Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Soul Mates and Life Partners by D. G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

Welcome back to my most recent article I shared for Sally Cronin’s Blog Magazine in my Spiritual Awareness series. In this article, I’m talking about the difference between Soul Mates and Life Partners.


spiritual awareness


Explore the spiritual side of our natures as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find part fifteen of the series: Timing of people and events in our lives


Welcome back to my spiritual awareness series. As I recently had a session with a Medium who channels spirit and angels, I thought I’d write about the difference between soul mates and life partners.

Soul Mates and Life Partners – What’s the Difference?

I thought I had two soul mates. One is my BFF, Zan, in the UK, and I thought the other is/was my husband. But I was informed differently after a session with the Medium who channeled my husband. She clarified to me the difference between a soul mate and a life partner. They are similar, both having soul connection, except soul mates are also on the same wavelength, whereas life partners don’t necessarily have to have that mind connection, it’s more about the heart connection.


What is a Soul mate?

A soul mate brings us lessons to learn and enters our lives to enrich us and guide us into opening up a new chapter in our lives. Some soul mates may disappear from our lives once the lessons have been delivered, and some may show up again at other times in our lives. Other soul mates will remain in our lives – if we are lucky enough to find one. Soul mates recognize each other instantly by experiencing a feeling of familiarity upon first meeting, the energies attract, yet, this doesn’t necessarily mean our soul mate is a love attraction.

We recognize a soul mate when we feel we can bear our souls openly without judgements and be completely free with that person about who we are inside and out. This is a mutual understanding between both souls. Again, a soul mate can definitely be our spouse, but this isn’t always the norm. There are romantic and platonic soul mates. Generally speaking, a soul mate is someone we mesh beautifully with in thinking, values, likes, and they come into our lives to teach us something. But for many, a soul mate is much more. For instance, we often can feel or ‘know’ what they’re thinking, and sometimes even what they are up to without speaking. We will often find the ability to finish each other’s sentences. Soul mates help us, and often our hearts, evolve and help to improve and enrich our lives by helping to transform us and elevate our lives.

A soul connection with someone feels as though we connected on a same soul level. A soul mate is someone we feel a deep, natural affinity with, someone our soul recognizes and resonates with spiritually. Usually, there is a common bond which has brought the two souls together. This can be in friendships or relationships of the heart. When we find this person, we just know. It’s a special bond that makes us feel as though we’ve known that person in another life. Sometimes soul mates in our life come into our lives because we’ve made a pre-destined pact in a past life to be together in this life, in various capacities.

What are the Elements of a Soul Mate?

Often this person will give us the feeling we’ve met before in another life, and often that is the case. That feeling of deja vu we experience with them is often just that, a feeling you’ve been together before doing something just like in the moment you experience the feeling. Many soul mates together in another life choose to come back to same soul mates, so that is where the ‘familiarity’ can come from. Soul mates often have a mental connection similar to that of twins.

With my best friend Zan, we’ve been through thick and thin and in between for just over forty years. We are completely on the same wavelength of most everything in our lives and have led parallel lives with situations and events similar in both our lives, including our dysfunctional childhoods and mothers. We can finish each other’s sentences and communicate even without words. We’ve also phoned each other so many times at the same moment.

I met Zan when I first moved away from home. I was green! I knew nothing about the world or relationships. I began living when I moved away from home and Zan became my best friend, but more than that – she was a teacher, a mother, a mentor, and sister to me. Twenty-five years ago, she moved to the UK after she met her now husband who came here on a business trip and happened to visit a popular after work drinking hole that Zan happened to be at with a friend. And only months after, packed up her life and went to the UK. She had finally found her life partner. But no distance could keep us apart because we are soul mates. She comes to visit every year, and phone and video chats (in recent years) have enabled us to continue our friendship as though no miles are between us. A soul mate shows up in our life when we are in need of learning new life lessons, and my BFF showed up at the most needed time in my life, even if I was unaware at the time after leaving home and beginning my solo life.



Life Partners

A life partner is someone we form a love and life relationship with. Our life partner is different than the average marriage or living together. It’s a unique relationship with someone we spend much of our time with and we form a special bond with. A life partner is the one meant for us to fulfill our lives with and who is always dependable, nurturing, caring, loving, trustworthy, and always listens to what we have to say, without judgement. . .Please read the conclusion at Sally’s Smorgasbord



Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Soul Mates and Life Partners by D. G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

41 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Soul Mates and Life Partners by D. G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  1. Another great post in a very useful and thought-provoking series. Thanks, Debby and thanks to Sally for hosting you. She always has the best collaborators. Have a fabulous week.


  2. What a lovely post, Debby. I’m fortunate to have a “Zan” in my life, and our relationship is just as you describe. Now, heading over to Sally’s to read the rest of the post and get the scoop on Life Partners. I think I have one of those too (I hope! Lol. Or the guy’s going to be traded in! Just kidding.) Hugs.


  3. Beautiful post, Debby, to be fortunate in love is everything, and I feel so very lucky in this life. Looking forward to reading the rest of your post over at Sally’s. Here’s to wonderful life partners. Hugs, C


  4. This makes so much sense to me, although I never thought about the distinction between soul make and life partner. In my case, my guy is my life partner in oh-so-many-wonderful ways. And when we met, there was a huge jolt that we both felt (but didn’t admit to each other for quite some time). Yet, the jolt was a recognition that we were to be life partners. A small time later, I met a man who I recognized immediately – I KNEW him even though I’d never met him. He lived 1000s of miles away from me, yet the instant I met him, I knew he’d been in my life for centuries (as weird as that sounds). We are soul mates. He ended up marrying my guy and me (he was a minister!) and baptizing our grandkids. He and his wife are best friends to me and my guy. But he is the one who is my soul mate. It will be interesting to see how we meet up the next time. :-0 🙂


    1. Wow Pam. Thanks for sharing your amazing story! It’s that wonderful instant when we meet that soul mate that tells us we just know. It sounds like your life is universally on track. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A great write dear Debby.. I think most reading here can relate to both Soul Mate and Life Partners… I know I am extremely lucky in having my Life partner who I told him when I was aged 7 and he 14 I was going to marry him… He laughed, as any 14 yr old would… Fast forward today and in our 48th year of marriage, we often laugh together as I can say I proposed first 🙂 ❤


  6. How fascinating. I didn’t know there was a difference between a life partner and soul mate. Still waiting for the life partner to turn up! xx


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