I was nominated for The Awesome Blogger Award – #bloggingfun ! – Bonnie A. McKeegan Psychotherapist & Author of my own story

The Awesome Blogger Award

Nominated for the Awesome Blogger Award


I’m always grateful when a fellow blogger thinks of me when they wish to pass on a blog award that they themselves have been nominated for. I know many blogs claim to be ‘award free’ and that is understandable because it seems the longer we maintain being avid bloggers, the shorter our time gets to fit everything else in life in, and we all know the time it takes to put together a post and answer questions as part of accepting the award, as well as nominating other bloggers to share the award with. So although I always say that all my fellow bloggers are most deserving to share my awards, I still feel it appropriate to acknowledge the blogger who has nominated me and introduce them here on my blog.


I was recently nominated for The Awesome Blogger Award by Bonnie McKeegan. Bonnie and I only connected a few short months ago so I was truly humbled that she included me for nomination of this award. And in turn I’d like to reblog a little from her intro where she accepted her award and her reasoning for choosing other bloggers she wished to pass it on to.


Please read Bonnie’s post below and it will follow with my answers to the questions she has put out.

Reblog and share


What an Awesome way to start the new year! I am filled with immense gratitude for the nomination by Heidi at bravingmentalillness!  Be sure to check out her Awesome Blog where you’ll find an epic journey of healing, courage, and inspiration.

Much gratitude to all of you who visit my blog!  Each sign of your presence is hugely encouraging and inspires me to continue my blogging journey.

The Awesome Blogger Award:

“This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.”  Created by Miss Maggie @ Dreaming of Guatemala

The rules are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward in the Reader
  3. Answer the questions your nominator gave you
  4. Nominate at least 5 awesome bloggers
  5. Give your nominees 10 new questions to answer
  6.  Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated

I chose the following blogs to Nominate for the Awesome Blogger Award because each represents something I’ve discovered as a new blogger: poetry, poetry with fantastic photography, short stories, art, travel, true stories of healing/recovery written by amazing people living with life’s challenges, and writers helping writers. The Awesome Bloggers I am nominating for the Awesome Blogger Award are (there are many more I love to visit but I am running out of time to finish this post!):

  • Ancient Skies Always fantastic “poetry, fiction, nature, culture, compassion, love!”
  • Andrea Stephenson at Harvesting Hecate poetry, musings, and photography
  • Debby Gies at dgkayewriter.com/ A prolific writer and skilled memoirist encouraging new writers like me. 
  • Caz at Invisibly Me Living life with chronic illness is not easy. Caz demonstrates how to do it with grace and provides support to others along the way.
  • Christy B at When Women Inspire Christy! What an amazingly inspirational woman and blogger she is! Check out her curated posts for an adventure in exploring many amazing blogs by Women Who Inspire.
  • Anne R Allen Writing about Writing, Mostly One of the first blogs I discovered when I started exploring resources for writers. Amazing support for writers and her book, co-authored with Catherine Ryan Hyde, How to be a Writer in the E-Age – A Self-Help Guide gave me oodles of information and encouragement to “just write!”

I realize that not everyone on my nomination list will participate in this fun but I do want to call attention to their blogs for their beautiful content and their consistent support of my new blogging adventure!  Take a few minutes, if you don’t already know these awesome people, and check out their spaces in the blog-o-sphere!  

Here are Bonnie’s questions and my answers:

  1.  If you could choose an animal to be for a day what would you be?
  2.  What’s your favorite day of the year?
  3.  How much time per day or week do you spend blogging?
  4.  Anything you dislike about blogging?
  5.  Where are you planning to vacation this year?
  6.   How many books do you take on vacation?
  7.   What is your number one advice for new bloggers?
  8.   What was the last museum or major attraction you visited?
  9.   What advice would you give a 13-year-old who wants a Lamborghini?
  10.   What do you see out your kitchen, living room, bathroom, or bedroom window?

1. I’d love to be a fly on the wall, because I’m a truth seeker.

2. My birthday, because it reminds I made it through another year and I’m still on the right side of the green. Good reason to celebrate.

