I’m Back with my New #Blog

It’s been quite an event! I’m sure many of you know, I’ve moved my blog. Some of you probably don’t know and may be wondering why my blog has been wonky for the last week or so.

I have been wanting to move away from my self-hosted blog for a long time, but dreaded the process – and I wasn’t wrong. Besides the fact that I’d get lots of messages throughout the last few years that readers were having a difficult time commenting on my blog, I’ve had so many issues myself with my old host. I paid substantial money for almost 8 of the 9 years I’ve been blogging, and when technical bad things were happening with it, the support I had was less than mediocre and I had to rely on the kindness of of some writing friends to get me out of a blog jam.

I decided at the longtime urging of my good friend and Fey sister, Colleen Chesebro, now was the time. With the advent of the new BIG WordPress update coming (something that always gave me blog woes), and the thought of me having to deal with scary blog stuff while I escape for a some winter sanity, Colleen convinced me to get it over with now. And it was far from easy.

I decided it would be easier down the road to move back to paid WordPress and let them deal with the headaches. And moving my blog from Godaddy was a nightmare! Colleen helped me a lot. First step was creating a blank WordPress.com new platform to move my content over to, except there were many hurdles. The trick I’ve learned, is to get a good WP happiness engineer – and that only took 2 or 3 until the right one showed up.

The plan was simple, export my content from old site and import into new blog – not so easy. My content wouldn’t load. Colleen was dealing with a WP tech with questions about the import problem and she said she’d get back to her. Well 5 days passed, no blog activity, stuck between two worlds on two platforms and after several days I knew nobody was answering back. And by that time, my old blog content was gone! That’s when the real chaos began.

After 2 days of calling Godaddy (now dubbed NOdaddy from me), first waiting 2 hours til a human picked up and more hours trying to explain I need my blog content and several useless support there, my blood pressure was rising. In the meantime, I was being coached by a WP tech as to how to bring over files MANUALLY. Yes, non backdoor techy me, trying to absorb technical jargon. By the second day of repeat performance, I finally got a WP angel who had spent almost 2 days coaching me of alternative methods to get this and that – to no avail. I finally got through to the WP tech that I was useless in this venture, especially with the SERIOUS LACK OF HELP FROM NODADDY. Let’s just say he went far beyond the call of duty and did things to make the magic happen that were not his job. He and I had a running chat going by email for 4 days! He got the ball rolling last Friday, and yesterday he finally finished getting almost 9 gigs of content over to my new blog, and Colleen went in to make it pretty. I didn’t lose anything, (except what was left of my sanity), my years of posts are back WITH the matching images.

I’m still learning Gutenberg editor tips, but surprisingly, I didn’t find it that complicated. And thanks to my friend Hugh Roberts, who posts excellent tutorials on the new editor, I had already got the basic hang of it.

So, I want to welcome you all over here to my new blog, where it should be easy sailing for readers now to interact. I also hope you will all hit the ‘follow’ button when you visit here. I have to say, it’s a bit discouraging seeing my followers go from over a thousand to 11 LOL – not a good look on a writer whose been blogging for 9 years. And I thank you all for putting up with the madness and coming back!


Hello 2021 I’m Back! Stuff Happens %#&@!

Hello my writing and reader friends. I’m back to my blog after declaring a blog break, which in essence, wasn’t much of a break, as I was still somewhat visiting blogland and social media – sometimes hard to stay away when I needed a distraction. Truthfully, my online life has been my sanity. And I didn’t appreciate Facebook banning me yet again, this time for one full week, for using free and clean speech.


Well I can’t really say that 2020 went out like a lion and 2021 came in like a lamb, because really, it still feels like 2020, so far, as a continuation of 2020. I didn’t get near the things accomplished as I had set out to do as the days seemed to vanish as quickly as they did before my break.


What happened?


In the 2-3 weeks of my blog absence, I’ve had three hospital runs with my husband and spent much of the time looking after him. It’s really difficult to complete an article with several interruptions to my concentration, so my writing is still impaired. My husband has been incapacitated with his liver issues as fluid continues to build up in his torso and legs, rendering his legs obstinate and uncooperative sometimes just to walk.

