Let’s Have A Look – Spirit World #Sunset – Do you believe?

Today I want to share a weird photo experience I had. As many of you know, I recently moved into a smaller condo within the same building. I have to say, I don’t love it here. I don’t love living back on my own without my husband, but I also don’t like living in dark places.


When I agreed to take the unit, before getting to actually see it because it was under renovations, I was told it was a western exposure. That was music to my ears as the unit we’d lived in for six years together had an eastern exposure. The morning sun lit up our home for a good part of the day, but the trouble was, other balconies looked on in if they chose to look over their balconies, thus, having me keeping the blinds closed most of the day in the living room where I spent much of my time. I always complained to my husband that we would never move anywhere again if sunlight didn’t fill our rooms. But I was duped.


Sure my new place has ‘barely’ a western exposure, but once again, the way the building is laid out, an extended part blocks the sun, leaving a partial view of the small forest behind blocking sun with the trees. Needless to say, I got very depressed over this once I got the rude awakening. The sun only peeks out through the section of trees through my balcony livingroom window after 4pm and if I hadn’t purchased all new LED white daylight lightbulbs and a huge standup lamp with heavy duty large white light bulbs that actually can fool one into believing the sun is beaming through the windows, it would be like living in the dark 24/7.


So now that I’ve given you the lowdown on the quasi dungeon-like condo I live in, let me tell you about the weird sunset story. I don’t often see much of any sunsets here, and I don’t often go on my balcony, other than to put yet another item out on the shelving unit I put out there because of lack of room for some of my storage items, but the other evening something compelled me to take my phone out and snap a few photos.


I was walking by the window around 8pm when I noticed an extremely orange beam of sunlight shining through the trees into my window. I thought it unusual as in the almost two months I’ve lived here, I’d never saw that strength of sun peeking through. Now, most of you know I’m quite spiritual and interested in the world of spiritual beings and messages from the beyond so I wanted to share these photos I felt compelled to take. The photos that appeared on my camera were quite vivid with color and orbs, but were NOT visible to my naked eye. I’m still awe inspired by these photos and still trying to figure them out.


I know some of you here are also spiritual readers – you know who you are, and I’d be thrilled for feedback on thoughts about what you all get from these images below. Don’t forget to enlarge the photos to get a better view.


sunset through the trees

Do you see the orb near the bottom right corner encased in an oval circle?


purple light

Check out the beam of purple light streaming from the sunlight.


purple light 2

In this shot, the purple light almost takes on a shape of a figure, maybe angel wings? Note the orb at the bottom.


burst of sunset

Another magnificent shot. Note the orb again, encased in a separate oval-shaped circle.



If you aren’t familiar with orbs, below are two links from Soul and Spirit that explains what to look for.




This article describes various orbs. Number 3 resonated with me:


“Brightly-coloured orbs are worth a real look, as those caused by dust and water are usually just off-white. When you get a bright red, blue or golden orb, it can be a sign that a spirit has a message for you. Anyone who gets a bright orb, should be looking for the message in it.”



Have any of you even seen orbs or spirit in your photos?







56 thoughts on “Let’s Have A Look – Spirit World #Sunset – Do you believe?

  1. Dear Debbie, I have heard many fascinating stories from credible, intelligent people about experiences that cannot be fully explained. Living in darkness almost 24/7 is a challenging and depressing concept.

    I ‘get it’ on how the naked eye does not capture many images you can see after a photo is taken. This is the first time I have heard of seeing orbs and how they can be a sign a spirit has a message for you. I will pay attention and learn more.

    Light, in all of its forms is a form of energy. And, we have all heard how “energy cannot be created or destroyed.” Thank you for sharing, Debbie ❤️


  2. I am glad you are looking for light in your new environment. It occurs to me that you may see more light through the trees in the coming months when leaves fall off deciduous trees. Even everygreens seem to “molt”!

    About your question, I often see images when I look up to the clouds.


    1. You make a good point Marian, perhaps when the leaves fall there will be a bit more light, but there is still that stretch of building that will hide a lot until the 4pm mark, when in winter, will pretty much already be dark, lol. And about the clouds, I always look up for unusual patterns too. ❤


  3. Beautiful shots and uplifting. You most definitely had company that sunset. I find the purple most interesting, as the light is furthest away from the ‘blue’ spectrum at this time of day … strongest at dawn.

    I believe strongly that science meets spirituality more and more. So many times when viewing life from a Zen meditation viewpoint, I discovered quantum physics beginning to meet from the scientific end of the tunnel.

