My Big Sunny Mexican Vacation Part 2 – Beach Wares and Chairs and Muffins

Puerto Vallarta


We woke up to spectacular ocean waves crashing and gorgeous beach views every morning, which we enjoyed as we ate our early breakfasts just after sunrise. Sunshine with a side of ocean breeze was just what the doctor ordered for both us.


Previous to our trip, my husband was unwell for a few months. When we left for this vacation, he had just graduated to using a cane from using the aid of a walker. He was so excited to go away that he said he was content just to lounge on the balcony all day while I’d go down to the pool. But miracles abounded.

happy in the sun


By day two, hubby joined me at the pool. I got him to take little walks with me on the beach – sans cane. By the third day of pool lounging and after taking our showers, we walked up the main street for a couple of blocks to get familiar with what was available to us. Walking on the narrow sidewalks full of cracks and high steps up and down from curbs, he began to tire so we returned back to the condo. We locked elbows as we ventured back the few blocks but I was elated within that my husband could walk with me without the cane.

By the next day, hubby seemed to be back to the man I knew two years ago. Lots of sleep and sunshine was surely a healing tonic. He ate his breakfast and eagerly gathered up the towels for the beach chairs to go down early to secure our chairs of choice for the day. This was the vacation job my husband always had taken on, and had previously told me it was going to be my job now, but I never inherited the duty as he cheerfully would go down to the pool every morning each day to mark our spots. I’d do the breakfast dishes while he sat patiently waiting me for come down and join him about two hours later each morning. While I’d catch up on emails and social media check ins, he’d happily chat at the pool with other husbands who were doing the same – saving their chairs until their wives would join them. It seemed to be a ritual by many seasoned travelers.

Canada towel
My beach towel. If I would have brought 20 of I could have sold.


Everyone seemed so friendly at our pool, most vacationers were there for two and three months, and majority were Canadians – most from Quebec, others from Vancouver, Alberta and Saskatchewan. We all had one other thing in common besides being Canadian, and that was our desire to get out of the cold Canadian winter.

We had our daily visitors on the beach – vendors selling T shirts, beach coverups, hand crafted items, sunglasses and more. But the most awaited were ‘Muffin man’ and ‘Mango man’. Only once a day we’d hear the shouting out of Muffin man as he walked across the beach and passed by each resort pool, calling out “Muffin man” to alert all those eagerly awaiting his pass by and raising curiosity in the newcomers like us.

At approximately 11am daily, the Muffin man made his rounds past our place with his huge round platter balanced on his head, full of huge muffins, slices of fresh baked coconut or cheese pies. and apple or blueberry turnovers – the same menu daily and for the mere price of 15 Pesos, about the equivalent to 1 Canadian dollar.  The colorful Muffin man complete with eyeliner and mascara and a jovial personality, had no problem unloading his tray and my husband became another fan of all the goodies presented daily. Mango man came by a few times a day with reloads of his mangoes already peeled and creatively sculpted into flowers on a stick, which were appealing to many while the hot sun burned and those juicy fruits had all the work done for them to, ready to just purchase and indulge into.

From our pool seats we could view the ocean only steps in front of the roped off private part of the beach in front of our pool where we’d see horseback riding, and even a few whales popped up for air only meters from shore. Sadly, my quick reflex camera skills weren’t quick enough to grab a photo of the whales before I could set up the photo, they went back into the Pacific. And we had the best massages right on the beach by registered massage therapists at the hotel next door. The massages were done up on a slight hill right in front of the ocean. The massage booth was complete with two comfortable beds, aromatherapy that wafted through the air as the ocean breeze blew through the white canopied curtains that hung from the four sides of the makeshift open air massage room. And only the sounds of the waves crashing and birds chirping nearby could be heard.

massage on the beach
Massage area before morning set up of beds and curtains



The lookout edge of the pool is where most of the ladies hung out while cooling out of the hot sun – you never know who was going to pass by selling something of interest. Of course I’d bought a few beach cover-ups and made friends with some of the Mexicans who schlepped their wares all day back and forth along the beach all day. Every time I wore a new one to the pool I’d get asked where I got my cover-up. I told them I’d send Lisa over later to the pool’s edge, and got her a lot of business.

another beach day ends
Another glorious day at the pool ends. I’m wearing one of Lisa’s fashions


Lisa with her wares
Lisa and her husband dropping off their load at the pool’s edge
Beach goodies
What to choose?

