Yup! The Covid Got Me!

Well, it finally got me! After two years of playing safe, staying secluded, never without a mask anywhere, except for around people I know who behave with protocols, I let down my guard. Once.

I flew on a plane to Mexico, spent two months there, flew home and never caught the Rona. I never go to indoor closed events, keep a good distance from strangers, even with a mask, and then, the one time I decided to take my brother up on his invitation to a Passover dinner with ten people, who apparently all did Covid tests before the gathering, I got it.

As many of you already know, I don’t really have any family in my life anymore, save for one niece, one brother, and my husband’s siblings. You’ve read in a few of my vacation posts how people I thought were friends were no longer after I lost my husband. Well, it’s not just friends, but family who behave badly too. When you’ve lost the love of your life and your world comes crumbling down and you walk away from your husband’s gravesite mini funeral because of Covid, and get in that lonely limo by yourself to go home to be by yourself, you learn about who really gives a shit about you.

In all fairness, my younger brother had his Covid shot booked for half hour after the funeral. So he did come over to my place afterward. And besides my niece and her little one showing up, that was the extent of wonderful family. Also, not even a phone call then or since from so called family. This awakening once again reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Anne Lamott:

“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” ~Anne Lamott

But I digress, and that’s because I wanted to reiterate that my brother was there for me, and I felt I should make an appearance after so long and go to his house. And after a year of seclusion and coming back from my winter trip, and mask mandates loosening around the globe, I thought perhaps I should take a step forward and accept my brother’s invite to Friday night Passover dinner.

I don’t recall any one on one conversations in close quarters there, other than sitting side by side at the long dinner table of trust?

Monday morning I woke with a scratchy throat, indicating to me a cold was coming on. A cold? I haven’t had one of those in a few years! I had a bit of dry cough and a lot of sneezing. I took a Covid Rapid Test and was happy to find it negative.

By Tuesday my dry, head cold became a coughing event that could push up a lung and a runny nose. But my bones! I felt (and still feel) like I was severely beat up and had equally debilitating pain when lying down or sitting.

Wednesday morning I decided whatever was going on with me was far from a normal cold with bad flu symptoms and took another Covid test. I was making breakfast and while awaiting my coffee, did the test. Five minutes later, there was that welcoming ‘one red line’ telling me no Covid. I proceeded to eat my breakfast and ten minutes later when I went to put the dishes in the dishwasher, I went to throw out the Covid test indicator and there I saw it – two red lines had developed. I have Covid?

Only moments later I went to check my phone that I had neglected to even look at the day before, and saw a text from my brother. He informed me that two dinner guests tested positive on Saturday, and my brother and his wife both have the Covid. Apparently, my brother aced it and felt better in two days, but his wife had it bad. I proceeded to let my brother know I too had it.

Today is Day Four and I’m still feeling rough. Bones still ache, gone through a box of Kleenex and terrible sleep for two nights now. What have I learned? Don’t let down your guard when you’ve been doing a great job. In this global world of craziness dropping mask mandates and all the natives running wild like there is no longer a pandemic, this thing is farrrrr from dead.

I will continue with my own safety protocols, and it will be a long, long time before I again ever partake in an enclosed indoor gathering – family or not. I would also like to add that I take a lot of vitamins, including Vitamin D, C, and Zinc and supplements daily as well as immune boosting minerals and mushroom blend immuno builders, as well as three Covid jabs, and I’m sick as a dog and my ribcage feels like broken bones from soul-wrenching coughing. I would hate to think how I’d be if I wasn’t taking care of myself before this happened. Not hard for me to see how people can die from this virus. It’s not a joke, and it’s not just ‘a cold’ as I see many ignorant comments on forums that talk about Covid. People do die.

I’m just sharing my take and experience on the subject. Everyone has their own decisions to make when it comes to public exposure. Just hope your immune system is prepped to handle this beast if you choose to roam free so you don’t become a statistic.


104 thoughts on “Yup! The Covid Got Me!

    1. Thank you Sal. And you know you and I have spoke about this plenty. The Easter rise in numbers will be like Christmas no doubts as people who are tired of this (who isn’t?) let down their guards. Covid is alive and well! ❤

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  1. So sorry to hear Debby. I hope you recover quickly and don’t get it too bad.
    A lot of people are catching it – it’s still here and will be sadly for a long time to come. 3 out of 4 of us in our family have most probably had it. Two tested positive (our daughters.) I never had any symptoms but was definitely exposed to it early on before testing.


    1. Thanks Marje. I remember well when you and your girls had it. And you are so right, it’s not going anywhere because it can’t be contained. I surely hope to be a bit better tomorrow – day 5! ❤


  2. I hope you feel better, Debby. I haven’t let my guard down and since I have a compromised immune system I’m very careful. No inside anything and the mask in place when I go out. Thanks for the warning too.


