We are The World Blogfest #WATWB – What is Gratitude? Linky signup

We are the World Blogfest


I am honored to be part of this group, #WATWB – We are the World Blogfest, and today’s post is my contribution to share kindness and positive messages instead of dwelling on some the negativity and woes of the world and to remind us about how to feel inspired and grateful.


Gratitude comes in many forms and is observed by many in different manners. Most often, gratitude finds its way into our daily lives by some of the little things we may not have taken notice of until such a situation presents itself. For example – a near miss of escaping an accident or mishap, which prompts us to acknowledge gratitude instinctively when we blurt out, “Thank goodness I  escaped that”, or perhaps we’ll exclaim a few words of gratitude if somebody compliments us or our work and we reply with a “thank you'”in acknowledgement as we are gratified with the praise.


But what about gratitude for the every day miracles we receive? Many times in life, these overlooked gifts life gives us are often taken for granted. In a world where much instability and chaos exists for some of us, we tend to react sharply when we learn of something unpleasant or unjust, without hesitation, voicing our opinions on distress, hurt or anger. But how would it be if we flipped that around and gave praise for the hidden miracles in life we receive daily? This wouldn’t only spread around some positive energy universally, but remind ourselves about the wonderful tender mercies we have received in our daily lives that we sometimes forget to recognize.


  • Did you wake up today?

  • Did you eat today?

  • Do you have a roof over your head?

  • Can you walk?

  • Are there loved ones who care about you?

  • Are you doing what makes you happy?

  • Do you live in a democratic society?

  • Can you name one nice thing somebody did for you today?

  • Are you in good health?

We may not be able to answer yes to every question, but certainly there’s something in that list for everyone to be grateful for.


Often these fundamental parts of life are overlooked because we expect them to just be part of our daily life until something goes awry do we notice how detrimental and life-altering we can find ourselves without any one of these components of life that fulfill us and give us quality life. This is why I’m reminding us all to take a moment every day to acknowledge gratitude for the abundance we have in our lives. It doesn’t matter how we do it, just that we do it. We can thank our maker, thank a loved one, do or say something kind to someone, write an inspirational quote or blog post, whatever stimulates our positive vibe and makes us and others feel good is gratitude acknowledged.


We can’t always change the world or circumstances within it, but dwelling on the negative only breeds more of the same. With that said, if we chose to dwell on the positive things in life instead, we could breed more of that into the universe. And the universe is always grateful for all things positive sent its way.


This post is written for #WATWB – Please feel free to add your gratitude below in comments and if I’ve inspired you to want to be part of the Blogfest and you wish to contribute a positive message post, please click on the Linky addon below where you can link your positive message to share with us all.


Note: A Kindness Donation to share for all

I would just like to add a lovely gesture from Tom’s Blog – Beyond the Sphere where he has designed candles to bring us light with various shades and symbols and offers anyone to help themselves to as many candles as you wish to add to your blogs and/or sidebars. I’ve chosen this one:

share the light candle


#WATWB takes place every last Friday of each month. To be a part of this inspirational blogfest and add a post of your own, please click the Linky Tool List below to join in!

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60 thoughts on “We are The World Blogfest #WATWB – What is Gratitude? Linky signup

  1. Thank you, Debby. I have posted my contribution and, although I had not read your post (though I linked to it) before writing mine, it is also about gratitude. Sometimes, when things don’t go just as we hoped, it is easy to be resentful. However we do need to remind ourselves of all that we have to be grateful for. I really enjoyed your post and am grateful that you drew my attention to this blog hop. Thank you. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much Norah for adding some of your wonderful inspiration to the cause. I’m thrilled you are participating in it too. Remember to feel free anytime to use the linky tool below the post to add anything you find inspirational. ❤ 🙂


      1. Thank you, Debby. I didn’t realise I could link at any time. I thought it was only on the last day of the month. I’ll keep it in mind. I see I have received (after I posted)an email with a set of rules. I don’t think I followed them. I’ll have to read and make amends, if I can. 🙂


