Flash Fiction Rodeo Contest at Charli Mills’ Carrot Ranch – My Entry

Flash Fiction Rodeo Contest



Charli Mills at the Carrot Ranch ran the first Flash Fiction Rodeo Contest in October. There were 8 challenges to enter throughout the month and the first of the contest winners were just announced. 


The rules for this first challenge in the series:


When I grow up. Cast yourself back to six years of age, knowing what you do of life in the present; what would you want to be when you grow up and how would you go about achieving that goal? Tell us in 100 words, no more no less. It can be real or imaginary, serious or light-hearted. Extra points for comparing it to your childhood choice, if you remember it.


I thought I’d try my hand at this challenge because it’s not really in my wheelhouse, but because of the subject matter of the contest, I thought I’d give it a whirl. You can read my entry below.


Congratulations to Hugh Roberts who took the first award in this 8 part contest.


I Am Six Years Old


Who is this woman I call mother? Who are these men she’s referring to? Where is New York? Where is Las Vegas? Stories about gallivanting with men, men who weren’t my father?

My knees ached, tired from squatting at the foot of the steps, listening to Mother sharing her secrets with her best friend. It’s way beyond my bedtime.

Nobody ever knew about my secret eavesdropping on Mother’s tales. I kept it that way. I never asked but took notes, mental notes, until I’d learn to write later in life – later when I could better understand who she really was.