Happy New Year to All of You

new year card

Another year has come to a close. I’ve heard so many questioning, ‘Where did this year go?’ I ask myself the same question as I reflect on my hurdles and accomplishments. And although I can account for all that has transpired, I’m still in disbelief of how the clock has ticked in such haste.


The winter escape I took last February seems like a distant memory when I look back at all that came after. The first 5 months of the year, I spent visiting my dying aunt intermittently between finishing my latest book, Have Bags, Will Travel. The summer and fall were spent dealing with government income tax issues and digging up 6 years of audit receipts, while revising and preparing to publish Have Bags. And as if every week didn’t bring another challenge into my life these past few months, that darned rascal ‘Murphy’, (yes that’s right, I’m on a first name basis with Mr. Murphy’s Law), had to give me a few more jabs two days before I leave.

My hip went out once again, which makes it very difficult to run around here and pack up while wrapped up in my trusted heat bands like a mummy. This shall present a few challenges as we set off to travel to Arizona with 4 large suitcases and 3 carry on bags, (have you read my latest book?). And my friggin’ laptop crashed for the 3rd time in 18 months, 2 days ago. I’m fit to be tied…literally. As the 2 year warranty expires, conveniently in 2 weeks, I dropped it off at the geeks once again today and told them they can hold it for 2 months. I can’t wait to have to start from scratch once again reloading programs and files when I return…Said Nobody Ever! Thankfully Santa brought this new 12″ Windows Surface Pro for an early Christmas gift 2 months ago, which I’m typing on now.


Now with all that crap said, I was also fortunate enough to have to prepare for several interviews I was invited to do with various authors and bloggers. Before I knew it, it was Thanksgiving, and nearing Christmas. And now it’s time for me to go to Arizona – the one good thought that kept me going all year as I muddled through some hurdles. I’ll be going for 2 glorious months.


Oh, no worries, I’ll still be writing and grinding, but at least I’ll be surrounded by mountains, desert and beautiful sunsets. I hope to be writing for my next 2 books, but I do know I’m going to be taking some real time out to take in some living and exploring.


We’ll be having some guests off and on, and I have plans to meet up with a few of my new author friends who reside in the Phoenix area. Oh, and my hub is looking forward to spending some real time with his wife too.


I’ve always tried hard to keep up with everything: write, blog, visit blogs, and social media, despite whatever life was throwing at me. And I always felt that if I missed a day or two doing so, I’d fall so far behind that the catch up would be overwhelming. But I’ve learned from some friends here that everyone needs a time out, a time to regroup and take in some real life living, and so I’m surrendering to that. If some of my avid blogging friends can do it, then certainly I can too. Now this doesn’t mean I won’t be around, but possibly, not as much as you may be used to seeing my ‘likes’ or avatar and comments as often for awhile. And I may miss a few posts here and there, but I’m not going to beat myself up struggling to catch up for hours while I have some desert living to do.


I will still be posting, and it may take a little longer for me to respond to your comments, which I always welcome, but do know that I’m not abandoning ship here – just taking some well needed pauses. What you will see though, will be lots of beautiful pictures and snippets of my adventures.


I’m looking forward to meeting up with a few new friends I’ve made here who just happen to live in that neck of the woods. And I will be endeavoring into doing some author-ly things there too.


One thing I have planned already is meeting up with my friend Heather. Some of you may recall the interview I did on audio last winter with Heather Debreceni, the divorce coach who seeked me out on the web after finding my book Conflicted Hearts. The interview was about children of divorce. The day Heather and I did that interview, we had formed an instant friendship and have been gabbing on Facebook ever since.


 I’m extremely excited that Heather, my soon to be PODCAST partner, will be coming to visit me all the way from Colorado so we can put together our new weekly video show we’ve been working on, for Empowering Women, which will begin in April!


 It’s truly amazing the friendships we make here. As writers and readers, we spend most of our waking hours on the web. We meet people and their personalities exude through the internet with mere words.


I feel so blessed to have made so many wonderful friends here, especially in this last year alone. It’s been a tough year around here, but as long as my optimism and determination prevail, I keep on going. And I’d like to thank all of you for being such wonderful, supportive friends here.

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I’d like to take a moment here to remind all of you to take a moment in reflection and look at your challenges of this past year, but don’t dwell on them. Now look at your accomplishments, and focus on the good bits of your years. Life will always be throwing us curve balls, we just have to find the mitt that fits best to catch.


Let us all remember kindness and compassion, and remember that everyone has obstacles in their lives, don’t always let the smiles fool you, nobody’s life is perfect. But life is about paying it forward and being grateful for all that we do have. The universe tells us, what we give out, we receive. So let’s all keep that at the back of our minds and let the goodness and positivity in all of us shine through.

