Terrible Things, A Few Facts, and Another Terrible Time to be a Jew

I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to have to write about it, but the world around me is spiraling, especially in my city, and country. Hamas has used their psychological warfare perfectly and has sent the world into a simmering pot of anti-semitism. Right, anti-semitism is nothing new, only Hamas unscrewed the lid off the jar of lies and the world ate it up. I write because I WILL NOT BE SILENT.

From the Universities here and there – and everywhere to Jewish establishments being blocked from business, to police having to guard Jews so they can go to synagogue to pray, and so children can continue to go to school, to the warnings to Jews FROM ISRAEL to Jews ‘across the planet’ to refrain from wearing Jewish symbolism. That’s our freedom!

When Hamas attacked Israel, the world became divided between Jews and Palestinians. You can cut the hatred with a knife it’s so omni-present. When people are uneducated, or don’t bother to learn about what is going on, they choose sides. This war began with the heinous hatred Hamas has for the Jews. Period. Their mission is to wipe out Israel. There is no peace agreement. They aren’t fighting for land or even a two-State country, they are fighting to rid the world of Jews. The Palestinians just happen to be their hostages since 2006 in Gaza. They don’t care about human life – Jewish or otherwise, and use their own as human shields. What people don’t get about this war is it’s not about territory, but democracy. If Hamas and their buddies, Hezbolah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and the whatevers in Syria, under the rule of Iran, can take out Israel, they will no longer have to worry about the West. The tiny spec of a country amidst a vast land of Arab countries has fought for their survival since the beginning of time. Gratefully, the US stands with Israel, and that’s the only thing scaring the Arab world. Sadly, because of Gaza gaslighting the Israelis in this war as part of their lying psychological warfare of spreading propaganda, and sorrowful lack of media showing ‘the odd’ snapshot of what’s going on in Israel, the world has been swayed by lies and social media to fan flames, and suddenly it became Jews against Arabs around the world?

The Palestinians are egged on by their Arab bretheren – I might add, the Arab bretheren anywhere aren’t offering them to come to their countries, but they egg on the Palestinians globally with their hate messages, and who are now having wild protests all over the world with their drummed in hatred. I know the US is trying hard to stomp it out before it becomes a national forest fire. But here in Canada, it feels like every man for himself. People need to learn the difference between Palestinians and Hamas – the terrorist group who holds Gaza Palestinians hostage daily since 2006. There is also the West Bank where Palestinians live, only they have different rights because they’re led by Palestinian Authority who, believe it or not, works with Israeli forces. They are not led by Hamas and happen to live amicably with Israeli Jews. Please learn who the terrorists are.

This video needs to be spread around the world. People are always so happy to hate and jump on the band wagon of whatever social media is chanting without education. This professor of Columbian University is calling for government action to stop the hatred across campuses.

518,641 views 28 Oct 2023Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas leader, Hassan Yousef, delivers a powerful new message to people around the world that chant “Free Palestine”.

I wanted to share this video that came out last week. The speaker is none other than the son of Hamas leader speaking about the terror of Hamas and the world. A three-minute must listen.

This war has been the focus of biased media with cameras on Gaza, and the forgotten issue about who started the war, slaughtered over 1400 Jews at a dance concert, in their homes, in their beds. Babies, elderly, children, men, women, and the disabled, stolen or slaughtered in their homes one early Saturday morning on a holiday weekend. Heads severed, babies and others burned alive tied together. Pregnant women had their stomachs sliced open and stabbed, both mother and baby. One baby was put in an oven. Others who ran to their bomb shelters had their houses burned down with them in them. All of the aforementioned, I saw with my eyes as my stomach wretched from both IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) and Hamas videos released. I’ve seen it in various global newspapers, videos, and various world news channels. None of these shown on Canadian airwaves since it happened SO LONG AGO, and the focus is now on Palestine and their terrorist leaders. I will also give a thank you shoutout to Rogers TV and communications for giving us the live Israel channel i24, free in our channel lineup so we can hear and see the truths with our own eyes and ears.

The world has almost forgotten about the Israeli massacre of October 7th and turned their focus to divide and hate. There is bloodshed on both sides, yet the context of this war has been so misconstrued. This is a war between terrorism and democracy, but the world turned it into the Jews against Palestinians, when in fact it’s about rooting out Hamas terrorism. But the damage is done.