It didn’t help that the condo above us did something wonky when they took it upon themselves to renovate their shower and didn’t follow protocols, so the result became our shower leaking from above and almost caving in the shower ceiling with water weight. The jackhammering of tiles now and the dust and the no use of our master walkin shower has become an added weight on me until they finish repairing it. We are left with the guest bathroom tub/shower combo and with the tub being a foot or so high, my hub cannot get his tree stump legs up to step in the tub. So I have come up with some funky ideas to get him in. After numerous failures I’ve finagled a way to set up the step stool in front of the tub, where he can hold on to the towel bar with one hand and onto my shoulder as I lift one leg at a time into the shower for him. No such thing as can’t in my vocabulary!

It also didn’t help when the hospital screwed up his first appointment our wonderful Dr. B had arranged for my hub to have a paracentesis (draining of fluid through the stomach by radiology with a long needle that draws out the ascites fluid), a mixup that had me wheeling him directly to emergency for relief. That turned out to be a nightmare as emerge docs aren’t well-versed in the procedure and they didn’t get enough out of him – because they didn’t use the proper draw method and attached an IV tube instead, letting it slowwwwwwwwwwwww drip into a bag. He needed approximately six litres drawn out (which normally takes about half hour to 45 minutes – I know this because it wasn’t my first rodeo, and after three hours of only a litre dripped, my hubby was fed up and demanded to go home. We did, but not before speaking with the ER doc and requesting he forward what transpired with my hub to Dr. B so he could rectify the proper missed appointment.

Dr B’s secretary Lisa, emailed me an hour after we got back home late that night asking, “What happened to the appointment we booked? How did he end up in emerge?” I filled Lisa in and she immediately faxed back Dr. B, who in turn communicated with the appropriate department and got my hub back in on New Year’s Eve afternoon. It seems like an eternity ago already because a week later he retained back all plus! So back to the drawing board, notifying Dr B. and he faxed in a new request with a standing order of draining every two weeks for my husband, until such time he stops retaining. Not so simple. A whole week went by before the hospital called back with such appointment. Another hospital mixup occurred with instructions. Only this past Friday the hospital called to book hubby in for a date this week. I pleaded my case about the delays and the state of my husband’s health, his big abdomen that begun laboring his breathing, and the prior mixups and asked for mercy. They stuck him in same day on an emergency list. My heart sang until the phone rang again and I was in rush mode to get to it when I seemed to have pulled a muscle in my calf, maybe a tendon? I could not walk. I still can’t! I hobbled around on hubby’s walker, got him ready, then took his cane so I could walk on one foot til we’d reach the hospital and I would push him around the various departments leaning on the wheelchair hopping all the way.




I was disheartened to learn they could only get 4 litres out of the 8-10 that were circulating in him. Leaving him with only an 8 pound loss instead of the 20 he was retaining. As of this writing he’s already gained back 4 of those pounds since Friday and next appointment isn’t til a week this Friday. Oye!

This is has all been very difficult on me – not to even mention how my husband feels. But the standing order made me very sad because the heavy duty diuretics he’s been on to help avoid this situation, are no longer doing a great job. One of his diuretics was the hero for keeping him fluid-free and we’d worked so hard for a year, four years ago, monitoring for the correct dosage. But as it stands now, that pill has been quartered from its original dose because the drug was elevating his potassium levels to a dangerous number. Thank goodness for our wonderful doctors who also have a standing order for me to take him to the lab weekly to keep watch. The lower dosage has brought down the dangerous level, but leaves him building back fluid. The other diuretic has been increased to the max dose but still not enough to keep from pooling. Thus, Dr. B had warned that he just may have to be drained every two weeks indefinitely.

It’s all been so disheartening for me, myself and I, but as I’m not here to complain, only update, I wanted to share how my new year has begun – where it left off, and keep you guys abreast of my chaotic life.

I’m still eagerly awaiting my new sparkling 2021 to begin, but I’m back, because really, visiting blogland and being around all my far away friends is a comfort, and often where I come to feel sane.


Happy New Year



Writer’s Tips – Fantastic Ideas for Creating Videos, Booktrailers, Instagram Stories and More!

