#FlashFiction – “Fiction In A Flash Challenge” – Image Prompt Week – The World of Suzanne Burke.

I’m hopping on to Suzanne Burke’s (Soooz) weekly Flash Fiction Challenge again. Come join in at Soooz’s blog– Welcome to the World of Suzanne Burke. The rules are simple, write whatever we choose in whatever form for the #Photoprompt Flash Challenge, not more than 750 words. I wrote in a Haibun poetic form.

flash fiction



“Fiction In A Flash Challenge” Image Prompt Week #7. Join in, have fun and let the creative muse loose. @pursoot #IARTG #ASMSG #WritingCommunity





flash Free lighthouse beautiful


Casualties of a Silent War


Suspended in wait while idling in neutral, nothing is certain, nor will ever be the same. The Mother Goddess reveals the consequences of our decisions. A cruel awakening descends upon us, throwing us a glimpse, an acrid taste of what we’ve missed along the way – or perhaps, what we’ve forgotten.

In the bliss of ignorance, choosing not to hear the call, happy to remain invisible contributing to the noise, happy not attracting attention from the powers that be, a desperate attempt to dodge the path of ominous events to come.

I choose to stay in the now and the know, rather than gripping on to the unknown, writhing with fear, camouflaged under nature’s cover where I observe from.

She watches us, hidden and inconspicuous to the naked eye and the passerby. But the all-knowing sees all and straddles in wait for the world to respond.


Cruel Awakening

Mother Nature awaits us

To make the right move




Original Post where you can join in: “Fiction In A Flash Challenge” Image Prompt Week #7. Join in, have fun and let the creative muse loose. @pursoot #IARTG #ASMSG #WritingCommunity – Welcome to the World of Suzanne Burke.



38 thoughts on “#FlashFiction – “Fiction In A Flash Challenge” – Image Prompt Week – The World of Suzanne Burke.

    1. Thanks Kathy. I did feel with this piece that it has potential to become much more. ❤ Download 'Bitmoji' and create your avatar and use in blogs, emails or anywhere. Once you download, you will have an icon on your top bar. You can save images and use anywhere, also if you don't see an appropriate tagline for your subject, just type and the words will appear on the avatars! ❤


  1. Thank you so much, Debby! This is a powerful take on the image! I love the inclusion of the Haiku/Haibun. I’ll be featuring this on my site on either Friday or Saturday. I’m so delighted to have you take part again. ❤


    1. Thanks so much Soooz. I like to try and hop on a challenge weekly – good for the writing chops, lol. It’s also therapeutic. Happy to be part of. ❤


  2. Quietly menacing, Debby. I love to read flash fiction but I’m not very good at writing economically (as you well know), but we’ll see. Beautiful image. Great work. Thanks for the inspiration!


    1. Wow! Thank you my friend. I always go with first impressions on these photoprompts, it’s easy to see what’s lurking in my head LOL 🙂


  3. I think it’s best not to know what Mother Nature has in store for us! Great response, Debby. I tried to share on Twitter, but the Internet over here on the Island is not too good and it won’t let me do it. x


  4. Nature is powerful. Nature rules. Nature deserves respect. Yet, we have to face it to discover earth’s hidden or not so hidden treasures. Great poem, Debby. 🙂


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