Standing in the Light – See You Soon! #Blogging Break

The light – something I strive daily to stand under.

I need the light to stay in the light. Does that make sense? When I think of the woes of the world I have to stop myself and take my thoughts right back to where there is light – far away from the darkness. When my grief (at the loss of my beloved) bubbles up as it does daily, I say the words, “I love you honey” out loud. For me that’s a method I’ve been working that helps me get through the trigger moments. When that old grief monster creeps into my head and to scenes of my husband’s dying I shout out my love for him and stop myself from going ‘there’ – to that dark place, and strive to put my brain in happier thoughts. But let me tell you, this dancing around grief ain’t for sissies!

SAD syndrome is real. It certainly doesn’t help with my dark moments. I am someone who is most definitely affected by the lack of light. I’ve recently purchased a Lightbox. Does it help? I’m not feeling the love. No, I want sunshine. I don’t care if it’s snowing with sunny skies or on a tropical island, just give me the light. For me, I feel happy, energetic and just plain motivated when the sun is shining. And the fact that I haven’t even sat in the sun since last winter’s Mexican getaway just exacerbates my need. Last summer, we didn’t have one. Oh yes, we did have a season that has been typically known to be summer, but this past one all we got was sickening humidity with grey covered smokey skies. Ironically, the sun would fight the smoke and stick out its face well after 4pm when the motivation to go out to the sundeck had long passed.

There’s a lot to be said about sunshine and its uplifting benefits as well as giving us well needed Vitamin D, which in this country is sorely lacking for many months a year here, having to supplement with the vitamin. So after one longgggggggg year of being pastey white and praying to the sun gods, I’m thrilled to announce that my winter break with sunshine is finally nearing. If you would have asked me in early December if I’m going away, I would have told you I still wasn’t booked for anything because I couldn’t get a suitably priced condo to rent, and the prices of airfare have gone out of control. So I threw up my arms after putting my wishes out to the universe, and magically, opportunities came to me.

The agent I previously rented from texted me with an offer to rent a brand new condo he just sold to someone, too late in the season to put up for rent, so he called me with a great price offer to rent the condo. In the same week, my good friend Brenda from Manitoba who rents in the condo complex I used to stay at, invited me to come stay with her for two weeks. I told her I wasn’t flying all that expensive way for just two weeks and that I would try and put together an add-on before I got to her place, and the condo my agent offered me fell right in line with the time-frame. And just after I accepted to book the condo for two weeks, my good friend here, Mahvash called me and told me she would join me for the two weeks. So lucky me! I’ll soon be off with Mahvash for what I think will be a very fun and interesting time together, especially since she’s never been anywhere tropical, and then off to Brenda’s to my old stomping grounds right on the beach, for what I know will be filled with laughter – and margaritas – but maybe a gin and tonic for Bren.

So, I am happy to announce that I most certainly am going back to Puerto Vallarta this year for some well-needed sunshine and girlfriend time. I am determined to turn this pastey skin into something more sun-kissed. My camera is ready at the helm with all its new features and I look forward to taking some fun and spectacular photos to share with you upon my return. Until then, I’m signing off here on the blog and will resume blogging later next month. As always, I will still be checking comments here and although I won’t be reading blogs during my break on any kind of regular schedule, don’t be surprised if I show up here and there in some quieter moments.

Take me away Calgon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bon Voyage, Travel Tips, A Lesson in Geography – Why? #Mexico, #Blogging Break

Welcome to my Bon Voyage post, I’m still here but frantically getting things ready for my winter break. My Canadian friends are all already there in Puerto Vallarta, and I’m looking forward to kicking up my social life notches, and drinking Margaritas.



