September Author Interview Answer #4: How supportive is your family and friends in your writing career? | International Book Promotion

international book promotions

September Author Interview Answer #4: How supportive is your family and friends in your writing career? | International Book Promotion.

Part 4 of the memoir writer’s interview with myself and Linda Gray Sexton. International Book Promotion asked us about our different perspectives on what kind of support, if any, do we receive in regards to our writing.

8 thoughts on “September Author Interview Answer #4: How supportive is your family and friends in your writing career? | International Book Promotion

  1. On a scale of 1-10 on the support scale, my husband is an 11. He’s the most important factor in the equation as we have to live with each other as I expand my writing career.

    But there are others. I just announced to my sisters that I am taking an intensive writing course memoir in January, which will mean we HAVE to get my Mother’s estate settled before then. It’s do-able, but gives all our lives more than a little squeeze.

    Great question, Debby.


    1. Good for you Marian! I’ll tell you, my life is so jam-packed right now and I am juggling between getting my house ready for sale tomorrow and proofing my book for publication and writing. As writers, we have to keep squeezing in time to work around our daily lives to keep up. I hear you, and I understand fully. And lucky you, for all the support you have. You are blessed. 🙂


  2. You are so lucky, Debby, to have such a supportive husband. I find that support comes in different packages. A few good friends support me morally but don’t seem to show much interest in my writing per se. I get technical support from my writing group and other writing friends. Then there’s the kind of support that allows me to discuss matters of writing (such as marketing, character development, writing process, creativity etc.). I am grateful to have my writing group and friends I have made through my blog for their support. Thank you, Debby for your support. 🙂


    1. Thanks Carol, yes I am lucky in that respect, but I am much like you. My real world friends are the same. My closest friends support me morally like you, but really, a writer’s life is one we can’t explain to anyone, you have to live it to understand it. I too find it is my writing friends and bloggers who offer continual support and that really helps to keep up the morale, 🙂 So glad we are friends. 🙂


  3. I get buckets of support from family and most friends. Lucky woman here. Some of my best supporters are on line friends. A few friends from my past don’t understand the changes in my life and are a little hurt that I have less time to hang around with them. I like friends who want to take walks with me, because then we can exercise and chat. Grateful for support of other writers.
    Thanks, Debby.


    1. Thanks for dropping by Elaine. Yes, I’ve seen all the wonderful support you have by your wonderful posts on FB. You are blessed. As you said, similar to what Carol and I said, it’s difficult for some of our real life friends that aren’t writers, to understand our world. I just got a funny call this morning from one of my best friends who I just haven’t chatted with in over a month and her greeting to me when I answered the phone was . . . “Can best friends divorce one another?” LOL.


    1. Christy, he supports me and cheers me on, but realistically doesn’t have any conception of what I do until my actual book comes out, lol. So, you aren’t alone! 🙂


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