Here is a video of the now typical day in my city since October 7th. The video was taken by journalist Igal Hecht:


Meanwhile the world has drank Hamas’ Koolaid when they started their psychological warfare by announcing that Israel took down their hospital, when in fact it was they who did it because they have no value for human life and use their citizens as human shields. But, the genie was out of the bottle, as the old cliche goes and the world went with it. Tag you’re it, the Jews are back to being ‘the chosen ones’. The terrorists start the rumors and the world plays broken telephone with it.

Hamas is the new hierarchy in the terrorist world. They’re worse than Isis. You remember them, the ones that used to love to chop off heads on video? Did you know in 1936 there were 16.6 million Jews, and now there are 16.1 left in the world. Jews are a mere dot in the world and Israel has fought to exist for thousands of years.

This photo taken in Turkey, supposedly a democratic, NATO country.

Thank you to Barnez Jumah who explained this post he shared: History 101 – The Beginning:

I’m just going to say it. I’m so sick of the growing antisemitism, that really isn’t growing, just people’s ugliness is being revealed.Toronto is appalling! Our PM was the last person on the planet to say that HamASS shot their own hospital. He says nothing to make anyone feel better or to even attempt to bridge the hatred, and is more concerned with Palestine, than the Jews in Canada, who are too staying quiet because of all the NON CONDEMNED HATRED going on in my city.

Gaza protests banging down MP doors to demand a ceasefire by the : “Apartheid and Genocide Israelies”, what the world has coined them. Canadian government allows the mass Palestinian protests daily, intimidating Jews, pulling ‘Kidnapped’ hostage posters off wherever they’ve been plastered. They chant ‘Free Palestine’ in English, then change to ‘Death to the Jews’ in Arabic.

Well here’s my piece, That’s not how politics work in a democratic country. You want to be wild animals, go back to where you came from and do that. Here, we’re entitled to freely protest, but not spew hate and death. It would be nice to see anyone with authority in this city stop feeling intimidated and enforce the law. AND FYI, Canada does not make decisions on what the hell the Iraeli army does. Neither does the world! Israel is not going to ceasefire and wait for the murderers to kill all of Israel, WHICH IS THEIR MISSION. So get over yourselves and your terrorist networks. And take your dirty anti-semitism with you!

I’m ashamed of Canada. Nothing from JT, but I appreciate the Israeli IDF keeping ALL Jews in the world informed, such as with this warning video asking that ALL JEWS please refrain from wearing religious objects.

Here’s a sweet little article from the Hamas Leader I came across in the National Post:

“When Hamas says it is a murderous, barbaric, evil cult that’s pathologically committed to murdering all Jews, at every opportunity, now and in the future, why do so many in the West refuse to believe it?

While many pro-Hamas supporters hail the glorious resistance, spokesmen for the terrorist organization openly stated that if given the chance, the slaughter of Oct. 7 will be repeated over and over again. If you care to read more about this heinous scum and his plans to eradicate Jews, please read on https://nationalpost.com/opinion/hamas-is-very-upfront-about-its-genocidal-intent-why-do-some-refuse-to-believe-it/wcm/49232b14-3403-4653-9eaa-4ae96e5395a8/amp/?fbclid=IwAR1G0LCRIxA3Shq6UArBewsI1eL-kZ4Kx1sQk1tDM9Rov1tpkF2c_Sr3QFU

I’d like to share this important letter from Canada’s National Post:

Letters: ‘What’s happened to Canada’s “hate speech” laws?’

Living in ‘strange and hypocritical times’

Re: As Israeli innocents are hunted and murdered, certain Canadian ‘progressives’ choose to celebrate — Terry Glavin, Oct. 8; and The Trudeau Liberals’ deafening silence in the face of Hamas horrors — Vivian Bercovici, Oct. 21

Article content

“What strange and hypocritical times we live in when a teacher can be removed from his or her job and have his or her career ruined for addressing a student in their birth name instead of their new chosen name but we can have demonstrators in the streets supporting a vicious terrorist organization and calling for the death of Jews and Israel.

What have we become? Freedom of speech and assembly is one of our pillars but not when it supports or calls for violence against another ethnic group.

Where is our virtue-signalling federal government in all of this? England, France and Germany have all empowered their security services to look at who is participating in these tasteless demonstrations and if necessary deport them from their countries. . . you can read more in the link below.