    All I can say for sure is there’s so much more we’ve yet to learn than we think we already ‘know’.

    Sending love and hugs 💕🙂💕


    1. Hi Harmony. Thanks so much for popping by and sharing your thoughts on interpretation. I truly believe it was a special event. I’ve gone out same time quite a few nights after I took these to see what’s out there, and nothing. Oh yes, we have so much more to learn. Hugs ❤ xx


  4. Thank you, dear Debby, for sharing these fabulous photos! Things like this get me really excited. This was a direct spirit message to you. YES, I have taken many photos with orbs, but one of my favorites was on Bourbon Street in New Orleans with people all around. The orbs were everywhere! The purple streams of light, in my humble opinion, are from the Angelic realm. The color purple relates to Archangel Zadkiel. I feel strongly that angel is watching over you. Welcome him/her in! What a beautiful post. It gave me goosebumps in a good way!


    1. Thank you sooooooo much Jan! I was hoping you’d pop by and leave your thoughts on this messaging. I am now going to pull out my angel oracle cards. ❤


  5. Don’t recall any orbs, but I do love sun-dappled woods photos–and sunsets. Over the years, it’s just the chance of being in the right place at the right time of not only the season but the hour of the day. Now I’m going to have search through some photos to find and post!


  6. What great pictures you got of the orb and angel, Debby! I’ve been lucky to capture a few too. I always feel like it’s telling me things are going to be okay.


  7. I’m sorry to hear about the lack of sunlight in your apartment, perhaps it is something you will become used to.

    and that is a beautiful photo of the sun shining through the trees…


  8. Lovely and alluring images, Debby – and I think there is something loving and gentle there for you. It looks like a pretty view. My new apartment is rather dark, needing the LED lights on during the day to do anything, but I don’t mind because I don’t like glare. Maybe one day you could move to another apartment that suits you better. Hugs to you. Toni x


    1. Hi Toni. Thanks for your kind words. That is my plan, stay here til I formulate a plan of where I want to live. Surely, it’s not going to be here forever, just a stop along the way to wherever the universe wants me to be. HUgs xoxo


  9. Ohh, how wonderful. I had a feeling you had seen signs recently. Bless, G and spirit and all the love that flows in energy. I have long believed in orbs and phenomena that shows through in photos and have some in my treasures. I love you. xXx ❤ xXx ❤


    1. Aw, thank you Jane. Of course you would know this! Amazing how that thin ray of sunshine called me to the balcony. I’ve been out there at sunset plenty since, and nothing. This was definitely a beautiful message. Thanks my lovely, I love you too ❤ oxxoxo ❤


  10. Wow, Debby. Such fascinating photos. I could see everything you described. And I’m so happy the universe gave you that gift of light and love. I’m used to the limited range of human vision and sometimes forget that it’s a small section of the full spectrum of light. Sometimes cameras catch what our eyes can’t. I had that happen this weekend while attending a wedding. Two of my photos of the priest’s final blessing of the couple are speared by golden light. I hope the sun brightens your days.


    1. So true Diana. Our eyes cannot take in the full spectrum of everything. I truly cherish that gift of messaging from the angels. And it seems the wedding you were at, the new couple were blessed too. Our vision capabilities are like our brains, we don’t use nearly the capabilities of all our senses. ❤


  11. I definitely see the angel Debby very clearly and the fact that the orb is moving says it is not just a reflection of the light through the same part of the trees. I would recommend taking comfort from it anyway Debby ♥♥


    1. Thanks for the confirmation Sal. Oh yes, the orbs were moving. After doing a search, and with Jan’s comment helping, I looked up Archangel Zadkiel and he is the healer and transformer always surrounded by purple light. I truly believe! ❤ ❤ xox


    1. I’m still figuring it all out Jacqui. But one thing is for sure, I am NOT at all where I want to be, merely just a stepping stone to when I figure out where I need to be. 🙂


  12. oh gosh. I hate living in a dark house. we have lots of windows but front and back have obstructions…. we need shade here… and this dark paneling really needs painting!!
    I’m sorry you have to deal with that.

    Orbs. I have seen them. I will have to read the links and see if I can find meaning. Thx!!


  13. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures, Debby. I am sorry you place is dark. I’m glad you got bright lights, that will help a lot.


  14. I’ve only ever seen one orb, in a photo I took of the front garden after I’d had some Leylandii conifers cut down – the orb was right over the phone line the tree surgeon accidentally cut through when he was doing the job. I think the tree spirits were getting back at me by distracting the tree surgeon and making him cut the line so I’d be without landline and internet for 3 days.


