Sunday Book Review – We Never Die by Medium, Matt Fraser

Welcome to my Sunday Book Review. Today I’m sharing my review for Medium, Matt Fraser’s latest release – We Never Die. I’ve been following Matt and his videos since I lost my husband and couldn’t wait for this book to come out in paperback.

From America’s top psychic medium and the author of When Heaven Calls comes a new book that unveils the secrets of the afterlife, the truth about heaven, and inspires “us with his comforting certainty that we never die” (Gloria Estefan).

Psychic medium Matt Fraser, author of When Heaven Calls, is back to unpack the number one question folks ask him: “What happens after death?” Although we might expect a complicated answer, it’s actually pretty simple: We never die!

Drawing from thousands of conversations with Spirit, Matt pulls back the curtain on life’s hidden revelations:

-What happens when we cross over
-The beautiful realities of heaven and eternal life
-The guardian angels who keep us safe on Earth (including our pets who have passed)
-The role of dreams and how souls appear to the living
-Love, romance, and soul mates beyond life
-Ghosts, hauntings, negative souls, energy vampires, and psychic protection
-Destiny, free will, and second chances
-Regrets, amends, and forgiveness from heaven
-Figuring out your gifts and purpose
-Karma, kindness, and living in the divine flow
-How to recognize the signs and messages our loved ones send us from heaven

As Matt explains, “We all have our own ‘phone line’ to communicate with heaven. All we have to do is figure out how to use it.”

Revealed through never-before-told stories, the wisdom in We Never Die “is healing the world by making sure we have a strong emotional and spiritual connection, which is the foundation for a healthy life” (Karamo Brown, star of Queer Eye and author and author of Karamo).

Besides reading many books on grief after losing my husband, I also became more involved with wanting to learn more about the afterlife, despite the fact that I am clairsentient. Who better to get information from than Matt Fraser whose gift is communing with spirit and bringing messages to the many who seek an inside peek at heaven and a message from a loved one.

One doesn’t have to be grieving to want to learn the secrets of the ‘other side’. For me it fascinates to be able to receive messages from the beyond. And it’s clear to me that Fraser has an ‘auto button’ where he can talk to someone and let them into some privy information about a lost loved one. Written in easy conversational style – as Matt is known for his casual conversing.

In this book, Matt will distinguish the difference for us between a psychic and a medium, explain why people change after an NDE, how it is for a child born with ‘the gift’, the truth about heaven and how our lost loved ones can be with us spiritually, how a medium receives messages from our lost loved ones, how our spirit guides really do take care of us, how we can communicate with our lost loved ones, what happens when a person ascends to heaven, how to create good karma, how to let go of bad energy, and so much more.

Whether you are spiritual or not, the fact is, we’re all going to die someday, or we all have a lost loved one, and Matt Fraser teaches what comes along the way, and that energy never dies and that’s why spirit never dies.


69 thoughts on “Sunday Book Review – We Never Die by Medium, Matt Fraser

    1. Hi Sal. I think you are so right. The more we grow on the other side of middle-age, perhaps the more our curiosities are peaked at what comes next. Some comforting insights in this book. ❤ xxx

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Wow, what a very interesting book! Thanks for sharing the information, and the great interview, Debby! I must confess that i heared the first time about this author and medium now. Althought the change of years is more relative now, i wish you a happy and healthy 2024! xx Michael


    1. Hi Michael. Thanks for stopping by, long time no see you around. I am happy to enlighten you with this book. Thank you for your lovely wishes and I wish you the same, a beautiful, happy and healthy New Year! Hugs xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks you also, Debby! Sorry for the late revisit, but at first i got the virus (around the Christmas celebrations), and now i try to get answers on very important financial things of the community from our local mayor. The village seems to have a hidden treasure, which needs to be investigated. 🙂 xx Michael


      2. No apologies necessary my friend. I hope you are now feeling better and can work out your financial dilemma. Always good to investigate! Take care my friend. xx 🙂


  2. Thank you for sharing your review and reflection, Debby. I love Matt’s statement and agree with it: “We all have our own ‘phone line’ to communicate with heaven. All we have to do is figure out how to use it.”