  2. Terrific post Debby and you are quite right we have become very materialistic during the better years and seem to measure our success in life by what we have around us. I am grateful that I have someone who will share the rest of his life with me and accepts me for who I am and supports all that I want to be. That is treasure in itself. love and hugs ♥


    1. Thank you Sal for sharing your gratitude here. Indeed what a treasure to have a partner who is loving and supportive. Remember to feel free to post any past posts you’ve written and wish to share with everyone to continue on with the positive spirit, by adding them to the linky tool below my post. ❤ Big hugs from wintry Toronto. xoxo


    1. Thank you Stevie. Feel free to link any of your previous posts on kindness/posivity, by using the linky tool below my post. I know you’ve written many inspirational articles. 🙂


    1. Thank you for sharing this Marian. And yes, there are a few of us on the committee who have posted today. If you’d like to share some of your inspiration, please feel free to link a post (new or previous) below my post on the linky tool. 🙂


  3. Gratitude or appreciation will definitely create a happier and more optimistic life. For years I have kept a running list of things–events, accomplishments, people, struggles overcome and more. All in service of having a source of faith based on proof that I can be victorious. It’s not enough, however to keep such results or appreciation to oneself, it’s essential to share that with others. So here’s just one such example of caring for others in our social environment from an article in my Eagle Peak Quarterly: http://eaglepeakpress.com/article/some-words-of-wisdom/


    1. Thanks for sharing your wonderful philosophy John. And thanks for sharing your link to your article here. Did you add it to the linky tool below the post so it gets shared around? 🙂


  4. Gratitude is such a positive word Debby as it brings back all those memories of the goodness around us, which we take for granted. I know this word too well, having been face to face with death when my car somersaulted three times at the speed of 80!! Though I make this mention only in passing but this experience needs a story, which I have been postponing for almost 20 years.
    I have written about ‘Gratitude’ and as I offered this word to search at my blog, it showed me five search results. Thanks for providing the ‘link tool’ to which I am hopping right now. Here is one of the links for gratitude:


    1. Thank you so much Balroop, for joining in! I hope you added this link to the linky fest below the post? If not, please do! I knew you’d have something to add since you write on this topic often. And p.s., I just finished reading your book on same subject! A review will be coming soon. 🙂


  5. Lovely post, Debby. It really did my heart good to read it. Of course, I am grateful for my little men and for my husband, Mom, Dad, sisters, nieces and nephews. What a long list of blessings!


    1. Thank you Robbie. It’s so true, we are gifted with many blessings, sometimes we overlook them and take them for granted, but they are there. Feel free to add any positive message post or poem you’d like to share on the linky fest link below my post. 🙂


  6. Loved the post Debbie and what a brilliant initiative…. Bad news like depression is contagious…. let’s stop dwelling on the big bad things and instead be grateful for the myriad of little things we are blessed with every day. Share that smile. Luv Px


  7. A beautiful post, Debby. Your loving heart shines through and lights up the page. Indeed, we are the world. And as the darkness continues to define the light, more and more of us will find our way to oneness ?


  8. A great reminder for us all of what many of us have and take for granted, Debby. There are many things I am grateful for, but turning on the computer and seeing that I have a wifi connection is something I’m always grateful for, because the blogging community is now a big part of this part of my life. When I’ve been without wifi (through no choice of my own) I can become very grumpy, but now I’m going to remember all the other things I do have which others don’t have as part of their lives.
    Thank you.


    1. Thank you for sharing Hugh. Amen, do I ever know what you mean. Wifi is the connection to our writing world. Just another simple thing that without, we go crazy! 🙂 ❤


  9. Well, Debby, I’m finally here… and what a post! I agree, gratitude and appreciation are key to increasing positivity in the world, even for the tiniest of things. We’re here… and that in itself is really the biggest thing to be grateful for as it is. And thank you for sharing the light!