I’ve had a few people ask if I’m concerned about some of the recent goings on in Mexico. No. The friction going on there is not in the State of Jalisco where PV is in. It’s funny how some people get a picture in their heads when they hear things on the news before doing their geographical homework. That doesn’t mean that anywhere I travel to, that I’m not being diligent. Yes, Mexico has Cartel, but typically, the big honcho Cartel aren’t looking to disrupt tourism, and their headquarters are in known States that are mostly rated dangerous and at your risk places to visit. It’s the newer, ‘wannabe’ gangs that infiltrate certain places and instigate turf wars that are causing these crime incidences, particularly on the Caribbean side, ie: Cancun and Playa. These gangs emmigrated from further south in Central America. And this isn’t to say I’m okay with Cartel, but some of these Cartel want to keep tourist areas safe because they build and invest there for money laundering purposes. As bizarro as it sounds, it makes me feel safe too, in a strange kind of way.

Mexico is a huge country with over 126 million people. That’s three times the population of Canada, and just over one third the population of the U.S. It’s always important to do our homework on where we are traveling, to keep abreast of travel warnings etc., because people ‘hear’ things, but don’t always put them in perspective. And with this said, we still have to remember we’re tourists and must always keep aware of our surroundings.


Where I’ve been and Why Mexico?

I’ve been to Mexico many times since I was in my early twenties. Back in the 80s, Acapulco was the hot tourist spot of Mexico. And it was great fun and safe. I went there many times in that decade with girlfriends, once with a boyfriend, and later, with my husband. By the early 2000s, we noticed things weren’t feeling the same there and began hearing whispers of a few killings and kidnappings on the news, and we began exploring other parts of Mexico.

We went to Ixtapa, which we loved, Manzanillo, and finally found our new happy spot in Puerto Vallarta. We had our winter vacations there for about five years in a row before we got antsy and wanted to try new places. We started vacationing in various islands in the Caribbean – my favorites being, St. Martin, St. Thomas, and Curacao. And then we became cruisers, which we loved taking every February. We’d spend a week in Fort Lauderdale and go on a two-week Caribbean cruise, and meet up with same friends every year. When my husband’s health issues became apparent, we stopped cruising after 2014. I worried about something happening to him while on ship, and couldn’t live with that. So we talked about where we should start going on land instead. We loved Las Vegas and had gone there many times, as our autumn getaway. But we needed a new winter getaway spot. We loved the desert climate. And we had once taken a helicopter tour from Vegas, over the Grand Canyon, and we decided on that day, that we were going to start spending a chunk of winter in Arizona. We did that for three years and as US politics were heating up, and our Canadian dollar getting crappier, we decided to go back to Puerto Vallarta, because we always enjoyed it there, and it’s guaranteed sunshine. And we rightly assumed after not being there for some fifteen years, how much it was growing. And when I went to book at our favorite hotel for two weeks, air/hotel, all inclusive, the price was almost $9000.00 CAD for two weeks!


That was the beginning of learning about renting a condo instead. My brother had been renting a condo in a beautiful complex right on the beach for less than $3000 US, for a month in PV. I got the details, and we went there and stayed in a different complex, just down the beach from him and had wonderful trips. So economically speaking, I can vacay for two months for what it cost me two weeks in the hotel package deal. Flight is covered with my points card and cost of living there is way cheaper than here in Toronto, so I spend less there than I do staying at home. That is the story of how I ended up in Puerto Vallarta. Right now I have wonderful friends who are already there, and I can’t wait to see what sunshine looks and feels like again. And it’s still a place I can feel my husband there with me. We loved it there.

There are crime hotspots everywhere in the world. Heck there are parts of my own city I wouldn’t venture through to alone. Yes, there are plenty of dangerous places in Mexico. The trick is to learn the safest places and States. Cartel central is in the State of Sinaloa. You may have recently heard of the capture of El Chapo’s son in Mazatlan. Mazatlan is in Sinaloa. There’s one State I have no interest in visiting. If you ever watch Cartel movies/series, you will hear of some of the Cartel infamous places – in the State of Sinaloa, Juarez, in the State of Chihuahua, and some other border towns.