  3. We would all like to know, or perhaps those who are absolutely certain there is Nothing have a certain peace of mind as they will not know anything about it! I heard a well known author on the radio say he envies Christians as they will never know they were wrong. In a vast universe, vaster by far than what we knew about as children, I don’t know how anyone can claim to know for sure that what we see is all there is. Energy never goes away, but would our energy still be us?


    1. Hi Janet. If energy never dies, where do our souls go? First step is being open to understanding and accepting that spirit exists. And from what I know, religion has nothing to do with ascending to higher realms. 🙂

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  4. While this guy is simply the latest in a long line of mediums (why are they never smalls or extra larges?) to ‘splain the ‘afterlife’ for eons, which I’m sure has its spin on comforting thoughts, the ‘cosmic radio’, the ‘cosmic stream’ the energy of us all, is always on, always running. Spend any time in a creative pastime, around a certifiable prodigy, and it’s obvious. When the ‘dead’ arrive to comfort us, when a spark comes from ‘nowhere’, there’s the energy carries on, that’s almost tactile. While I may disapprove of lining these people’s pockets for something as obvious as what they’re selling, if they provide comfort to those who need reassurance that this isn’t all there is, but none of us know what the other side looks like, then it’s good work. “There is no death, only a change of worlds” Chief Seattle I believe it’s far simpler than we suppose.


  5. What an interesting review (and book), Debby. I’ve become skeptical in my old age of anyone who claims to have the definitive answer for anything spiritual. Not that I’m a disbeliever, but I just accept that I don’t know and will find out when the day comes. My approach is one of curiosity and this book has me curious! Thanks for the review and recommendation. I may pick this one up!

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  6. I love your review of this book, Debby, as it matches my strong beliefs. I have had some direct and undeniable communication with my husband since his passing. I know we don’t ever just cease to exist. It’s like going to a new level in the game, just one without the confines of this human body. Thank you for sharing!

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    1. Hi Jan. Sounds like we are both blessed in being able to have those miracle moments with our beloveds. From what I’ve learned and experienced I can’t think any other way than they are just in a different realm, and a blessing when they come to us or leave us a sign. ❤

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  7. The prospect of heaven seems more real as we age, as others have mentioned here. I believe the scripture which says, “to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” and I also think we will see our loved ones in the next realm. Still, there is a lot of mystery because for now we are still stuck in our mortal bodies; I’m expecting a new body too, Debby! 😀

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    1. Lol Marian, I love your theory. We aren’t meant to know what’s on the other side, but from my own experiences with spirit I truly believe there’s something going on there on the other side. 🙂 xx

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  8. You have piqued my interest, Debby. I’d be hard-pressed to think that there are people who don’t wonder what happens after death. And yet, the wondering doesn’t mean we have to know. I have my own ideas, but this book sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for your great review and endorsement. 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lauren. I love your perspective. And yes, nobody has ever come back to tell, but I know I’ve certainly experienced spirit quite a few times and especially before losing my husband. Some things we won’t know until our time, but energy doesn’t die. ❤

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  9. This looks like a great book, and wonderful review. No wonder we are connected, Debbie. I’ve been an intuitive since birth–yes, clairsentient. If I didn’t have so many irons in the fire already outside of the world of writing and reading, I would be a hermit doing nothing but reading (riffing off of conversation with Diana). I’m adding this book to my virtual-theoretical list of what I would read list if I could do more than blog right now (barely). Hugs and love, Debbie. Your book you publish about your husband will be read by me first. Can’t wait!


