Writer’s Tips – May Edition – #WordPress Hacks, #Microsoft Word, Info Dumps, #Troll Inquisition

Welcome to my May edition Writer’s Tips. This month I’ve found some helpful posts for WordPress Settings by Hugh Roberts, how to convert a Word document for ebook by Jane Friedman, Deborah Jay talks about Info Dumps in writing, and Anne R. Allen warns us about the Troll Inquisition on writers.


Note: please excuse the large spacing between some of these articles. It seems WordPress block editor has a mind of its own and won’t allow me to fix without erasing parts of my post.

66 thoughts on “Writer’s Tips – May Edition – #WordPress Hacks, #Microsoft Word, Info Dumps, #Troll Inquisition

  1. I hear you Debby, someday I will have to take a course on digital literacy. I want to be more tech savvy when it comes to writing and editing. For some reason they keep changing how things work on this platform and other ones.


  2. That was a lot of useful information. The last one, about visits and threats from fake people/trollbots was bizarre but hardly surprising on second thought. There are so many trolls out there and a lot of russian trolls. I’ve encountered many russion trolls. There are also zoom-trolls who nestle themselves into zoom meetings of, for example, environmental groups. They interupt meetings, impersonate participants, scream obscenities and racial slurs, and who knows if they are real people and not bots. A lot spammers in Facebook groups turn out to be bots.


    1. Hi Thomas. I’m glad you found this info useful. Anne always keeps us updated on what’s going on the writing world with trolls. Yes, they are everywhere on social media. Usually the ones spreading fake news too. But that’s over the top, I never heard about them invading Zoom meetings! There doesn’t seem to be an end to places these cockroach – like bots seep into.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great collection of posts, Debby. I always look forward to the writers’ tips you share. I missed a couple of these and I’m heading over to catch up. And WP … I spent about 45 minutes yesterday trying to “add” spaces. Lol.


    1. I’m glad you find them helpful Diana. And yes, WordPress seems to be dominating how we choose to space. Then when I try to fix, it erases the one above! So annoying. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great gold mine of info, Debby.

    I especially learned from the post on info dumps and (gasp!) the troll-bot inquisition. Yikes! I hope to return to glean more. 😀


  5. Russian homophobic trollbots?! Good grief! 🫨 Then again, I guess it’s not that surprising.

    Formatting an ebook has always seemed very complicated to me (which is why I’ve never done it), but it seems a little easier after reading Jane Friedman’s post. Thanks! 🙂


  6. Thanks for this one. The trolls were hilarious. The Word to Epub thing, pay attention to every step. And all writers should know better than to take a dump in public. Even if it’s inside quotation marks.😎


  7. Great posts, Debby. I’ve always used D2D to create ebooks and epub versions, and KDP’s Kindle Create has been good, too. The Russian bot trolls is horrifying, but not surprising. It makes me wonder what we have to worry about next?!


  8. Some great tips, Debbie plus a scary post from Anne…re wokeness and Russian homophobic trollbots a desert island sounds the best place to hide from what is coming…I could live on coconut juice and fish x


  9. Hi Debby, I’m not able to open the individual blogs now so I will return later. I’m using my phone right now since we’re in Guadalajara today. I do see the topic headlines. As for Info Dumps, I began Book 2 of a series. The author wrote a very short 2 page synopsis of Book 1 and I was able to get into the new book right away. I hate it too if am author starts a new book with 1/3 of the first book! 😊
    Some trolls are scary! They invade several of my groups. I deleted them right away. I like your smile. Can we be friends? That one used to make me worried. We’re they researching my entire account?


    1. HI Kay. Yes, it seems we get the same trolls with the same lines everywhere. They’re like wacamoles – stomp one out, there’s always more. 🙂 x


  10. I keeping this to come back to read later, Debby. What a great collection of useful articles. Especially when technology piled issues onto my own flagging spirit. I’m certain these will do me good.


    • Thanks for all the wide coverage, Debs. Being now very ancient…

    I digest what I can?! Am still peddling my 10th book…Upwards And onwards. Cheers. xx


    1. Lol Joy, you crack me up! You and your ancient wisdom my friend. And I am still waiting for that book to come out. I still have a review waiting!!!!! Hugs xoxo 🙂


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