We made some new friends while away. Two of my new friends – Jean and Bertholle, are from Quebec. We met in the pool and became fast friends. Jean happens to be a medium and a writer! He has just finished his manuscript and I referred him to my editor who happens to be bilingual. I also promised to help with with trying to find a translator to get his book from French to English, and urged him to start a blog. We got along famously between speaking my broken high school French and their broken English.

2 writers and a therapist

We also made friends with a lovely couple – Claudette and Alain, and look forward to spending part of the winter with them again next year.

Claudette and Alain

Balcony view
Visiting at Alain and Claudette’s beautiful balcony view

We also met a lovely couple who own a magnificent unit in our condo – Eric and Leticia. As they live in Guadalajara, they keep their unit for their beach escapes. They offered to rent their condo to us next year. Of course we’re taking them up on it. It’s rather large with 4 bedrooms, with the master bedroom and bed facing the ocean!

Until next time, I’ll share a few magnificent sunset photos  I took from my balcony. Many more to come.

Stunning Puerto Vallarta nights

Puerto Vallarta splendour

Puerto Vallarta sunset

Puerto Vallarta sunset

Balcony sunset view
Another view at almost sunset from our balcony
one beautiful sunset
One of many more beautiful sunset photos to come


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115 thoughts on “My Big Sunny Mexican Vacation Part 2 – Beach Wares and Chairs and Muffins

  1. Seeing these gorgeous pictures and reading about your wonderful vacation was almost as much fun as being there! Wow! Thank you for sharing.

    The best part is your husband being able to walk without a walker or a cane. This brought back some poignant memories. About nine years ago, my husband made an appointment to see his doctor at the Veterans hospital, because he was feeling unwell. Shortly after we arrived at the hospital, my husband lost the ability to walk. Someone got him into a wheelchair, and his doctor examined him and ran some tests. The results pointed to a possible brain tumor. More tests were ordered. In the meantime, my husband was sent home, in a wheelchair, and a powerchair was ordered.

    For several months, my husband could not take even a single step. Yet the tests for a brain tumor were inconclusive. It seemed that he would be spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

    And then one day, just as suddenly and inexplicably as he had lost the ability to walk, my husband could walk again. Hallelujah!!!!


    1. Wow Linda, thank you for sharing your scary, yet, miraculous story!!! I’m so glad to hear your husband is well too. Thanks so much for visiting and so glad to give you a smile. 🙂


  2. Your video reminds me that I’m just a 20-minute drive from Atlantic ocean waves. I guess I take our proximity to the beach for granted. Shame on me!

    You are recording wonderful memories, including your part in helping your hubby get his groove back. Kudos to you, Debby!


    1. Thanks Marian. And yes, it is so easy for us to take for granted things that are within our grasp. This was the Pacific ocean. but I am quite sure the waves sound equally as calming in the Atlantic. Don’t look your gift horse in the mouth, lol. 🙂


  3. I’m so glad your husband got into the groove and felt restored by the sun, beach, and relaxation. That’s so awesome, Debby. I think you two need to take more sunny vacations. It does you both a world of good. Massages, walks, good food, new friends… what a lovely trip. ❤


  4. Looks fantastic, Debby, from hanging out by the water to the great fashions from Lisa! Well of course you made new friends as you’re so much fun to be around 🙂 Love you ❤


  5. Looks like you had a great time! I am not much for sitting on the beach or poolside–odd, I suppose, since I have no trouble sitting in front of a computer monitor. LOL. Might help if I were coming from a cold, wintry place to a warm one. Puerto Vallarta looks like a nice place to go. I guess we could drive there given our proximity to Mexico–if that’s a safe option LOL.

    Glad your partner’s perking up. :-)That’s got to be a great relief.