Don Elliott, Richelieu, Que. – If you’d like to read more opinions about Canada’s silence, please continue reading at the National Post.

In conclusion, I’d like to share this last article from the Canadian National Post, as people cry out, sign petitions and write to their MPs, to please step up to the podium and denounce hatred as they would surely do if they were Arabs, Blacks, Chinese being hated on, but sadly, THEY CANNOT, because they’re afraid they won’t be voted back in for sticking up for a minority – https://winnipegsun.com/news/national/why-wont-politicians-give-a-strong-response-on-anti-semitism/wcm/ecacc07a-5d5e-4751-b432-0aed1ee490e1?fbclid=IwAR35EhF7rRTsPuuDUXOH-3y7QO2XqPUemcSkg7Niis9Y9oMhNTq0fv7bGT8

This video was brought to my attention. It’s almost an hour long, but wow, it’s a clear breakdown on hate and the frightening consequences of propaganda: Douglas Murray is a British writer and political commentator. He is an associate editor of the Spectator and a columnist at the Telegraph and the New York Post among others. He is the author of many best-selling books including The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam (2017), The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity (2019), and The War on the West: How to Prevail in the Age of Unreason (2022).

History 101

Because we’re all going to need the prayers to avoid this war potentially escalating into WWIII. If Israel is defeated there would be no law and order left in the Middle Eastern world. And the West will be next on the agenda.

History repeats, just another location ~ D.G. Kaye


122 thoughts on “Terrible Things, A Few Facts, and Another Terrible Time to be a Jew

      1. You shouldn’t stay quiet. I have never followed “the crowd” thinking, just my heart. The hatred is painful to be around.


      2. It is so very painful Denise. Thank you. In 1939 nobody did anything when the Nazis began harrassing Jews on the streets then schools, businesses, then having to wear yellow stars, and finally, death. What’s going on around the world now is how it all began. We cannot be silent. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I always tried to understand how that happened, but now I can see. No, we can’t allow the hate to keep consuming.


  1. I stand with Israel, Debby. Your powerful post demonstrates to me the vicious agenda of the progressive liberals around the world. I saw a statistic that stated because of the population size, the number of Israeli men, women, and children killed on October 6th equated to 30,000 Americans. This kind of loss cannot be tolerated, and the full force of the Israeli military might must be used to eliminate the Hamas criminals. The support of America is something that appears to be in word only. I am embarrassed that our government tends to say a lot but do little at times. I am also very sad for those in your country who are so misguided as to the real enemy in this situation. Hamas is evil, and those Palestinians who live in the free world should thank their lucky stars they don’t live under the rule of those thugs. My prayers are with your people and you, Debby.


    1. Hi John. Thank you for taking the time to read this and not hesitating to comment. Misguided seems to be the word of the week. It’s stunning how Canada is hiding behind the protests. Here we have rights to protest just as in the US, but nobody policing what’s really happening, except the citizens of our streets on watch. They call them ‘free Palestinian protests’ when in fact the brainwashed are in full terrorist garb chanting death to Jews. And nobody stops them. 😦


      1. You are seeing the “woke” agenda being used to foster hate. The police and city officials are afraid to be called anti-Muslim for keeping the peace. This is the dangerous side of what’s been happening for the last three years. Progressives do not give a damn about human rights. They want control, and that’s it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I so agree. And as for our lawmakers – kind of like yours, they don’t want to step in shit because it may affect votes for them in future elections. Every man for himself 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Debby, I feel your passion reading your well-researched essay here. I believe Israel has the will and power to defeat Hamas, and I stand with Israel and those who uphold its right to exist–and to flourish.


  3. Good for you for shouting out, Deb. Politicians and the media have no morals and should not be the go-to source of information for the average person, as none of them can be trusted.
    Thinking of you at this crappy time.