3. A lot! I spend 6 out of 7 evenings a week reading blogs for 3 to 4 hours, which of course doesn’t even include the time I spend writing posts and visiting comments. I love it!

4. How quickly the time passes when spending time on blogs. I wish there were more hours in a day.

5. We were planning on spending 2 glorious months in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico this winter. Unfortunately, my husband took very ill, but gratefully he is on a slow recovery. When I feel he’s good enough to travel, it’s anyone’s guess where I’ll end up going.

6. I usually take around 5 or 6 paperbacks with me on vacation, something to do with the craft of writing, and my Kindle bursting full of books I can’t wait to read.

7. Always respond to comments and visit other’s blogs to build relationships and readership to grow your community. And if you enjoyed a post, hit a share button or 2 to help share a blogger’s work and get other people to visit their blogs too.

8. The last museum I visited was about a month ago with my cousin – The Royal Ontario Art Museum, known as the ROM. I was excited to go visit the Christian Dior Exhibit,

9. Learn to drive first. Learn the value of a dollar and the what it takes to upkeep a car. Also, know, the older you get the harder it will be to get in and out of that car! Of course, a youngster won’t pay any heed to that last advice but may well remember it when they’re older. 🙂

10. My bedroom window has a large patio door which opens to a nice sized balcony.  It faces south with a small forest of trees. And beyond I can see the many skyscrapers in downtown Toronto.

To read Bonnie’s answers to the challenge please Continue Reading Here.

As I mentioned earlier, please everyone feel free to help yourself to this award from me because you are all deserving.


Source: I was nominated for The Awesome Blogger Award – #bloggingfun ! – Bonnie A. McKeegan Psychotherapist & Author of my own story

63 thoughts on “I was nominated for The Awesome Blogger Award – #bloggingfun ! – Bonnie A. McKeegan Psychotherapist & Author of my own story

    1. Thanks Jacqui. At least I have a lovely view. When the weather is nice I like to take my laptop on the balcony and work out there too. Now just have to get through winter again. 🙂


  1. Hi Debby – congratulations on your award … it’s always good to be recognised isn’t it … especially now … so take care and look after yourselves – cheers Hilary


  2. Wow congratulations! Your posts are all really helpful. I just started blogging if you could check out my page and let me know what you think would mean a lot 🙂


      1. Thanks so much Alana! Glad I could help you out. I hope you correct your website on the en gravatar page so other readers can find you. I love what you blog about so I’m now following. 🙂


  3. Congrats on the award, Debby. I can relate to the number of hours blogging, and I’m not surprised that you put in so much time. As for being a fly? Not in my house – the dogs eat them. 🙂 Ha ha. A fun post, my friend.


  4. I’m deep into memoir edits now, but I must say “Hi!” and offer congratulations to Debby to whom I offer the “Little Engine that Could” award for allegiance to her many readers and admirers over the years, especially in the trying month she has has endured during the illness of her adored husband.

    As to your tidbit # 9, my next car will be a “crossover” model because it’s easier for tired legs to mount – ha!


    1. Thanks for dropping in Marian, in your busy edit time. Yay! You are coming closer to publishing your book!!!! That’s wonderful news. And lol, I had to chuckle at your ‘Little Engine that Could’ – perfect title! 🙂 And isn’t it funny as we get older how some vehicles are a bit more difficult to get in and out of with leg and/or back mobility issues? I remember when I was in my 20s, I had a girlfriend who drove a Corvette. Every time I went out with her I’d remark to her how low to the ground that car was and questioned how older people managed to get in and out of that car. Now, we are becoming those people. 🙂


  5. Thanks for taking the time to acknowledge the award Debby! I have enjoyed reading each of your answers and getting to know you a bit more this way. I am going to tell my kid what you said about the Lamborghini :-). I told him he better figure out someway to make a hell of a lot of money if he’s going to dream about fancy cars like that.
    I hope your husband continues on the mend and you can plan another fabulous vacation somewhere before too long!
    Ah, the view, distance, nature and space to breathe, love it!


