Spiritual Awareness – Decoding Sequenced Angel Messages in Numbers by D.G. Kaye at Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

I’m sharing my Part 4 in my angel series in about spiritual awareness at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Blog Magazine. In this edition, I’m discussing sequential numbers that often show up in our lives and how to interpret them.

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Decoding Sequenced Angel Messages in Numbers by D.G. Kaye

Explore the spiritual side of our natures as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find Part Three of the Angel series: Cutting Emotional Cords with Archangels

spiritual awareness

Decoding Sequenced Angel Messages in Numbers

Welcome back to Part 4 in my Angel Messages series. In today’s post I’m bringing awareness to repetitive numbers we may come across and their meanings.


Are you noticing patterns of sequence numbers around you? When you look at the clock are you regularly seeing sequence numbers such as 1:11, 11:11, 2:22, etc.? Are you seeing these sequences around you in public places, at home, on license plates, ads, or anywhere else that may be trying to get your attention? These are divine sequence numbers where the angels are sending you messages by trying to get your attention. And all these numbers have numerological and vibrational meanings. These numbers that continue to show up around us are messages, letting us know something divine or magical is in the works, wanting us to pay attention and to take note of these numbers. Different numbers indicate different meanings.

Angels don’t barge into our lives to tell us things, they have their own way of letting us know things through messages using methods like numbers, nature, and divine messaging. Angels are bound by the laws of God and exist in a higher vibrational frequency than humans. They don’t invade our space unless we request their help or presence. It’s up to us to become aware of their messages and learn how to interpret them. But they can send us hints to beware through messaging, and by using number sequences it’s one of the popular methods they use to gain our attention – something like a nudge from an unforeseen force to pay attention. So, the angels communicate with us through our minds, often these repetitive numbers will occur frequent enough to call our attention to them. They can be warnings as well as magical numbers of the divine.

For example:

  • You may have noticed your last glance at the clock when heading to bed may have shown 11:11.
  • You may have woken up for a bathroom break and looked at the clock to find it showing 1:11, 2:22, etc.
  • The next day you might have purchased something with a receipt showing $11.11.

You get my drift?

This sequence may show up for a day or a few until it grabs our attention, making us curious enough to look up the meaning. Often these repetitive signs are also from our spirit guides or lost loved ones signaling an answer to confirm a nagging thought we have niggling at our minds to confirm our feeling. Angel numbers that repeat to us are thought to be sent through angelic vibrations. Also, pay attention to numbers that include your birthdate number… Please continue reading at Sally’s blog.

Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Decoding Sequenced Angel Messages in Numbers by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

13 thoughts on “Spiritual Awareness – Decoding Sequenced Angel Messages in Numbers by D.G. Kaye at Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  1. I read this article on Sally’s blog and it has made me think. I can remember some coincidences to do with numbers in the past, but nothing very consistent. I can tell you that I will be more vigilant from now on. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week, dear Debby, and thanks for sharing these insights.


  2. I think I have had this happen to me before. I am a firm believer in angels, yet I’ve never thought of their communication in terms of numerology. Thank you, Debby!


  3. This is intriguing. It’s happened to me so often- seeing my birth number as the time on the clock or the seat number on the flight or just randomly. I didn’t know there was a meaning to it until now. Thank you for sharing this.


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