    1. Thank you Deb. Politicians have no morals, also don’t care to step in shit by standing up for anything because it may affect who votes for them next time round. It’s imperative people do their homework on the state of the world, NOT FROM SOCIAL MEDIA, which has been the fuel for hatred and controversy since its inception. ❤

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  4. Hi Debby, my father told me what is happening in Canada when I got home from work today. I am dreadfully upset about it. I have many Jewish friends and the lack of action to stop the Nazis in 1939 haunts me. Huge hugs


  5. Very well said, and your sharing of the facts reinforces how little truth we are party too in the press.. My two sisters are very frightened to go to the Remembrance Day Service to honour our father and our grandfather because militants have threatened to ruin the service with a protest. This is not democracy and it is time that history is relegated to where it belongs which is in the past. This world needs unity not violence and we are sucking the hope for the future out of the younger generations grasp… ♥♥


    1. Thank you Sal. And I know well of the raging anti-semitism throughout Europe growing daily too. All because of uneducated and people who love to hate given the green light to do so. My new job since October 7th is to follow closely, the truth and join Jewish groups that band and stand together, because in reality – all we really have is each other. 😦 ❤

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  6. The conflict began with Abraham’s two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. It’s difficult to see what’s going on. But according to the Bible, Israel will reclaim Jerusalem and the temple.
    Israel has come a long way from a nation without land to a country with a strong military. Victory is theirs in the end.


  7. Thank you, Debby for researching all of this so we can all be better informed. It’s all so sad and no matter what anyone believes, we should all be trying to help prevent more lives from being lost.


  8. This is an excellent post, Debby. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I find it shocking that the least informed people are shouting their ignorance from the rooftops and think they are doing a good thing (probably because TikTok told them so). My philosophy is if you don’t know something, shut your mouth and open your ears and eyes. Then think about it for a long time before jumping to conclusions.


  9. Thank you for this insightful post, Debby! I had no idea the protesters in Toronto were chanting “Death to Jews” in Arabic. That is hate speech and the government should do something about it! It seems to me, our leaders are not handling any part of the situation well. 😦 Hamas needs to be eradicated, so both the Jews and the Palestinians can live in peace. So heartbreaking that innocent people are dying on both sides!


    1. You are correct Deb. The world is always so quick to react to things they don’t understand. But hey, everyone’s doing it so…. Israel is not trying to kill Palestinians, but Hamas. Stunning how so many get the two confused. ❤

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  10. Thank you Debby for researching the history of Palestine and Israel, for sharing your findings, and helping us all make sense of murder, terror, and mayhem and how these atrocities keep repeating themselves. It’s shocking to know we are only privy to a fraction of the truth in the media. I’m heartbroken and ache over all the innocent lives being sacrificed by a terrorist’s agenda. Much love and hugs in these difficult times, C


    1. Hi Cheryl. Thank you for reading, and I’m glad my post gave you some better insight. I know these protests are going on around the world. The only difference is that most of the Western world calls it out, but Canada didn’t get the memo. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Prayers sent to all involved Debby… Its a terrible situation which could have not got to the point where over 10,000 Palestine’s are now dead.. Including women and children..
    Without getting embroiled… There is more going on ‘beneath’ the surface than the MSM are saying… And ‘they’ want it to escalate to WW4… We are already in WW3 in our Spiritual battle ..
    Keep your vibes high and do not allow the outer to rob us of our inner… For this is what is occurring also..
    We are yet again being controlled by division, and incited hatred..
    I listened to a rational talk today by Gregg Braden who speaks on this subject..

    It’s called ” Its Our Responses that Defines us.”

    Much love dearest Friend xx ❤ xx


    1. Hi Sue. Thanks for adding your thoughts here. So weird you said we are in a sorts of WWIII spiritually right now. That’s exactly how it feels. With false propaganda floating around the world all it does is feed the fires and divide. Psychological warfare! Thanks for the link my wise friend. Peace and love ❤ xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Likewise dear Debby and yes… there has been a spiritual battle on going beyond that which is seen.. Sending Mega hugs and hold on… Something about to explode in everyone’s consciousness very soon.. ❤ xx


  12. It’s such a scary time. Some days I can’t bring myself to look at anything about it, which I know is selfish of me but it’s really so draining. Thank you Debby for stepping up and making these important messages know. Praying for the world on so many levels. It’s such a dark time right now in the world.


    1. Hi Christy. Believe me, I know what you mean about ‘draining’. I’m speaking for the many who remain silent. Prays for the world are so necessary now. What people don’t get is the terrorists must be stopped because if they take Israel, the West is definitely next. Not hard to see with all these scary hate protests going on around the world. 😦 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  13. This is such a harrowing time. The savagery, the brutality, and the escalation of hate are truly difficult to comprehend, even when we see it. It can’t be real, only it is all VERY real.

