Writer’s Tips – Best Book Promo Sites, Book Design, Writing Exercises and More!

Welcome to this month’s edition of Writer’s Tips with a great list of book promo sites, Writing exercises, How to pitch the media, How to choose a book narrator, Designing your book covers and more!


Best sites for Book Promotion by David Gaughran

Source: Best Book Promo Sites in 2020 | Sell More Books | David Gaughran


24 Fantastic writing ideas to get the creativity flowing

24 of the Best Writing Exercises to Become a Better Writer


Comparables: Where Does Your Book Fit In? Searching for book comparisons by Carol Balawyder



Three items writers dread – writing the blurb, synopsis and logline by Mae Clair at the Story Empire




My friend Doris Heilmann of 111 Publishing is sharing secrets from editors about how they want to be pitched and what makes them choose accept or reject

How the Media Wants to be Pitched



Also by Doris Heilmann, what you need to know about narrating your own audio books.

DIY Narrating and Audiobook Production



Nicholas Rossis shares the Kindlepreneur’s instruction on how to make a book cover



Authors Publish featuring 8 pieces of writing advice from some of the legends

8 Lessons From Legendary Authors That Will Improve Your Writing





45 thoughts on “Writer’s Tips – Best Book Promo Sites, Book Design, Writing Exercises and More!

  1. Hi Debby – once again … a great series of sites that could help us with which ever direction our ideas take us … I know if I was in this sort of position I’d be back here referencing some of your links – thanks … take care – Hilary


    1. Hi Hilary. Thanks for your lovely comment. I like to share articles that I know my fellow writers will appreciate and find helpful. We learn through experience. Stay safe Hilary! ❤


  2. Great compendium, Debby! The link on blurbs/loglines is particularly useful; writers struggle with boiling their story down to its elementals. I’ve had a lot of practice doing that in Hollywood — you have to know how to go into an exec’s office and pitch a project — but novelists, I’ve noticed, wrestle with this skill.


    1. Thanks for stopping by Sean. And yes, I’m with you on how many of us (including myself,) struggle with condensing, lol. That’s why I found that article most helpful and wanted to share for others. So, thank you for sharing a link to your own experiencing. I will be over to check it out and hopefully some others may too. I know you’ve had plenty experience Sean, so I appreciate you sharing. 🙂


  3. Well, I guess I know what I’m doing for the next hour or two. Lol. Great selection of posts, Debby. Such wonderful advice and wisdom out here for writers. Thanks for sharing!


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