Ani’s Advent Invitation: Christmas Reflections with D. G. Kaye | Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

Ani’s Advent Invitation: Christmas Reflections with D. G. Kaye

I was recently invited to share a Christmas feature over at Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo where her 4 Legse Ani has invited writers to share something about Christmas – a letter, a poem, to help Ani fill in the days leading to Christmas. Naturally, Ani leads off all posts with her thoughts. . .

Well, so far, for my campaign to not be dressed in something silly this year..after the antler debacle… I’ve had letters from cats, dogs, and various other creatures, including two-legses. What is really heartwarming is that, seeing a small dog in need of some serious help here, everyone has pulled together, old friends and new, for a fellow creature in (potential) trouble.

And it isn’t serious trouble, not this time anyway. Just a small attack on my dignity….and I don’t have all that much of it that I can afford to lose any more!

Now, lots of two-legses around the blogosphere seem to be ready to help when folks of various species need a hand or a paw… and ‘specially at Christmas. Wouldn’ it be nice if everybody  did the same, all year round? Debby seems to think so too…



D. G. Kaye

‘Tis the season of Christmas filling the air,
When all we’ve observed throughout the year, a gentle reminder, a time to care.

We hear about people dying, starving, homeless or sick,
The tug at our hearts reminds us of the world’s woes and the clock’s tick.

Reflections flood in as sentiment ignites our hearts,
Taking stock of our thoughts before the old year departs.

As we celebrate the season, resides that old pang of melancholy reverberation,
At family gatherings when thoughts divert to loved ones no longer part of our celebration.

Some of us place at the table, an extra chair,
Or a place card in remembrance of one who is no longer there.

The joy at Christmas gatherings, still affords me a tear,
With memories of loved ones lost through the years.

I don’t pull up an extra chair to bridge the sense of feeling apart,
My feelings of loss are kept on those place cards, buried deep in my heart.

The only gifts I wish to receive,
Is for the world to find peace and compassion and give hatred a reprieve.

Return to us the brotherhood of mankind,
Let unity bind us, forsaking evil and all ill will behind.


Originally posted on The Daily Echo

Source: Ani’s Advent Invitation: Christmas Reflections with D. G. Kaye | Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

49 thoughts on “Ani’s Advent Invitation: Christmas Reflections with D. G. Kaye | Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

  1. This one gave me a heart tug: “Some of us place at the table, an extra chair,
    Or a place card in remembrance of one who is no longer there.” There is no space for an extra chair in my dining you, but I still have a place card for my mother to put on the table this year. Lovely sentiment, Debby.


    1. Aw, I’m glad to learn this resonated with you Marian. We’ve always added a chair at big family events for my father. Now we use the placecard too. Merry Christmas my friend. 🙂 x


  2. Debby, this is truly a lovely and heartfelt poem that tugged at my heart. I hope your Christmas was merry and that you have a happy, healthy New Year. Love and hugs.


    1. Aw thanks Michelle. Glad my words could reach you. And thanks again for the lovely wishes. Wishing you the same, and I’ll definitely take the ‘health’ part. 🙂 xxx


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