    Thank you for writing this, Debby. You put a lot into this piece, and I am so glad that you did. I only wish these circumstances were not here to write about. 😦 x


    1. Thank you kindly for reading (I’m sorry your name isn’t showing). Yes, it’s all too real, despite the many who choose to ignore or be silent, it’s all happening. ❤


  14. Very well put Debbie. This sentence that you wrote summarizes it very well: “This war began with the heinous hatred Hamas has for the Jews. Period. Their mission is to wipe out Israel.”. The descriptions of what Hamas did on October 7 are sickening. It is the darkest evil. Israel has no choice but to respond. Hamas has to be contained before a ceasefire, for the good of everyone. So many people don’t get it and then you have a lot of hateful Arabs, hundreds of millions, who influence our world.


    1. Hi Thomas. Thanks for chiming in here, and thanks for your kudos. The sad part is many don’t understand that IT IS for the good of the world that Israel stomps out Hamas for the world! It’s so easy to judge when people don’t understand the context and are so eager to jump on the bandwagon of hate. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  15. This is an amazing article, Debby – there is so much in it, I devoured all of it and was particularly struck by that Columbia Professor and Son of Hamas. I’ve never known a time like this. I was thinking today about some previous terrorist atrocities in the past, not just 9/11 but also the Munich Olympics, plane hijackings and for Australia the Bali Bombings that killed over 200, terribly injured 200 more. Also ISIS etc. These were all greeted with horror and dread by everyone. And I don’t ever remember any anti-semitism in Australia before. Stay safe. Toni x


    1. Hi Toni. Thank you so much. I know you and I talk a lot about this with each other, especially comparing news from our own countries. The protesters around the world are egging on all the hatred. I just want to throw some facts out here for those who wish to understand. ❤ xx

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  16. I couldn’t not comment on your well researched post Debby and like many I myself know little about the history of the Jews or the Palestinians…I fear that this will escalate into WW111 the growing demonstrations around the world are many and the hate that is growing scares me as it does you…I for one certainly don’t like the fact that Remembrance ceremonies will be subject to demonstrations and protests…We should not forget the atrocities that Hamas inflicted on innocents on Oct 7 and I understand the need for retribution it doesn’t stop my heart breaking for the children who continue to die because of all of this…


    1. Hi Carol. You summed it up perfectly. Yes, the terrorists must be stopped, and yes, it feels like the world is egging on a new world war. In some ways it already feels like we’re in psychological warfare with false information, propaganda and messages of death and hatred chanted around the world. 😦 x

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Dear Debby,

    This well spoken, well researched and well presented article is from the heart.
    Without hatred but full of disgust and sorrow, you point out the horrific absurdity of the reality of the desire by many to annihilate a civilization.

    I’m sick to my stomach about this and all war.
    That FB video runs far beyond the pale. I agree, where are our anti hate laws hiding?
    JT will never get my vote, again.

    Here’s something real crazy. My whole life of knowing that antisemitism exists, and having met a some, I have asked many on both sides of the fence …. why? How?

    You know, NOT one person had any answers.

    I found this online. It’s from the Anti-Defamation League. https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/documents/assets/pdf/education-outreach/Brief-History-on-Anti-Semitism-A.pdf

    I could go on, but I will stop.
    We are on the same page.
    Thank you for taking the time to write this post!



    1. Hi Res. First thanks for sharing that link. And thanks for understanding that our own PM – not to mention Premiere or Olivia Chow – RADIO SILENCE. The world is in a heap of trouble. All these hate protests will continue to spurr on division, right through our politics. Canada is in a heap of trouble when it comes to next elections. All my life I’ve been a Liberal and my party has failed me. But the alternative to JT is equally horrifying as far as I’m concerned. The Conservative leader is absolutely frightening, taking his cues from the south where they want to take away women’s rights. It’s difficult to see the light right now. 😦 Hugs my lovely friend. May we remain safe. ❤ xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. In this case -silence in NOT golden.
        Agree about our next election.
        Forget the misogynistic Conservatives! Yikes!
        I’ve been Liberal my entire voting life, but won’t vote Liberal.
        If Trudeau stepped down and Freeland took over, I would have a look and reconsider.
        Jagmeet’s stance is waffly.
        It’s a bad idea to not vote. Perhaps voting the NDP into power would shock the L & C’s sensible. However, they would spend our tax dollars more crazily than anything we have ever seen.
        The dimmers are on the lights, for sure.
        Yes, be safe dear Debby! xoxoxo


  18. Antisemitism is alive and well. Sometimes it stays hidden or in the shadows, but all it takes is an excuse to bring it out full throttle.