Welcome to another edition of my curated Writer’s Tips. In this edition, Natalie Ducey demonstrates how we can use Instagram stories to showcase our work, Nicholas Rossis is showing us how we can create free videos using Lumen, Diana Peach shares how to create a book trailer with Powerpoint, ad design tools from Bookbub, and how to re-purpose our blogs moving them to a podcasting platform, and Colleen Chesebro has an instructional for using Gutenberg editor.


Natalie Ducey has created another fabulous tutorial on how to create and use Instagram stories for our writing.



Have you thought of converting blog posts to audio for Podcasting?

5 Easy Steps To Repurposing Your Blog Post Into An Audio Podcast

Source: 5 Easy Steps To Repurposing Your Blog Post Into An Audio Podcast |


Colleen Chesebro has a great instructional series on using the Gutenberg editor




Nicholas Rossis has a helpful post to help us create videos using Lumen.




Helpful Design Tools to create great book ads

6 Book Ad Design Tools Authors Can Use



Diana Peach is sharing how easy it is to create book trailers using Power Point.




Chris Syme guesting at Anne R. Allen’s blog on how to avoid author crisis and management.

Source: The Five Myths of Crisis Management for Authors by Chris Syme


© D.G. Kaye and DGKayewriter.com, 2014 – 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to D.G. Kaye


13 Free Blogging Tips For Every New Blogger – Hugh’s Views & News

Blog sharing

Today’s post is a wonderful reblog I want to share from Hugh Roberts. Hugh has become quite the blogging expert when it comes to sharing helpful tips on everything blogging and WordPress. If you ever need an answer to a conundrum with either, feel free to visit Hugh’s blog and type it in the search bar. I’m certain you will find help there. Today he’s sharing 13 Fantastic Tips for new bloggers, but I’m sure there’s tips here for old bloggers too as many of us are still learning the tricks of the trade and may not be aware of the benefits of all of these tips.


13 Free Blogging Tips For Every New Blogger

If you are new to blogging or are even thinking about starting a blog, here my thirteen quick blogging tips to get you on your way.

  • It’s all about me. Ensure you have an ‘about me’ page. Tell visitors a little about yourself and at least give them a name by which they can call you. However, don’t have an ‘about me’ page that starts off by saying ‘This Is An Example Of An About Me Page’. Click here to read about setting up an ‘about me’ page and what it should include.
  • Make a journey outside of your own blog. I’ve always been amazed by just what information is out there in the blogging world. I’ve learned how to self-publishing a book, how to use social media and make it work for me, how to bake gin & tonic cupcakes, take great photos and, of course, picked up lots of blogging tips. Reading other blog posts can also give you ideas for writing your own posts. Even if you can only spare a few minutes a day, make sure you visit, read, and comment on other blogs.
  • Get talking to fellow bloggers. When you leave a comment on another blog, other readers will read and see your comment and may then come and visit your blog. However, ensure that the comment you leave is relevant to the post and at least proves that you have read it. Try and avoid leaving pointless comments such as ‘Great Post.’ Instead, tell the author what it was that made you think it was a great post or why you enjoyed reading it. They will appreciate your comments and may then visit your blog and become your next follower.
#BloggersBash #Bloggers
Some of the Bloggers from The First Annual Bloggers Bash – London, August 1st, 2015
  • Treat others how you’d want them to treat you. Don’t ignore anyone who has taken the time to read and comment on one of your posts. However, most importantly, never ignore anyone who has taken the time to leave a comment on the ‘about me’ page of your blog. Think about it like this. You’ve invited a guest around for coffee and completely ignore them when they arrive. That’s almost like ignoring comments left on your blog. Treat everyone who visits your blog as a guest and ensure they are made to feel welcomed. After all, with millions of other blogs out there, they can always go elsewhere…can’t they?
  • Not all links are seen as friendly. Speaking of comments, never leave a link to your blog in a comment unless it is either relevant to the post you have just read, or you have been invited to leave a link. When I first started to blog, I learned very quickly from other bloggers that this is frowned upon. What would you think if you owned a coffee shop and, without your permission, somebody from a rival coffee shop came in and left a load of leaflets about their coffee shop? It’s not your blog to leave details of your blog on unless it’s relevant to the post or you have been asked to leave a link.
  • Join a challenge. There are lots of writing and photography challenges in the world of blogging. Don’t be shy, have a try. Not only will it help you with your writing and/or photography, but other participants will come over and read or look at your take on the challenge. It’s a great way to make new friends, have fun, and pick up more followers.
  • Join a party. Blog parties are a great way to introduce your blog to many other readers and for you to discover new blogs to follow. This is a place where the host will either invite you to leave a link to your blog, one of your own blog posts or to introduce a blog that you follow. I’ve hosted and joined blog parties and have always found them a great success. However, the rule is usually that if you leave a link to your blog then you must at least visited some of the blogs of the other people at the party. It’s a great way of showing how friendly both you and your blog are.
#blogging #blogingtips #party
I met hundreds of new bloggers and gained lots of new followers at my first ever blog party.
  • Make sure you’re contactable. Can you imagine a TV or movie producer, an editor of a magazine, or another blogger wanting to contact you to invite you to write an article, and they can’t find a way of reaching you? Continue Reading , . .