    1. Thanks John. Sitting in front of the ocean beats sitting in front of a computer any day! Yesssss, you can drive there!!!! Meet me next January. Seriously!!! 🙂


    1. Being a pool lounger was just the relaxation I needed. And yes, I have a ‘thing’ for sunsets. Plenty more where they came from too. 🙂
      P.S. I’ve added your post on book formatting to my Friday – Writing Tips post. 🙂


  6. What a fantastic vacation, Deb. How wonderful that George regained his spark. I know this made for a more relaxed time for you. Such gorgeous sunsets and blue blue water… Beautiful memories ❤


    1. Thanks Carol. I’m a little bit of an addict for sunset photos. I have so many more to come. Yes, it was invigorating and so energizing I’m still struggling with getting my nose back to the grindstone LOL 🙂 xx


  7. wow, Debby, it’s beautiful and so lovely to hear all about the people you met and I adore the cover ups, so beautiful. Turquoise suits you very well, my sister. Looking forward to more of your adventures. Oh, can you send the Muffin Man round our way please? lol ❤ ❤


    1. Lol. thanks sister. Wouldn’t that be nice to have the Muffin Man come by everyday with fresh baked goods? Right now I’d settle for sunshine! 🙂 ❤


    1. Thanks so much Sal. It’s amazing what the sunshine can do. We’ve seen the sun only a few times since we’ve returned and some snow! It’s like going in reverse after month-long sunshine. Crossing fingers next week will be spring. ❤ xx


  8. I am delighted the Sun and fresh air was so agreeable with your hubby Debby, and that his health improved as a result.. Wonderful to hear. And it sounded an idyllic setting with many from Canada to chat with as you lay on your loungers 🙂

    Wonderful to hear those crashing waves, one can almost taste the salt in the air.
    Fabulous that you met new friends, Synchronicity at work me things there. LOL.. Medium and Writer.. Brilliant..

    Wonderful share Debby you look gorgeous by the way love those outfits. 🙂
    Hugs and LOVE ❤ Sue


    1. Oh thank you so for your lovely comments. It’s amazing what relaxing and sunshine can do. And I totally believe in serendipity and synchronicity, especially when we meet people across our paths we can connect with. Thank you my lovely for your compliments. I’m still struggling to get back into a routine, but I have decomposed big time, lol. 🙂 ❤ Hugs back! xxxx


  9. I’m so glad you both were able to get away for such a lovely and restorative trip. It really does us good to escape every now and then. There is such healing power in sunshine and fresh air, and I’ve always been fond of the salty air of the sea. You look lovely in those cover-ups, they are so pretty! The Muffin Man in his eye makeup sounds like a character for sure! I also enjoyed your gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing!


    1. Hi Lana, thanks for visiting. Yes, it is so amazing what fresh ocean air and lots of sunshine can cure. Thanks for the compliments. I had to laugh when a few women around the pool thought maybe I should live there and become a selling agent for some of those people selling their wares on the beach, lol. 🙂 xx


  10. What a lovely post, Debby. It’s so full of hope, positivity and relaxation. So pleased that you’re sharing the details with us. I love how this vacation has done wonders for you both and that you’ll already planning on going back next year. ‘Muffin man’ sounds like a brilliant character for a story. It also reminded me of the nursery rhyme ‘Do you know the muffin man?’. Such beautiful sunsets. No wonder you both want to go back.


    1. Thanks so much Hugh. It was fantabulous. Yes, just hoping G stays well and we shall go back for 2 months next year! So funny, every time I saw the Muffin Man, that song would stick in my head – especially during Easter week when he didn’t show up. Everyone was asking – Have you seen the Muffin Man? LOL 🙂 xxx


  11. Hi Debbie – sounds just wonderful … I’d love the mango man to call round everyday here – I guess the schlepp would be a little far!! So glad you had a wonderful holiday and your hubby is much improved … and you’ve made plans for next year – yay!! Cheers Hilary


  12. Wow! I’m so pleased you had a fantastic holiday. Both, you and your husband, deserved it after recent events. It looks lovely and it sounds as if you’ll have some extra-space when you go next. I think you might have people queing to join you! Thanks for sharing, Debby! A wonderful place to recharge the batteries!