  19. Such a hugely passionate piece should only be applauded, Debby. You write from the heart, the place where only truth lives. Your points are all so valid and well-constructed. For what it’s worth I commend you.


  20. Wow; I actually didn’t know that people supported the Hamas. It seemed obvious to me that they wish to wipe out Israel. But, I have a bit more background education from childhood about the Jews, from a historical sense and not one of bigotry.


  21. The attacks on Jewish people around the world since the Israel government declared war on Hamas has been shocking to me. I have read some have even occurred here in Spain.

    Thank you for speaking out about this important matter. Stay safe. Sending hugs to you and to all Jewish people feeling frightened by the antisemitic violence taking place around the world these past few weeks.


    1. Thank you. ? I know WP is giving a hard time for some to comment. So some names aren’t showing up. Is this you Joy? This war has turned into psychological warfare around the world. 😦 Hugs


  22. I have been shocked by all the antisemitic violence taking place around the world since the Israel government declared war on Hamas. It’s even happened here in Spain.
    Thank you for writing about this important issue.
    Sending hugs to you and to all Jewish people around the world feeling frightened by these horrible attacks.


  23. Thanks for speaking out Debby on this horrific brutalizing war. So barbaric and unfathomable. Hate is something so unfathomable and so atrocious. How can we be living this nightmare. I truly appreciate all of your videos and sound information. Hugs and love one light at a time to overcome this darkness. xo💕🙏🏼


  24. I’m not sure I can add anything else, other than to agree that Hamas has an unforgiving heart in their culture like you said early in your post. Jesus taught forgiveness. I think the Arab countries have a big enough toe-hold on the world. Keep strong my friend. My heart aches for the innocent victims.


  25. Thank you for sharing your heart and pain here, Debby. I am in a state of dismay, and I don’t understand why human beings are so determined to hate each other. It makes no sense to me at all, on any level. I’m praying for sanity, and that there are strong leaders who will step up with compassion and condemn indefensible attacks on the innocent. Thanks for speaking up and adding to my understanding. Hugs.


    1. Thank you for reading Diana. And thanks for letting me know this post helped to somewhat understand better what is going on. I know the US is fighting plenty of this antisemitism, among so many other fronts. God bless us all! ❤

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      1. The complexity of what’s happening all around the world makes it hard to respond in a short comment, but the losses of innocent life and the needless hatred always needs to be challenged. Silence is violence. ❤


  26. Thank you, Debby, for your in depth post on Israel and Hamas. I was particularly struck by the video by the son of the Hamas leader and his cry for the execution of Hamas. Very powerful as is the remainder of the post.


    1. Thank you Carol. The son of Hamas’ words is so important for the world to hear from his own words. I know Montreal is having it’s share of antisemitic shenanigans. 😦 ❤


  27. Myriad comments are flooding my mind – and heart – Deb, but all has been said above. I’ll be sharing this post on my pages. Your voice needs to be heard❤️


    1. Thank you so much T. And thanks so much for your sharing. Also, thanks for not giving up while trying to comment here. I see you tried a few times. Thank you. ❤ xox

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  28. Hi Debby, thanks so much for doing the research and compiling this post where your emotions are palpable. This is so well written. Just listening to that Columbia Professor stirred up my emotions. I just don’t understand how hate can be the choice. What has occurred is beyond unfathomable. It’s scary to see in the video what you’re experiencing in your country. I am on the same page, and though it sounds so trite, I continue to hope and pray that the horror will end, that innocent lives will be spared. I could go on too, but just know I’m thinking of you and appreciate this detailed information. Hugs xo


    1. HI Lauren. Thanks so much for reading and leaving your thoughts. This war is and has been escalated by Hamas’ propaganda lies spread through the Arab world on Al Jazeera networks. They are urging ‘their people’ around the world with their propaganda and lies and videos that aren’t even from the current war, and lying about their reports from Gaza, and ordered to do these protests globally. The hate is instilled and the truth is smeared and blinded. This is the uproaring around the world. It doesn’t matter that so many of these protester immigrants came looking for a peaceful life, but are still led by their terrorist leaders and take their orders from Hamas. Scary and sad. 😦 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Hi Debby,

    Thank you so much for your detailed explanation of this confusing, delicate, and complicated matter. I read every letter of it and am grateful to better understand the differences between all the parties now. I’m saving your videos for later, when I have more time and can dig in a bit more.