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I wish you all a happy, healthy new year, and may we all find peace in the year to come.


(My next weekend post will be a helpful reblog on How to Move Your WordPress.com to Your Own Self-Hosted WordPress.org site.)


See you next post, live from Arizona!


67 thoughts on “Happy New Year to All of You

    1. Thanks Marian for being a faithful follower and friend. Now it’s time to let the good times roll, and post some scenic pics and reports, stay tuned! Happy New Year Marian. ❤


    1. Thank you dear Sal, and wishing you a very Happy, peaceful and successful New Year. Yes, I’ve certainly learned how to make some lemonade this past year, lol. So I’ve learned to keep that ‘catcher’s mitt’ quite handy! I’ll be reporting updates to my travels, next week, lol. xoxo ❤


  1. Happy New Year to you too Debby, and I hope you have both a wonderful trip and a lovely break. I agree about the timeout thing – I definitely get caught up living online rather than in real life, a good reminder.

    Looking forward to your reblog next week – I am interested in moving to self hosted but the thought is horrifying to me.


    1. Happy New Year Sach! I’m on a mad dash here trying to sew up loose ends, but checking in as promised, lol. Yes, this post about moving WP is quite good and detailed, so I hope you and many others find it helpful. Do let me know! xo


    1. Hi John. It’s funny you mention, I was thinking about where you live. I’m so wanting to go to Santa Fe to visit the artists quarter and the work of George O’Keefe. But I was warned the driving is treacherous on the roads at this time of year. I was hoping to do a separate trip to Santa Fe maybe next year in spring time. I also understand that it’s a good 8 hour drive to Santa Fe. What part are you in?


  2. We are just outside Silver City–5 hours south of Santa Fe. It’s about 40 miles north of I-10 from Lordsburg. Our weather is fair bit more moderate than Santa Fe. Still, February will be a warmer month with likely high/low temps maybe 50-55/35-45.

    FINALLY got MY PC back after nearly 2 weeks; bad video card.


    1. Thanks for giving me the lowdown John. If there’s a way I can get there, I will be sure to notify you! I couldn’t come all that way without meeting you. 🙂 So glad you FINALLY got your PC back. Mine is now at the depot, I’m so sick of the lemon I got, not even 2 years old and this will be the 3rd harddrive replacement. I can hardly wait to come home and reinstall all the guts for the 4th time . . . . .NOT! 🙂 Happy New Year to you and next time we chat I will almost be your neighbour! 🙂


  3. This might be my favorite of your recent posts. So real, yet so upbeat. I often wonder how you do what you do so brilliantly. You’re “there” for so many writers virtually (pardon the pun) every day. It’s astounding and I truly hope it pays off for you. Meeting you this year has been one of the best aspects of my writing year. Wishing you a fantastic Arizona adventure and just a wonderful year of peace, joy and hell, why not? — prosperity! Safe travels, my friend.


    1. Thanks so much Deb, your comment really touched me. It makes me feel worthy that others value my presence and support. I made up my mind when I started self publishing and learning the ropes from many generous people along the way that I want to try and give back the same. As you know, that’s what I’m all about. I am also grateful to have connected with you in friendship this year. It’s so wonderful to have friends we can relate to in a place where we spend many of our waking hours – online. We are a great community because we understand the world of writing, amongst ourselves more than the people in our everyday lives. Thanks for your well wishes, and Lord knows, we could all use a little prosperity. Thanks for your friendship and support, and I wish you and yours the same, peace, joy and PROSPERITY! ❤


  4. You just reminded me of the computer virus I had in March. I had to have my machine completely wiped, and live without it for two weeks. It is not fun. But we survive. It’s been a busy year with many ups and downs, but I feel the downs make us better appreciate the ups.

    It sounds like you have many wonderful goals for 2016, or would that be a to-do list.

    Winter in the desert surrounded by mountains is truly inspirational. I’d be town between writing and exploring. You should give in to the exploring; the writing will be waiting for you when you return home. That’s not to say you shouldn’t write, but if you are faced with choosing one from the other, pick exploring.

    Enjoy your adventure, and all the best in the new year.