    1. Hello my Lovely Ka. Thank you so much for your very kind words. And I’m happy to hear that my review enticed you. Oh yes, we are two spiritual souls – since birth. And no surprise we connected. Thanks again for the inspiration and encouragement. Hugs. ❤ xx

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  10. I started following your blog for the OBE posts, I found them to be extremely eye opening. I tried to find more experts like that and just couldn’t. Thank you for the recommendation, Debby!


  11. Fabulous review Debby, you have piqued my curiosity, even though I’m leery of after-life theologies. I tend to believe if we are meant to know, we would be born with the ability, but for reasons unknown we are to live this life and when it’s time for the “next adventure,” it will be a surprise. Might have to check out what Matt has discovered. Hugs, C


  12. I’ve thought and read a lot about life after death. Personally, I think we have to come to our own conclusion on what happens, not what others have to say. That said, I keep reading and listening to the opinions of others to learn their view, to see how it matches with mine. The book sounds interesting. It’s something I’d read if it crosses my path.

    A few months ago, I was listening to a medium regarding near death experiences. She said that those who have them can fly in their dreams. That instantly set off a red flag. Is that why I can fly in my dreams? And why others can’t? I almost drowned when I was around eight years old. I went under and the next thing I knew I was on the shore with people hovering over me.

    So hearing from others sometimes explains experiences I have had.


    1. Hi Diane. Thankss for sharing that scary story with us. It wasn’t your time for sure. There is much more than we can know in other realms. Many claim to fly in dreams, part of astro-planing. Some remember, some don’t, but we aren’t meant to know the details. And everyone’s journey is individual. I enjoy reading these types of books to learn about other’s experience with spirit. 🙂

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  13. Debby, a fascinating review of an unusual book! It’s good you came across Matt and his work at a time when you needed it so much and exciting he has put his thoughts together in this book. How true that this is not a subject one really thinks about in ones 20s, 30s or even 40s. It is striking how Matt feels that a better understanding of the after-life will ensure we have a better quality of life – and I can see that being true.


  14. I am curious about this topic but doubtful at the same time. It is fascinating that some people claim to know what happens after death and the state of mind that I am in at present, nothing seems real to me. My scriptures say that a human being is like a bubble on water and keeps coming back into this world again and again. If the soul gets a new body then how can we communicate with it? At the same time I wish we could.


    1. Hi Balroop. I know it seems like so many questions we won’t know the answer to. When I lost my husband I literally was numb and lived in a fog for over a year, so understandable. I have yet to share personal and intimate things I witnessed near my husband’s death. I can’t bring myself to talk about them yet, but they will be included whenever I finish writing my book. Matt’s podcasts, and ultimately his book, were a great comfort to me. ❤

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  15. This is a popular topic, I’m sure.
    On one hand I’d like to know what happens after death, on another hand I’m not driven to know.
    I mostly like the idea that I’ll be with my most loved ones, and my pets. xo💐💐💐xo
    This book will help many.


    1. You are correct. And nobody knows what goes on the other side, but I do have a lot of experience with death, encountered spirits, and what I witnessed in my husband’s dying days. So there’s something definitely going on the other side, and that’s enough for me to know. ❤ ❤ ❤

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  16. A wonderful review, Debby, of a topic I think interests all of us to some extent. Unless we are/want to be oblivious about our mortality.

    Unlike most people, I’ve been thinking about death since I was a teenager. Not fun, but very realistic. This book might interest me, or might annoy me. I hope to find out one day, when I have time to read again. I’ve written it down on my TBR list. 🙂


  17. Great review, Debbie. I’ve read Matt’s two previous books, and have attended 11 online events and one in person. He’s by far the best I’ve seen, zeroing in on nuances unlike anyone else. I really do believe in the afterlife now, partially because of what I’ve seen, but also because of many personal experiences. x


    1. Wow, I wish I knew who I was commenting back to, lol, but wow, amazing you went to so many events of his. I began following his videos a few years ago and of course had to have the book. ❤


  18. Your review compels me to read this. Having had a NDE I like reading what others say on this experience, and on their beliefs about life after death. I read your review on Amazon too – GOOD!


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