    I do hope this matter won’t turn into another war, of course, and I don’t think it will. Hamas will never conquer Israel. The US will prevent that. I’m so sorry to read how your country is suffering from this hatred; I’ve heard and noticed growing displeasure with your PM from many people.

    Thanks again for informing us!


    1. HI Liesbet. Thanks so much for reading, and I’m glad I was able to help you understand better what’s happening. It seems to me with many of these protests, political leaders are radio silent because they don’t want to jeopardize votes for them in next election. Yes, it’s all about money and power, and NOT the people. It seems it’s the UK actually controlling the crowded hate protests best and making arrests. Perhaps Canada could learn from them. If hate is not publicly condemned, and stopped with punishments, it will only grow worse. I heard there were protests in Brazil too. Not sure about the rest of South America. Stay safe and informed. ❤ xx

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  30. Thank you for speaking out and for the thoughtful post. I too am baffled by many things you addressed, including our PM’s wishy-washy stance. And isn’t it interesting that the leader of Hamas is reportedly living in luxury in Dubai while all this is unfolding? I don’t know where or when this war will end, but it feels like Hamas’s time in running Gaza is almost over. The question is where will these terrorists regroup next? Maybe they should go visit their leader in Dubai.


  31. Thanks for sharing, Debby.
    It has been a dark time. You writing this educational post, has shined a light.
    Many Blessings


  32. Powerful Deb, extremely powerful. I saw this brainwashing as a 1960s college student listening to Abbie Hoffman and Kurt Vonnegut’s political protests claiming police were “pigs” and soldiers, “baby killers.” I saw this as a European tour guide escorting travelers to Dachau Concentration camp. Villagers still refused to believe it happened. “Propaganda,” they claimed. I viewed it in 1980s Washington DC while working with political rallies. During the speeches, I thought, this guy was telling them only what they wanted to hear. But all the people cheered anyway. No one seems to think for themselves!

    You’re right Debbie, few people research or think for themselves anymore! People allow themselves to become sheep when they won’t research the Truth for themselves. Whether it’s crazy diet plans or political manipulation.

    The world has been brainwashed like the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie “Running Man.” Today’s media directs the mind and therefore the soul of the people. Today’s news copywriters chop off sentences and no one hears “peacefully and patriotically walk down . . .” only what the media wants people to hear. “Baa, baa,” said the sheep. Perception becomes reality.

    I am so proud of you, my friend, as your voice cries out in this wasteland. Continue to raise your flag high as we stand with you. ❤


    1. Ellie, thank you so much for your support, and for your most truthful words. The brainwashing in the world is astounding! On so many fronts and issues. Hugs to you my friend. ❤ ❤

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  33. Time to make a forced population transfer of Arabs living in E. Jerusalem and Samaria to Gaza. Like the post War Allies removed 14 million Germans from the Czech Republic and Poland after Hitler denounced the “stolen occupied territories”. Time to permanently end the lie: “From the River to the Sea Palestine must be Free” lie.


  34. As General MacArthur dictated the details of the post War Government of Japan, so too Israel must dictate the Constitution/charter of the new Gaza government that shall rule Gaza and the dhimmi Arab populations removed from E. Jerusalem and Samaria to Gaza.

    The UN must leave Gaza. Jerusalem shall establish the Arab government that rules Gaza just as did the United States imposed the Japanese Constitution following the unconditional surrender of Japan to General MacArthur. The model of the post war peace established between the US & Japan shall serve as the model whereby Israel shall establish the government of Gaza.

    Just as the US forced a 14 million population transfer of German populations in the Czech Republic and Poland, Israel shall likewise impose a forced population transfer of Arab refugee populations currently residing in E. Jerusalem and all of Samaria to Gaza. Jerusalem commits to open business and trade with the new Israeli established Gaza Government and significantly invest in rebuilding the economy of defeated Gaza like as did the United States did with Japan.

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