    1. Thanks so much Diane. Yes, these computer pitfalls are so annoying. I’m lucky I have a new laptop, but that one is bigger and the one I work on mostly. I’ve taken it in and they’re sending it out today. I told them to keep the darn thing until I return lol. It’s about starting over, reloading programs, software and backing up documents which is the biggest pain, and certainly not something I’ll look forward to coming home to lol.
      And you are absolutely right, this is a big dream trip for us, especially with the Canadian dollar being so terrible. We are lucky we bought our money last winter at 84 cents on the dollar, and it’s now 42!!! Many Canadians have cancelled their US holiday this year. If we hadn’t planned it ahead we would be in that boat. So like you said, I have a lot of exploring to do, trip of a lifetime, so if I have to sacrifice to less writing and less blogging, I choose living! I’ll be around, and sharing some wonderful places and photos.
      Thanks for dropping by, and wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous New Year! ❤


  5. Have a wonderful trip! Don’t overpack, save room for shopping and try not to look guilty when scooting through customs 🙂 I finished your book and it was so much fun. I reviewed it on Goodreads, my go-to now that Amazon is being so difficult. Happy New Year, Debby ❤


    1. Hi Diana. Thanks so much for the well wishes and for reading my book. I will be sure to visit Goodreads soon! And as for packing, lol, you can look forward to this trip’s travel adventures soon in a blog, lol. Of course I packed too much! I saved a bit of room, but don’t think I didn’t check with airlines, by asking how much overweight will cost me for the return, lol. I was told 20 extra pounds will cost $25. Well, for me that’s a no brainer, lol, I’ve just earned 20lbs more room for shopping at such a great bargain! LOL. Happy New Year again Diana! 🙂 ❤


  6. Happy New Year, Debby. I may have over-stepped our beginning friendship but just thought you might like to know I listed your book on my blog, along with Carol and others you know. 🙂 I was suggesting for readers to purchase books to read and start the new year with them.


  7. Hi Debby, I Just wanted to drop by here and once again wish you a very Happy New Year and to thank you again for your friendship and for all your amazing support of my blog and writing since we’ve been friends here. I am really touched by your kindness and I’m so very glad we met here, as I’ve said before and will no doubt keep saying, ha!! You’ve certainly had a lot of challenges this past year, putting it mildly (and I hear you with that, not least of all with the dang laptop, something even now I’m wary of…) so I really hope that you will unwind and really enjoy your R&R in beautiful Arizona, valuable time spent with your friends, old and new, and how exciting to be meeting blogging friends too! I hope I’m intrigued by your podcasts and very much look forward to hearing more about them next year, which I hope will be smoother for you in every way. But even with all you’ve had to deal with, you inspire and amaze me with how you’ve managed to publish your books. I’ve been laid low so many times for various reasons and my writing time has suffered as a result, so I look to you and see that no matter what, it is possible to fulfill my dreams! Take care, happy safe travels, and although I’ll miss you, it’s good to know you’ll be popping in here and there! Big hugs to you Debby and see you soon! xoxox 🙂 ❤


    1. Hi Sherri! Thanks so much for your kind words. It’s so inspiring for me to hear that I am being helpful to others. If I can do it, you certainly can my friend! And you will! I’m not disappearing, I promise, lol. I just won’t be around as frequent, more in the early mornings and later at night as we do have some great ventures planned. But that will just give me more to talk about and share with all of you. Next week we are visiting beautiful Sedona where the scenery is truly God’s country, so there will no doubt be some spectacular photos coming then.
      I hope you had a wonderful New Year’s and are now pumped to go forth with your book this year!!!! Hugs to you my friend. xo ❤


      1. Ahh, thanks so much Debby! I so look forward to your beautiful photos, God’s country for sure! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s and that this year brings you nothing but the best of everything, and thank you, yes, I’m pumped! Just getting all that not-so-wonderful admin ‘stuff’ out of the way first and then it’s write, write, write! Have an amazing time and hugs right back to you my friend 🙂 ❤ xoxo


  8. Arrrghh…I see I’ve that I’ve put in a ‘I hope’ in front of ‘I’m intrigued’ which isn’t meant to be there! Sorry about that…it reads the wrong way completely, gulp!!! xoxo


  9. Happy New Year to You Debby – thank you for sharing your life with us, as well as all the support you have given this year. You are my No 1 commenter!!! Thank you SO much.- I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful time in Arizona. Be well & Happy writing 🙂


    1. Thanks so much Kathy for your lovely words. I’m here now in beautiful sunny Arizona and taking a pause to breathe. I wish you a Happy and successful New Year! 🙂


  10. My favorite quote from this piece — “Life will always be throwing us curve balls, we just have to find the mitt that fits best to catch.” Lots of great sage advice…thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!


  11. Wow. Yu don’t do things by halves do you! And now you are going to have a restful time in Arizona/ As Bobby Bub would say… Mah them there ass. Lovely lady, all the best, get writing, and if you want to come blog visit, would LOVE to host you x


    1. Thank you sweet lady, and thanks to Bobby Bub! Thank you so much for the invite. I will be glad to take you up on that, perhaps in a few weeks, when I’m in between hosting company and touring! Thanks so much Shey! ❤


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