Source: 13 Free Blogging Tips For Every New Blogger – Hugh’s Views & News

Happy New Year and What’s Up for 2018?

What’s Up For 2018?

Happy New Year


Wow! It’s January 2nd already!


By now most of us have set up our resolutions with great intent for the New Year and feeling fresh inspiration ready to tackle the new year. Many of my resolutions are staples when it comes to daily life – Keep smiling, Stay positive, Always try and fit in a few days a week at the gym, Be kind, Eat healthy, Be grateful for every day. But resolutions and goals for my writing life always seem to start out with plans and then life takes over and sometimes alters my goals. Setting goals is as vital as outlining a book, without a plan we’d have nothing to aspire to or be accountable for. My intentions are always good when I make a plan and I’m usually pretty good at sticking to my plans unless unforeseen circumstances intervene, or perhaps even serendipity takes me in a direction I may not even have considered. I like those detours.


So, what’s on tap for my 2018 plans? Well I already know that in my head, January is gone. This first week I’ll be sorting our home and business accounting receipts and papers from 2017 in order to prepare for doing entries next week for the accountant so that when I get back from winter vacation I don’t have to look at them.

Speaking of winter vacation, God willing my husband stays well, we are aiming to spend February and March in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Yes, we pulled a little switchie earlier last year and cancelled our reservations for Arizona this year due to the political climate in the US. We’ve been spending the last few winters in Arizona as well as intermittent cruising in the Caribbean and my husband remarked last winter that it’s been a long time since we’ve taken a real beach holiday and he’d like to be on the ocean for a change of pace. So plans are in motion! And when I say January is already gone, I mean going away for a lengthy time entails lots of planning and executing – health insurance for travel, what to pack lists, particularly foods and staples and essentials I may not be able to get in Mexico. Prescriptions ordered in advance to take with us, doctor visits to ensure hubby is well enough to travel, hair cuts, manicures, pedicures, lots of going to the gym (LOL), and arranging for services to be looked after while we’re gone. Pairing that list with trying to get any writing done will be interesting to say the least.

But speaking of writing, here are my intentions for this year in writing:


What will remain:

  • Sunday Book Reviews
  • Guest Author Interviews (one scheduled for January, more to resume come April)
  • Inspirational Posts
  • Informational Share Posts
  • Opinionated Posts
  • Monthly #WATWB Contribution Posts
  • More Guest Post Features


What to expect while I’m away:

Not a lot of posting, but expect photos and little stories about interesting things I want to share, perhaps once a week so you guys don’t forget me! (Possibly with comments closed). Most definitely I’ll be posting on Facebook.

A break from me visiting the many blogs I visit on a nightly basis. With that said, I may pop in by surprise when finding postings on Facebook tempting me to hop over to a blog and read. 