Puerto Vallarta is still touted as one of the safest places to visit in Mexico and to my investigative knowledge, no tourists have been harmed or mamed there. And I much prefer Pacific Mexico to Caribbean Mexico. On the west coast I am 99.9 % guaranteed hot beautiful weather with almost a zero chance of rain. Plus, I find, even though the city has grown so much, adding Costco, Walmart and some fantastic shops, some North American things that North Americans love, that PV still has that Mexican charm and hasn’t gone as Americanized as some other Mexican destinations on the eastern, Caribbean/Yucatan Penninsula side. The added bonus is that I do not need US dollars to stay there. Only the rentals charge in US funds. But our Canadian dollar goes a good way there.

No matter where we travel, we must always be diligent. Saying one wouldn’t go to Mexico because of crime in one State is like saying there’s a shootout in Quebec so don’t go anywhere in Canada, or a shooting in Chicago, so you wouldn’t go to California. Oranges and apples comparison. Also, we have to pay attention to our surroundings wherever we go. Most tourist populated places are known for pickpockets. Awareness of our surroundings is always a good thing. I’m like that in my own city. And petty crime is everywhere now.

So, with that all said, my bags are almost packed, health insurance – check, fifth Covid bivalent booster shot – check, travel anxiety riding high – check, and soon I’ll be walking in flip flops for the bulk of this Canadian winter.

Although I won’t be reading blogs regularly as I normally do, don’t be surprised to find me landing on some of your posts as I randomly get a chance to pop by. I do follow Sally Cronin’s posts while away as I drink my morning coffee, because even though I can’t spend valuable vacation time on all the blogs I follow, I at least feel like I’m staying up-to-date through reading her posts, as Sally is a great sharer to and of our writing community, and it’s my second ‘blog home’. I will also post intermittently on Facebook.

Flying off to Mexico

So, happy winter blogging to you all, and I will no doubt, have much to share with you all upon my return.


Almost that Time! #Blogging Break Approaching and a Tip!

Just a short note to let you know this will be my last post here until mid-March. As our winter escape to Mexico draws nearer, there are so many loose ends to tie up, not to mention – packing! As some of you who have read my little travel book, Have Bags, Will Travel, you can appreciate that getting ready to travel for me is a temporary full-time job, lol. First I pick all the things I want to take (just about everything except the kitchen sink) then I get out the old scales and start purging backwards what won’t fit in the weight allowance. It’s a science and an art I tell ya!


Don’t even get me started with the new Coronavirus .

There isn’t a mask left for sale in the city! We always wear masks when we travel without this new global threat, after contracting Influenza on the plane ride home from Arizona 4 years ago. I had one left in my carryon from last year’s trip and went on a mad hunt to no avail – until I tried my local independent pharmacy nearby where I have a good rapport with the owner, after scouting out several big pharmacies and Walmart. My friendly pharmacist told me he held back one box of surgical masks to sell them individually to those who were in desperate need of a mask – the sick and those traveling on airplanes. He generously sold me 4! No doubts I’ll have lots of travel stories to share upon my return!

This vacation is going to be a luxurious, well-needed busy getaway. We have lots of visitors coming and going to stay with us and many regular snowbird friends who rent in the same complex to socialize with. Plus, I’ve been checking out the real estate market in beautiful Puerto Vallarta where we are contemplating purchasing a condo for ourselves to possibly rent out and possibly even move to in the future, so I will undoubtedly be a busy bee having some look and sees and the lay of the land.

So for those of you who are used to seeing my gravatar around the blogosphere and social media, I won’t be doing my regular visits, but may pop by occasionally when time permits. I also won’t be posting here till I’m back settled because I don’t like to leave comments unanswered. So don’t forget me!

Before signing off here I’m going to leave you all with an important tip when taking out travel health insurance – Do your homework!!! If you’re traveling, never go away without travel health coverage, and never take the first quote!