  13. Wow, Debbie. It looked like quite the trip. Read your earlier post. After a bit of a frazzled start everything seemed to fall in to place. Glad hubby was well throughout. Muffin Man sounded like a nice guy and a lovely treat. Good food, good company, good views, good vibes, good everything all round 🙂


    1. Hi Mabel. Glad you enjoyed my little travel report. The scenery was truly beautiful and I thrive around people so it was simply fantastic in all facets. ❤


  14. What a lovely post my unicorn buddy. So glad Gordon picked up so quickly and you both enjoyed your time away. Great that you didn’t expect to go either and so glad that you did. I love your pics and video…what stunning sunsets. Hugs and more hugs, with much ❤ xXx ❤


    1. Thank you my lovely Jane. Perhaps unicorn is an appropriate name for me considering the magical way the universe works for me. So glad you enjoyed. ❤ xoxo Big hugs flowing your way! xxxx


  15. I loved the pictures although, I would love to have seen one of “Muffin Man”. Ha, ha! It’s a special skill to narrate your vacation so wonderfully entertaining, Debby! Good for you. I enjoyed the post very much! 🙂


  16. Wow! Those sunsets look unreal and I’d never tire of them! Absolutely stunning and thank you for sharing! I love your tops , delightful and summery. Debby I am so happy your husband was so much better so quickly – you both just have been so relieved and seem to have enjoyed every moment, especially with your new friends. A lovely post full of warmth and friendship … it’s fun joining you on holiday, even if only virtually!


    1. Thanks so much for reading Annika. I’m so glad you enjoyed. It’s difficult to share all the moments but I was happy to share some highlights. The last part will be next week! ❤


  17. I can’t even. Those massages on the beach… I’m envious. And I would have totally grabbed those mangoes. Like every day. It’s no surprise to me that you made friends with so many people so easily but I did get a chuckle out of it. Who else would make fast friends like that? Such an extrovert. 😉 Well, looks like you both had a wonderful time. Absolutely gorgeous photos! So happy you had this vacation. ☀️☀️☀️


    1. Thanks Sarah. That’s what happens when you let me out of my 4 walls, LOL. It felt good to be wearing my social wings. Now we are back to an ice storm here since yesterday morning! This is the winter that won’t go away! 😦 ❤


  18. Wow, Mrs. Social Butterfly. A fabulous time and great pix. A heads-up on your WP account. I tried tapping in through the links that attend the email notice on your like. I landed in a cooking site – through all three links.


  19. This looks and sounds so wonderful, Debby. I am so happy to hear that Hubby is doing so much better. There is nothing like sunshine and fresh air to heal people.


  20. Thanks for sharing your holiday, Debby. I’m so pleased the healing effects of sun and relaxation worked their magic and your Hub was able to re-establish his poolside duties. Your holiday sounds lovely and I’m pleased you’ve already made plans with friends and for accommodation next year. That’s got to be something to look forward to winter for!


      1. That storm doesn’t sound good, Debby. I can understand why you’d rather be still on holidays. I hope you are doing okay.


      2. Thanks Norah. The storm has finally passed. Now, it would be nice to see the snow melt and to get out of our winter coats already! 🙂


  21. That looks like heaven! I’m so pleased your hubby recuperated so fast, it must be such a relief, and it obviously enabled you to thoroughly enjoy your break – those sunsets! And those cover ups ❤
    If I ever have time for such a break, I feel I could be tempted…


  22. I understand what you mean now with your previous comments of being “too busy socializing”. So nice you made all these like-minded friends, and you have a wonderful vacation and setting to look forward to next year already. I am so happy for both of you that this month in Mexico was a success. Sun and sea do wonders to our health. Your husband is proof of that. You both look great in the photos! Fabulous, Debby!


  23. So happy to read that your husband flourished under the influence of Mexican sun and surf, Debby. And I’m not surprised to read of the new friendships you gathered up like seashells. ahhh! I want to go there!


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