Sunday Book Review – Petals of the Rose by Sue Vincent – #Meditation

Welcome to my Sunday Book Review. Today I’m reviewing Sue Vincent’s Petals of the Rose – Guided Journeys. A wonderful book to calm and go within ourselves with guided meditations.





A series of guided meditations, designed to open aspects of the personality in as gentle and natural way as the petals of the rose open at the touch of the sun. Each inner journey will carry you to a haven within your own psyche from which to explore layers of your own being, learning their meaning and purpose. From mystical and silent castles, to the song of the unicorn… each journey takes you deeper into your inner being and carries you out beyond the stars. Stories stir the imagination, casting images upon the screen of mind that allow us to explore, in safety, aspects of our lives and being that we might otherwise avoid or overlook. There is a rich vein of experience in memory that can be mined for its treasures. One of the simplest and best ways of exploring the labyrinths of the mind is to do so through a guided journey.Meditation and visualisation are not arcane practices in which a few indulge… we all use these tools every day, to navigate our way around the world and our lives. We ask ourselves ‘what if?’, creating imaginary scenarios before we act. We visualise the route we walk to work, or what the basket full of ingredients will look like, once assembled and cooked, on a dinner plate. There is no mystery in meditation… but when you give time and attention to the practice, it can open the door to many mysteries… including those of our own being…


My 5 Star Review:

A small book that packs a punch for the soul. Sue Vincent offers up some wonderful calming and soothing meditations with guided imagery to help take us into a higher mindspace and bring us into a calmer sense of self.

This book offers simple meditations with painted visualizations in words (which this author is known well for) that aid in getting us into a meditative state and help to stir our senses by taking us into the imagery and leaving us to continue with wherever our imagination takes us.

A lovely book to keep at the bedside to use for those reflective moments, or when we just need to zone out and recompose.



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53 thoughts on “Sunday Book Review – Petals of the Rose by Sue Vincent – #Meditation

  1. A lovely review of Sue’s book, Debby. I have this and it sounds like something I need to read as it will benefit me. Sharing.


  2. Debby, you hit the target by suggesting this is a lovely book to keep by on’es bedside! I love having inspirational reading close to hand for the day’s last moments! Also, this is an evocative book cover! Congratulations to Sue Vincent!


  3. Thank you so much, Debby, what a lovely surprise!
    I will set this up to re-blog for later in the week… I am glad you enjoyed these guided journeys. As you will know. the more you let their symbolism guide you, the more you get from them.


    1. Absolutely Sue! I’ve reviewed on GR and, so I hope Zon shows it at UK. ❤ I'm looking forward to Ani's book, lol, Laughter Lines. I will read it and pass it on to my grand niece, she loves dogs. ❤


  4. A lovely review of Sue’s book, Debby. Sue’s writing always leaves me peaceful and reflective, so I’m not surprised that this book is a gem. The bedside table sounds perfect. ❤ Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Hugs.


  5. I like Sue Vincent’s writing and her ideas so it doesn’t surprise me that she would write a book on the inner journey. Thanks, Debby, for bringing this book to my attention. It’s the kind of book that I’m drawn to. ❤


  6. This is a great review of a book that I know is going to be a wonderful resource to me during these turbulent times. I’ve just bought it and will try to make sure I set aside time to appreciate the meditations in an unhurried manner. Many thanks.


  7. Thank you for another great interview, and intriguing review. Meditations are wonderful for calmding down, and refinding the middle of ourselves. Have a nice day, Debby! Best wishes, Michael


  8. I have enjoyed guided meditations over the years but have let the practice slip by of late. When my grandchildren sleep over, they ask for (guided) meditations now instead of reading. While meditation has always been promoted in some circles, it seems to be promoted more widely now, even in schools. I love the sound of this book of Sue’s and like that it can be kept at the bedside for those quiet and calming moments. Thanks for your review, Debby.


  9. Even that blurb is quieting and calming. Your review was lovely, Debby. It sounds like a book we could all use in times like this, when the news of the day creates such havoc in our minds and souls. Congratulations to Sue!


  10. I’ve been meaning to get this one. Keeps slipping my mind with all that’s going on here. Thanks for this reminder. Off to get it TODAY before I forget again. 😉

    *Fingers crossed for me, as always, that you get this comment.

    *types again*


    Oookay. One more try then I’ll send a carrier pigeon.

    *ties note to pigeon’s little foot*
    *gives pigeon a treat*


    1. LOL woman! I did get your comment, and here I am replying! I know Worstpress has been driving me nuts all week. Chock it up to mercury retrograde! But we’re good! Enjoy the book. ❤


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