If your country isn’t offering a good price, check into global travel health insurance companies, where you can search for your best rate. I learned this year how much the insurance company we’ve been using for years ‘exclusive’ members only from our bank was ripping us off – well my husband’s insurance for sure! It’s a fact once seniors turn 80 rates are considerably higher for travel insurance – especially with pre-existing conditions. I trusted my bank for too long. I went on a 2 day comparison search before insuring my husband and much to my delight, I found that our Canadian Blue Cross  gave a fair and just rate in my comparisons. How much of a difference? Are you sitting down? My bank wanted $2500.00 to insure my husband. Thank you Blue Cross. I have never been happier to fork over $720 FOR THE EXACT SAME COVERAGE!!! One third of the price!!! So don’t be fooled for ‘exclusively for you’ bullshit!

So take care everyone. Keep writing and stay safe as I plan on doing both. Adios!





Believe You Can and You Will – Yes! A Well Anticipated #Blogging Break!

Did I Say Blogging Break?


good news


Sunshine, sea and sand. I hear the ocean calling.


After a veryyyyyy long 2018 and much of 2017, I am ecstatic to share that we are heading off to Mexico!

We had planned our 2 month getaway last year – supposed to have spent February and March in sunny Puerto Vallarta, but my husband’s health had taken a turn for the worse in January, which had me cancelling our trip. I’m wondering if my angels were at work when I phoned to cancel the beautiful beach condo we rented, the lovely woman told me they would still hold the March reservation until later in February until my husband’s followup scope took place and we’d find out the results of his surgery and if he could fly.

We went back to the hospital for followup 2 weeks ago and we received a good report from the doctor. In an instant my husband piped up and asked Dr. B if we could go to Mexico.  Dr. B said he didn’t want to say yes or no because of my hub’s ongoing condition and he pretty much left the ball in our court. I’m a worry wart every second of every day and had already resolved myself to the fact that this would be the first winter since we’ve been together that we weren’t getting away for a dose of sunshine. But within 2 days later my husband declared that he was sick and tired of sitting on a couch all day looking at darkness, snow and cold and said he’s got to live his life instead of sitting around waiting and wondering what might lie down the road. We both need a boost from winter and illness. So he asked me to call the condo lady and tell her we’re coming.

So I was busy last week re-booking our flights, with a minor penalty we had to pay, which I was more than happy to, and confirmed with Mexico that we will be coming. Of course, there was a lot of work involved to put this trip together, getting everything ready here, ample medications, travel insurance, and checking out the medical availabilities in Mexico should we need them, and HOUSE SITTING IN PLACE. Hubby can no longer walk for long distances, such as the good mile walk between airport checkin to the gates so I told him I’ll put him in a wheelchair and push him to the gate along with carting our carryon baggage. I’ve been sharpening my packing skills for sure, as carrying and lifting luggage is now all on me. I suppose going to the gym a few times a week will be paying off soon!

So, now that I’ve updated you all, I just want to add that I’ve never taken a vacation and stayed away from the computer, maintaining blogging while away. I can honestly say I am burnt out from the last year and particularly these past 2 months and want to inform you all that I have no set plans to post blogs for the month of March . . . maybe. We are leaving this weekend to spend the month down in Mexico.  All I want is to be in sunshine and do nothing but walk the beach, read books and write. There will be no big adventures other than looking at the ocean (from the front view of our condo) and the mountains (from our bedroom). My brother and sister-in-law are already there staying in the building next to ours so it will be lovely to spend some time together.

Don’t be surprised if you see my ‘mug’ show up to read the odd blog if I should get ambitious.I just don’t intend on spending my precious vacation time reading 4 hours of blogs nightly, but I’m sure I’ll catch a few posts as I will be checking social media and may be tempted to click on a  few posts via Facebook. Come on, I can’t stay away completely!

Most likely I’ll put up a few posts while I’m gone – after all, I may have to share a few photos of spectacular sunsets and such, so stay tuned!

Bon Voyage