I plan on catching up on reading many more books and articles on the craft of writing and self publishing, a luxury I never seem to have enough time to do. This of course will come with writing reviews and posting and usual sharing. Articles of author interest I come across will be shared to my #ABRSC Facebook group I run with fellow admins, Colleen Chesebro and Marjorie Mallon. (If you’re not yet a member please click the banner on the bottom of this post and join us!)

Writing! I’ve told myself I’m not going to write another book this year (LOL, we’ll see about that). I want to write sporadically and impulsively while away. I have a few ideas brewing!


Plans from April Onward:

I want to dabble in freelance writing.

I’ll be participating in regular contributions to themes at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Invitation.

Colleen Chesebro and I have set up a new Facebook group – Literary Diva’s Library for Book Reviews and News which is opened now! Come visit!

Literary Diva's Library - News and Book Reviews


I’m very interested in starting a Podcast talk show. I’ll keep you posted on that!

And of course, anything that strikes my fancy and piques my interest may take me in a direction I currently have no clue about but always ready to take a new ride!


Stay tuned!


©DGKaye January 2018





Passing on the SMAG – That’s what friends are for | Norah Colvin

Passing On the SMAG


Society of Mutual Admiration and Gratitude


Today I’m sharing educator/blogger and friend – Norah Colvin’s post on friendship. Recently, Norah wrote a beautiful post on friendships we make within our writing community. I was honored to be mentioned in her post, but most of all I wanted to share her post here and invite my readers to help yourselves to this wonderful badge that Norah has created – SMAG which stands for Society of Mutual Admiration and Gratitude. Please read Norah’s post below and join in our SMAG community. All that is required to join is friendship!


That’s What Friends are For

At this time of year, minds and hearts turn to friends and family, and contemplations of what we can do to make the world a better place. When we think of global events, we may feel overwhelmed, wondering what possible effect our actions could have. But when we focus on our own circle, any positive difference we make can effect changes of which we may never be aware. That’s the ripple effect, and that’s what friends are for.

I belong to a very supportive online community whose encouragement helps to keep me going.

With my focus on education, particularly early childhood education, and their work mostly targeting adult audiences, I struggle to find ways of supporting them and their creative pursuits during the year, other than the usual shares on Twitter and Facebook.

However, come Christmas time, what’s to stop me doing a little more?

love of reading to young children in early childhood education

Please continue reading . . .

And don’t forget to copy and save the image to your computer so you can download to your blog media library and display it in any widget on your blogs!


Source: That’s what friends are for | Norah Colvin

What This Blog is Not – Just Sayin’ – Are You Receiving Strange Requests?

Just Sayin'


Public service announcement. This blog is not an advertising page. I don’t sell Apple Iphones, in fact, I’m an Android user if you must know, and I am not a ghostwriter.


I’m astounded by the amount of requests I get from what used to be only from emails, but has grown to Twitter DMs and message requests at my Facebook author page now.  I wrote a post awhile back about requests from emails some of us receive requesting to post on our blogs. I used to receive one about every 2 weeks until the last 2 months when they’ve escalated to 2 to 3 per week. But it’s not only emails, now messages left for me on Twitter and Facebook are requesting I write books for them. Are you freaking kidding me? Does anyone ever bother doing their homework before asking a memoir writer to ghostwrite? Obviously not because they must think if you write in memoir, you write anyone’s memoir. It’s astounding the amount of people who have the gumption to leave messages and emails, especially annoying is no proper salutation, credentials, or just the plain nerve with some of the requests they leave.


Recently, The Story Reading Ape, Chris Graham shared a post where he  talks about a disclaimer he added to his contact page to try and dissuade some of these strange requests, and Chris offered anyone to copy his note on their own page. I added it to mine, and since doing so, it’s seems to have attracted more stranger offers than before. Seriously, why would I want someone I don’t know posting, hoping to sell something on my blog having no relevance to the product, not to mention, nothing in it for me or my readers?


These people need to do their homework before they keep pestering writers with blogs. They also need to look up the meaning of ghostwriter. It shows their ignorance when they haven’t even done their homework on how to find, let alone approach, a ghostwriter, instead of picking an author randomly and approaching them asking to write their stories. Heck, my own husband has occasionally thought it may be fun for me to write a book about his life experience selling cars. I told him to go find a ghostwriter LOL.





