The Birthday and What Transpired

Welcome back to the aftermath post of my recent birthday party. It was fun and fabulous and I was in awe at just how far my friend Dorothy went to arrange the beautiful party. From the invites, to her keeping tabs on who is coming and who’s not, setting up the party table and area, full-on decorations, music, food, drink, and good friends. What more could one ask for?

How it began. It began Friday with me at my Body Balance class, gabbing with some of my buddies before class began. Dorothy was off work that day, but she surprised me by coming to gym with her mom and busting in on my class, shouting Happy Birthday, as she pinned the Birthday girl ribbon on me and warned me to be wearing to the party too, lol. I may have been a touched embarrassed as there was a class of twenty-five cheering me from behind the camera. 🙂

My friend Mahvash was supposed to pick me up and drive us to the party, except her car was in for service. Yet again. No worries, my friend Ely lives right near us both and picked us both up. When I arrived, most of the women were already there, thanks to the construction everywhere, a five minute drive took almost a half an hour. There were gift bags on a side table, shouts of Happy Birthday from my friends (and my beautiful niece who attended), and a long dining table filled with balloons, a table runner and crayons for writing messages of good cheer on, my own birthday chair, and of course some colorful beverages.

There were fourteen of us. A wonderful diverse crowd of women of all ages and ethnicity from ages eighteen to seventy-eight! And I am thrilled to have these beautiful women as friends. There was lotsssssssss of gabbing and laughter. I was especially thrilled that my niece and Ely connected instantly and declared themselves ‘besties’ by the end of the night!

My Stephanie (in the leopard) and my galpal Ely.

Most of the women knew each other from the gym, but some were newly introduced to each other as some of them are gym goers, but don’t participate in classes. My bestie Banan was there too, and sadly, my good friend Alyson didn’t make it that night due to health reasons.

My bestie Banan (Anna) with me and my good friend Mahvash.

It was hilarious. Suddenly, the DJ played Pitbull’s Fireball, and my instincts had me up on the floor because that is one of the songs we dance to in Zumba. Nina’s Zumba class, and Nina, not only being my instructor has become a friend of mine, so naturally she was at the party, and naturally, she jumped up to dance with me. Lol, we were cracking up while dancing, and Dorothy joined in to the next Zumba song. Naturally, Nina took the lead.

It was difficult trying to get everyone in photos so I took many in smaller groups. And many took photos and videos.

Nina, me, Zahra and Sharon

Dorothy’s mom Darlene, her daughter Kaitlyn, and my friend Yolande

Partial group shot

And of course, the arrival of the cake. And please disregard the huge TV ad for Viagra. Lol.

When all was said, eaten, danced, and done, it was a fabulous night. All these women now play a big part in my life, and I am so blessed to have them in my tribe.
