#WATWB – 52 Big and Small Good Deeds to Help Change the World

Another month has come to the end and that means the last Friday of the month is time to post about some of the good things going on in the world for the #WATWB – We are the World Blogfest. I thought it was the perfect time of year with Thanksgiving and Christmas on its way to share some wonderful deeds that we can all partake in, if only just one of these 52 gestures to contribute to making somebody’s day. This post was written in early 2019, but it’s evergreen. It’s never too late to start and there is no expiry date!


52 Big and Small Good Deeds to Help Change the World in 2019

One good deed can lead to another so pass it on.

You can make a real difference, one good deed at a time. When you perform acts of kindness, it doesn’t just help others, it’s good for you too. Doing good deeds, no matter how small, makes you feel better too.


1. Thank the salesperson who helped you
2. Buy an extra can of food to donate to a food drive or food bank
3. Help someone find a lost pet
4. Let someone go in front of you in line
5. Bring flowers to patients in the hospital or to the nurses’ station
6. Weed a community garden
7. Apologize when you are wrong
8. Buy a buy-one-get-one pair of shoes or socks
9. Prepare food for firemen or policemen who have to work on a holiday.
10. Put out a bird feeder for the winter birds
11. Put an encouraging note in your child’s or partners’ lunch bag.
12. Be the designated driver and make sure your friends celebrate safely
13. Smile at a random stranger – smiles are contagious
14. Ask someone to give a donation in your name instead of a gift
15. Pick up trash in a park or at the beach
16. Donate your hair to Locks of Love
17. Donate to your local school to help a child pay for their school trip
18. Help an elderly or young person cross the street
19. Put your change in a donation box when you shop
20. Donate blood or join the bone marrow registry
21. Pay it forward by paying for a cup of coffee for the person behind you in line.
22. Buy a meal for a homeless person
23. Bring a cake to work
24. Take public transportation or carpool instead of driving to work
25. Tell the manager about an employee who gave great customer service
26. Donate school supplies for children in homeless shelters
27. Volunteer for an hour at a senior center or nursing home
28. Hold the door open for the person behind you especially if they are carrying bags.
29. Sign up for a CPR course, you never know when you might need it
30. Bring a meal over to someone who just left the hospital
31. Donate clothing to goodwill or a clothing drive.
32. Give up your seat on the subway or bus to someone who needs it
33. Compliment a stranger’s new haircut or outfit
34. Sign up to be an organ donor
35. Go to an animal shelter and play with the puppies
36. Donate period products to a shelter for abused women
37. Plant a tree
38. Offer to babysit for a new parent
39. Donate old eyeglasses to an organization that will reuse them
40. Recycle plastic bottles, paper and whatever else is collectible
41. Help a friend move even if there are stairs
42. Shovel out your neighbor’s walkway or mow their lawn
43. Save the mini shampoo bottles and soaps from a hotel stay and donate them to a homeless shelter
44. Walk or run for a cause
45. Bring a welcoming gift to a new neighbor
46. Read a book to children – yours, a relative’s, or volunteer at your local preschool
47. Turn the lights off anytime you leave the room to save energy
48. Help someone change a flat tire
49. Share your umbrella with a stranger
50. Return shopping carts at the grocery store and leave the quarter in it for the next person
51. Give books to a street library
52. Leave a server a generous tip before a holiday


Thank you to Bonnie Riva Ras for this inspirational list at Goodnet.org

Bonnie Riva Ras has dedicated her life to promoting social justice. She loves to write about empowering women, helping children, educational innovations, and advocating for the environment & sustainability.

Source: 52 Big and Small Good Deeds to Help Change the World in 2019 – Goodnet


This month’s WATWB is hosted by:

Damyanti Biswas – http://www.damyantiwrites.com/ –

Lizbeth Hartz – https://www.authorlizbethhartz.com/blog/ –

Shilpa Garg – http://shilpaagarg.com/ –

Peter Nena – https://drkillpatient01.wordpress.com/ –

Simon Falk – https://simonfalk28.wordpress.com/ –


34 thoughts on “#WATWB – 52 Big and Small Good Deeds to Help Change the World

  1. Hi Debby – couldn’t agree more (especially at this time of year) … I make an effort – thanking people, smiling, being positive about difficult challenges, and helping where and when I can … great idea to have the list … amazing thoughts – cheers Hilary


  2. There have been times when a simple gesture from another person has made all the difference. It is so easy to feel isolated and alone, without light at the end of the tunnel. Great list of good deeds across the board from small to big.. and great suggestions. Thanks for passing them on Debby. ♥


  3. Hi, Debby❣️Leave it to you to write a post like this. What a magnificent list! A few deeds seem more like common sense or just good manners, but I know the world is sorely lacking in both. Thank you for the inspiring post, my friend.❤️


    1. Hi Vashti. So true, some do sound like no brainers – common courtesies, but as we both know, not everyone abides. Always good reminders. Thank you for visiting and your comment. Happy weekend my friend. ❤ xx


  4. These are great suggestions, Debby. Even small actions can make a big difference. We may never know just how far the ripples spread. Sadly, I just couldn’t make the time to join in last month. Hopefully, I’ll get to do so at the end of this month.


    1. Isn’t it true Norah. A simple smile can change somebody’s bad day. These aren’t tasks, but things that should come natural from our hearts. ❤ And don't sweat not getting in. Holidays and life can get in the way. And just so you know, there is no WATWB in December. It will start again January. So enjoy your 2 months off, lol. 🙂 ❤


  5. Great list, Debby. Thank you for sharing it here. Happy to report there are quite a few items on that list I do daily and weekly. Most recently, and I know this might sound gross, I have been picking up left dog poop in the field behind our camper (on top of Maya’s poop, of course) so nobody steps in it. Picking up the poop of your dog should be common sense, but it certainly is an act of kindness to your fellow campers! Not that I ever thought of it that way.

    Sorry for the rant. There is a donation box in the common room of our campground as well, for the animals of the local shelter. Great initiative as well. 🙂


    1. Thanks for sharing your good deeds here Liesbet. That was a big contribution from you, despite others not realizing. Yes, it’s a wonderful list and many things on that list should be daily practice – sadly, it isn’t always. ❤


  6. What a lovely evergreen list! And I learned something new–I’d never heard about Locks of Love. Thanks for sharing this inspirational list and opening my eyes to possibilities I hadn’t considered before:)


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