Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – New Series – Life Lessons 101 – #Kindness by D. G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

I’ve begun a new tri-weekly series at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – LIfe Lessons 101. In the first installment I began with the topic of Kindness.

Welcome to my new series at the Smorgasbord – Life Lessons 101. In this series I’m going to talk about incidence and things in life that are important. Today the topic is kindness. We hear the word get passed around a lot in various themes and context, but it bears talking about because a little kindness can go a long way.


Have you ever had a crappy day when nothing goes right, and per chance, a total stranger comes your way with a friendly greeting, an offer to help with something, or a compliment that just turns around that crappy day?

It doesn’t cost a cent to do something nice for someone or to make them feel a little special. We never know what kind of a day someone is having, and offering a little kindness can be a very welcomed pick-me-up for them. Can you recall the last time a stranger extended a kindness to you?

Complimenting someone can be a real lift to their self-esteem. It’s a verification that they’ve been noticed, someone paid attention to something about them, and maybe you were the only one who noticed, or maybe that person has nobody else in their life that offers kind words. We don’t know, but we know that a few kind words from us may just be a mood-lifter for them. A compliment offers a confirmation that something on their person is recognized and admired. And there are so many people who don’t get any recognition in their own surroundings.


On the same token, if our faces and/or body language give off a cold or dark feeling, that feeling is also registered by others, instead, leaving a negative feeling, and one that doesn’t inspire us to want to get any closer to that person. Our moods evoke ripples of energetic vibes, and vibes and energy are contagious. So, it’s just as easy to wear a smile to give off a welcoming atmosphere of warmth.

There are so many ways we can trickle a little kindness into the world, even doing the simplest of things. Kindness lives under many umbrellas. Kindness can be a smile, a compliment, even a hug when someone needs it. It can also mean taking some time to listen to someone who may need an ear, a goodwill gesture such as offering a helping hand to someone in need, letting in a fellow driver in your lane when we see their signal, offering a service to a friend – or even to a stranger if they’re sick or unable to get out, or just spending time with someone who is often alone . . . please continue reading conclusion at Sally’s blog.

Be kind


Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – New Series – Life Lessons 101 – #Kindness by D. G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

48 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – New Series – Life Lessons 101 – #Kindness by D. G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  1. Often times it doesn’t take much to get us out of our funk when we’re having a bad day. Perhaps a stranger lets us cut them in line, realizing they have three times as many groceries as we do. Even something as simple as someone stopping on a busy street to allow you to turn reinforces that simple acts of kindness happen all the time and are much appreciated.


  2. I agree. Small gestures of kindness can go a long way. Being kind and forgiving is very important and not that difficult. But then there are so many people who are unkind and wrong at the same time. They do something wrong but lash out at those who are doing it right. They jump to conclusions about a situation they misjudge and lash out at the wrong people or without cause. Then if you try to explain they get nasty and defensive instead of apologizing. They don’t think things through and they have a hostile attitude. I have a very hard time being tolerant in that situation. Staying nice when people are doing something wrong is typically not too difficult (depending on how bad it is). Staying nice when people are not nice is also not too difficult if you try. Being treated like crap and not being listened to while being the one who is right is a combo that gets gets under my skin. I don’t know how to be kind when that happens.


    1. Hi Thomas. I get what you’re saying, and I’ve had many of those experiences. But that’s on them, not us. We extend a hand, and sometimes it’s just a slap. We can’t control other’s behaviors, but, we can learn to walk away. We can’t please everyone all the time. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ahhh. I loved this post, Debby. Even your choice in graphics brings a smile. I honestly believe that kindness can save humankind faster than just about anything else. And it’s free and easy to implement. Even small acts of kindness go a long long way. Best investment around. :-) 


  4. I remember years ago , going through a bad patch, stood waiting for someone outside a shop.. My face must have reflected my sad mood.. When this young man came by and said..’ It may never happen love, go on, give us a Smile, ‘ I did… and to this day I remember that little gesture, A smile makes all the difference.. Thank you for sharing xx ❤


  5. Today I was picking up some items from the hardware store. I dropped an item on the floor and one twenty something fellow picked it up for me and handed it back. A small gesture, but so appreciated. I’ll head over to Sally’s and read the full post.


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