  3. I got it 2 weeks after my first shot, but with very mild symptom. My niece and boyfriend are triple vaxed and still got it – but mild.
    Our government health department still says masks are recommended. I’ll use mine until . . . who knows.


    1. Hi Leon. Thanks for stopping by. So many people are getting it because masks are disappearing where they shouldn’t. I’m glad to hear you are still wearing yours, especially helpful because so many who get sick don’t even get tested, or know they have it, spreading it. It only makes sense to protect ourselves and others. I’m glad to hear your relatives and you only had mild symptoms. I wouldn’t exactly call mine mild, but comparatively to death, ya, much milder. 🙂

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  4. I too adhered to the protocols–mostly. However, after 2 years of being safe, usually wearing masks, taking vitamins, and observing the 6-feet social distancing rule, I got COVID. Mine was as you describe (sore throat, achy feeling, etc.) similar to yours. I went to the doctor in January thinking I had sinusitis, but after a COVID test, I was diagnosed as positive. I felt bad for 2 reasons: I’d observed careful interactions and continued a healthy lifestyle. It lasted for 5-6 days as I recall. However, I now think I have antibodies to fend off future infections, so I don’t obsess about getting infected again.

    I predict you will feel better soon. As you recover, drink lots of water and pamper yourself. Sending hugs, Debby! 😀


    1. Thank you Marian for sharing your own experience. I am glad to hear you recovered well and pay attention to good health. I would just caution, yes, we make antibodies when we get this, but this virus keeps mutating with different strains and that is why people catch it again. I have friends who’ve had it 2 and 3 times as mutations spread. Just stay careful, and stay well, and thanks for your hugs and wishes. ❤


  5. My mask is staying firmly in place as are all my precautions.. I am so sorry to hear you have now got this virus, Debs its certainly not going anywhere anytime soon.. Get well soon… Hugs 💕xx


  6. Hi Debby, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re sick. I’m afraid I know so many people who’ve had it in recent months, including my closest family members and friends. It’s everywhere now. I do hope you feel better soon – healing hugs and love to you. Toni xxxx


    1. Thanks so much Toni. Astounding how many are catching it like fire. The sad part is it’s not going away and as long as people don’t protect this virus will keep mutating and people will catch it again. Hugs xo

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  7. Sorry to hear it got you, so many people are getting it after being careful for so long. Those of us who still remain lucky are just lucky, it’s impossible to keep hundred per cent safe. And of course living alone makes being ill more miserable. Hope your holiday sunshine has given you a bit of a boost to get through this.

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    1. Thanks so much Janet. Yes, it’s hard enough being alone, but being sick alone is definitely more miserable. I hope you remain lucky and Covid-free ❤


  8. Yep, I have to say, those innocent dinners are the perfect storm for catching covid, Debby. That’s exactly what happened to us in October 2020. I had similar symptoms as yours, nothing bad, but within 3 days my senses of taste and smell were gone! I mostly felt tired. Off I went to Kaiser for a test which was positive. It is hard to wear a mask at dinner. But guess what, you’ve had it and can just move on! After three vaccinations, I still managed to get that omicron variant at Christmastime, but it didn’t amount to much. I will say that my taste and smell abilities are still muted. Must be a long-haul carryover. I will still wear a mask in some instances even now. Stay safe my friend!


    1. Thanks Terri. Ironically, I can taste and smell, and I’m not tired, how weird? But my sore chest and aching bones are brutal. Sadly, life as we knew pre 2020 doesn’t even look like it’s on the horizon as this virus continues to mutate and everytime it does leaves us all vulnerable to catch it again. ❤

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  9. So so sorry, Debby. Just when we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, covid rears its ugly head — again. Three of my four kids have had the virus. My middle son had it 3 times (covid19 and its two variants) — and he’s had all the shots. This monster spares no one, it seems. Sending love your way… 💕💕💕


  10. Oh, Debby, I’m so sorry to hear it. All of it. I can’t believe how badly your family treated you after your husband’s death. And how horrible it is that you, of all people, who was one of the first to mask up got the dreaded plague. Just from a family gathering you needed for emotional support. I can’t see a silver lining here. But maybe there’s a great book in it. Feel better soon!!