Is it just me, or anyone else here getting weird and annoying requests on a regular basis? Is there a sticker on my forehead that I’m not aware of?

Guest Author and Blogger Feature – Marsha Ingrao on Journaling

Guest Featured Author

I’m excited to have over here today, friend, author, retired teacher, and blogger extraordinaire Marsha Ingrao. Marsha offers excellent insights on her 2 blogs. MarshaJustWrites.com offers blogging tips, author interviews, blogging challenges, as well as an excellent series on book reviews. Marsha also runs a blog TCHistorygal.net where she shares her travel reviews and photos on some of the many places she’s traveled to, as well as sharing her pet projects raising funds for her Woodlake community.

I invited Marsha over today to talk about the different methods of journaling. We thought it was an appropriate post because I do much of my writing from journals where my thoughts and books begin. So without further ado, I’ll let Marsha take it away . . .


Ways to Journal

You can call it a journal or a diary. Either way, in the 21st century there are two ways keep track of your thoughts, online or offline. Both have their advantages. This post will discuss the time-honored handwritten journal. The next post will explore the differences in an online journal.

 Journaling by Marsha Ingrao


Handwritten Journals Show Specific Benefits

Research shows that the kinesthetic act of writing aids learning. Writing by hand slows a person’s raging thoughts and makes the writer focus on what is essential. Many journalists use a personal shorthand, which engages a different section of the brain. Others include drawings which activate additional cognitive processes.

A 2005 study shows that the act of writing a journal has mental health benefits as well. It does not lessen the seriousness of the situation a person goes through, but it does help to put their troubles into perspective.

UCLA researcher, Matthew D. Lieberman told the Guardian  that “”writing seems to help the brain regulate emotion unintentionally.” Even writing bad poetry or songs, writing by hand made the calming effects of journaling more effective. He also said that “men seemed to benefit from writing about their feelings more than women, and writing by hand had a bigger effect than typing,” Dr. Lieberman said,

A  2014 study found that individuals who journal a form of narrative focused on positive outcomes in adverse situations reduces stress. In a 2010 study, Briana Murnahan from Eastern Michigan University also conducted a study on the results of journaling and found that diaries and journals both helped people reduce stress, but men were more likely to keep a journal, which is less private.

Handwritten Journal Basics

  1. Bound journals don’t get lost as easily. They are available in all sizes and prices with and without clasps and a ribbon bookmark
  2. Include the date of each entry.
  3. Leave the first few pages blank to write in a table of contents or index of pages you want to revisit
  4. Leave the first few pages unmarked for frequently used information like sign in codes, birthdates, (coded, of course)
  5. Use the inside covers or back few pages for lists.  This might include books you’ve read, new people you meet, prayer requests, anything you might want to add to as you work through your journal.
  6. Write a page number on at least every other page.
  7. Don’t worry about form, grammar, or neatness.
  8. Review it.
  9. Keep it handy.

In the next post in this series discover how keeping a blog or an online journal differs from a handwritten one and how you can use both effectively.


Thank you so much Marsha for being my guest here today and for sharing your wonderful insights on the many reasons to keep a journal. I know I’m looking forward to your follow up post – on Online Journaling and would be thrilled to host it here too. 🙂



Marsha Ingrao


Before becoming a consultant in history and English language-arts, Marsha Ingrao taught grades K-5 for many years. Marsha journaled to work through the tragedy of her first marriage, which ended in the death of her husband at the age of forty-seven from a rare genetic disease. Encouraged by doctors not to have children, she whined to her journal as she also kept it crammed with lesson plans, poetry, news, prayer requests, drawings, Bible studies, and lists.


She retired in 2012, wrote Images of America, Woodlake, blogs, and volunteers in her community through several service organizations.  She and her second husband live in the foothills of California with their dog, Kalev and two cats.


Connect with Marsha on Social Media:

FB Page: 
Twitter: @MarshaIngrao
Google +: 

Check out Marsha’s books:

Woodlake – Images of America

Sign up for Marsha’s newsletter HERE and receive a free copy of her book – So you think you can blog?

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