Writer’s Tips, December Edition – Books, Blogging and Writing Tips, Scams

Welcome to my December curated Writer’s Tips. In this edition, once again blogger Hugh Roberts has another in-depth post on tips for bloggers – Seven things that scare bloggers. Author Ruth Harris writes about The importance of writing first lines for our books. A.C. Flory has some Amazon news for authors. Promoting your book later, after a launch, by Book Buzz, and Printing Scams on Amazon – authors beware by The Kindlepreneur, Anne R. Allen on Critiquing 101 – Ten Best Tips.


Hugh Roberts with helpful tips for bloggers


Ruth Harris at the blog of Anne R. Allen on tips for writing best first lines in books


A.C Flory has an informative post about what Amazon is up to with author’s books not showing up


Five Ways to Promote your book again after a launch, by Book Buzz


Amazon Printing Press and Pricing Scams – what authors need to know by The Kindlepreneur


Anne R. Allen with 10 Tips to being a good critiquer


50 thoughts on “Writer’s Tips, December Edition – Books, Blogging and Writing Tips, Scams

    1. You are correct Harmony. I noticed the crappy new author page on Amazon dot com page, but it’s still the better and older version on dot ca. Thanks and happy weekend to you too Harmony. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I guess programmers have to create content to prove their worth whatever the user might think. I do find interesting that WP will be supporting the Classic Editor until end 2024 and longer if the demand is still there. I believe quite a few of those using the block editor have returned to the Classic.. I have never left and don’t intend to. That will take me through another couple of years at least.. very happy. ♥♥


      2. Lol Sal, you go girl with that editor. Honestly, if I could figure out the block, you certainly can. Well, if they ever cut it on you, at least you know who to come to for guidance. LOL Hugs xxx

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  1. Yes, what’s the deal with hiding books from readers? That makes no sense. I went looking for someone’s book the other night, and it wasn’t on Amazon’s list of books by the author. After a bit of searching, I was able to track it down, but it shouldn’t have been that hard.


    1. You are correct Pete. It’s a mess. I see that nonsense on my Amazon dot come author page, but my dot ca is still looking like it used to. Anything to make our life harder with Amazon! 😦


  2. Wow, tons of information here Deb, thank you! (BTW, I’m very close to launching my next book, a children’s devotional this time. Compiling a paperback cover, however, is kicking my butt. I’ve created all my ebook covers through Canva – a cinch. But with all the details of a paperback . . . boy that’s becoming frustrating. I’m going to use your search engine and see if I can find something on your site. I think you’ve posted everything! 🙂 )


    1. Thanks so much Ellie. I’m glad you found the information helpful. Good luck creating the paperback. That is just one venture I happily pass on to someone with better knowledge than I. 🙂 xx

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  3. OMG! Seems like thee is a scam for everything these days.
    I’m surprised Amazon allows these scammers!
    Anyway, thanks for the tips, Debby! You have a fab book blog network! xox Hugs!


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