  10. LOVE this post, Debby!! Being grateful for things of all shapes and sizes in our lives is so important. No wonder we get along so well 😉 I’m grateful for your friendship!! Hope you’ve had a safe return from the trip xx


    1. Thank you sweet Christy! I’m home now, and it was a fabulous winter getaway! I’m also grateful for your kindness and friendship and knowing how you write so many inspirational posts, I’m hoping you’ll feel free to link one to the inspirational blogfest train by clicking the linky link below my post to share some of your inspiration. ❤


  11. Such a wonderful post Debby, such beautiful profound thoughts..It takes very little to spread kindness and to show others gratitude.. Such a wonderful read.. So true also when you said ” dwelling on the negative only breeds more of the same.”,,,

    I just have not had time to think of a post suitable to join in with the Blogfest this time.. But your entry acts as a great reminder to us all.. And a perfect place to share Tom’s Candle.. 🙂
    Love and Hugs Debby, and thank you so much for your own wonderful visits over at my places.. ❤ So appreciate them. 🙂


    1. You’re a gem Sue. And don’t think too hard on which post you can contribute because all of your posts are written about love and kindness so you’d only have to choose one to link to the blogfest. And thank you for introducing Tom’s candles on your blog, because that’s where I discovered them. 🙂 ❤ xo


  12. I’m thankful for a friend who provides a roof over my head, where when I wake up I can feed cats, my friend, and myself. During the day, if the internet connection allows, I get to chat with friends, learn about new books, write book reviews, and research information for others or a book. Life is good. Speaking of internet friends, books, and doing good – if you haven’t visited yet – you may want to learn about this wonderful person who is bringing light into someone else’s light – http://cswcllc.weebly.com/blog/bringing-light-into-someone-elses-darkness-watwb


    1. Thanks so much for dropping by here Lynn and sharing your gratitude with us. I’m sorry for the late reply because I just fished you out of spam. 🙂


  13. Hi Debby!
    We tend to take things for granted.
    I always tell my grade 8 and 9 learners that if you have:
    – a roof over your head
    – a plate of food on your table
    – a bed to sleep in at night
    – at least one family member
    …then by world standards, you are extremely wealthy.
    Thanks for this lovely post! 🙂
    Writer In Transit


    1. Hi Michelle. Thanks so much for dropping by. It’s so true, that’s why I wanted to write about these reminders of life. It’s easy to get sidetracked with always striving for something and forgetting to acknowledge how much we already have. 🙂


  14. Thank you Debby for reminding us that gratitude should be a daily (or more frequently) part of our life and for introducing us to #WATWB. I commit to do my best to be a light and already I feel an accompaniment blog post pushing through. As always Debby, you’re a positive force. Bless you!


  15. I do wonder sometimes why it is so much easier to complain and be negative than give compliments and feel happy? Somehow, this originates from living longer, I feel. There is so much displeasure and when things don’t go our way, we are annoyed. The main reason for this is that we are spoiled, living in a western society. Yes, we all have become spoiled brats and quite selfish ones at that. So, let’s focus on the positives and the long list of things we should be grateful for. Sometimes, they are the “small” things of life, the things most of us have taken for granted. After living on a sailboat for eight years, I still – after almost two years of living on land – appreciate my daily hot and pressurized shower, the unlimited supply of electricity, water and internet, and the fact I can just step out the door and go for a walk. 🙂

    Liesbet @ Roaming About – A Life Less Ordinary


    1. Thanks so much Liesbet for sharing your gratitude here. All you said is true, hence it is time to remember the simple and most important fundamental things in life in gratitude. Thanks for leaving a link here, but it’s not working. If you want to try again and add it to the ‘click here’ to add your linky post to it there at the bottom of this post that would be wonderful. 🙂


      1. Thanks for letting me know about the link, Debby (I actually do see it show up in my previous comment). It isn’t important, just a link to my blog, which can be accessed by clicking on my name anyway. 🙂


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