    1. Hi Bonnie. Thanks again for the nomination. And aha, so that’s why you asked the Lamborghini question! Lol, well I hope I offered up some useful advice. 🙂
      And thank you for your continued well wishes. Much appreciated. 🙂 x


  6. Debby, congratulations and highly deserved! I had to laugh at your advice to yourself at 13 with the fast car…learn to drive fast!! And how true that the 13-year-old would never listen to advice about problems getting in and out of cars! Enjoy your beautiful view from the balcony…sounds wonderful. I enjoyed reading Bonnie’s section of the post too and a lovely generous thought to share with us here. Happy Weekend, my friend! 😀


    1. Thanks so much for reading Annika. It’s always lovely to be acknowledged by a fellow blogger. And I’m glad you got to check out Bonnie’s blog too. Happy weekend my friend! 🙂 x


  7. I really enjoyed your responses to these questions, Debby. 3 to 4 hours of reading blogs a day is smashing. I try to spend 2 to 3 hours a day as I read blogs early in the morning but it doesn’t always work out.


  8. I loved learning a little more about you, Debby – things I hadn’t already learned through reading some of your books, which surprised me. 🙂 Of course you are very deserving of this award, and I like the way you honoured Bonnie’s nomination, while allowing all your readers the choice of responding to your inclusive nomination, which I thank you for.


      1. Exactly! We meet so many bloggers through reading the posts of others, and every so often we strike up new frienships with some of those people. Just like how you and I connected. 🙂 xx


      2. That’s right, Debby. I’m so pleased we met. I have learned so much from you, and enjoy your writing and what you share in posts. I’m not sure where we met. Was it Sherri? We have so many friends in common. What a great community we belong to.


      3. Yes, an awesome community we have! I’m not sure if we connected through Sherri or maybe Sally? Lol 🙂 But glad we connected. 🙂 x


  9. Awesome! and then Some Debby.. Congratulations my friend.. And loved reading all of your excellent answers Debby 🙂 Just pocking my nose back into the Blogging world again, today 🙂 xxx And I do so hope your dear Hubby is doing well my friend since my last visit.. Sending thoughts across the ocean waves my friend xx ❤ Hugs Sue xx


    1. Thanks so much for visiting Sue. Lovely to have you poking around ❤ And thanks for asking, hubby is doing a little better than the last time you asked. One day at a time is our motto.
      Waving back to you across the pond my friend. ❤ xoxoxoxo


      1. So good to hear that Debby and yes, one day at a time.. This year has not been a good start health-wise for several family members of ours also..
        I am so pleased to know each day he is improving.. ❤ Special Hugs and well wishes xxx M3


  10. These were interesting questions and answers! 🙂 I understand how you could spend 3 -4 hours blogging an evening. It’s very gratifying. I give myself one hour a day for blogging but I usually go over and get swept away (like I’m doing now!). I always enjoy when you blog, Debby. ❤ You are an awesome blogger!


  11. Congratulations, Debby! Like you, I was truly touched when Bonnie gave out this award. I wish you a beautiful rest of your week and am happy to see you getting the much-deserved recognition in blogging and your books xo


  12. Awesome, Debby, and congratulations on being nominated for the award. I love your answers, especially the blogging related ones. I no longer accept blogging awards, but I was delighted when I received them as they are an excellent way to get noticed, gain followers, and make new blogging friends. 💕


    1. Thanks Hugh. I know many writers who say they are award-free. I know it’s always an honor to be nominated, and how we many not always have time to participate, but we each have our own way of accepting them and mine is just to offer it forward to my own fellow bloggers who are all deserving. ❤


  13. It’s nice to get to know you a little bit better through your answers, Debby. Congrats on winning the award. While it is fun to answer questions and share the love, it does take some time to put it all together and post. I’ll be careful to chase away any flies in the house and I wish you a fun winter at home – the view out of your bedroom window sounds lovely –
    and a relaxing spring abroad (hopefully).


    1. Lol Liesbet, ‘chasing flies’. Well it’s darned cold here but I’m just taking life one day at a time and trying to figure out what my next ventre will be in the writing world. I’ll always have that right? 🙂 x


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