December Writer’s Tips – #Scams to avoid, Artificial Intelligence, #WordPress Support, #Editing

Wrapping up the year with my December picks for Writing Tips – Diana Peach at the Story Empire on Tightening our Prose, Just Publishing Advice shares new Author Scams and Book Publishers to avoid, Dan Holloway at ALLI talks about U.K. writers calling for A.I. protections, WordPress Support from Hugh Roberts, Diana Stout on Self-Editing, and Ruth Harris with some worthy Pro Writer Tips.

Diana Peach is at the Story Empire sharing tips on how to avoid Redundancies in Writing

Just Publishing Advice sharing the latest Author Scams and Book Publishers to Avoid

Self Publishing News at ALLI from Dan Holloway talking about U.K. Publishers and Writing Groups calling for protection tools against A.I.,Self-Editing, and Writing Advice from the Pros

Hugh Roberts is back with another helpful tutorial on various methods to contact WordPress Support

Why learning how to Self-Edit is important by Diana Stout at the Writers in the Storm blog

Ruth Harris at the Blog of Anne R. Allen with Writing Tips from the Pros