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    1. Ha! Hi Anne. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts. And thanks for ‘getting it’ about how widowhood gets a lot lonelier than just the loss of a spouse. Ya, go figure, me the careful germ worrier gets it. Just more lessons, we cannot trust anything when it comes to close encounters – even after two years. This thing isn’t going anywhere! A book, oh ya! ❤


  11. So sorry, Debby! Everyone is getting so lax with this, masks are gone here. I keep warning its making another round. Hopefully this one is lighter than the rest. Good thing you’ve taken such good care of yourself! Sending you a ton of healing hugs. Xo


    1. Thanks Denise, and yes, the world softens on masks because they’re tired of it, not because the virus has gone or is going anywhere. Fool me once but not again because I wouldn’t want to go through this again. I appreciate the hugs. ❤ xx


  12. Hi Debby, I am sorry to hear you’ve also had Covid. My whole family got it a month ago. Terence picked it up at work. I was very upset as we are still being very careful and wearing masks, etc, but others are not and I felt it was inevitable that we would get it at work because people are coming in sick and not following the safety protocols. Greg and I had it worst and we had very bad back pain and terrible coughs. Mine is just going away now, but I still have problems with my back and I still get tired. Not fun at all. Get better soon.


    1. Hi Robbie. Thanks for sharing your experience, which I do remember you writing about. Yes, you nailed it, because you will never get the divided world to follow proper protocols, we cannot ‘trust’ anyone who aren’t in our circles. Tough lesson! And I hate that so many have the longterm affects that linger. The cough is horrendous and I’ve heard many complain about their backs, with me it’s been my legs. I hope we both feel better soon. ❤


  13. It’s so easy to be lulled into a false sense of security as we hear things are better. I’m supposed to be traveling for the first two weeks in May. Everything is paid for, and I’ll be on several planes. I can’t help thinking about what I’d do if I got Covid on my trip. I’m more worried about giving it to my brothers and being in isolation in one of their houses than my health. This will be the longest my wife and I have ever been apart as is.

    I’m very sorry, Debby, as I know how cautious you’ve been. I’m hoping you turn the corner soon.


    1. Hi Pete. Thanks for sharing. Yes, anyone who knows me, knows how careful I am. Please don’t let down your guard. You may know your family but you don’t know where they have been around. Enjoy your trip safely as I did in Mexico, but remember the mask! I wore double mask on the plane rides and never took it off once – not for a drink or food. That’s my advice to you. Stay safe! 🙂


  14. Yikes Debby sorry to hear. Hope you’re well on the mend. A few weeks back I was ‘not well’ – hacking cough etc. Looking back, we wondered if I had covid. I stayed at home & saw no-one. Cough muti galore, hot ginger tumeric lemon drinks. Now with winter rapidly approaching we’re expecting another wave. I seldom go shopping (we wear masks). Get properly better Debby 🦋


    1. Hi Susan. Thanks for stopping by and sharing some of your own experience here. And oh yes on the hot lemon ginger. It’s sad that not everyone has access to tests. The governments should be sending everyone a new kit every month to self test at home to help stop the spread. So many have it and don’t know which keeps this monster virus in perpetual motion. ❤

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  15. This may be a duplicate comment Debby – can’t see the one I thought got posted. So sorry to hear – hope any after effects disappear soon. Ya, it’s a real dastardly thing. Amazing image up top there! 🦋


  16. Sorry to hear it got you, Debby. So far, I’ve not had it, but I’m still cautious and always wear a face-covering when in shops or any inside places other than at home. Most of my family have had Covid, with my niece ending up in hospital with it a few months ago. She’d had all her jabs too.
    Take care, and get well soon.


    1. Thanks so much Hugh. I’m glad others are sharing stories here. People need to know that we can’t be careful enough and in no way should we be going to indoor spaces maskless – no matter what governments are doing with wreckless abandonment. ❤

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  17. Oh my! I hope it’s not too bad. I wish you a speedy recovery. Please take as much citrus as possible. It helps the process of recovery 🙂


  18. Here they only started removing masks from indoors this Tuesday, but we’re keeping them on. In France and Egypt, it was hit and miss, but I put them on when there were many people in one place. But there is no way of being totally sure, not everybody behaves responsibly, and nothing is fool-proof. I hope you feel better very soon.Big hugs, Debby.


    1. Hi Olga. Thanks for sharing what’s going on in other parts of the world. Like you said, we cannot trust people we don’t know to be diligent when they’re sick, so please remain with the masks in unchartered territories. Hugs ❤


  19. So sorry you have Covid, Debby. I hope you get over it soon.
    Hubby and I have stayed isolated as much as we can because I’m on long-term steroids, which means immune suppressed. Everyone in our rural area caught it after a community event, and we were the lone negative island in a sea of positives. That had me so worried.
    It seems, on the whole, most folks aren’t that bothered anymore.
    I’m triple jabbed, but apparently, the efficacy has waned lots by now.
    Sending love and hugs your way 💖💖💖


    1. Thanks so much Harmony for your well wishes and for sharing your own experience here. Yes, I’m glad that people are realizing this virus is far from dead and because of the so many who act like it is, that is more enforcement for us to keep the damn masks on! ❤ xx

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  20. I’m so sorry to hear you have Covid, Debby. In my area, as soon as mask mandates are lifted, the numbers go up. It’s a vicious cycle that appears to have no end as long as people refuse to get vaccinated. My husband and I have had both shots, both boosters, and we’re still wearing masks.


