Writer’s Tips – December Edition – #Twitter Pinned Tweets, #Editing, Kindlepreneur, #Canva

Welcome to my December edition of Writer’s Tips. In this last edition for 2021, I’m sharing some great information and tools to help with creating social media posts, QR codes for books, Twitter, and editing tips.

Hugh Roberts demonstrates why every blogger should be using the ‘pinned tweet’ option on Twitter, also, how to draft a blog post

Source: Pinned Tweets: Why Every Blogger Should Have One To Help Drive Traffic To Their Blog – Hugh’s Views & News  

Stevie Turner alerted me to this great share from the Kindlepreneur – Create a QR code for your books!


Great detailed post on revisions and editing our books before they go to the editor by Vivian Zabel, guest writing at Nowastedink with Wendy Van Camp

Natalie Ducie is back with a new tutorial – How to add text into our Canva images

From the Bookdesigner – How to create an Index for your book and why you need to


44 thoughts on “Writer’s Tips – December Edition – #Twitter Pinned Tweets, #Editing, Kindlepreneur, #Canva

    1. Lol, I hear you, that’s I keep them all in a file – waiting to get back to my book writing life. I try my best to share articles that would apply to most writers. 🙂


    1. My pleasure Olga. And I know it’s a lot of information, and even I can’t remember everything I’ve written, lol. But I keep them in a file and something always crops up that will have me relooking up a post. Happy Holiday hugs Olga, xxx


      1. Okay, you must have your original file you gave to the person who created the mobi? Make your changes on your file and I believe I read that Amazon will convert your file now from a Word doc? I haven’t put out a book in a few years, but I know of the changes. I’m afraid to look, lol. But I would also suggest you ask Sally, because her husband is good at formating for ebooks, he could tell you what you need to do. Good luck! x

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jane! I do read a lot of articles, and when I find one I know other writers will find helpful, I send it to my drafts for future collaborations. Glad you find them useful. Hugs to you and may we all enjoy a better 2022! xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes, so helpful, thanks. I hope we both have a better 2022. Things change sadly and we cannot control them, but all part of the rich tapestry of our lives so at least we have experiences, whatever sort they are. Take care and keep safe xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

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