  15. Lovely photos, Debby. So nice when we get a little fairy or spirit capture. 🙂 Hopefully, like Marian said, you’ll get more light later in the year as the trees loose their leaves. 🌞


  16. I have no doubt you witnessed a glimpse of spiritual beings, Debby. If something compelled you to step outside then most definitely a spirit was nigh. I’ve seen many orbs myself, red, blue and some green ones. I saw one near a hummingbird in my garden and took the pic and sent it to Colleen Chesebro. God has all kinds of ways to let us know of His presence whether by means of the spiritual or by using the physical universe. Let God envelop you in His love, my friend. Xoxo


    1. Thank you so much Terri for your confirmation. I too sent them first to Colleen, lol. And no doubt you’ve seen plenty of orbs with the many beautiful pictures you take, especially of nature. ❤


  17. Oh, I like your comment about your new place just being a stop along the way to wherever the universe wants you. That is 100% true. I have watched several paranormal-type shows that reference orbs, so I am familiar with them. My nephew once showed me video from a home security camera in his condo that definitely showed an orb crossing through. Also, I really stared at that (I think second photo) with the purple moving sideways. That was something Debby, and the fact that you were compelled to go out there in the first place and with your camera no less! This was super interesting, thanks Debby.


  18. A fascinating subject, Debby. It was a post on orbs that led me to the blog of Sherri Matthews, although in her post, she wrote about orbs that had either an outline of a face or a figure in them. I’ve lots of photos with orbs in them, although they seem to always be bright green for me. Almost neon-like.

    I can defiantly make out the angle in the third photo. It reminded me very much of the angle figures I saw at the Rockefeller centre in New York. The light always amazes me at this time of the year, right through the autumn and winter months.

    Sending you hugs,


  19. They certainly look like orbs, Debby. I’m with you in that there’s another world out there that we only discover when we pass from this earthly life. However, sometimes spirits hang around on the earth plane due to some kind of unfinished business. Hopefully the excellent medium I saw recently will be giving private readings when you come over in October. I for one will definitely book a reading! x


    1. Thanks Norah. I am on patrol nightly with camera taking same photos of same, and nothing! Haven’t seen this magnificent light show or an orb again. Yet! 🙂 x


  20. I’m going to tell you something now Debby and I always hesitate cos I don’t want people to think I am coming it. Also I am not far short of being an atheist. The reason I’m not is I have seen things for which there is no rational explanation except that something is there. We lived for nigh on 30 years in a house that we were not alone in. What is more even casual visotors–those who didn’t run basically screaming out the door–all experienced this. Anyway, to cut a long story short a roofer who didn’t run screaming, because he was married to a genuine romany woman offered re her services…no charge at all. Well, as with others who had a gift she could tell me who this presence was and how they were stuck nd how it was time for them to go and she would do this. Well, I have seldom if ever been so shit scared in my life –and that is saying something too– at what happened that afternoon because this presence was not for going quietely. I am not making any of this up, but there’s something. So yes, I don’t believe you are mistaken in what you see, or why you are seeing it.


    1. Hello sister SheyGoth. Thank you for popping by and leaving us with that story. That was reaffirming. And holy crap, I would have been scared shiitless LOL. Did you finally get rid of the annoying spirit? ❤ xxx


      1. That time we did. And there was no more bother for the remaining time we stayed there. So yes. And I also think sometimes my dad leaves me little signals you know. xx


  21. Those purple light beams are incredible, Debby. I have seen sunbeams throughout trees and such, but never of this color. Fascinating and possibly a sign from somewhere or by someone.

    Regarding the darkness in your condo, maybe once winter comes around, more light will filter through the windows inside, as the leaves are gone? If the trees aren’t evergreens. It might be time to travel more, to sunny places, once Covid allows… 🙂


  22. It is sad to hear about the dark apartment, Debby, especially when you love the light and need it so much. The pictures are beautiful. I have seen orbs in other people’s pictures, but never in mine, although I don’t take many pictures, and I don’t look for them. The most important thing is what they mean to you.
    I hope the future has a lot of brightness reserved for you. Hugs.


  23. Deb, the Archangel Gabriel oversees the color white and is considered to be the angel of communication. Perhaps George is communicating through Gabriel to let you know he’s okay and that you can always communicate with him in this way ❤️❤️


    1. Hi T! Thanks so much for dropping by and chiming in. I was also told to look at AA Adzkiel, communicates with colors of purple. So much to research on these stunning photos. I’ve been out there at sunset several more times and not a sighting!. ❤ ❤


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