#Emotional Wounds #Thesaurus Entry: Becoming a Caregiver at a Young Age – WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™


Available at Amazon  emotion thesaurus


Many of you may be familiar with Becca Puglisi and Angela Ackerman’s books, particularly, The Emotional Thesaurus, – A Writer’s Guide To Character Expression, which is a wonderful writing aid to give us a more in-depth description for words we use in our writing by elaborating on physical signs attached to the emotion, sensations felt, responses, etc.


I came across this sample, in the following paragraphs, written about The Emotional Wound Thesaurus, which takes a character’s situation a step further . . .


When you’re writing a character, it’s important to know why she is the way she is. Knowing her backstory is important to achieving this end, and one of the most impactful pieces of a character’s backstory is her emotional wound. This negative experience from the past is so intense that a character will go to great lengths to avoid experiencing that kind of pain and negative emotion again. As a result, certain behaviors, beliefs, and character traits will emerge.

Characters, like real people, are unique, and will respond to wounding events differently. The vast array of possible emotional wounds combined with each character’s personality gives you many options in terms of how your character will turn out. With the right amount of exploration . . .”  Click here to continue:


Source: Emotional Wounds Thesaurus Entry: Becoming a Caregiver at a Young Age – WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™ 

DGKaye ©December 2015

12 thoughts on “#Emotional Wounds #Thesaurus Entry: Becoming a Caregiver at a Young Age – WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™

    1. I’m glad that I, once again, have offered up some useful information Marian. I too keep it right beside my computer, and buried amongst so much clutter, I sometimes forget to use it myself. 🙂


  1. That was a great choice of quote from the book. I have The emotional Thesaurus as well as their other two books in the series. They are fantastic tools in developing characters. Your post reminded me to USE them! Thanks, Debby. 🙂


  2. Makes sense, Debbie. I think sometimes people assume that their own response to some kind of adversity is the typical one, but I think we are all the product of our backgrounds and therefore respond accordingly.


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