Thank you for nominating me

onelovelyblogaward   Thank you Mary Perez, Reflections from the Heart for nominating me for this lovely award. It feels so rewarding when others take the time to read and appreciate the words of a fellow blogger.



I am told to nominate some other bloggers who should also post the link to the one who nominated them, along with 7 facts about themselves. Now, I know many wonderful bloggers have been nominated in the past and may or may not have the time to continue on nominating others and posting, but I am going to put a few names here that I’d like to nominate whether they’ve already been nominated or not. These women are inspiring!

Know that I choose you:

Reflections LaTanya Davis

Healing Beyond Survival Mandy Smith

Cindy Grigg Cindy Grigg

IdealisticRebel Barbara Mattio

Aquileana Amalia Pedemonte

When Women Inspire Christy Birmingham

Now for 7 things about me:

1.  I love to be writing 2 books at any given time.

2.  I love to be reading 2 books at any given time.

3.  I function best under deadlines; usually self-imposed.

4.  I am the pickiest eater you will ever know.

5.  I made a plan earlier this year that there would be no more procrastinating when it came to life desires. My husband and I said we wanted to sell our home, invest the money and rent somewhere so that we could fulfill our dream of spending winters in Arizona. Our house is sold, we are moving in 7 weeks. We are on our way!

6.  When I make up my mind to do something, it’s done!

7.  I love being happy and trying to always make others smile and laugh.

Now pass the torch my lovely writing friends! 🙂

24 thoughts on “Thank you for nominating me

    1. Somewhere in the first week of Jan., still working on the date. Right now I’m running back and forth organizing trades and getting things for the new place. I haven’t even begun to pack! Yuck!


  1. Hey Deb
    Just wanted to drop by and say I am enjoying your book I just purchased! I am halfway through. Its like going on a journey of developmental triumphs with you.I also have always loved Barbara Streisand! I love her story. You know she had mother issues too. No wonder you’d connect.
    Anyway, just didn’t want you to think I’d just bought it and left it standing.


    1. You are a living doll! Thank you for always being one of my best supporting readers! xo PS. did you read the email I sent you back after I received your MS? I’ll be on it by the weekend, can’t promise a finish date yet but on it! ❤


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