    1. Hi Liz. Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts here. Yes, it’s a vicious cycle and I don’t see it disappearing anywhere because of half the world letting go of masks. Just keep wearing it and if you’re going anywhere indoors where you don’t know the lay of the land, take a pass and always wear the mask! 🙂


  21. Hi Debby – I’ve been lucky by just being sensible … but do understand and appreciate the care others have been taking. Honestly – I feel for you … and I do hope it clears up fairly quickly – it’s miserable being on one’s own and ill … bad enough otherwise. All the best – and thinking of you and hoping for a quick recovery … cheers Hilary


  22. Oh no, Debby! I’m so sorry to read this. Welcome home, right? I hope you are feeling better by now. I, too, have been under the weather for the last five days. Flu, I think. We don’t have self tests, but it is easy to isolate in a camper, I’m wearing my mask again everywhere, and – based on my symptoms – I’m pretty sure it’s not Covid. Take care!!


    1. Hi Liesbet. Thanks for well wishes, and arg, sorry you’re sick too. Too bad you have no access to rapid tests. It’s always nice to know when sick that it’s not the damned Covid. Get better! ❤


  23. Oh, no!!! I hope you are on the mend, Debby. The one (and only) good thing is now you have natural immunities to fight off the disease in the future. At school teachers who have all their boosters are still getting Covid, while the few who got the disease have remained strong and healthy. Best to you!


    1. Thanks for your well wishes and sharing that about built immunity. I agree, we develop antibodies when we get it, but sadly, only good enough for the current strain. When a new strain comes again, all bets are off. xx

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  24. Hi Debby,
    I’m so sorry to hear you have Covid and that it’s hit you pretty bad. I hope you feel better soon.
    I have had it for the past week also, and Hub has just tested positive today. I had mild symptoms, but I slept for most of two days and have been coughing for a week. I hope I’m okay tomorrow. I need to get back to ‘normal’. I’m even further behind with everything than usual and have so much to catch up on. For the two days that I slept, I slept deeply, which was unusual for me as I’m often a light sleeper. Unfortunately, since then, I haven’t slept well and have had the craziest of dreams. I hope that settles down soon. I haven’t had the abiltiy to concentrate for lenghty periods and have done little writing or reading of blog posts. It’s been a bit sad really. 😦
    Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hugs. 💖💖


    1. Arg, Norah, I’m sorry to hear you too are a victim. Oddly, I’ve heard from almost everyone who got it that they are so tired and sleep a lot, but not me, the tiredness by-passed me. So weird that everyone’s case is so different. Here’s to us hopefully on the mend now, and a good reminder to trust no one we don’t know where they have been and to keep the mask on! Cheers to ours and your hubby’s recovery. ❤ xx

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      1. Thanks, Debby, for your wishes and your advice. It is interesting how the virus affects us all differently. Look after yourself. 💖


  25. I hope you’re fully on the mend now since you wrote this – I’m so sorry Debby! You fly to another country safely, but catch it at a small family dinner – wow. Sending healing thoughts. ♥


  26. I missed this one, Debby. Oh, I’m so sorry you got the covid! What a beast this thing is, and it’s everywhere! My daughter just got it too, the first in our family… after two years of everyone avoiding it. She feels “beat up” too. Ugh. And I’ve been on full-time grammy duty. I hope that you’re doing a little better now. Lots of fluids and rest, my friend. Thinking of you. Hugs.


    1. Thank you my friend. It’s been a week. The painful aches and horrendous horse cough have subsided, but I’m not left with a nasty cold and have only seemed to have lost my taste buds 😦 ❤

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  27. It’s a right old bugger, isn’t it Debby? I’ve dodged it so far even with a large family wedding last year and one coming up in a couple of weeks (which requires my first flight on 2 years) . I’m expecting to get it some time as its not going away, is it? And it’s impossible to avoid everyone. Being sensible to limit risks is the best we can do now. Fascinating (if that’s not too ghoulish) how rhe symptoms have changed as the variations have taken over. Hope by the time this reply reaches you you’re feeling better. Geoff


    1. Hi Geoff. Thanks for dropping by and leaving your good cheer. Yes, you said, it’s almost like we’re all going to get it at some point. The only good thing about this crappy virus is as it mutates it seems to be lessening in strength, but I do believe that’s only if we’ve been vaxxed. I’m on week two now. The aches have eased, but the cold is just nasty and only just lost my taste buds yesterday! Stay safe, stay masked on your plane trip! 🙂


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