It’s Sunday, A Lovely Surprise Feature and Opportunity for Reviewers

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have no new review ready for my usual Sunday Book Review, but I came across a review feature for one of my own books that made my day.


Timothy Pike runs a blog for writers – He also runs a group for writers – ChapterBuzz. Tim has a great project on the go where he has created a Discovery List for readers. The idea of this list, Tim intends to publish once it grows to 100 entries, introducing readers to quality books with great reviews that readers may have missed in a sea of books on Amazon.

The great part about adding a review to the list for a book you enjoyed and gave 4 or 5 stars for is, you don’t have to be an author to add a review for a great book you enjoyed, but authors are welcomed to share their own books with a review that shines for their books too! Read below what Tim says about this project:


Every day I’m discovering novels that are truly great.

But these aren’t mainstream hits, these are self-published books that …

… to the world’s detriment …

… ended up buried under millions of other books in the huge “Amazon book pile.”

These are thrilling, engaging, or just plain delightful stories that aren’t getting the visibility they deserve.

This is because it can be very hard to stand out, especially for indie authors who may not have the budget, the know-how, or the platform to promote their books.

So to help these books stand out, I created the Discovery List—it’s “every self-published book worth reading” in one big spreadsheet.


Tim’s blog is a good one to follow for writers, so naturally, I’m a subscriber. And I was pleasantly surprised when I visited his blog this week, to find a feature for my beloved book – Twenty Years: After “I do”, so I’m thrilled to reblog it here today too.

Learn more about Tim
Timothy Pike

The Discovery List is off to a great start, and I’m finding solid gold already!

I’ve made it my quest to find every self-published book worth reading, and to do this, I created a spreadsheet that we as a community can add to.

It’s called the Discovery List, and whether you happened across a great self-published book or wrote one, we want to hear about it.


“How to keep a marriage happy and unbreakable”: This five-star memoir reveals the secrets.”


I love featuring books that got great reviews, so without further ado, here’s this week’s best self-published book:

Twenty Years: After “I Do”
Reflections on Love and Changes Through Aging
by D.G. Kaye


Twenty Years by D.G. Kaye

Check this book out on Amazon!


Review: Lauren Scott at Baydreamer gives it 5 stars, and raves:

D.G. Kaye’s memoir, Twenty Years After “I Do” piqued my interest for a couple of reasons. First, I’ve been married for thirty-one years to a man who is not only my loving husband but who is my very best friend. I wanted to read what the author had to say on the subject, and she certainly inserted many pearls of wisdom of which I agreed with.

Debby offers snippets of insight from her own experiences on how to keep a marriage happy and unbreakable. She adds how humor can lighten any heavy situation and intimately writes of how sex ultimately changes from dating to married life. Most importantly though, she conveys that love has no timeline. Couples should enjoy each moment together and unconditional love will carry them through the difficult times. I was moved by this lovely collection of stories from Debby’s marriage to Gordon, and how she met true love when she least expected. An enjoyable read and one I highly recommend! Read the whole review




You can pick up a copy of Twenty Years on Amazon, and connect with the author on her blog, D.G. Kaye, Writer.

With your help, together we can find every self-published book worth reading and make the Discovery List a one-stop shop for excellent indie books.

If your book isn’t on the List yet, add it today!


Well, it was certainly uplifting to find my book featured on Tim’s blog, and thrilled to share it here today. I hope you writing friends and readers here will help contribute to Tim’s ‘Discovery List‘ so we can share with the world some of the books we’ve enjoyed and help readers to discover them by sharing our reviews there. We need 100 reviews to begin the publication spreadsheet! Don’t forget – you can share a review you’ve written for any book, and if you’re an author, you can share your own books there with a favorite review! See you there!




50 thoughts on “It’s Sunday, A Lovely Surprise Feature and Opportunity for Reviewers

  1. So many good souls are generous with their time and assistance. Help like love should circulate and if I can help anyone, I will! Many thanks, Debs. Take care of yourself. Hope you’re happy in your new abode? A new, difficult chapter…but you’ll make it, kid! Hugs xx


  2. Hi Debby, What a fantastic review from Tim – congratulations, and it is so well-deserved. His discovery list is a wonderful idea! Sending you loving thoughts. Toni x


  3. Hi Debby – so interesting to read about Tim’s blog – and to see the work he’s doing to help authors – I’m so pleased yours was highly recommended … that must have been an especial fillip for you at the moment. I hope all is going well and things are coming together – with thoughts – Hilary


  4. What a great idea for a blog! The review of your book, Debby, was terrific (and well-deserved). Thanks for the introduction to a blogger who’s doing so much to help indie authors.


  5. What a wonderful idea, Tim has had and created. I will definitely pop over. Congrats on his featuring your book, Debby! What a wonderful surprise. Such awesome reviews to be treasured. ❤


  6. Congratulations with this wonderful review, Debby. It’s not often that our book is called the week’s best self-published book: I’ll check out this resource.


  7. Wow! Congrats, Debby, and how wonderful to learn about Tim, too. Thanks for the pingback and what a surprise to see my review here. I’m so glad you were happy with it, as it was well deserved. Big hugs, Lauren 💗


  8. What a lovely review from Tim, and how great his idea of creating a list featuring reviews of indie books people have enjoyed. I hope everything is going well with you, Debby, and thanks for bringing this to our attention. Stay well. Big hugs.


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