#FlashFiction Challenge from CarrotRanch #Photoprompt

For this week’s Flash Fiction challenge at Charli Mills’ CarrotRanch – In 99 words write a story about this image:





January 23, 2019, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about a park bench. Use this gif to choose a timeframe and write the story behind that particular scene. Use the time as your title. Go where the prompt leads!



Secrets and Moments

If I could tell you I would. It’s my job here to offer a place to rest your weary selves. All knowing, listening and watching as countless people land here to share a moment.

Broken hearts rested here in refuge with their grief, new beginnings created as some knelt on bended knee declaring their love and proposing to another who has rested upon me.

Shady characters too have used my inconspicuous location for an incognito drop-off. While others come just to relax and take in a beautiful day.

These secrets traded between visitors remain ingrained within my wooden confessional.


Visit the ranch to read other entries.


26 thoughts on “#FlashFiction Challenge from CarrotRanch #Photoprompt

  1. A great image. I love the fact that some benches in the UK have dedications, mostly to people who have passed but loved a particular spot. It always made me stop and wonder about their stories. It’s good to know at least benches still keep our secrets safe! Enjoy the rest of the week, Debby!


  2. Debby, I appreciate how you caught the entirety of the bench and then equated it to a ‘wooden confessional.” Beautiful!


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