an assortment of short stories, haibuns, haikus and touching stories, all sprinkled with magic.  Read about this author’s real life encounter with a Swamp Fairy, which became the inspiration for her first book, The Swamp Fairy, in Book 1 of The Heartstone Chronicles. Read about Roger’s Ringing Ears, an introduction to the magical beginnings of The Sisters of the Fey, stories with lovespells and how they can backfire, Dragons and Karma, impaired pixies, and many more!

Heartwarming, humorous and entertaining are just some of the emotions and reactions I felt while reading this book. If you enjoy magical stories, you’ll love this book!



Colleen Turquoise

Colleen M. Chesebro is an American Novelist writing YA fantasy and magical realism, cross-genre fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. She loves all things magical which may mean that she could be experiencing her second childhood—or not. That part of her life hasn’t been fully decided yet.

A few years ago, a mystical experience led her to renew her passion for writing and storytelling. These days she resides in the fantasy realm of the Fairy Whisperer where she writes the magical poetry and stories that the fairy nymphs whisper to her in her dreams.

Colleen won the Little and Laugh Flash Fiction Contest sponsored by the CarrotRanch Literary in November 2017 for her piece, called “The Bus Stop.” Her debut novel, The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy won gold in the 2017 cover contest.

Colleen lives in Colorado with her husband, Ron. When she is not writing, Colleen enjoys spending time with her husband and friends. She also loves gardening, reading, and crocheting old-fashioned doilies into works of art. You can learn more about Colleen at


You can find Colleen in all the usual places. Drop by anytime. Author Blog

Amazon Author Page



Facebook Author Page

Sisters of the Fey Group Blog






Colleen M. Chesebro

YA Paranormal Fantasy Novelist


49 thoughts on “Sunday Book Review and Special Guest Feature with Colleen Chesebro – Fairies, Myths, & Magic

  1. Nice to learn more about Colleen, Deb, and to get a sense of what her new book is about. I love all things magical in books, and this one sounds right up my alley, especially since it’s an anthology including poetry. Checking it out for sure, and sharing, as well! 🙂 ❤


  2. Congratulations, Colleen and very exciting to learn about your latest book! I also enjoyed reading about the summer solstice and adding new knowledge on the topic! Lovely review, Debby – thank you for sharing and hosting Colleen on your blog. Happy Sunday to you both! 😀🌺


    1. Thanks so much Annika, for dropping by and leaving your lovely comment. Colleen is a wealth of information when it comes to magical and mystical things. 🙂 x


  3. There’s a lot of cool stuff in this background info, Deb. I love that she ‘resides in the fantasy realm of the Fairy Whisperer’. Isn’t that what happens to we-writers? We end up living in the worlds we create. Wonderful post.


  4. Spectacular review, Deb! I do believe our sister Colleen has a magical pen that sprinkles everything she writes with fairy dust. Thrilled to see her featured here. Hugs to my Sisters of the Fey! ❤️❤️


    1. Oh, double thanks for the compliment for Colleen and me. So glad you have a copy. I’m thrilled to see so much enthusiasm for Colleen and her new release. She’s a beautiful writer. 🙂


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