Writer’s Tips – June Edition – #Facebook, Undelete, Head-Hopping, #Blogging

Welcome back to my monthly curated author/blogger tips to keep writers informed. In this edition, Deborah Jay has a warning for us about Facebook, Jacqui Murray shares a Tech Tip – how to ‘undelete’, Anne R. Allen discusses Head-Hopping, and Hugh Roberts with more Blogging Tips.


47 thoughts on “Writer’s Tips – June Edition – #Facebook, Undelete, Head-Hopping, #Blogging

  1. Thanks for the list of bloggers. I followed some bloggers I wasn’t familiar with. Deborah Jay wrote about AI stealing content from authors. That is scary stuff! I gained a lot of information that I need to write better. 🙂


  2. You’re the best, Debby! I zeroed in on the tips from Deborah Jay about Facebook and AI. Like others, I thoroughly object to have my work plagiarized. I went into my account and got lost in all the data. However, I did succeed in submitting a message to Facebook about my concerns. Fingers crossed that I will hear back.

    Thanks you so much, Deborah and Debby! 😀


  3. Thank you, Debs. While I am still ‘on my perch*,’ I’d prefer to type what comes out of my head (pathetic tho it may be at times…) * (not much point otherwise…) Life, eh! I planned sending you a poem wot i rote…but I don’t know if you’ll receive it as Google keeps altering their ‘symbol’ re attachments. l’ll try anyway… (it’s not working again…I’ll send it on when I can. Sorry!) xx


  4. AI has plundered already. The only way to avoid it is pull everything and that’s only minimally helpful as the net is full of Google archived pages. I’m not sure it borders on arrogance or gee-whiz to think anything we write carries the same weight in the data engines as real writers🤣 In Microsoft 365 you need to turn on track changes to get the most out of version history. If the red ink and lines take over or are bothersome turn off all markdown. Head hopping? Write dialogue. Entire chapters in a character’s head make me wonder where the story went. Unless it’s Virginia Woolf and that’s a whole other thing.


  5. Thanks for including a link to my recent post about the value of leaving thoughtful engaging comments rather than short non-engaging comments, Debby. Many seem to agree with what I say about commenting, especially that it’s not necessary to leave non-engaging comments on all posts. I’ve been amazed by a lot of the comments about comments.


  6. Deborah’s AI post is so important! When I was notified that this was what was going to happen, I objected and explained why. What really bugged me was the comment that they’d consider my point of view and then decide whether to accept it. I was ready to do battle but the message came back within moments saying that they’d honoured it. Thanks for all of these posts, Debby – they do make a difference. ♥♥


    1. Thanks Trish. And good on your for sticking to your guns. I have yet to be notified. I checked my FB settings and privacy, etc. but saw nothing.
      I try to share the things that are pertinent to us as writers. I’m glad you find them useful. Deb’s post was fantastic warning. ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. As always you curate a slew of fab tips!

    The FB AI tip is another example of people giving up their privacy, foe what?

    I hate FB. I never had an account & never will. I stopped using Instagram when they bought it.

    Amazon is another blight, for different reasons. I respect that authors need to sell books, so will link to Amazon, if I do book review.

    Okay! Lol!

    Have a great week Debby!

    ❦ xo hugs & 🌹💓❦ xo hugs & 🌹💓


    1. Lol, thank you my friend. Believe me, I hate FB too. I had it deactivated until I started publishing. My Insta, I haven’t looked at my page since 2017 LOL. Hugs and happy week to you too. ❤ Hugs xox ❤


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